| // Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_interactiveform.h" |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <sstream> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "constants/annotation_flags.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cfdf_document.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_array.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_action.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_formcontrol.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_interactiveform.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/autorestorer.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_graphstatedata.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h" |
| #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_actionhandler.h" |
| #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_annot.h" |
| #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_annotiterator.h" |
| #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_formfillenvironment.h" |
| #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_pageview.h" |
| #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_widget.h" |
| #include "fpdfsdk/formfiller/cffl_formfiller.h" |
| #include "fpdfsdk/ipdfsdk_annothandler.h" |
| #include "fxjs/ijs_event_context.h" |
| #include "fxjs/ijs_runtime.h" |
| #include "third_party/base/check.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kWhiteBGR = FXSYS_BGR(255, 255, 255); |
| |
| bool IsFormFieldTypeComboOrText(FormFieldType fieldType) { |
| switch (fieldType) { |
| case FormFieldType::kComboBox: |
| case FormFieldType::kTextField: |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| bool IsFormFieldTypeXFA(FormFieldType fieldType) { |
| switch (fieldType) { |
| case FormFieldType::kXFA: |
| case FormFieldType::kXFA_CheckBox: |
| case FormFieldType::kXFA_ComboBox: |
| case FormFieldType::kXFA_ImageField: |
| case FormFieldType::kXFA_ListBox: |
| case FormFieldType::kXFA_PushButton: |
| case FormFieldType::kXFA_Signature: |
| case FormFieldType::kXFA_TextField: |
| return true; |
| default: |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| |
| bool FDFToURLEncodedData( |
| std::vector<uint8_t, FxAllocAllocator<uint8_t>>* pBuffer) { |
| std::unique_ptr<CFDF_Document> pFDF = CFDF_Document::ParseMemory(*pBuffer); |
| if (!pFDF) |
| return true; |
| |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pMainDict = pFDF->GetRoot()->GetDictFor("FDF"); |
| if (!pMainDict) |
| return false; |
| |
| CPDF_Array* pFields = pMainDict->GetArrayFor("Fields"); |
| if (!pFields) |
| return false; |
| |
| std::ostringstream fdfEncodedData; |
| for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pFields->size(); i++) { |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pField = pFields->GetDictAt(i); |
| if (!pField) |
| continue; |
| WideString name; |
| name = pField->GetUnicodeTextFor("T"); |
| ByteString name_b = name.ToDefANSI(); |
| ByteString csBValue = pField->GetStringFor("V"); |
| WideString csWValue = PDF_DecodeText(csBValue.raw_span()); |
| ByteString csValue_b = csWValue.ToDefANSI(); |
| fdfEncodedData << name_b << "=" << csValue_b; |
| if (i != pFields->size() - 1) |
| fdfEncodedData << "&"; |
| } |
| |
| size_t nBufSize = fdfEncodedData.tellp(); |
| if (nBufSize <= 0) |
| return false; |
| |
| pBuffer->resize(nBufSize); |
| memcpy(pBuffer->data(), fdfEncodedData.str().c_str(), nBufSize); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm( |
| CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* pFormFillEnv) |
| : m_pFormFillEnv(pFormFillEnv), |
| m_pInteractiveForm(std::make_unique<CPDF_InteractiveForm>( |
| m_pFormFillEnv->GetPDFDocument())) { |
| m_pInteractiveForm->SetNotifierIface(this); |
| RemoveAllHighLights(); |
| } |
| |
| CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::~CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm() = default; |
| |
| CPDFSDK_Widget* CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::GetWidget( |
| CPDF_FormControl* pControl) const { |
| if (!pControl) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = nullptr; |
| const auto it = m_Map.find(pControl); |
| if (it != m_Map.end()) |
| pWidget = it->second.Get(); |
| if (pWidget) |
| return pWidget; |
| |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pControlDict = pControl->GetWidget(); |
| CPDF_Document* pDocument = m_pFormFillEnv->GetPDFDocument(); |
