| // Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| |
| #include <map> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/maybe_owned.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlnode.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/fx_dib.h" |
| #include "fxbarcode/BC_Library.h" |
| #include "third_party/base/optional.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffwidget.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_object.h" |
| |
| class CFGAS_GEFont; |
| class CFX_DIBitmap; |
| class CXFA_Bind; |
| class CXFA_Border; |
| class CXFA_Calculate; |
| class CXFA_Caption; |
| class CXFA_Event; |
| class CXFA_EventParam; |
| class CXFA_FFDoc; |
| class CXFA_FFDocView; |
| class CXFA_FFWidget; |
| class CXFA_Font; |
| class CXFA_Margin; |
| class CXFA_Occur; |
| class CXFA_Para; |
| class CXFA_Script; |
| class CXFA_TextLayout; |
| class CXFA_Ui; |
| class CXFA_Validate; |
| class CXFA_Value; |
| class CXFA_WidgetLayoutData; |
| class LocaleIface; |
| |
| #define XFA_NODEFILTER_Children 0x01 |
| #define XFA_NODEFILTER_Properties 0x02 |
| #define XFA_NODEFILTER_OneOfProperty 0x04 |
| |
| XFA_CHECKSTATE_Neutral = 2, |
| }; |
| |
| }; |
| |
| enum XFA_NodeFlag { |
| XFA_NodeFlag_None = 0, |
| XFA_NodeFlag_Initialized = 1 << 0, |
| XFA_NodeFlag_HasRemovedChildren = 1 << 1, |
| XFA_NodeFlag_NeedsInitApp = 1 << 2, |
| XFA_NodeFlag_BindFormItems = 1 << 3, |
| XFA_NodeFlag_UserInteractive = 1 << 4, |
| XFA_NodeFlag_UnusedNode = 1 << 5, |
| XFA_NodeFlag_LayoutGeneratedNode = 1 << 6 |
| }; |
| |
| class CXFA_Node : public CXFA_Object { |
| public: |
| struct PropertyData { |
| XFA_Element property; |
| uint8_t occurance_count; |
| uint8_t flags; |
| }; |
| |
| struct AttributeData { |
| XFA_Attribute attribute; |
| XFA_AttributeType type; |
| void* default_value; |
| }; |
| |
| #ifndef NDEBUG |
| static WideString ElementToName(XFA_Element elem); |
| #endif // NDEBUG |
| |
| static WideString AttributeEnumToName(XFA_AttributeEnum item); |
| static Optional<XFA_AttributeEnum> NameToAttributeEnum( |
| const WideStringView& name); |
| static XFA_Attribute NameToAttribute(const WideStringView& name); |
| static WideString AttributeToName(XFA_Attribute attr); |
| static XFA_Element NameToElement(const WideString& name); |
| static std::unique_ptr<CXFA_Node> Create(CXFA_Document* doc, |
| XFA_Element element, |
| XFA_PacketType packet); |
| |
| ~CXFA_Node() override; |
| |
| bool HasProperty(XFA_Element property) const; |
| bool HasPropertyFlags(XFA_Element property, uint8_t flags) const; |
| uint8_t PropertyOccuranceCount(XFA_Element property) const; |
| |
| void SendAttributeChangeMessage(XFA_Attribute eAttribute, bool bScriptModify); |
| |
| bool HasAttribute(XFA_Attribute attr) const; |
| XFA_Attribute GetAttribute(size_t i) const; |
| XFA_AttributeType GetAttributeType(XFA_Attribute type) const; |
| |
| XFA_PacketType GetPacketType() const { return m_ePacket; } |
| |
| void SetFlag(uint32_t dwFlag); |
| void SetFlagAndNotify(uint32_t dwFlag); |
| void ClearFlag(uint32_t dwFlag); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* CreateInstanceIfPossible(bool bDataMerge); |
| int32_t GetCount(); |
| CXFA_Node* GetItemIfExists(int32_t iIndex); |
| void RemoveItem(CXFA_Node* pRemoveInstance, bool bRemoveDataBinding); |
| void InsertItem(CXFA_Node* pNewInstance, |
| int32_t iPos, |
| int32_t iCount, |
| bool bMoveDataBindingNodes); |
| |
| bool IsInitialized() const { return HasFlag(XFA_NodeFlag_Initialized); } |
| bool IsUserInteractive() const { |
| return HasFlag(XFA_NodeFlag_UserInteractive); |
| } |
| bool IsUnusedNode() const { return HasFlag(XFA_NodeFlag_UnusedNode); } |
| bool IsLayoutGeneratedNode() const { |
| return HasFlag(XFA_NodeFlag_LayoutGeneratedNode); |
| } |
| |
| bool PresenceRequiresSpace() const; |
| |
| void SetBindingNode(CXFA_Node* node) { |
