blob: cc23730bf874b7884856079616bf977c4a7c8393 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_object.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_coordinates.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/retain_ptr.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/string_pool_template.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/weak_ptr.h"
#include "third_party/base/check.h"
class CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder;
class CPDF_Dictionary final : public CPDF_Object {
using const_iterator =
std::map<ByteString, RetainPtr<CPDF_Object>>::const_iterator;
// CPDF_Object:
Type GetType() const override;
RetainPtr<CPDF_Object> Clone() const override;
CPDF_Dictionary* GetDict() override;
const CPDF_Dictionary* GetDict() const override;
bool IsDictionary() const override;
CPDF_Dictionary* AsDictionary() override;
const CPDF_Dictionary* AsDictionary() const override;
bool WriteTo(IFX_ArchiveStream* archive,
const CPDF_Encryptor* encryptor) const override;
bool IsLocked() const { return !!m_LockCount; }
size_t size() const { return m_Map.size(); }
const CPDF_Object* GetObjectFor(const ByteString& key) const;
CPDF_Object* GetObjectFor(const ByteString& key);
const CPDF_Object* GetDirectObjectFor(const ByteString& key) const;
CPDF_Object* GetDirectObjectFor(const ByteString& key);
// These will return the string representation of the object specified by
// |key|, for any object type that has a string representation.
ByteString GetStringFor(const ByteString& key) const;
ByteString GetStringFor(const ByteString& key,
const ByteString& default_str) const;
WideString GetUnicodeTextFor(const ByteString& key) const;
// This will only return the string representation of a name object specified
// by |key|. Useful when the PDF spec requires the value to be an object of
// type name. i.e. /Foo and not (Foo).
ByteString GetNameFor(const ByteString& key) const;
bool GetBooleanFor(const ByteString& key, bool bDefault) const;
int GetIntegerFor(const ByteString& key) const;
int GetIntegerFor(const ByteString& key, int default_int) const;
float GetNumberFor(const ByteString& key) const;
const CPDF_Dictionary* GetDictFor(const ByteString& key) const;
CPDF_Dictionary* GetDictFor(const ByteString& key);
const CPDF_Array* GetArrayFor(const ByteString& key) const;
CPDF_Array* GetArrayFor(const ByteString& key);
const CPDF_Stream* GetStreamFor(const ByteString& key) const;
CPDF_Stream* GetStreamFor(const ByteString& key);
CFX_FloatRect GetRectFor(const ByteString& key) const;
CFX_Matrix GetMatrixFor(const ByteString& key) const;
bool KeyExist(const ByteString& key) const;
std::vector<ByteString> GetKeys() const;
// Creates a new object owned by the dictionary and returns an unowned
// pointer to it. Prefer using these templates over calls to SetFor(),
// since by creating a new object with no previous references, they ensure
// cycles can not be introduced.
template <typename T, typename... Args>
typename std::enable_if<!CanInternStrings<T>::value, T*>::type SetNewFor(
const ByteString& key,
Args&&... args) {
return static_cast<T*>(
SetFor(key, pdfium::MakeRetain<T>(std::forward<Args>(args)...)));
template <typename T, typename... Args>
typename std::enable_if<CanInternStrings<T>::value, T*>::type SetNewFor(
const ByteString& key,
Args&&... args) {
return static_cast<T*>(SetFor(
key, pdfium::MakeRetain<T>(m_pPool, std::forward<Args>(args)...)));
// Convenience functions to convert native objects to array form.
void SetRectFor(const ByteString& key, const CFX_FloatRect& rect);
void SetMatrixFor(const ByteString& key, const CFX_Matrix& matrix);
// Set* functions invalidate iterators for the element with the key |key|.
// Takes ownership of |pObj|, returns an unowned pointer to it.
CPDF_Object* SetFor(const ByteString& key, RetainPtr<CPDF_Object> pObj);
void ConvertToIndirectObjectFor(const ByteString& key,
CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder* pHolder);
// Invalidates iterators for the element with the key |key|.
RetainPtr<CPDF_Object> RemoveFor(const ByteString& key);
// Invalidates iterators for the element with the key |oldkey|.
void ReplaceKey(const ByteString& oldkey, const ByteString& newkey);
WeakPtr<ByteStringPool> GetByteStringPool() const { return m_pPool; }
friend class CPDF_DictionaryLocker;
explicit CPDF_Dictionary(const WeakPtr<ByteStringPool>& pPool);
~CPDF_Dictionary() override;
ByteString MaybeIntern(const ByteString& str);
RetainPtr<CPDF_Object> CloneNonCyclic(
bool bDirect,
std::set<const CPDF_Object*>* visited) const override;
mutable uint32_t m_LockCount = 0;
WeakPtr<ByteStringPool> m_pPool;
std::map<ByteString, RetainPtr<CPDF_Object>> m_Map;
class CPDF_DictionaryLocker {
using const_iterator = CPDF_Dictionary::const_iterator;
explicit CPDF_DictionaryLocker(const CPDF_Dictionary* pDictionary);
const_iterator begin() const {
return m_pDictionary->m_Map.begin();
const_iterator end() const {
return m_pDictionary->m_Map.end();
RetainPtr<const CPDF_Dictionary> const m_pDictionary;
inline CPDF_Dictionary* ToDictionary(CPDF_Object* obj) {
return obj ? obj->AsDictionary() : nullptr;
inline const CPDF_Dictionary* ToDictionary(const CPDF_Object* obj) {
return obj ? obj->AsDictionary() : nullptr;
inline RetainPtr<CPDF_Dictionary> ToDictionary(RetainPtr<CPDF_Object> obj) {
return RetainPtr<CPDF_Dictionary>(ToDictionary(obj.Get()));