blob: bc958dd22a7e15e09fded74bd9a5cc4623195d3f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_memory.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_safe_types.h"
#error "File compiled under wrong build option."
namespace pdfium {
namespace internal {
// Slightly less than 2GB, typically.
constexpr size_t kMallocSizeLimit = std::numeric_limits<int>::max() - (1 << 12);
void* Alloc(size_t num_members, size_t member_size) {
FX_SAFE_SIZE_T total = member_size;
total *= num_members;
if (!total.IsValid() || total.ValueOrDie() >= kMallocSizeLimit)
return nullptr;
return malloc(total.ValueOrDie());
void* Calloc(size_t num_members, size_t member_size) {
FX_SAFE_SIZE_T total = member_size;
total *= num_members;
if (!total.IsValid() || total.ValueOrDie() >= kMallocSizeLimit)
return nullptr;
return calloc(num_members, member_size);
void* Realloc(void* ptr, size_t num_members, size_t member_size) {
FX_SAFE_SIZE_T total = num_members;
total *= member_size;
if (!total.IsValid() || total.ValueOrDie() >= kMallocSizeLimit)
return nullptr;
return realloc(ptr, total.ValueOrDie());
void Dealloc(void* ptr) {
void* StringAlloc(size_t num_members, size_t member_size) {
FX_SAFE_SIZE_T total = member_size;
total *= num_members;
if (!total.IsValid())
return nullptr;
return malloc(total.ValueOrDie());
void StringDealloc(void* ptr) {
} // namespace internal
} // namespace pdfium
void FX_InitializeMemoryAllocators() {}
void FX_DestroyMemoryAllocators() {}
void* FX_ArrayBufferAllocate(size_t length) {
void* result = calloc(length, 1);
if (!result)
return result;
void* FX_ArrayBufferAllocateUninitialized(size_t length) {
void* result = malloc(length);
if (!result)
return result;
void FX_ArrayBufferFree(void* data) {