| binding_nodes_.clear(); |
| if (node) |
| binding_nodes_.emplace_back(node); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(dsinclair): This should not be needed. Nodes should get un-bound when |
| // they're deleted instead of us pointing to bad objects. |
| void ReleaseBindingNodes(); |
| |
| bool HasRemovedChildren() const { |
| return HasFlag(XFA_NodeFlag_HasRemovedChildren); |
| } |
| |
| bool IsAttributeInXML(); |
| bool IsFormContainer() const { |
| return m_ePacket == XFA_PacketType::Form && IsContainerNode(); |
| } |
| |
| void SetXMLMappingNode(CFX_XMLNode* node) { xml_node_ = node; } |
| CFX_XMLNode* GetXMLMappingNode() const { return xml_node_.Get(); } |
| CFX_XMLNode* CreateXMLMappingNode(); |
| bool IsNeedSavingXMLNode(); |
| |
| void SetToXML(const WideString& value); |
| |
| uint32_t GetNameHash() const { return m_dwNameHash; } |
| bool IsUnnamed() const { return m_dwNameHash == 0; } |
| CXFA_Node* GetModelNode(); |
| void UpdateNameHash(); |
| |
| size_t CountChildren(XFA_Element eType, bool bOnlyChild); |
| |
| template <typename T> |
| T* GetChild(size_t index, XFA_Element eType, bool bOnlyChild) { |
| return static_cast<T*>(GetChildInternal(index, eType, bOnlyChild)); |
| } |
| |
| void InsertChild(int32_t index, CXFA_Node* pNode); |
| void InsertChild(CXFA_Node* pNode, CXFA_Node* pBeforeNode); |
| void RemoveChild(CXFA_Node* pNode, bool bNotify); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* Clone(bool bRecursive); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* GetNextSibling() const { return next_sibling_; } |
| CXFA_Node* GetPrevSibling() const { return prev_sibling_; } |
| CXFA_Node* GetFirstChild() const { return first_child_; } |
| CXFA_Node* GetLastChild() const { return last_child_; } |
| CXFA_Node* GetParent() const { return parent_; } |
| |
| CXFA_Node* GetNextContainerSibling() const; |
| CXFA_Node* GetPrevContainerSibling() const; |
| CXFA_Node* GetFirstContainerChild() const; |
| CXFA_Node* GetContainerParent() const; |
| |
| std::vector<CXFA_Node*> GetNodeList(uint32_t dwTypeFilter, |
| XFA_Element eTypeFilter); |
| CXFA_Node* CreateSamePacketNode(XFA_Element eType); |
| CXFA_Node* CloneTemplateToForm(bool bRecursive); |
| CXFA_Node* GetTemplateNodeIfExists() const; |
| void SetTemplateNode(CXFA_Node* pTemplateNode); |
| CXFA_Node* GetDataDescriptionNode(); |
| void SetDataDescriptionNode(CXFA_Node* pDataDescriptionNode); |
| CXFA_Node* GetBindData(); |
| std::vector<UnownedPtr<CXFA_Node>>* GetBindItems(); |
| int32_t AddBindItem(CXFA_Node* pFormNode); |
| int32_t RemoveBindItem(CXFA_Node* pFormNode); |
| bool HasBindItem(); |
| CXFA_Node* GetContainerNode(); |
| LocaleIface* GetLocale(); |
| Optional<WideString> GetLocaleName(); |
| XFA_AttributeEnum GetIntact(); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* GetFirstChildByName(const WideStringView& wsNodeName) const; |
| CXFA_Node* GetFirstChildByName(uint32_t dwNodeNameHash) const; |
| template <typename T> |
| T* GetFirstChildByClass(XFA_Element eType) const { |
| return static_cast<T*>(GetFirstChildByClassInternal(eType)); |
| } |
| CXFA_Node* GetNextSameNameSibling(uint32_t dwNodeNameHash) const; |
| template <typename T> |
| T* GetNextSameNameSibling(const WideStringView& wsNodeName) const { |
| return static_cast<T*>(GetNextSameNameSiblingInternal(wsNodeName)); |
| } |
| template <typename T> |
| T* GetNextSameClassSibling(XFA_Element eType) const { |
| return static_cast<T*>(GetNextSameClassSiblingInternal(eType)); |
| } |
| |
| CXFA_Node* GetInstanceMgrOfSubform(); |
| |
| Optional<bool> GetDefaultBoolean(XFA_Attribute attr) const; |
| Optional<int32_t> GetDefaultInteger(XFA_Attribute attr) const; |
| Optional<CXFA_Measurement> GetDefaultMeasurement(XFA_Attribute attr) const; |
| Optional<WideString> GetDefaultCData(XFA_Attribute attr) const; |
