blob: 212638a3b71de3d912c6f9899e862bd5876706b9 [file] [log] [blame]
Alert: PASS: appType = Exchange
Alert: PASS: appType threw Error: Invalid property set operation.
Alert: PASS: calculationsEnabled = true
Alert: PASS: calculationsEnabled = false
Alert: PASS: currentPage = -1
Alert: PASS: currentPage = -1
Alert: PASS: language =
Alert: PASS: language threw Error: Unable to set language value.
Alert: PASS: name = Acrobat
Alert: PASS: name threw Error: Invalid property set operation.
Alert: PASS: numPages = 2
Alert: PASS: numPages threw Error: Unable to set numPages value.
Alert: PASS: platform =
Alert: PASS: platform threw Error: Unable to set platform value.
Alert: PASS: title =
Alert: PASS: title =
Alert: PASS: validationsEnabled = true
Alert: PASS: validationsEnabled = false
Alert: PASS: variation = Full
Alert: PASS: variation threw Error: Unable to set variation value.
Alert: PASS: version = 11
Alert: PASS: version threw Error: Unable to set version value.
BEEP!!! 4
Alert: finished testing methods