blob: 6022434e5bc79f1b681d5e4a87dd5d943d0bc7ee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxcrt/retain_ptr.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/unowned_ptr.h"
#include "public/fpdfview.h"
#include "xfa/fxfa/cxfa_ffdoc.h"
class CFX_XMLDocument;
class CPDFXFA_Context;
class IJS_Runtime;
class CPDFXFA_DocEnvironment final : public CXFA_FFDoc::CallbackIface {
explicit CPDFXFA_DocEnvironment(CPDFXFA_Context*);
~CPDFXFA_DocEnvironment() override;
// CFXA_FFDoc::CallbackIface:
void SetChangeMark(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc) override;
void InvalidateRect(CXFA_FFPageView* pPageView, const CFX_RectF& rt) override;
void DisplayCaret(CXFA_FFWidget* hWidget,
bool bVisible,
const CFX_RectF* pRtAnchor) override;
bool GetPopupPos(CXFA_FFWidget* hWidget,
float fMinPopup,
float fMaxPopup,
const CFX_RectF& rtAnchor,
CFX_RectF* pPopupRect) override;
bool PopupMenu(CXFA_FFWidget* hWidget, const CFX_PointF& ptPopup) override;
void OnPageViewEvent(CXFA_FFPageView* pPageView,
CXFA_FFDoc::PageViewEvent eEvent) override;
void WidgetPostAdd(CXFA_FFWidget* hWidget) override;
void WidgetPreRemove(CXFA_FFWidget* hWidget) override;
int32_t CountPages(const CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc) const override;
int32_t GetCurrentPage(const CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc) const override;
void SetCurrentPage(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, int32_t iCurPage) override;
bool IsCalculationsEnabled(const CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc) const override;
void SetCalculationsEnabled(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, bool bEnabled) override;
WideString GetTitle(const CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc) const override;
void SetTitle(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, const WideString& wsTitle) override;
void ExportData(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc,
const WideString& wsFilePath,
bool bXDP) override;
void GotoURL(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, const WideString& bsURL) override;
bool IsValidationsEnabled(const CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc) const override;
void SetValidationsEnabled(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, bool bEnabled) override;
void SetFocusWidget(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, CXFA_FFWidget* hWidget) override;
void Print(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc,
int32_t nStartPage,
int32_t nEndPage,
Mask<XFA_PrintOpt> dwOptions) override;
FX_ARGB GetHighlightColor(const CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc) const override;
IJS_Runtime* GetIJSRuntime(const CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc) const override;
CFX_XMLDocument* GetXMLDoc() const override;
RetainPtr<IFX_SeekableReadStream> OpenLinkedFile(
CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc,
const WideString& wsLink) override;
bool Submit(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, CXFA_Submit* submit) override;
bool MailToInfo(WideString& csURL,
WideString& csToAddress,
WideString& csCCAddress,
WideString& csBCCAddress,
WideString& csSubject,
WideString& csMsg);
bool ExportSubmitFile(FPDF_FILEHANDLER* ppFileHandler,
int fileType,
FPDF_DWORD encodeType,
void ToXFAContentFlags(WideString csSrcContent, FPDF_DWORD& flag);
bool OnBeforeNotifySubmit();
void OnAfterNotifySubmit();
bool SubmitInternal(CXFA_FFDoc* hDoc, CXFA_Submit* submit);
UnownedPtr<CPDFXFA_Context> const m_pContext;