blob: 4ca78ac4c4869bbf09489a7b2cc2d20d4c182538 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <math.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/compiler_specific.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
// Unit test covering cases where PDFium replaces well-known library
// functionality on any given platformn.
namespace {
const char kSentinel = 0x7f;
void Check32BitBase16Itoa(int32_t input, const char* expected_output) {
const size_t kBufLen = 11; // "-" + 8 digits + NUL + sentinel.
char buf[kBufLen];
buf[kBufLen - 1] = kSentinel;
FXSYS_itoa(input, buf, 16);
EXPECT_STREQ(expected_output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(kSentinel, buf[kBufLen - 1]);
void Check32BitBase10Itoa(int32_t input, const char* expected_output) {
const size_t kBufLen = 13; // "-" + 10 digits + NUL + sentinel.
char buf[kBufLen];
buf[kBufLen - 1] = kSentinel;
FXSYS_itoa(input, buf, 10);
EXPECT_STREQ(expected_output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(kSentinel, buf[kBufLen - 1]);
void Check32BitBase2Itoa(int32_t input, const char* expected_output) {
const size_t kBufLen = 35; // "-" + 32 digits + NUL + sentinel.
char buf[kBufLen];
buf[kBufLen - 1] = kSentinel;
FXSYS_itoa(input, buf, 2);
EXPECT_STREQ(expected_output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(kSentinel, buf[kBufLen - 1]);
void Check64BitBase16Itoa(int64_t input, const char* expected_output) {
const size_t kBufLen = 19; // "-" + 16 digits + NUL + sentinel.
char buf[kBufLen];
buf[kBufLen - 1] = kSentinel;
FXSYS_i64toa(input, buf, 16);
EXPECT_STREQ(expected_output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(kSentinel, buf[kBufLen - 1]);
void Check64BitBase10Itoa(int64_t input, const char* expected_output) {
const size_t kBufLen = 22; // "-" + 19 digits + NUL + sentinel.
char buf[kBufLen];
buf[kBufLen - 1] = kSentinel;
FXSYS_i64toa(input, buf, 10);
EXPECT_STREQ(expected_output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(kSentinel, buf[kBufLen - 1]);
void Check64BitBase2Itoa(int64_t input, const char* expected_output) {
const size_t kBufLen = 67; // "-" + 64 digits + NUL + sentinel.
char buf[kBufLen];
buf[kBufLen - 1] = kSentinel;
FXSYS_i64toa(input, buf, 2);
EXPECT_STREQ(expected_output, buf);
EXPECT_EQ(kSentinel, buf[kBufLen - 1]);
} // namespace
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_roundf) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_roundf(0.0f));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_roundf(-0.0f));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_roundf(0.00001f));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_roundf(-0.00001f));
EXPECT_EQ(3, FXSYS_roundf(3.14159f));
EXPECT_EQ(4, FXSYS_roundf(3.5f));
// Check for smallest non-zero float values.
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_roundf(std::numeric_limits<float>::min()));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_roundf(-std::numeric_limits<float>::min()));
// Function is a wrapper around standard C library function round(), so
// returns the integral value that is nearest to x, with halfway cases
// rounded away from zero.
EXPECT_EQ(-3, FXSYS_roundf(-3.14159f));
EXPECT_EQ(-4, FXSYS_roundf(-3.5f));
// Positive rounding stops at maximum int.
// MAX_INT=0x7FFFFFFF=2147483647=2.147483647e+9
// In IEEE-754 format, 2^31 yields exponent of 0x9E with mantissa of all
// zeroes which is 0x4f000000=2.14748365e+9, which is beyond max integer.
// Going to next smallest float by minus one from exponent and mantissa of
// all ones yields binary float representation of 0x4EFFFFFF=2.14748352e+9,
// which is 2147483520.
EXPECT_EQ(2147483520, FXSYS_roundf(2.14748352e+9f));
// Using a slightly larger value, expect to see it be capped at MAX_INT.
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_roundf(2.14748365e+9f));
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_roundf(2.14748365e+10f));
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_roundf(std::numeric_limits<float>::max()));
// Negative rounding stops at minimum int.
// MIN_INT=0x80000000=-2147483648,=-2.147483648e+9
// In IEEE-754 format, 2^31 yields exponent of 0x9E with mantissa of all
// zeroes which is 0x4f000000=2.14748365e+9, and the sign bit set, which
// is 0xCF000000 and exactly matches the minimum integer. Going to next
// smallest negative float by minus one from exponent and mantissa of all
// ones yields binary float representation of 0xCEFFFFFF=-2.14748352e+9,
// which is -2147483520.
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483648, FXSYS_roundf(-2.147483648e+10f));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483648, FXSYS_roundf(-2.147483648e+9f));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483520, FXSYS_roundf(-2.14748352e+9f));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483648, FXSYS_roundf(-std::numeric_limits<float>::max()));
// NaN should give zero.