| Optional<XFA_AttributeEnum> GetDefaultEnum(XFA_Attribute attr) const; |
| |
| bool IsOpenAccess(); |
| |
| CXFA_Occur* GetOccurIfExists(); |
| CXFA_Border* GetBorderIfExists() const; |
| CXFA_Border* GetOrCreateBorderIfPossible(); |
| CXFA_Caption* GetCaptionIfExists() const; |
| CXFA_Font* GetFontIfExists() const; |
| CXFA_Font* GetOrCreateFontIfPossible(); |
| |
| float GetFontSize() const; |
| FX_ARGB GetTextColor() const; |
| float GetLineHeight() const; |
| |
| CXFA_Margin* GetMarginIfExists() const; |
| CXFA_Para* GetParaIfExists() const; |
| CXFA_Calculate* GetCalculateIfExists() const; |
| CXFA_Validate* GetValidateIfExists() const; |
| CXFA_Validate* GetOrCreateValidateIfPossible(); |
| |
| CXFA_Value* GetFormValueIfExists() const; |
| WideString GetRawValue(); |
| |
| int32_t GetRotate(); |
| Optional<float> TryWidth(); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* GetExclGroupIfExists(); |
| |
| int32_t ProcessEvent(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, |
| XFA_AttributeEnum iActivity, |
| CXFA_EventParam* pEventParam); |
| int32_t ProcessCalculate(CXFA_FFDocView* docView); |
| int32_t ProcessValidate(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, int32_t iFlags); |
| int32_t ExecuteScript(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, |
| CXFA_Script* script, |
| CXFA_EventParam* pEventParam); |
| std::pair<int32_t, bool> ExecuteBoolScript(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, |
| CXFA_Script* script, |
| CXFA_EventParam* pEventParam); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* GetUIChildNode(); |
| XFA_FFWidgetType GetFFWidgetType(); |
| |
| CFX_RectF GetUIMargin(); |
| CXFA_Border* GetUIBorder(); |
| |
| void SetPreNull(bool val) { m_bPreNull = val; } |
| bool IsNull() const { return m_bIsNull; } |
| void SetIsNull(bool val) { m_bIsNull = val; } |
| |
| void SetWidgetReady() { is_widget_ready_ = true; } |
| bool IsWidgetReady() const { return is_widget_ready_; } |
| std::vector<CXFA_Event*> GetEventByActivity(XFA_AttributeEnum iActivity, |
| bool bIsFormReady); |
| |
| void ResetData(); |
| |
| CXFA_FFWidget* GetNextWidget(CXFA_FFWidget* pWidget); |
| void StartWidgetLayout(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, |
| float* pCalcWidth, |
| float* pCalcHeight); |
| bool FindSplitPos(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, |
| int32_t iBlockIndex, |
| float* pCalcHeight); |
| |
| bool LoadCaption(CXFA_FFDoc* doc); |
| CXFA_TextLayout* GetCaptionTextLayout(); |
| CXFA_TextLayout* GetTextLayout(); |
| |
| bool LoadImageImage(CXFA_FFDoc* doc); |
| bool LoadImageEditImage(CXFA_FFDoc* doc); |
| CFX_Size GetImageDpi() const; |
| CFX_Size GetImageEditDpi() const; |
| |
| RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> GetImageImage(); |
| RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap> GetImageEditImage(); |
| void SetImageImage(const RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& newImage); |
| void SetImageEditImage(const RetainPtr<CFX_DIBitmap>& newImage); |
| void UpdateUIDisplay(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, CXFA_FFWidget* pExcept); |
| |
| RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> GetFDEFont(CXFA_FFDoc* doc); |
| |
| bool IsListBox(); |
| bool IsRadioButton(); |
| bool IsMultiLine(); |
| |
| bool HasButtonRollover(); |
| bool HasButtonDown(); |
| |
| float GetCheckButtonSize(); |
| |
| XFA_CHECKSTATE GetCheckState(); |
| void SetCheckState(XFA_CHECKSTATE eCheckState, bool bNotify); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* GetSelectedMember(); |
| CXFA_Node* SetSelectedMember(const WideStringView& wsName, bool bNotify); |
| void SetSelectedMemberByValue(const WideStringView& wsValue, |
| bool bNotify, |
| bool bScriptModify, |
| bool bSyncData); |
| |
| CXFA_Node* GetExclGroupFirstMember(); |
