Remove constants/ from module diagrams.

It is fine for everything to depend upon it, and the additional
edges don't add much useful information to the graph.

Change-Id: I3a9ca864866cb6d465d6795bc82d8ed661b91206
Reviewed-by: Lei Zhang <>
Commit-Queue: Tom Sepez <>
diff --git a/tools/modules/ b/tools/modules/
index 7e4b0f9..e579c4b 100755
--- a/tools/modules/
+++ b/tools/modules/
@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
 function crunch {
   echo '  edge [color=black,constraint=true]'
   gn desc $BUILD_DIR $1 deps | grep -v '//:' | grep -v test | \
-      grep -v samples | grep -v matches | sed "s|\\(.*\\)|  \"$1\" -> \"\\1\"|"
+      grep -v constants | grep -v samples | grep -v matches | \
+      sed "s|\\(.*\\)|  \"$1\" -> \"\\1\"|"
   echo '  edge [color=red,constraint=false]'
   gn desc $BUILD_DIR $1 allow_circular_includes_from | grep -v '//:' | \
       grep -v test | grep -v samples | grep -v matches | \