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_roundf(NAN));
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_round) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_round(0.0));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_round(-0.0));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_round(0.00001));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_round(-0.00001));
EXPECT_EQ(3, FXSYS_round(3.14159));
EXPECT_EQ(4, FXSYS_round(3.5));
// Check for smallest non-zero double values.
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_round(std::numeric_limits<double>::min()));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_round(-std::numeric_limits<double>::min()));
// Function is a wrapper around standard C library function round(), so
// returns the integral value that is nearest to x, with halfway cases
// rounded away from zero.
EXPECT_EQ(-3, FXSYS_round(-3.14159));
EXPECT_EQ(-4, FXSYS_round(-3.5));
// Positive rounding stops at maximum int.
// MAX_INT=0x7FFFFFFF=2147483647=2.147483647e+9
// In IEEE-754 double precision format, 2^31 yields exponent of 0x41E with
// mantissa of all zeroes which is 0x41E0000000000000=2.14748365e+9, which
// is beyond max integer.
// Going to next smallest float by minus one from exponent and mantissa of
// all ones yields binary float representation of
// 41DFFFFFFFC00000=2.147483647e+9, which matches the max integer.
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_round(2.147483647e+9));
// Using a slightly larger value, expect to see it be capped at MAX_INT.
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_round(2.14748365e+9));
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_round(2.14748365e+10));
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_round(std::numeric_limits<double>::max()));
// Negative rounding stops at minimum int.
// MIN_INT=0x80000000=-2147483648,=-2.147483648e+9
// In IEEE-754 double precision format, 2^31 yields exponent of 0x41E with
// mantissa of all zeroes which is 0x41E0000000000000=2.14748365e+9, and the
// sign bit set, which is 0xC1E0000000000000 and exactly matches the minimum
// integer. Going to next smallest negative double by minus one from
// exponent and mantissa of all ones yields binary float representation of
// 0xC1DFFFFFFFFFFFFF=-2.1474836479999998e+9, which is -2147483648.
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483648, FXSYS_round(-2.1474836479999998e+9));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483648, FXSYS_round(-2.147483648e+9));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483648, FXSYS_round(-2.147483648e+10));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483648, FXSYS_round(-std::numeric_limits<double>::max()));
// NaN should give zero.
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_itoa_InvalidRadix) {
char buf[32];
FXSYS_itoa(42, buf, 17); // Ours stops at 16.
EXPECT_STREQ("", buf);
FXSYS_itoa(42, buf, 1);
EXPECT_STREQ("", buf);
FXSYS_itoa(42, buf, 0);
EXPECT_STREQ("", buf);
FXSYS_itoa(42, buf, -1);
EXPECT_STREQ("", buf);
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_itoa) {
Check32BitBase16Itoa(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), "-80000000");
Check32BitBase10Itoa(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(), "-2147483648");
Check32BitBase16Itoa(-1, "-1");
Check32BitBase10Itoa(-1, "-1");
Check32BitBase2Itoa(-1, "-1");
Check32BitBase16Itoa(0, "0");
Check32BitBase10Itoa(0, "0");
Check32BitBase2Itoa(0, "0");
Check32BitBase16Itoa(42, "2a");
Check32BitBase10Itoa(42, "42");
Check32BitBase2Itoa(42, "101010");
Check32BitBase16Itoa(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), "7fffffff");
Check32BitBase10Itoa(std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), "2147483647");
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_i64toa_InvalidRadix) {
char buf[32];
FXSYS_i64toa(42, buf, 17); // Ours stops at 16.
EXPECT_STREQ("", buf);
FXSYS_i64toa(42, buf, 1);
EXPECT_STREQ("", buf);
FXSYS_i64toa(42, buf, 0);
EXPECT_STREQ("", buf);
FXSYS_i64toa(42, buf, -1);
EXPECT_STREQ("", buf);
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_i64toa) {
Check64BitBase16Itoa(-1, "-1");
Check64BitBase10Itoa(-1, "-1");
Check64BitBase2Itoa(-1, "-1");
Check64BitBase16Itoa(0, "0");
Check64BitBase10Itoa(0, "0");
Check64BitBase2Itoa(0, "0");
Check64BitBase16Itoa(42, "2a");
Check64BitBase10Itoa(42, "42");
Check64BitBase2Itoa(42, "101010");
Check64BitBase16Itoa(std::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max(), "7fffffffffffffff");
#endif // !BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN)
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_wcsftime) {
struct tm good_time = {};
good_time.tm_year = 74; // 1900-based.
good_time.tm_mon = 7; // 0-based.
good_time.tm_mday = 9; // 1-based.
good_time.tm_hour = 11;
good_time.tm_min = 59;
good_time.tm_sec = 59;
wchar_t buf[100] = {};
EXPECT_EQ(19u, UNSAFE_TODO(FXSYS_wcsftime(buf, std::size(buf),
L"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &good_time)));
EXPECT_STREQ(L"1974-08-09T11:59:59", buf);
// Ensure wcsftime handles a wide range of years without crashing.
struct tm year_time = {};
year_time.tm_mon = 7; // 0-based.
