blob: 439a7ee15be076d6ac88294a17abe99070f4d05c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <deque>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "core/fxcrt/cfx_char.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h"
#include "third_party/base/stl_util.h"
#include "xfa/fde/cfde_txtedtpage.h"
#include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfx_break.h"
class CFGAS_GEFont;
#define FX_TXTCHARSTYLE_ArabicShadda 0x0020
#define FX_TXTCHARSTYLE_OddBidiLevel 0x0040
enum CFX_TxtLineAlignment {
CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Left = 0,
CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Center = 1 << 0,
CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Right = 1 << 1,
CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Justified = 1 << 2
inline bool CFX_BreakTypeNoneOrPiece(CFX_BreakType type) {
return type == CFX_BreakType::None || type == CFX_BreakType::Piece;
struct FX_TXTRUN {
FX_TXTRUN(const FX_TXTRUN& other);
CFDE_TxtEdtPage* pAccess;
const FDE_TEXTEDITPIECE* pIdentity;
CFX_WideString wsStr;
int32_t* pWidths;
int32_t iLength;
CFX_RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> pFont;
float fFontSize;
uint32_t dwStyles;
int32_t iHorizontalScale;
int32_t iVerticalScale;
uint32_t dwCharStyles;
const CFX_RectF* pRect;
wchar_t wLineBreakChar;
bool bSkipSpace;
class CFX_TxtBreak : public CFX_Break {
~CFX_TxtBreak() override;
void SetLineWidth(float fLineWidth);
void SetAlignment(int32_t iAlignment);
void SetCombWidth(float fCombWidth);
CFX_BreakType EndBreak(CFX_BreakType dwStatus);
int32_t CountBreakPieces() const;
const CFX_BreakPiece* GetBreakPiece(int32_t index) const;
void ClearBreakPieces();
int32_t GetDisplayPos(const FX_TXTRUN* pTxtRun,
bool bCharCode = false,
CFX_WideString* pWSForms = nullptr) const;
std::vector<CFX_RectF> GetCharRects(const FX_TXTRUN* pTxtRun,
bool bCharBBox = false) const;
CFX_BreakType AppendChar(wchar_t wch);
void AppendChar_Combination(CFX_Char* pCurChar);
void AppendChar_Tab(CFX_Char* pCurChar);
void AppendChar_PageLoad(CFX_Char* pCurChar, uint32_t dwProps);
CFX_BreakType AppendChar_Control(CFX_Char* pCurChar);
CFX_BreakType AppendChar_Arabic(CFX_Char* pCurChar);
CFX_BreakType AppendChar_Others(CFX_Char* pCurChar);
void SetBreakStatus() override;
CFX_Char* GetLastChar(int32_t index, bool bOmitChar = true) const;
bool HasTxtLine() const { return m_iReadyLineIndex >= 0; }
FX_CHARTYPE GetUnifiedCharType(FX_CHARTYPE dwType) const;
void ResetContextCharStyles();
bool EndBreak_SplitLine(CFX_BreakLine* pNextLine, bool bAllChars);
void EndBreak_BidiLine(std::deque<FX_TPO>* tpos, CFX_BreakType dwStatus);
void EndBreak_Alignment(const std::deque<FX_TPO>& tpos,
bool bAllChars,
CFX_BreakType dwStatus);
int32_t GetBreakPos(std::vector<CFX_Char>& ca,
int32_t& iEndPos,
bool bAllChars = false,
bool bOnlyBrk = false);
void SplitTextLine(CFX_BreakLine* pCurLine,
CFX_BreakLine* pNextLine,
bool bAllChars = false);
int32_t m_iAlignment;
int32_t m_iCombWidth;