| # Copyright 2018 The PDFium Authors |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import("//build/config/freetype/freetype.gni") |
| import("../../pdfium.gni") |
| import("../../testing/test.gni") |
| |
| source_set("fxge") { |
| sources = [ |
| "agg/fx_agg_driver.cpp", |
| "agg/fx_agg_driver.h", |
| "calculate_pitch.cpp", |
| "calculate_pitch.h", |
| "cfx_cliprgn.cpp", |
| "cfx_cliprgn.h", |
| "cfx_color.cpp", |
| "cfx_color.h", |
| "cfx_defaultrenderdevice.cpp", |
| "cfx_defaultrenderdevice.h", |
| "cfx_drawutils.cpp", |
| "cfx_drawutils.h", |
| "cfx_face.cpp", |
| "cfx_face.h", |
| "cfx_fillrenderoptions.h", |
| "cfx_folderfontinfo.cpp", |
| "cfx_folderfontinfo.h", |
| "cfx_font.cpp", |
| "cfx_font.h", |
| "cfx_fontcache.cpp", |
| "cfx_fontcache.h", |
| "cfx_fontmapper.cpp", |
| "cfx_fontmapper.h", |
| "cfx_fontmgr.cpp", |
| "cfx_fontmgr.h", |
| "cfx_gemodule.cpp", |
| "cfx_gemodule.h", |
| "cfx_glyphbitmap.cpp", |
| "cfx_glyphbitmap.h", |
| "cfx_glyphcache.cpp", |
| "cfx_glyphcache.h", |
| "cfx_graphstate.cpp", |
| "cfx_graphstate.h", |
| "cfx_graphstatedata.cpp", |
| "cfx_graphstatedata.h", |
| "cfx_path.cpp", |
| "cfx_path.h", |
| "cfx_renderdevice.cpp", |
| "cfx_renderdevice.h", |
| "cfx_substfont.cpp", |
| "cfx_substfont.h", |
| "cfx_textrenderoptions.h", |
| "cfx_unicodeencoding.cpp", |
| "cfx_unicodeencoding.h", |
| "dib/blend.cpp", |
| "dib/blend.h", |
| "dib/cfx_bitmapcomposer.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_bitmapcomposer.h", |
| "dib/cfx_bitmapstorer.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_bitmapstorer.h", |
| "dib/cfx_cmyk_to_srgb.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_cmyk_to_srgb.h", |
| "dib/cfx_dibbase.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_dibbase.h", |
| "dib/cfx_dibitmap.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_dibitmap.h", |
| "dib/cfx_imagerenderer.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_imagerenderer.h", |
| "dib/cfx_imagestretcher.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_imagestretcher.h", |
| "dib/cfx_imagetransformer.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_imagetransformer.h", |
| "dib/cfx_scanlinecompositor.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_scanlinecompositor.h", |
| "dib/cstretchengine.cpp", |
| "dib/cstretchengine.h", |
| "dib/fx_dib.cpp", |
| "dib/fx_dib.h", |
| "dib/scanlinecomposer_iface.h", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitDingbats.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitFixed.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitFixedBold.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitFixedBoldItalic.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitFixedItalic.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSans.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSansBold.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSansBoldItalic.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSansItalic.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSansMM.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSerif.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSerifBold.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSerifBoldItalic.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSerifItalic.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSerifMM.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/FoxitSymbol.cpp", |
| "fontdata/chromefontdata/chromefontdata.h", |
| "freetype/fx_freetype.cpp", |
| "freetype/fx_freetype.h", |
| "fx_font.cpp", |
| "fx_font.h", |
| "fx_fontencoding.h", |
| "render_defines.h", |
| "renderdevicedriver_iface.cpp", |
| "renderdevicedriver_iface.h", |
| "scoped_font_transform.cpp", |
| "scoped_font_transform.h", |
| "systemfontinfo_iface.h", |
| "text_char_pos.cpp", |
| "text_char_pos.h", |
| "text_glyph_pos.cpp", |
| "text_glyph_pos.h", |
| ] |
| |
