blob: 1c752411b3e472dae288e26ef14b14356babe9ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
function testReadProperty(that, prop, expected) {
try {
var actual = that[prop];
if (actual == expected) {
app.alert('PASS: ' + prop + ' = ' + actual);
} else {
app.alert('FAIL: ' + prop + ' = ' + actual + ', expected = ' + expected);
} catch (e) {
app.alert('ERROR: ' + e.toString());
function testUnreadableProperty(that, prop) {
try {
var value = that[prop];
app.alert('FAIL: ' + prop + ', expected to throw');
} catch (e) {
app.alert('PASS: ' + prop + ' threw ' + e.toString());
function testWriteProperty(that, prop, newValue) {
try {
that[prop] = newValue;
var actual = that[prop];
if (actual == newValue) {
app.alert('PASS: ' + prop + ' = ' + actual);
} else {
app.alert('FAIL: ' + prop + ' = ' + actual + ', expected = ' + newValue);
} catch (e) {
app.alert('ERROR: ' + e.toString());
function testWriteIgnoredProperty(that, prop, expected, newValue) {
try {
that[prop] = newValue;
var actual = that[prop];
if (actual == expected) {
app.alert('PASS: ' + prop + ' = ' + actual);
} else {
app.alert('FAIL: ' + prop + ' = ' + actual + ', expected = ' + expected);
} catch (e) {
app.alert('ERROR: ' + e.toString());
function testUnwritableProperty(that, prop, newValue) {
try {
that[prop] = newValue;
app.alert('FAIL: ' + prop + ' = ' + newValue + ', expected to throw');
} catch (e) {
app.alert('PASS: ' + prop + ' threw ' + e.toString());
function testRWProperty(that, prop, expected, newValue) {
testReadProperty(that, prop, expected);
testWriteProperty(that, prop, newValue);
function testRIProperty(that, prop, expected, newValue) {
testReadProperty(that, prop, expected);
testWriteIgnoredProperty(that, prop, expected, newValue);
function testROProperty(that, prop, expected) {
testReadProperty(that, prop, expected);
testUnwritableProperty(that, prop, 42);
function testXXProperty(that, prop) {
testUnreadableProperty(that, prop);
testUnwritableProperty(that, prop, 42);