year_time.tm_mday = 9; // 1-based.
year_time.tm_hour = 11;
year_time.tm_min = 59;
year_time.tm_sec = 59;
for (int year = -2500; year <= 8500; ++year) {
year_time.tm_year = year;
wchar_t year_buf[100] = {};
UNSAFE_TODO(FXSYS_wcsftime(year_buf, std::size(year_buf),
L"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &year_time));
// Ensure wcsftime handles bad years, etc. without crashing.
struct tm bad_time = {};
bad_time.tm_year = -1;
bad_time.tm_mon = -1;
bad_time.tm_mday = -1;
bad_time.tm_hour = -1;
bad_time.tm_min = -1;
bad_time.tm_sec = -1;
FXSYS_wcsftime(buf, std::size(buf), L"%y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &bad_time));
// Ensure wcsftime handles bad-ish day without crashing (Feb 30).
struct tm feb_time = {};
feb_time.tm_year = 115; // 1900-based.
feb_time.tm_mon = 1; // 0-based.
feb_time.tm_mday = 30; // 1-based.
feb_time.tm_hour = 12;
feb_time.tm_min = 00;
feb_time.tm_sec = 00;
FXSYS_wcsftime(buf, std::size(buf), L"%y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", &feb_time));
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_atoi) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_atoi(""));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_atoi("0"));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, FXSYS_atoi("-1"));
EXPECT_EQ(2345, FXSYS_atoi("2345"));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483647, FXSYS_atoi("-2147483647"));
// Handle the sign.
EXPECT_EQ(-2345, FXSYS_atoi("-2345"));
EXPECT_EQ(2345, FXSYS_atoi("+2345"));
// The max value.
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_atoi("2147483647"));
// The min value. Written in -1 format to avoid "unary minus operator applied
// to unsigned type" warning.
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483647 - 1, FXSYS_atoi("-2147483648"));
// With invalid char.
EXPECT_EQ(9, FXSYS_atoi("9x9"));
// Out of range values.
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_atoi("2147483623423412348"));
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_atoi("2147483648"));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483647 - 1, FXSYS_atoi("-2147483650"));
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_atoi64) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_atoi64(""));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_atoi64("0"));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, FXSYS_atoi64("-1"));
EXPECT_EQ(2345, FXSYS_atoi64("2345"));
EXPECT_EQ(-9223372036854775807LL, FXSYS_atoi64("-9223372036854775807"));
// Handle the sign.
EXPECT_EQ(-2345, FXSYS_atoi64("-2345"));
EXPECT_EQ(2345, FXSYS_atoi64("+2345"));
// The max value.
EXPECT_EQ(9223372036854775807LL, FXSYS_atoi64("9223372036854775807"));
// The min value. Written in -1 format to avoid implicit unsigned warning.
EXPECT_EQ(-9223372036854775807LL - 1LL, FXSYS_atoi64("-9223372036854775808"));
// With invalid char.
EXPECT_EQ(9, FXSYS_atoi64("9x9"));
// Out of range values.
EXPECT_EQ(9223372036854775807LL, FXSYS_atoi64("922337203685471234123475807"));
EXPECT_EQ(9223372036854775807LL, FXSYS_atoi64("9223372036854775808"));
EXPECT_EQ(-9223372036854775807LL - 1LL, FXSYS_atoi64("-9223372036854775810"));
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_wtoi) {
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_wtoi(L""));
EXPECT_EQ(0, FXSYS_wtoi(L"0"));
EXPECT_EQ(-1, FXSYS_wtoi(L"-1"));
EXPECT_EQ(2345, FXSYS_wtoi(L"2345"));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483647, FXSYS_wtoi(L"-2147483647"));
// The max value.
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_wtoi(L"2147483647"));
// The min value.
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483647 - 1, FXSYS_wtoi(L"-2147483648"));
// Out of range values.
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_wtoi(L"2147483623423412348"));
EXPECT_EQ(2147483647, FXSYS_wtoi(L"2147483648"));
EXPECT_EQ(-2147483647 - 1, FXSYS_wtoi(L"-2147483652"));
TEST(fxcrt, FXSYS_atoui) {
EXPECT_EQ(0u, FXSYS_atoui(""));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, FXSYS_atoui("0"));
EXPECT_EQ(4294967295, FXSYS_atoui("-1"));
EXPECT_EQ(2345u, FXSYS_atoui("2345"));
// Handle the sign.
EXPECT_EQ(4294964951, FXSYS_atoui("-2345"));
EXPECT_EQ(2345u, FXSYS_atoui("+2345"));
// The max value.
EXPECT_EQ(4294967295, FXSYS_atoui("4294967295"));
EXPECT_EQ(9u, FXSYS_atoui("9x9"));
// Out of range values.
EXPECT_EQ(4294967295, FXSYS_atoui("2147483623423412348"));
EXPECT_EQ(4294967295, FXSYS_atoui("4294967296"));
EXPECT_EQ(4294967295, FXSYS_atoui("-4294967345"));