| CPDFSDK_PageView* pPage = nullptr; |
| |
| if (CPDF_Dictionary* pPageDict = pControlDict->GetDictFor("P")) { |
| int nPageIndex = pDocument->GetPageIndex(pPageDict->GetObjNum()); |
| if (nPageIndex >= 0) |
| pPage = m_pFormFillEnv->GetPageViewAtIndex(nPageIndex); |
| } |
| |
| if (!pPage) { |
| int nPageIndex = GetPageIndexByAnnotDict(pDocument, pControlDict); |
| if (nPageIndex >= 0) |
| pPage = m_pFormFillEnv->GetPageViewAtIndex(nPageIndex); |
| } |
| |
| return pPage ? ToCPDFSDKWidget(pPage->GetAnnotByDict(pControlDict)) : nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::GetWidgets( |
| const WideString& sFieldName, |
| std::vector<ObservedPtr<CPDFSDK_Annot>>* widgets) const { |
| for (int i = 0, sz = m_pInteractiveForm->CountFields(sFieldName); i < sz; |
| ++i) { |
| CPDF_FormField* pFormField = m_pInteractiveForm->GetField(i, sFieldName); |
| DCHECK(pFormField); |
| GetWidgets(pFormField, widgets); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::GetWidgets( |
| CPDF_FormField* pField, |
| std::vector<ObservedPtr<CPDFSDK_Annot>>* widgets) const { |
| for (int i = 0, sz = pField->CountControls(); i < sz; ++i) { |
| CPDF_FormControl* pFormCtrl = pField->GetControl(i); |
| DCHECK(pFormCtrl); |
| CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = GetWidget(pFormCtrl); |
| if (pWidget) |
| widgets->emplace_back(pWidget); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::GetPageIndexByAnnotDict( |
| CPDF_Document* pDocument, |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) const { |
| DCHECK(pAnnotDict); |
| |
| for (int i = 0, sz = pDocument->GetPageCount(); i < sz; i++) { |
| if (CPDF_Dictionary* pPageDict = pDocument->GetPageDictionary(i)) { |
| if (CPDF_Array* pAnnots = pPageDict->GetArrayFor("Annots")) { |
| for (int j = 0, jsz = pAnnots->size(); j < jsz; j++) { |
| CPDF_Object* pDict = pAnnots->GetDirectObjectAt(j); |
| if (pAnnotDict == pDict) |
| return i; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return -1; |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::AddMap(CPDF_FormControl* pControl, |
| CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget) { |
| m_Map[pControl] = pWidget; |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::RemoveMap(CPDF_FormControl* pControl) { |
| m_Map.erase(pControl); |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::EnableCalculate(bool bEnabled) { |
| m_bCalculate = bEnabled; |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::IsCalculateEnabled() const { |
| return m_bCalculate; |
| } |
| |
| #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::XfaEnableCalculate(bool bEnabled) { |
| m_bXfaCalculate = bEnabled; |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::IsXfaCalculateEnabled() const { |
| return m_bXfaCalculate; |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::IsXfaValidationsEnabled() { |
| return m_bXfaValidationsEnabled; |
| } |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::XfaSetValidationsEnabled(bool bEnabled) { |
| m_bXfaValidationsEnabled = bEnabled; |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::SynchronizeField(CPDF_FormField* pFormField) { |
| for (int i = 0, sz = pFormField->CountControls(); i < sz; i++) { |
| CPDF_FormControl* pFormCtrl = pFormField->GetControl(i); |
| if (CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = GetWidget(pFormCtrl)) |
| pWidget->Synchronize(false); |
| } |
| } |
| #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::OnCalculate(CPDF_FormField* pFormField) { |
| if (!m_pFormFillEnv->IsJSPlatformPresent()) |
| return; |
| |
| if (m_bBusy) |
| return; |
| |
| AutoRestorer<bool> restorer(&m_bBusy); |
| m_bBusy = true; |
| |
| if (!IsCalculateEnabled()) |
| return; |
| |
| IJS_Runtime* pRuntime = m_pFormFillEnv->GetIJSRuntime(); |
| int nSize = m_pInteractiveForm->CountFieldsInCalculationOrder(); |
| for (int i = 0; i < nSize; i++) { |
| CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pInteractiveForm->GetFieldInCalculationOrder(i); |
| if (!pField) |
| continue; |
| |
| FormFieldType fieldType = pField->GetFieldType(); |
| if (!IsFormFieldTypeComboOrText(fieldType)) |
| continue; |
| |
| CPDF_AAction aAction = pField->GetAdditionalAction(); |
| if (!aAction.GetDict() || !aAction.ActionExist(CPDF_AAction::kCalculate)) |
| continue; |
| |
| CPDF_Action action = aAction.GetAction(CPDF_AAction::kCalculate); |
| if (!action.GetDict()) |
| continue; |
