blob: 86be5390081c090d787fec60d0dc96c98f514123 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <algorithm>
#include "core/fxcodec/fx_codec.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h"
#include "core/fxge/ge/cfx_cliprgn.h"
bool CFX_DIBitmap::CompositeBitmap(
int dest_left,
int dest_top,
int width,
int height,
const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pSrcBitmap,
int src_left,
int src_top,
int blend_type,
const CFX_ClipRgn* pClipRgn,
bool bRgbByteOrder,
void* pIccTransform) {
if (!m_pBuffer) {
return false;
ASSERT(m_bpp >= 8);
if (pSrcBitmap->IsAlphaMask() || m_bpp < 8) {
return false;
GetOverlapRect(dest_left, dest_top, width, height, pSrcBitmap->GetWidth(),
pSrcBitmap->GetHeight(), src_left, src_top, pClipRgn);
if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
return true;
CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> pClipMask;
FX_RECT clip_box;
if (pClipRgn && pClipRgn->GetType() != CFX_ClipRgn::RectI) {
ASSERT(pClipRgn->GetType() == CFX_ClipRgn::MaskF);
pClipMask = pClipRgn->GetMask();
clip_box = pClipRgn->GetBox();
CFX_ScanlineCompositor compositor;
if (!compositor.Init(GetFormat(), pSrcBitmap->GetFormat(), width,
pSrcBitmap->GetPalette(), 0, blend_type,
pClipMask != nullptr, bRgbByteOrder, 0, pIccTransform)) {
return false;
int dest_Bpp = m_bpp / 8;
int src_Bpp = pSrcBitmap->GetBPP() / 8;
bool bRgb = src_Bpp > 1 && !pSrcBitmap->IsCmykImage();
CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> pSrcAlphaMask = pSrcBitmap->m_pAlphaMask;
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
uint8_t* dest_scan =
m_pBuffer + (dest_top + row) * m_Pitch + dest_left * dest_Bpp;
const uint8_t* src_scan =
pSrcBitmap->GetScanline(src_top + row) + src_left * src_Bpp;
const uint8_t* src_scan_extra_alpha =
pSrcAlphaMask ? pSrcAlphaMask->GetScanline(src_top + row) + src_left
: nullptr;
uint8_t* dst_scan_extra_alpha =
? (uint8_t*)m_pAlphaMask->GetScanline(dest_top + row) + dest_left
: nullptr;
const uint8_t* clip_scan = nullptr;
if (pClipMask) {
clip_scan = pClipMask->m_pBuffer +
(dest_top + row - * pClipMask->m_Pitch +
(dest_left - clip_box.left);
if (bRgb) {
compositor.CompositeRgbBitmapLine(dest_scan, src_scan, width, clip_scan,
} else {
compositor.CompositePalBitmapLine(dest_scan, src_scan, src_left, width,
clip_scan, src_scan_extra_alpha,
return true;
bool CFX_DIBitmap::CompositeMask(int dest_left,
int dest_top,
int width,
int height,
const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pMask,
uint32_t color,
int src_left,
int src_top,
int blend_type,
const CFX_ClipRgn* pClipRgn,
bool bRgbByteOrder,
int alpha_flag,
void* pIccTransform) {
if (!m_pBuffer) {
return false;
ASSERT(m_bpp >= 8);
if (!pMask->IsAlphaMask() || m_bpp < 8) {
return false;
GetOverlapRect(dest_left, dest_top, width, height, pMask->GetWidth(),
pMask->GetHeight(), src_left, src_top, pClipRgn);
if (width == 0 || height == 0) {
return true;
int src_alpha =
(uint8_t)(alpha_flag >> 8) ? (alpha_flag & 0xff) : FXARGB_A(color);
if (src_alpha == 0) {
return true;
CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> pClipMask;
FX_RECT clip_box;
if (pClipRgn && pClipRgn->GetType() != CFX_ClipRgn::RectI) {
ASSERT(pClipRgn->GetType() == CFX_ClipRgn::MaskF);
pClipMask = pClipRgn->GetMask();
clip_box = pClipRgn->GetBox();
int src_bpp = pMask->GetBPP();
int Bpp = GetBPP() / 8;
CFX_ScanlineCompositor compositor;
if (!compositor.Init(GetFormat(), pMask->GetFormat(), width, nullptr, color,
blend_type, pClipMask != nullptr, bRgbByteOrder,
alpha_flag, pIccTransform)) {
return false;
for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
uint8_t* dest_scan =
m_pBuffer + (dest_top + row) * m_Pitch + dest_left * Bpp;
const uint8_t* src_scan = pMask->GetScanline(src_top + row);
uint8_t* dst_scan_extra_alpha =
? (uint8_t*)m_pAlphaMask->GetScanline(dest_top + row) + dest_left
: nullptr;
const uint8_t* clip_scan = nullptr;
if (pClipMask) {
clip_scan = pClipMask->m_pBuffer +
(dest_top + row - * pClipMask->m_Pitch +
(dest_left - clip_box.left);
if (src_bpp == 1) {
compositor.CompositeBitMaskLine(dest_scan, src_scan, src_left, width,
clip_scan, dst_scan_extra_alpha);
} else {
compositor.CompositeByteMaskLine(dest_scan, src_scan + src_left, width,
clip_scan, dst_scan_extra_alpha);
return true;
bool CFX_DIBitmap::CompositeRect(int left,
int top,
int width,
int height,
uint32_t color,
int alpha_flag,
void* pIccTransform) {
if (!m_pBuffer) {
return false;
int src_alpha = (alpha_flag >> 8) ? (alpha_flag & 0xff) : FXARGB_A(color);
if (src_alpha == 0) {
return true;
FX_RECT rect(left, top, left + width, top + height);
rect.Intersect(0, 0, m_Width, m_Height);
if (rect.IsEmpty()) {
return true;
width = rect.Width();
uint32_t dst_color;
if (alpha_flag >> 8) {
dst_color = FXCMYK_TODIB(color);
} else {
dst_color = FXARGB_TODIB(color);
uint8_t* color_p = (uint8_t*)&dst_color;
if (m_bpp == 8) {
uint8_t gray = 255;
if (!IsAlphaMask()) {
if (pIccTransform && CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetCodecModule() &&
CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetCodecModule()->GetIccModule()) {
CCodec_IccModule* pIccModule =
pIccModule->TranslateScanline(pIccTransform, &gray, color_p, 1);
} else {
if (alpha_flag >> 8) {
uint8_t r, g, b;
AdobeCMYK_to_sRGB1(color_p[0], color_p[1], color_p[2], color_p[3], r,
g, b);
gray = FXRGB2GRAY(r, g, b);
} else {
gray = (uint8_t)FXRGB2GRAY((int)color_p[2], color_p[1], color_p[0]);
if (IsCmykImage()) {
gray = ~gray;
for (int row =; row < rect.bottom; row++) {
uint8_t* dest_scan = m_pBuffer + row * m_Pitch + rect.left;
if (src_alpha == 255) {
FXSYS_memset(dest_scan, gray, width);
} else {
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
*dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, gray, src_alpha);
return true;
if (m_bpp == 1) {
ASSERT(!IsCmykImage() && (uint8_t)(alpha_flag >> 8) == 0);
int left_shift = rect.left % 8;
int right_shift = rect.right % 8;
int new_width = rect.right / 8 - rect.left / 8;
int index = 0;
if (m_pPalette) {
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (m_pPalette.get()[i] == color) {
