blob: 725fd7d9626d3d2be4ad352aa4fcab6454b682a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "testing/range_set.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
#include "third_party/base/check.h"
RangeSet::RangeSet() = default;
RangeSet::~RangeSet() = default;
bool RangeSet::Contains(const Range& range) const {
if (IsEmptyRange(range))
return false;
const Range fixed_range = FixDirection(range);
auto it = ranges().upper_bound(fixed_range);
if (it == ranges().begin())
return false; // No ranges includes range.first.
--it; // Now it starts equal or before range.first.
return it->second >= fixed_range.second;
void RangeSet::Union(const Range& range) {
if (IsEmptyRange(range))
Range fixed_range = FixDirection(range);
if (IsEmpty()) {
auto start = ranges_.upper_bound(fixed_range);
if (start != ranges_.begin())
--start; // start now points to the key equal or lower than offset.
if (start->second < fixed_range.first)
++start; // start element is entirely before current range, skip it.
auto end = ranges_.upper_bound(Range(fixed_range.second, fixed_range.second));
if (start == end) { // No ranges to merge.
const size_t new_start = std::min(start->first, fixed_range.first);
const size_t new_end = std::max(end->second, fixed_range.second);
ranges_.erase(start, ++end);
ranges_.insert(Range(new_start, new_end));
void RangeSet::Union(const RangeSet& range_set) {
DCHECK(&range_set != this);
for (const auto& it : range_set.ranges())
RangeSet::Range RangeSet::FixDirection(const Range& range) const {
return range.first <= range.second ? range
: Range(range.second + 1, range.first + 1);
bool RangeSet::IsEmptyRange(const Range& range) const {
return range.first == range.second;