| |
| WideString csJS = action.GetJavaScript(); |
| if (csJS.IsEmpty()) |
| continue; |
| |
| WideString sOldValue = pField->GetValue(); |
| WideString sValue = sOldValue; |
| bool bRC = true; |
| IJS_Runtime::ScopedEventContext pContext(pRuntime); |
| pContext->OnField_Calculate(pFormField, pField, &sValue, &bRC); |
| |
| Optional<IJS_Runtime::JS_Error> err = pContext->RunScript(csJS); |
| if (!err && bRC && sValue.Compare(sOldValue) != 0) |
| pField->SetValue(sValue, NotificationOption::kNotify); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Optional<WideString> CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::OnFormat( |
| CPDF_FormField* pFormField) { |
| if (!m_pFormFillEnv->IsJSPlatformPresent()) |
| return {}; |
| |
| WideString sValue = pFormField->GetValue(); |
| IJS_Runtime* pRuntime = m_pFormFillEnv->GetIJSRuntime(); |
| if (pFormField->GetFieldType() == FormFieldType::kComboBox && |
| pFormField->CountSelectedItems() > 0) { |
| int index = pFormField->GetSelectedIndex(0); |
| if (index >= 0) |
| sValue = pFormField->GetOptionLabel(index); |
| } |
| |
| CPDF_AAction aAction = pFormField->GetAdditionalAction(); |
| if (aAction.GetDict() && aAction.ActionExist(CPDF_AAction::kFormat)) { |
| CPDF_Action action = aAction.GetAction(CPDF_AAction::kFormat); |
| if (action.GetDict()) { |
| WideString script = action.GetJavaScript(); |
| if (!script.IsEmpty()) { |
| IJS_Runtime::ScopedEventContext pContext(pRuntime); |
| pContext->OnField_Format(pFormField, &sValue); |
| Optional<IJS_Runtime::JS_Error> err = pContext->RunScript(script); |
| if (!err) |
| return sValue; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return {}; |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::ResetFieldAppearance( |
| CPDF_FormField* pFormField, |
| Optional<WideString> sValue) { |
| for (int i = 0, sz = pFormField->CountControls(); i < sz; i++) { |
| CPDF_FormControl* pFormCtrl = pFormField->GetControl(i); |
| DCHECK(pFormCtrl); |
| if (CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = GetWidget(pFormCtrl)) |
| pWidget->ResetAppearance(sValue, true); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::UpdateField(CPDF_FormField* pFormField) { |
| auto* formfiller = m_pFormFillEnv->GetInteractiveFormFiller(); |
| for (int i = 0, sz = pFormField->CountControls(); i < sz; i++) { |
| CPDF_FormControl* pFormCtrl = pFormField->GetControl(i); |
| DCHECK(pFormCtrl); |
| |
| CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = GetWidget(pFormCtrl); |
| if (!pWidget) |
| continue; |
| |
| IPDF_Page* pPage = pWidget->GetPage(); |
| FX_RECT rect = formfiller->GetViewBBox( |
| m_pFormFillEnv->GetPageView(pPage, false), pWidget); |
| m_pFormFillEnv->Invalidate(pPage, rect); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::OnKeyStrokeCommit(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, |
| const WideString& csValue) { |
| CPDF_AAction aAction = pFormField->GetAdditionalAction(); |
| if (!aAction.GetDict() || !aAction.ActionExist(CPDF_AAction::kKeyStroke)) |
| return true; |
| |
| CPDF_Action action = aAction.GetAction(CPDF_AAction::kKeyStroke); |
| if (!action.GetDict()) |
| return true; |
| |
| CPDFSDK_FieldAction fa; |
| fa.bModifier = false; |
| fa.bShift = false; |
| fa.sValue = csValue; |
| m_pFormFillEnv->GetActionHandler()->DoAction_FieldJavaScript( |
| action, CPDF_AAction::kKeyStroke, m_pFormFillEnv.Get(), pFormField, &fa); |
| return fa.bRC; |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::OnValidate(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, |
| const WideString& csValue) { |
| CPDF_AAction aAction = pFormField->GetAdditionalAction(); |
| if (!aAction.GetDict() || !aAction.ActionExist(CPDF_AAction::kValidate)) |
| return true; |
| |
| CPDF_Action action = aAction.GetAction(CPDF_AAction::kValidate); |
| if (!action.GetDict()) |
| return true; |
| |
| CPDFSDK_FieldAction fa; |
| fa.bModifier = false; |
| fa.bShift = false; |
| fa.sValue = csValue; |
| m_pFormFillEnv->GetActionHandler()->DoAction_FieldJavaScript( |
| action, CPDF_AAction::kValidate, m_pFormFillEnv.Get(), pFormField, &fa); |
| return fa.bRC; |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::DoAction_Hide(const CPDF_Action& action) { |
| DCHECK(action.GetDict()); |
| std::vector<CPDF_FormField*> fields = |
| GetFieldFromObjects(action.GetAllFields()); |
| bool bHide = action.GetHideStatus(); |
| bool bChanged = false; |
| |