| configs += [ |
| "../../:pdfium_strict_config", |
| "../../:pdfium_noshorten_config", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| "../../third_party:fx_agg", |
| "../fxcrt", |
| ] |
| |
| public_deps = [] |
| |
| if (is_component_build || use_system_freetype) { |
| # ft_adobe_glyph_list is not exported from the Freetype shared library so we |
| # need it defined in component builds and builds using system freetype. |
| defines = [ "DEFINE_PS_TABLES_DATA" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (pdf_enable_xfa) { |
| sources += [ |
| "cfx_unicodeencodingex.cpp", |
| "cfx_unicodeencodingex.h", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| if (pdf_use_skia) { |
| sources += [ |
| "skia/cfx_dibbase_skia.cpp", |
| "skia/fx_skia_device.cpp", |
| ] |
| public_deps += [ "//skia" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (is_android) { |
| sources += [ |
| "android/cfpf_skiadevicemodule.cpp", |
| "android/cfpf_skiadevicemodule.h", |
| "android/cfpf_skiafont.cpp", |
| "android/cfpf_skiafont.h", |
| "android/cfpf_skiafontmgr.cpp", |
| "android/cfpf_skiafontmgr.h", |
| "android/cfpf_skiapathfont.cpp", |
| "android/cfpf_skiapathfont.h", |
| "android/cfx_androidfontinfo.cpp", |
| "android/cfx_androidfontinfo.h", |
| "android/fx_android_impl.cpp", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| if (is_linux || is_chromeos) { |
| sources += [ "linux/fx_linux_impl.cpp" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (is_mac) { |
| sources += [ |
| "apple/fx_apple_impl.cpp", |
| "apple/fx_apple_platform.cpp", |
| "apple/fx_apple_platform.h", |
| "apple/fx_quartz_device.cpp", |
| "apple/fx_quartz_device.h", |
| ] |
| frameworks = [ "CoreGraphics.framework" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (is_win) { |
| sources += [ |
| "cfx_windowsrenderdevice.cpp", |
| "cfx_windowsrenderdevice.h", |
| "win32/cfx_psfonttracker.cpp", |
| "win32/cfx_psfonttracker.h", |
| "win32/cfx_psrenderer.cpp", |
| "win32/cfx_psrenderer.h", |
| "win32/cgdi_device_driver.cpp", |
| "win32/cgdi_device_driver.h", |
| "win32/cgdi_display_driver.cpp", |
| "win32/cgdi_display_driver.h", |
| "win32/cgdi_plus_ext.cpp", |
| "win32/cgdi_plus_ext.h", |
| "win32/cgdi_printer_driver.cpp", |
| "win32/cgdi_printer_driver.h", |
| "win32/cps_printer_driver.cpp", |
| "win32/cps_printer_driver.h", |
| "win32/cpsoutput.cpp", |
| "win32/cpsoutput.h", |
| "win32/ctext_only_printer_driver.cpp", |
| "win32/ctext_only_printer_driver.h", |
| "win32/cwin32_platform.cpp", |
| "win32/cwin32_platform.h", |
| ] |
| configs -= [ "//build/config/win:lean_and_mean" ] |
| } |
| |
| visibility = [ "../../*" ] |
| } |
| |
| pdfium_unittest_source_set("unittests") { |
| sources = [ |
| "cfx_defaultrenderdevice_unittest.cpp", |
| "cfx_folderfontinfo_unittest.cpp", |
| "cfx_fontmapper_unittest.cpp", |
| "cfx_path_unittest.cpp", |
| "dib/blend_unittest.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_cmyk_to_srgb_unittest.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_dibbase_unittest.cpp", |
| "dib/cfx_dibitmap_unittest.cpp", |
| "dib/cstretchengine_unittest.cpp", |
| "fx_font_unittest.cpp", |
| ] |
| deps = [ |
| ":fxge", |
| "../fpdfapi/page", |
| "../fpdfapi/parser", |
| ] |
| pdfium_root_dir = "../../" |
| |
| if (is_win) { |
| sources += [ "win32/cfx_psrenderer_unittest.cpp" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| pdfium_embeddertest_source_set("embeddertests") { |
| sources = [ "fx_ge_text_embeddertest.cpp" ] |
| deps = [] |
| pdfium_root_dir = "../../" |
| |
| if (pdf_use_skia) { |
| sources += [ "skia/fx_skia_device_embeddertest.cpp" ] |
| deps += [ |
| ":fxge", |
| "../../fpdfsdk", |
| "../fpdfapi/page", |
| "../fpdfapi/render", |
| "//skia", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| if (is_win) { |
| sources += [ "cfx_windowsrenderdevice_embeddertest.cpp" ] |
| deps += [ |
| ":fxge", |
| "../fxcodec", |
| ] |
| } |
| } |