index = i;
} else {
index = ((uint8_t)color == 0xff) ? 1 : 0;
for (int row =; row < rect.bottom; row++) {
uint8_t* dest_scan_top = (uint8_t*)GetScanline(row) + rect.left / 8;
uint8_t* dest_scan_top_r = (uint8_t*)GetScanline(row) + rect.right / 8;
uint8_t left_flag = *dest_scan_top & (255 << (8 - left_shift));
uint8_t right_flag = *dest_scan_top_r & (255 >> right_shift);
if (new_width) {
FXSYS_memset(dest_scan_top + 1, index ? 255 : 0, new_width - 1);
if (!index) {
*dest_scan_top &= left_flag;
*dest_scan_top_r &= right_flag;
} else {
*dest_scan_top |= ~left_flag;
*dest_scan_top_r |= ~right_flag;
} else {
if (!index) {
*dest_scan_top &= left_flag | right_flag;
} else {
*dest_scan_top |= ~(left_flag | right_flag);
return true;
ASSERT(m_bpp >= 24);
if (m_bpp < 24) {
return false;
if (pIccTransform && CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetCodecModule()) {
CCodec_IccModule* pIccModule =
pIccModule->TranslateScanline(pIccTransform, color_p, color_p, 1);
} else {
if (alpha_flag >> 8 && !IsCmykImage()) {
AdobeCMYK_to_sRGB1(FXSYS_GetCValue(color), FXSYS_GetMValue(color),
FXSYS_GetYValue(color), FXSYS_GetKValue(color),
color_p[2], color_p[1], color_p[0]);
} else if (!(alpha_flag >> 8) && IsCmykImage()) {
return false;
if (!IsCmykImage()) {
color_p[3] = (uint8_t)src_alpha;
int Bpp = m_bpp / 8;
bool bAlpha = HasAlpha();
bool bArgb = GetFormat() == FXDIB_Argb;
if (src_alpha == 255) {
for (int row =; row < rect.bottom; row++) {
uint8_t* dest_scan = m_pBuffer + row * m_Pitch + rect.left * Bpp;
uint8_t* dest_scan_alpha =
m_pAlphaMask ? (uint8_t*)m_pAlphaMask->GetScanline(row) + rect.left
: nullptr;
if (dest_scan_alpha) {
FXSYS_memset(dest_scan_alpha, 0xff, width);
if (Bpp == 4) {
uint32_t* scan = (uint32_t*)dest_scan;
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
*scan++ = dst_color;
} else {
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
*dest_scan++ = color_p[0];
*dest_scan++ = color_p[1];
*dest_scan++ = color_p[2];
return true;
for (int row =; row < rect.bottom; row++) {
uint8_t* dest_scan = m_pBuffer + row * m_Pitch + rect.left * Bpp;
if (bAlpha) {
if (bArgb) {
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
uint8_t back_alpha = dest_scan[3];
if (back_alpha == 0) {
FXARGB_SETDIB(dest_scan, FXARGB_MAKE(src_alpha, color_p[2],
color_p[1], color_p[0]));
dest_scan += 4;
uint8_t dest_alpha =
back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255;
int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha;
*dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, color_p[0], alpha_ratio);
*dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, color_p[1], alpha_ratio);
*dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, color_p[2], alpha_ratio);
*dest_scan++ = dest_alpha;
} else {
uint8_t* dest_scan_alpha =
(uint8_t*)m_pAlphaMask->GetScanline(row) + rect.left;
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
uint8_t back_alpha = *dest_scan_alpha;
if (back_alpha == 0) {
*dest_scan_alpha++ = src_alpha;
FXSYS_memcpy(dest_scan, color_p, Bpp);
