| // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_checkbox.h" |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" |
| #include "xfa/fde/cfde_textout.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_app.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_event.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_messagekey.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_messagemouse.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_notedriver.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themebackground.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themetext.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_widgetmgr.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/fwl_widgetdef.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/ifwl_themeprovider.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| const int kCaptionMargin = 5; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| CFWL_CheckBox::CFWL_CheckBox(const CFWL_App* app) |
| : CFWL_Widget(app, pdfium::MakeUnique<CFWL_WidgetProperties>(), nullptr) { |
| m_TTOStyles.single_line_ = true; |
| } |
| |
| CFWL_CheckBox::~CFWL_CheckBox() {} |
| |
| FWL_Type CFWL_CheckBox::GetClassID() const { |
| return FWL_Type::CheckBox; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::SetBoxSize(float fHeight) { |
| m_fBoxHeight = fHeight; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::Update() { |
| if (IsLocked()) |
| return; |
| if (!m_pProperties->m_pThemeProvider) |
| m_pProperties->m_pThemeProvider = GetAvailableTheme(); |
| |
| UpdateTextOutStyles(); |
| Layout(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::DrawWidget(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| if (!pGraphics) |
| return; |
| |
| IFWL_ThemeProvider* pTheme = m_pProperties->m_pThemeProvider.Get(); |
| if (!pTheme) |
| return; |
| |
| if (HasBorder()) |
| DrawBorder(pGraphics, CFWL_Part::Border, pTheme, matrix); |
| |
| int32_t dwStates = GetPartStates(); |
| |
| CFWL_ThemeBackground param; |
| param.m_pWidget = this; |
| param.m_iPart = CFWL_Part::Background; |
| param.m_dwStates = dwStates; |
| param.m_pGraphics = pGraphics; |
| param.m_matrix.Concat(matrix); |
| param.m_rtPart = m_rtClient; |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_WGTSTATE_Focused) |
| |
| param.m_pRtData = &m_rtFocus; |
| pTheme->DrawBackground(param); |
| |
| param.m_iPart = CFWL_Part::CheckBox; |
| param.m_rtPart = m_rtBox; |
| pTheme->DrawBackground(param); |
| |
| CFWL_ThemeText textParam; |
| textParam.m_pWidget = this; |
| textParam.m_iPart = CFWL_Part::Caption; |
| textParam.m_dwStates = dwStates; |
| textParam.m_pGraphics = pGraphics; |
| textParam.m_matrix.Concat(matrix); |
| textParam.m_rtPart = m_rtCaption; |
| textParam.m_wsText = L"Check box"; |
| textParam.m_dwTTOStyles = m_TTOStyles; |
| textParam.m_iTTOAlign = m_iTTOAlign; |
| pTheme->DrawText(textParam); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::SetCheckState(int32_t iCheck) { |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates &= ~FWL_STATE_CKB_CheckMask; |
| switch (iCheck) { |
| case 1: |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Checked; |
| break; |
| case 2: |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStyleExes & FWL_STYLEEXT_CKB_3State) |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Neutral; |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| RepaintRect(m_rtClient); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::Layout() { |
| m_pProperties->m_rtWidget.width = |
| FXSYS_roundf(m_pProperties->m_rtWidget.width); |
| m_pProperties->m_rtWidget.height = |
| FXSYS_roundf(m_pProperties->m_rtWidget.height); |
| m_rtClient = GetClientRect(); |
| |
| float fTextLeft = m_rtClient.left + m_fBoxHeight; |
| m_rtBox = CFX_RectF(m_rtClient.TopLeft(), m_fBoxHeight, m_fBoxHeight); |
| m_rtCaption = CFX_RectF(fTextLeft, m_rtClient.top, |
| m_rtClient.right() - fTextLeft, m_rtClient.height); |
| m_rtCaption.Inflate(-kCaptionMargin, -kCaptionMargin); |
| |
| CFX_RectF rtFocus = m_rtCaption; |
| CalcTextRect(L"Check box", m_pProperties->m_pThemeProvider.Get(), m_TTOStyles, |
| m_iTTOAlign, &rtFocus); |
| |
| m_rtFocus = CFX_RectF(m_rtCaption.TopLeft(), |
| std::max(m_rtCaption.width, rtFocus.width), |
| std::min(m_rtCaption.height, rtFocus.height)); |
| m_rtFocus.Inflate(1, 1); |
| } |
| |
| uint32_t CFWL_CheckBox::GetPartStates() const { |
| int32_t dwStates = CFWL_PartState_Normal; |
| if ((m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_CheckMask) == |
| FWL_STATE_CKB_Neutral) { |
| dwStates = CFWL_PartState_Neutral; |
| } else if ((m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_CheckMask) == |
| FWL_STATE_CKB_Checked) { |
| dwStates = CFWL_PartState_Checked; |
| } |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_WGTSTATE_Disabled) |
| dwStates |= CFWL_PartState_Disabled; |
| else if (m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered) |
| dwStates |= CFWL_PartState_Hovered; |
| else if (m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_Pressed) |
| dwStates |= CFWL_PartState_Pressed; |
| else |
| dwStates |= CFWL_PartState_Normal; |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_WGTSTATE_Focused) |
| dwStates |= CFWL_PartState_Focused; |
| return dwStates; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::UpdateTextOutStyles() { |
| m_iTTOAlign = FDE_TextAlignment::kTopLeft; |
| m_TTOStyles.Reset(); |
| m_TTOStyles.single_line_ = true; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::NextStates() { |
