blob: f03e0ac87e9a9b2cff2b00970983dc07a673f7b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#ifndef _FX_MEMORY_H_
#define _FX_MEMORY_H_
#include "fx_system.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// For external C libraries to malloc through PDFium. These may return NULL.
void* FXMEM_DefaultAlloc(size_t byte_size, int flags);
void* FXMEM_DefaultRealloc(void* pointer, size_t new_size, int flags);
void FXMEM_DefaultFree(void* pointer, int flags);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits>
#include <new>
NEVER_INLINE void FX_OutOfMemoryTerminate();
inline void* FX_SafeRealloc(void* ptr, size_t num_members, size_t member_size) {
if (num_members < std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() / member_size) {
return realloc(ptr, num_members * member_size);
return nullptr;
inline void* FX_AllocOrDie(size_t num_members, size_t member_size) {
// TODO(tsepez): See if we can avoid the implicit memset(0).
if (void* result = calloc(num_members, member_size)) {
return result;
FX_OutOfMemoryTerminate(); // Never returns.
return nullptr; // Suppress compiler warning.
#define FX_NEW_VECTOR(Pointer, Class, Count) (Pointer = new Class[Count])
#define FX_DELETE_VECTOR(Pointer, Class, Count) delete[] Pointer
inline void* FX_ReallocOrDie(void* ptr, size_t num_members, size_t member_size) {
if (void* result = FX_SafeRealloc(ptr, num_members, member_size)) {
return result;
FX_OutOfMemoryTerminate(); // Never returns.
return nullptr; // Suppress compiler warning.
// Never returns NULL.
#define FX_Alloc(type, size) (type*)FX_AllocOrDie(size, sizeof(type))
#define FX_Realloc(type, ptr, size) \
(type*)FX_ReallocOrDie(ptr, size, sizeof(type))
// May return NULL.
#define FX_TryAlloc(type, size) (type*)calloc(size, sizeof(type))
#define FX_TryRealloc(type, ptr, size) \
(type*)FX_SafeRealloc(ptr, size, sizeof(type))
#define FX_Free(ptr) free(ptr)
class CFX_DestructObject
virtual ~CFX_DestructObject() {}
class CFX_GrowOnlyPool
CFX_GrowOnlyPool(size_t trunk_size = 16384);
void SetTrunkSize(size_t trunk_size)
m_TrunkSize = trunk_size;
void* AllocDebug(size_t size, FX_LPCSTR file, int line)
return Alloc(size);
void* Alloc(size_t size);
void* ReallocDebug(void* p, size_t new_size, FX_LPCSTR file, int line)
return NULL;
void* Realloc(void* p, size_t new_size)
return NULL;
void Free(void*) {}
void FreeAll();
size_t m_TrunkSize;
void* m_pFirstTrunk;
#endif // __cplusplust
#endif // _FX_MEMORY_H_