dest_scan += Bpp;
uint8_t dest_alpha =
back_alpha + src_alpha - back_alpha * src_alpha / 255;
*dest_scan_alpha++ = dest_alpha;
int alpha_ratio = src_alpha * 255 / dest_alpha;
for (int comps = 0; comps < Bpp; comps++) {
*dest_scan =
FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, color_p[comps], alpha_ratio);
} else {
for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
for (int comps = 0; comps < Bpp; comps++) {
if (comps == 3) {
*dest_scan++ = 255;
*dest_scan = FXDIB_ALPHA_MERGE(*dest_scan, color_p[comps], src_alpha);
return true;
CFX_BitmapComposer::CFX_BitmapComposer() {
m_pScanlineV = nullptr;
m_pScanlineAlphaV = nullptr;
m_pClipScanV = nullptr;
m_pAddClipScan = nullptr;
m_bRgbByteOrder = false;
CFX_BitmapComposer::~CFX_BitmapComposer() {
void CFX_BitmapComposer::Compose(const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& pDest,
const CFX_ClipRgn* pClipRgn,
int bitmap_alpha,
uint32_t mask_color,
FX_RECT& dest_rect,
bool bVertical,
bool bFlipX,
bool bFlipY,
bool bRgbByteOrder,
int alpha_flag,
void* pIccTransform,
int blend_type) {
m_pBitmap = pDest;
m_pClipRgn = pClipRgn;
m_DestLeft = dest_rect.left;
m_DestTop =;
m_DestWidth = dest_rect.Width();
m_DestHeight = dest_rect.Height();
m_BitmapAlpha = bitmap_alpha;
m_MaskColor = mask_color;
m_pClipMask = nullptr;
if (pClipRgn && pClipRgn->GetType() != CFX_ClipRgn::RectI)
m_pClipMask = pClipRgn->GetMask();
m_bVertical = bVertical;
m_bFlipX = bFlipX;
m_bFlipY = bFlipY;
m_AlphaFlag = alpha_flag;
m_pIccTransform = pIccTransform;
m_bRgbByteOrder = bRgbByteOrder;
m_BlendType = blend_type;
bool CFX_BitmapComposer::SetInfo(int width,
int height,
FXDIB_Format src_format,
uint32_t* pSrcPalette) {
m_SrcFormat = src_format;
if (!m_Compositor.Init(m_pBitmap->GetFormat(), src_format, width, pSrcPalette,
m_pClipMask != nullptr || (m_BitmapAlpha < 255),
m_bRgbByteOrder, m_AlphaFlag, m_pIccTransform)) {
return false;
if (m_bVertical) {
m_pScanlineV = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, m_pBitmap->GetBPP() / 8 * width + 4);
m_pClipScanV = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, m_pBitmap->GetHeight());
if (m_pBitmap->m_pAlphaMask) {
m_pScanlineAlphaV = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, width + 4);
if (m_BitmapAlpha < 255) {
m_pAddClipScan = FX_Alloc(
uint8_t, m_bVertical ? m_pBitmap->GetHeight() : m_pBitmap->GetWidth());
return true;
void CFX_BitmapComposer::DoCompose(uint8_t* dest_scan,
const uint8_t* src_scan,
int dest_width,
const uint8_t* clip_scan,
const uint8_t* src_extra_alpha,
uint8_t* dst_extra_alpha) {
if (m_BitmapAlpha < 255) {
if (clip_scan) {
for (int i = 0; i < dest_width; i++) {
m_pAddClipScan[i] = clip_scan[i] * m_BitmapAlpha / 255;
} else {
FXSYS_memset(m_pAddClipScan, m_BitmapAlpha, dest_width);
clip_scan = m_pAddClipScan;
if (m_SrcFormat == FXDIB_8bppMask) {
m_Compositor.CompositeByteMaskLine(dest_scan, src_scan, dest_width,
clip_scan, dst_extra_alpha);
} else if ((m_SrcFormat & 0xff) == 8) {
m_Compositor.CompositePalBitmapLine(dest_scan, src_scan, 0, dest_width,