| for (CPDF_FormField* pField : fields) { |
| for (int i = 0, sz = pField->CountControls(); i < sz; ++i) { |
| CPDF_FormControl* pControl = pField->GetControl(i); |
| DCHECK(pControl); |
| |
| if (CPDFSDK_Widget* pWidget = GetWidget(pControl)) { |
| uint32_t nFlags = pWidget->GetFlags(); |
| nFlags &= ~pdfium::annotation_flags::kInvisible; |
| nFlags &= ~pdfium::annotation_flags::kNoView; |
| if (bHide) |
| nFlags |= pdfium::annotation_flags::kHidden; |
| else |
| nFlags &= ~pdfium::annotation_flags::kHidden; |
| pWidget->SetFlags(nFlags); |
| pWidget->GetPageView()->UpdateView(pWidget); |
| bChanged = true; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return bChanged; |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::DoAction_SubmitForm(const CPDF_Action& action) { |
| WideString sDestination = action.GetFilePath(); |
| if (sDestination.IsEmpty()) |
| return false; |
| |
| const CPDF_Dictionary* pActionDict = action.GetDict(); |
| if (pActionDict->KeyExist("Fields")) { |
| uint32_t dwFlags = action.GetFlags(); |
| std::vector<CPDF_FormField*> fields = |
| GetFieldFromObjects(action.GetAllFields()); |
| if (!fields.empty()) { |
| bool bIncludeOrExclude = !(dwFlags & 0x01); |
| if (!m_pInteractiveForm->CheckRequiredFields(&fields, bIncludeOrExclude)) |
| return false; |
| |
| return SubmitFields(sDestination, fields, bIncludeOrExclude, false); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!m_pInteractiveForm->CheckRequiredFields(nullptr, true)) |
| return false; |
| |
| return SubmitForm(sDestination, false); |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::SubmitFields( |
| const WideString& csDestination, |
| const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>& fields, |
| bool bIncludeOrExclude, |
| bool bUrlEncoded) { |
| ByteString textBuf = ExportFieldsToFDFTextBuf(fields, bIncludeOrExclude); |
| if (textBuf.IsEmpty()) |
| return false; |
| |
| std::vector<uint8_t, FxAllocAllocator<uint8_t>> buffer(textBuf.begin(), |
| textBuf.end()); |
| if (bUrlEncoded && !FDFToURLEncodedData(&buffer)) |
| return false; |
| |
| m_pFormFillEnv->SubmitForm(buffer, csDestination); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| ByteString CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::ExportFieldsToFDFTextBuf( |
| const std::vector<CPDF_FormField*>& fields, |
| bool bIncludeOrExclude) { |
| std::unique_ptr<CFDF_Document> pFDF = m_pInteractiveForm->ExportToFDF( |
| m_pFormFillEnv->GetFilePath(), fields, bIncludeOrExclude, false); |
| |
| return pFDF ? pFDF->WriteToString() : ByteString(); |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::SubmitForm(const WideString& sDestination, |
| bool bUrlEncoded) { |
| if (sDestination.IsEmpty()) |
| return false; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<CFDF_Document> pFDFDoc = |
| m_pInteractiveForm->ExportToFDF(m_pFormFillEnv->GetFilePath(), false); |
| if (!pFDFDoc) |
| return false; |
| |
| ByteString fdfBuffer = pFDFDoc->WriteToString(); |
| if (fdfBuffer.IsEmpty()) |
| return false; |
| |
| std::vector<uint8_t, FxAllocAllocator<uint8_t>> buffer(fdfBuffer.begin(), |
| fdfBuffer.end()); |
| if (bUrlEncoded && !FDFToURLEncodedData(&buffer)) |
| return false; |
| |
| m_pFormFillEnv->SubmitForm(buffer, sDestination); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| ByteString CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::ExportFormToFDFTextBuf() { |
| std::unique_ptr<CFDF_Document> pFDF = |
| m_pInteractiveForm->ExportToFDF(m_pFormFillEnv->GetFilePath(), false); |
| |
| return pFDF ? pFDF->WriteToString() : ByteString(); |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::DoAction_ResetForm(const CPDF_Action& action) { |
| DCHECK(action.GetDict()); |
| const CPDF_Dictionary* pActionDict = action.GetDict(); |
| if (!pActionDict->KeyExist("Fields")) { |
| m_pInteractiveForm->ResetForm(NotificationOption::kNotify); |
| return; |
| } |
| uint32_t dwFlags = action.GetFlags(); |
| std::vector<CPDF_FormField*> fields = |
| GetFieldFromObjects(action.GetAllFields()); |
| m_pInteractiveForm->ResetForm(fields, !(dwFlags & 0x01), |
| NotificationOption::kNotify); |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<CPDF_FormField*> CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::GetFieldFromObjects( |
| const std::vector<const CPDF_Object*>& objects) const { |
| std::vector<CPDF_FormField*> fields; |
| for (const CPDF_Object* pObject : objects) { |
