blob: 2265a3d55baece09d1aa107399124bde0c0d1d3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxge/include/ifx_renderdevicedriver.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_coordinates.h"
IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::~IFX_RenderDeviceDriver() {}
CFX_Matrix IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::GetCTM() const {
return CFX_Matrix();
FX_BOOL IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::StartRendering() {
return TRUE;
void IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::EndRendering() {}
FX_BOOL IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::SetClip_PathStroke(
const CFX_PathData* pPathData,
const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
const CFX_GraphStateData* pGraphState) {
return FALSE;
FX_BOOL IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::SetPixel(int x, int y, uint32_t color) {
return FALSE;
FX_BOOL IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::FillRectWithBlend(const FX_RECT* pRect,
uint32_t fill_color,
int blend_type) {
return FALSE;
FX_BOOL IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::DrawCosmeticLine(FX_FLOAT x1,
uint32_t color,
int blend_type) {
return FALSE;
FX_BOOL IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::GetDIBits(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap,
int left,
int top) {
return FALSE;
CFX_DIBitmap* IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::GetBackDrop() {
return nullptr;
FX_BOOL IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::ContinueDIBits(void* handle,
IFX_Pause* pPause) {
return FALSE;
void IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::CancelDIBits(void* handle) {}
FX_BOOL IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::DrawDeviceText(int nChars,
const FXTEXT_CHARPOS* pCharPos,
CFX_Font* pFont,
CFX_FontCache* pCache,
const CFX_Matrix* pObject2Device,
FX_FLOAT font_size,
uint32_t color) {
return FALSE;
void* IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::GetPlatformSurface() const {
return nullptr;
int IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::GetDriverType() const {
return 0;
void IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::ClearDriver() {}
FX_BOOL IFX_RenderDeviceDriver::DrawShading(const CPDF_ShadingPattern* pPattern,
const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix,
const FX_RECT& clip_rect,
int alpha,
FX_BOOL bAlphaMode) {
return false;