| uint32_t dwFirststate = m_pProperties->m_dwStates; |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStyleExes & FWL_STYLEEXT_CKB_RadioButton) { |
| if ((m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_CheckMask) == |
| FWL_STATE_CKB_Unchecked) { |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Checked; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if ((m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_CheckMask) == |
| FWL_STATE_CKB_Neutral) { |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates &= ~FWL_STATE_CKB_CheckMask; |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStyleExes & FWL_STYLEEXT_CKB_3State) |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Checked; |
| } else if ((m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_CheckMask) == |
| FWL_STATE_CKB_Checked) { |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates &= ~FWL_STATE_CKB_CheckMask; |
| } else { |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStyleExes & FWL_STYLEEXT_CKB_3State) |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Neutral; |
| else |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Checked; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| RepaintRect(m_rtClient); |
| if (dwFirststate == m_pProperties->m_dwStates) |
| return; |
| |
| CFWL_Event wmCheckBoxState(CFWL_Event::Type::CheckStateChanged, this); |
| DispatchEvent(&wmCheckBoxState); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::OnProcessMessage(CFWL_Message* pMessage) { |
| if (!pMessage) |
| return; |
| |
| switch (pMessage->GetType()) { |
| case CFWL_Message::Type::SetFocus: |
| OnFocusChanged(true); |
| break; |
| case CFWL_Message::Type::KillFocus: |
| OnFocusChanged(false); |
| break; |
| case CFWL_Message::Type::Mouse: { |
| CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg = static_cast<CFWL_MessageMouse*>(pMessage); |
| switch (pMsg->m_dwCmd) { |
| case FWL_MouseCommand::LeftButtonDown: |
| OnLButtonDown(); |
| break; |
| case FWL_MouseCommand::LeftButtonUp: |
| OnLButtonUp(pMsg); |
| break; |
| case FWL_MouseCommand::Move: |
| OnMouseMove(pMsg); |
| break; |
| case FWL_MouseCommand::Leave: |
| OnMouseLeave(); |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case CFWL_Message::Type::Key: { |
| CFWL_MessageKey* pKey = static_cast<CFWL_MessageKey*>(pMessage); |
| if (pKey->m_dwCmd == FWL_KeyCommand::KeyDown) |
| OnKeyDown(pKey); |
| break; |
| } |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| // Dst target could be |this|, continue only if not destroyed by above. |
| if (pMessage->GetDstTarget()) |
| CFWL_Widget::OnProcessMessage(pMessage); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::OnDrawWidget(CXFA_Graphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| DrawWidget(pGraphics, matrix); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::OnFocusChanged(bool bSet) { |
| if (bSet) |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_WGTSTATE_Focused; |
| else |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates &= ~FWL_WGTSTATE_Focused; |
| |
| RepaintRect(m_rtClient); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::OnLButtonDown() { |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_WGTSTATE_Disabled) |
| return; |
| |
| m_bBtnDown = true; |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates &= ~FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered; |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Pressed; |
| RepaintRect(m_rtClient); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::OnLButtonUp(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { |
| if (!m_bBtnDown) |
| return; |
| |
| m_bBtnDown = false; |
| if (!m_rtClient.Contains(pMsg->m_pos)) |
| return; |
| |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered; |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates &= ~FWL_STATE_CKB_Pressed; |
| NextStates(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::OnMouseMove(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_WGTSTATE_Disabled) |
| return; |
| |
| bool bRepaint = false; |
| if (m_bBtnDown) { |
| if (m_rtClient.Contains(pMsg->m_pos)) { |
| if ((m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_Pressed) == 0) { |
| bRepaint = true; |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Pressed; |
| } |
| if ((m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered)) { |
| bRepaint = true; |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates &= ~FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered; |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_Pressed) { |
| bRepaint = true; |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates &= ~FWL_STATE_CKB_Pressed; |
| } |
| if ((m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered) == 0) { |
| bRepaint = true; |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered; |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (m_rtClient.Contains(pMsg->m_pos)) { |
| if ((m_pProperties->m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered) == 0) { |
| bRepaint = true; |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (bRepaint) |
| RepaintRect(m_rtBox); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::OnMouseLeave() { |
| if (m_bBtnDown) |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered; |
| else |
| m_pProperties->m_dwStates &= ~FWL_STATE_CKB_Hovered; |
| |
| RepaintRect(m_rtBox); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_CheckBox::OnKeyDown(CFWL_MessageKey* pMsg) { |
| if (pMsg->m_dwKeyCode == XFA_FWL_VKEY_Tab) |
| return; |
| if (pMsg->m_dwKeyCode == XFA_FWL_VKEY_Return || |
| pMsg->m_dwKeyCode == XFA_FWL_VKEY_Space) { |
| NextStates(); |
| } |
| } |