| if (!pObject || !pObject->IsString()) |
| continue; |
| |
| WideString csName = pObject->GetUnicodeText(); |
| CPDF_FormField* pField = m_pInteractiveForm->GetField(0, csName); |
| if (pField) |
| fields.push_back(pField); |
| } |
| return fields; |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::BeforeValueChange(CPDF_FormField* pField, |
| const WideString& csValue) { |
| FormFieldType fieldType = pField->GetFieldType(); |
| if (!IsFormFieldTypeComboOrText(fieldType)) |
| return true; |
| if (!OnKeyStrokeCommit(pField, csValue)) |
| return false; |
| return OnValidate(pField, csValue); |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::AfterValueChange(CPDF_FormField* pField) { |
| #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| SynchronizeField(pField); |
| #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| |
| FormFieldType fieldType = pField->GetFieldType(); |
| if (!IsFormFieldTypeComboOrText(fieldType)) |
| return; |
| |
| OnCalculate(pField); |
| ResetFieldAppearance(pField, OnFormat(pField)); |
| UpdateField(pField); |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::BeforeSelectionChange(CPDF_FormField* pField, |
| const WideString& csValue) { |
| if (pField->GetFieldType() != FormFieldType::kListBox) |
| return true; |
| if (!OnKeyStrokeCommit(pField, csValue)) |
| return false; |
| return OnValidate(pField, csValue); |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::AfterSelectionChange(CPDF_FormField* pField) { |
| if (pField->GetFieldType() != FormFieldType::kListBox) |
| return; |
| |
| OnCalculate(pField); |
| ResetFieldAppearance(pField, pdfium::nullopt); |
| UpdateField(pField); |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::AfterCheckedStatusChange(CPDF_FormField* pField) { |
| FormFieldType fieldType = pField->GetFieldType(); |
| if (fieldType != FormFieldType::kCheckBox && |
| fieldType != FormFieldType::kRadioButton) |
| return; |
| |
| OnCalculate(pField); |
| UpdateField(pField); |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::AfterFormReset(CPDF_InteractiveForm* pForm) { |
| OnCalculate(nullptr); |
| } |
| |
| bool CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::IsNeedHighLight(FormFieldType fieldType) const { |
| if (fieldType == FormFieldType::kUnknown) |
| return false; |
| |
| #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| // For the XFA fields, we need to return if the specific field type has |
| // highlight enabled or if the general XFA field type has it enabled. |
| if (IsFormFieldTypeXFA(fieldType)) { |
| if (!m_NeedsHighlight[static_cast<size_t>(fieldType)]) |
| return m_NeedsHighlight[static_cast<size_t>(FormFieldType::kXFA)]; |
| } |
| #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| return m_NeedsHighlight[static_cast<size_t>(fieldType)]; |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::RemoveAllHighLights() { |
| std::fill(m_HighlightColor, m_HighlightColor + kFormFieldTypeCount, |
| kWhiteBGR); |
| std::fill(m_NeedsHighlight, m_NeedsHighlight + kFormFieldTypeCount, false); |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::SetHighlightColor(FX_COLORREF clr, |
| FormFieldType fieldType) { |
| if (fieldType == FormFieldType::kUnknown) |
| return; |
| |
| m_HighlightColor[static_cast<size_t>(fieldType)] = clr; |
| m_NeedsHighlight[static_cast<size_t>(fieldType)] = true; |
| } |
| |
| void CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::SetAllHighlightColors(FX_COLORREF clr) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < kFormFieldTypeCount; ++i) { |
| m_HighlightColor[i] = clr; |
| m_NeedsHighlight[i] = true; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| FX_COLORREF CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm::GetHighlightColor( |
| FormFieldType fieldType) { |
| if (fieldType == FormFieldType::kUnknown) |
| return kWhiteBGR; |
| |
| #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| // For the XFA fields, we need to return the specific field type highlight |
| // colour or the general XFA field type colour if present. |
| if (IsFormFieldTypeXFA(fieldType)) { |
| if (!m_NeedsHighlight[static_cast<size_t>(fieldType)] && |
| m_NeedsHighlight[static_cast<size_t>(FormFieldType::kXFA)]) { |
| return m_HighlightColor[static_cast<size_t>(FormFieldType::kXFA)]; |
| } |
| } |
| #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| return m_HighlightColor[static_cast<size_t>(fieldType)]; |
| } |