clip_scan, src_extra_alpha,
} else {
m_Compositor.CompositeRgbBitmapLine(dest_scan, src_scan, dest_width,
clip_scan, src_extra_alpha,
void CFX_BitmapComposer::ComposeScanline(int line,
const uint8_t* scanline,
const uint8_t* scan_extra_alpha) {
if (m_bVertical) {
ComposeScanlineV(line, scanline, scan_extra_alpha);
const uint8_t* clip_scan = nullptr;
if (m_pClipMask)
clip_scan = m_pClipMask->GetBuffer() +
(m_DestTop + line - m_pClipRgn->GetBox().top) *
m_pClipMask->GetPitch() +
(m_DestLeft - m_pClipRgn->GetBox().left);
uint8_t* dest_scan = (uint8_t*)m_pBitmap->GetScanline(line + m_DestTop) +
m_DestLeft * m_pBitmap->GetBPP() / 8;
uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan =
? (uint8_t*)m_pBitmap->m_pAlphaMask->GetScanline(line + m_DestTop) +
: nullptr;
DoCompose(dest_scan, scanline, m_DestWidth, clip_scan, scan_extra_alpha,
void CFX_BitmapComposer::ComposeScanlineV(int line,
const uint8_t* scanline,
const uint8_t* scan_extra_alpha) {
int i;
int Bpp = m_pBitmap->GetBPP() / 8;
int dest_pitch = m_pBitmap->GetPitch();
int dest_alpha_pitch =
m_pBitmap->m_pAlphaMask ? m_pBitmap->m_pAlphaMask->GetPitch() : 0;
int dest_x = m_DestLeft + (m_bFlipX ? (m_DestWidth - line - 1) : line);
uint8_t* dest_buf =
m_pBitmap->GetBuffer() + dest_x * Bpp + m_DestTop * dest_pitch;
uint8_t* dest_alpha_buf = m_pBitmap->m_pAlphaMask
? m_pBitmap->m_pAlphaMask->GetBuffer() +
dest_x + m_DestTop * dest_alpha_pitch
: nullptr;
if (m_bFlipY) {
dest_buf += dest_pitch * (m_DestHeight - 1);
dest_alpha_buf += dest_alpha_pitch * (m_DestHeight - 1);
int y_step = dest_pitch;
int y_alpha_step = dest_alpha_pitch;
if (m_bFlipY) {
y_step = -y_step;
y_alpha_step = -y_alpha_step;
uint8_t* src_scan = m_pScanlineV;
uint8_t* dest_scan = dest_buf;
for (i = 0; i < m_DestHeight; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Bpp; j++) {
*src_scan++ = dest_scan[j];
dest_scan += y_step;
uint8_t* src_alpha_scan = m_pScanlineAlphaV;
uint8_t* dest_alpha_scan = dest_alpha_buf;
if (dest_alpha_scan) {
for (i = 0; i < m_DestHeight; i++) {
*src_alpha_scan++ = *dest_alpha_scan;
dest_alpha_scan += y_alpha_step;
uint8_t* clip_scan = nullptr;
if (m_pClipMask) {
clip_scan = m_pClipScanV;
int clip_pitch = m_pClipMask->GetPitch();
const uint8_t* src_clip =
m_pClipMask->GetBuffer() +
(m_DestTop - m_pClipRgn->GetBox().top) * clip_pitch +
(dest_x - m_pClipRgn->GetBox().left);
if (m_bFlipY) {
src_clip += clip_pitch * (m_DestHeight - 1);
clip_pitch = -clip_pitch;
for (i = 0; i < m_DestHeight; i++) {
clip_scan[i] = *src_clip;
src_clip += clip_pitch;
DoCompose(m_pScanlineV, scanline, m_DestHeight, clip_scan, scan_extra_alpha,
src_scan = m_pScanlineV;
dest_scan = dest_buf;
for (i = 0; i < m_DestHeight; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < Bpp; j++) {
dest_scan[j] = *src_scan++;
dest_scan += y_step;
src_alpha_scan = m_pScanlineAlphaV;
dest_alpha_scan = dest_alpha_buf;
if (dest_alpha_scan) {
for (i = 0; i < m_DestHeight; i++) {
*dest_alpha_scan = *src_alpha_scan++;
dest_alpha_scan += y_alpha_step;