| {{header}} |
| {{include ../../xfa_catalog_1_0.fragment}} |
| {{include ../../xfa_object_2_0.fragment}} |
| {{include ../../xfa_preamble_3_0.fragment}} |
| {{include ../../xfa_config_4_0.fragment}} |
| {{object 5 0}} << |
| {{streamlen}} |
| >> |
| stream |
| <template> |
| <subform layout="tb" name="my_doc"> |
| <pageSet id="page" relation="orderedOccurrence"> |
| <occur initial="1" max="1" min="1"/> |
| <pageArea id="Page1" name="Page1"> |
| <occur max="1" min="1"/> |
| <contentArea h="100mm" w="200mm" x="0.25in" y="0.25in"/> |
| </pageArea> |
| <pageArea id="Page2" name="Page2"> |
| <occur max="1" min="1"/> |
| <contentArea h="100mm" w="200mm" x="0.25in" y="0.25in"/> |
| </pageArea> |
| </pageSet> |
| <event activity="docReady" ref="$host"> |
| <script contentType="application/x-javascript"> |
| app.alert('Applying app method to xfa.host'); |
| try { |
| var result = app.setTimeOut.apply(xfa.host, 'var x = 3;', 10); |
| app.alert('unexpectedly returned ' + result); |
| } |
| catch (e) { |
| app.alert('Caught: ' + e); |
| } |
| app.alert('Applying xfa.host method to app'); |
| try { |
| var result = xfa.host.setFocus.apply(app); |
| app.alert('unexpectedly returned ' + result); |
| } |
| catch (e) { |
| app.alert('Caught: ' + e); |
| } |
| </script> |
| </event> |
| </subform> |
| </template> |
| endstream |
| endobj |
| {{include ../../xfa_locale_6_0.fragment}} |
| {{include ../../xfa_postamble_7_0.fragment}} |
| {{include ../../xfa_pages_8_0.fragment}} |
| {{xref}} |
| {{trailer}} |
| {{startxref}} |
| %%EOF |