| CXFA_Node* GetExclGroupNextMember(CXFA_Node* pNode); |
| |
| bool IsChoiceListAllowTextEntry(); |
| int32_t CountChoiceListItems(bool bSaveValue); |
| Optional<WideString> GetChoiceListItem(int32_t nIndex, bool bSaveValue); |
| bool IsChoiceListMultiSelect(); |
| bool IsChoiceListCommitOnSelect(); |
| std::vector<WideString> GetChoiceListItems(bool bSaveValue); |
| |
| int32_t CountSelectedItems(); |
| int32_t GetSelectedItem(int32_t nIndex); |
| std::vector<int32_t> GetSelectedItems(); |
| std::vector<WideString> GetSelectedItemsValue(); |
| void SetSelectedItems(const std::vector<int32_t>& iSelArray, |
| bool bNotify, |
| bool bScriptModify, |
| bool bSyncData); |
| void InsertItem(const WideString& wsLabel, |
| const WideString& wsValue, |
| bool bNotify); |
| bool DeleteItem(int32_t nIndex, bool bNotify, bool bScriptModify); |
| void ClearAllSelections(); |
| |
| bool GetItemState(int32_t nIndex); |
| void SetItemState(int32_t nIndex, |
| bool bSelected, |
| bool bNotify, |
| bool bScriptModify, |
| bool bSyncData); |
| |
| WideString GetItemValue(const WideStringView& wsLabel); |
| |
| bool IsHorizontalScrollPolicyOff(); |
| bool IsVerticalScrollPolicyOff(); |
| Optional<int32_t> GetNumberOfCells(); |
| |
| bool SetValue(XFA_VALUEPICTURE eValueType, const WideString& wsValue); |
| WideString GetValue(XFA_VALUEPICTURE eValueType); |
| |
| WideString GetPictureContent(XFA_VALUEPICTURE ePicture); |
| WideString GetNormalizeDataValue(const WideString& wsValue); |
| WideString GetFormatDataValue(const WideString& wsValue); |
| WideString NormalizeNumStr(const WideString& wsValue); |
| |
| std::pair<XFA_Element, int32_t> GetMaxChars(); |
| int32_t GetFracDigits(); |
| int32_t GetLeadDigits(); |
| |
| WideString NumericLimit(const WideString& wsValue); |
| |
| protected: |
| virtual XFA_Element GetValueNodeType() const; |
| virtual XFA_FFWidgetType GetDefaultFFWidgetType() const; |
| |
| CXFA_Node(CXFA_Document* pDoc, |
| XFA_PacketType ePacket, |
| uint32_t validPackets, |
| XFA_ObjectType oType, |
| XFA_Element eType, |
| const PropertyData* properties, |
| const AttributeData* attributes, |
| const WideStringView& elementName, |
| std::unique_ptr<CJX_Object> js_node); |
| CXFA_Node(CXFA_Document* pDoc, |
| XFA_PacketType ePacket, |
| uint32_t validPackets, |
| XFA_ObjectType oType, |
| XFA_Element eType, |
| const PropertyData* properties, |
| const AttributeData* attributes, |
| const WideStringView& elementName); |
| |
| private: |
| void ProcessScriptTestValidate(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, |
| CXFA_Validate* validate, |
| int32_t iRet, |
| bool pRetValue, |
| bool bVersionFlag); |
| int32_t ProcessFormatTestValidate(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, |
| CXFA_Validate* validate, |
| bool bVersionFlag); |
| int32_t ProcessNullTestValidate(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, |
| CXFA_Validate* validate, |
| int32_t iFlags, |
| bool bVersionFlag); |
| WideString GetValidateCaptionName(bool bVersionFlag); |
| WideString GetValidateMessage(bool bError, bool bVersionFlag); |
| |
| bool HasFlag(XFA_NodeFlag dwFlag) const; |
| CXFA_Node* Deprecated_GetPrevSibling(); |
| const PropertyData* GetPropertyData(XFA_Element property) const; |
| const AttributeData* GetAttributeData(XFA_Attribute attr) const; |
| Optional<XFA_Element> GetFirstPropertyWithFlag(uint8_t flag); |
| void OnRemoved(bool bNotify); |
| Optional<void*> GetDefaultValue(XFA_Attribute attr, |
| XFA_AttributeType eType) const; |
| CXFA_Node* GetChildInternal(size_t index, XFA_Element eType, bool bOnlyChild); |
| CXFA_Node* GetFirstChildByClassInternal(XFA_Element eType) const; |
| CXFA_Node* GetNextSameNameSiblingInternal( |
| const WideStringView& wsNodeName) const; |
| CXFA_Node* GetNextSameClassSiblingInternal(XFA_Element eType) const; |
