| // Copyright 2017 The PDFium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "core/fxcrt/span.h" |
| #include "fxjs/xfa/cjx_object.h" |
| #include "fxjs/xfa/jse_define.h" |
| |
| class CScript_LayoutPseudoModel; |
| class CXFA_LayoutProcessor; |
| class CXFA_Node; |
| |
| class CJX_LayoutPseudoModel final : public CJX_Object { |
| public: |
| ~CJX_LayoutPseudoModel() override; |
| |
| // CJX_Object: |
| bool DynamicTypeIs(TypeTag eType) const override; |
| |
| JSE_METHOD(absPage); |
| JSE_METHOD(absPageCount); |
| JSE_METHOD(absPageCountInBatch); |
| JSE_METHOD(absPageInBatch); |
| JSE_METHOD(absPageSpan); |
| JSE_METHOD(h); |
| JSE_METHOD(page); |
| JSE_METHOD(pageContent); |
| JSE_METHOD(pageCount); |
| JSE_METHOD(pageSpan); |
| JSE_METHOD(relayout); |
| JSE_METHOD(relayoutPageArea); |
| JSE_METHOD(sheet); |
| JSE_METHOD(sheetCount); |
| JSE_METHOD(sheetCountInBatch); |
| JSE_METHOD(sheetInBatch); |
| JSE_METHOD(w); |
| JSE_METHOD(x); |
| JSE_METHOD(y); |
| |
| JSE_PROP(ready); |
| |
| private: |
| enum class HWXY { kH, kW, kX, kY }; |
| |
| explicit CJX_LayoutPseudoModel(CScript_LayoutPseudoModel* model); |
| |
| using Type__ = CJX_LayoutPseudoModel; |
| using ParentType__ = CJX_Object; |
| |
| static const TypeTag static_type__ = TypeTag::LayoutPseudoModel; |
| static const CJX_MethodSpec MethodSpecs[]; |
| |
| CJS_Result AllPageCount(CFXJSE_Engine* runtime); |
| CJS_Result NumberedPageCount(CFXJSE_Engine* runtime); |
| CJS_Result DoHWXYInternal(CFXJSE_Engine* runtime, |
| pdfium::span<v8::Local<v8::Value>> params, |
| HWXY layoutModel); |
| std::vector<CXFA_Node*> GetObjArray(CXFA_LayoutProcessor* pDocLayout, |
| int32_t iPageNo, |
| const WideString& wsType, |
| bool bOnPageArea); |
| CJS_Result PageInternals(CFXJSE_Engine* runtime, |
| pdfium::span<v8::Local<v8::Value>> params, |
| bool bAbsPage); |
| }; |
| |