| void CalcCaptionSize(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, CFX_SizeF* pszCap); |
| bool CalculateFieldAutoSize(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, CFX_SizeF* pSize); |
| bool CalculateWidgetAutoSize(CFX_SizeF* pSize); |
| bool CalculateTextEditAutoSize(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, CFX_SizeF* pSize); |
| bool CalculateCheckButtonAutoSize(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, CFX_SizeF* pSize); |
| bool CalculatePushButtonAutoSize(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, CFX_SizeF* pSize); |
| CFX_SizeF CalculateImageSize(float img_width, |
| float img_height, |
| const CFX_Size& dpi); |
| bool CalculateImageEditAutoSize(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, CFX_SizeF* pSize); |
| bool CalculateImageAutoSize(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, CFX_SizeF* pSize); |
| float CalculateWidgetAutoHeight(float fHeightCalc); |
| float CalculateWidgetAutoWidth(float fWidthCalc); |
| float GetWidthWithoutMargin(float fWidthCalc); |
| float GetHeightWithoutMargin(float fHeightCalc); |
| void CalculateTextContentSize(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, CFX_SizeF* pSize); |
| CFX_SizeF CalculateAccWidthAndHeight(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, float fWidth); |
| void InitLayoutData(); |
| void StartTextLayout(CXFA_FFDoc* doc, float* pCalcWidth, float* pCalcHeight); |
| |
| void InsertListTextItem(CXFA_Node* pItems, |
| const WideString& wsText, |
| int32_t nIndex); |
| WideString FormatNumStr(const WideString& wsValue, LocaleIface* pLocale); |
| void GetItemLabel(const WideStringView& wsValue, WideString& wsLabel); |
| |
| std::pair<XFA_FFWidgetType, CXFA_Ui*> CreateChildUIAndValueNodesIfNeeded(); |
| void CreateValueNodeIfNeeded(CXFA_Value* value, CXFA_Node* pUIChild); |
| CXFA_Node* CreateUINodeIfNeeded(CXFA_Ui* ui, XFA_Element type); |
| bool IsValidInPacket(XFA_PacketType packet) const; |
| void SetImageEdit(const WideString& wsContentType, |
| const WideString& wsHref, |
| const WideString& wsData); |
| CXFA_Node* GetBindingNode() const { |
| if (binding_nodes_.empty()) |
| return nullptr; |
| return binding_nodes_[0].Get(); |
| } |
| bool BindsFormItems() const { return HasFlag(XFA_NodeFlag_BindFormItems); } |
| bool NeedsInitApp() const { return HasFlag(XFA_NodeFlag_NeedsInitApp); } |
| void SyncValue(const WideString& wsValue, bool bNotify); |
| CXFA_Value* GetDefaultValueIfExists(); |
| CXFA_Bind* GetBindIfExists() const; |
| |
| Optional<float> TryHeight(); |
| Optional<float> TryMinWidth(); |
| Optional<float> TryMinHeight(); |
| Optional<float> TryMaxWidth(); |
| Optional<float> TryMaxHeight(); |
| int32_t ProcessEvent(CXFA_FFDocView* docView, |
| CXFA_Event* event, |
| CXFA_EventParam* pEventParam); |
| |
| const PropertyData* const m_Properties; |
| const AttributeData* const m_Attributes; |
| const uint32_t m_ValidPackets; |
| |
| // These nodes are responsible for building the CXFA_Node tree. We don't use |
| // unowned ptrs here because the cleanup process will remove the nodes in an |
| // order that doesn't necessarily match up to the tree structure. |
| CXFA_Node* parent_; |
| CXFA_Node* next_sibling_; |
| CXFA_Node* prev_sibling_; |
| CXFA_Node* first_child_; |
| CXFA_Node* last_child_; |
| |
| UnownedPtr<CFX_XMLNode> xml_node_; |
| const XFA_PacketType m_ePacket; |
| uint8_t m_ExecuteRecursionDepth = 0; |
| uint16_t m_uNodeFlags; |
| uint32_t m_dwNameHash; |
| CXFA_Node* m_pAuxNode; |
| std::vector<UnownedPtr<CXFA_Node>> binding_nodes_; |
| bool m_bIsNull = true; |
| bool m_bPreNull = true; |
| bool is_widget_ready_ = false; |
| std::unique_ptr<CXFA_WidgetLayoutData> m_pLayoutData; |
| |
| CXFA_Ui* ui_ = nullptr; |
| XFA_FFWidgetType ff_widget_type_ = XFA_FFWidgetType::kNone; |
| }; |
| |