| // Copyright 2014 The PDFium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_edit.h" |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <utility> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/check.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/numerics/safe_conversions.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/text_char_pos.h" |
| #include "v8/include/cppgc/visitor.h" |
| #include "xfa/fde/cfde_textout.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_gefont.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/graphics/cfgas_gegraphics.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/graphics/cfgas_gepath.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_app.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_caret.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_event.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_eventtextwillchange.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_eventvalidate.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_messagekey.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_messagemouse.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themebackground.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_themepart.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/cfwl_widgetmgr.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/fwl_widgetdef.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/ifwl_themeprovider.h" |
| #include "xfa/fwl/theme/cfwl_utils.h" |
| |
| namespace pdfium { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| constexpr int kEditMargin = 3; |
| |
| constexpr XFA_FWL_KeyFlag kEditingModifier = XFA_FWL_KeyFlag::kCommand; |
| #else |
| constexpr XFA_FWL_KeyFlag kEditingModifier = XFA_FWL_KeyFlag::kCtrl; |
| #endif |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| CFWL_Edit::CFWL_Edit(CFWL_App* app, |
| const Properties& properties, |
| CFWL_Widget* pOuter) |
| : CFWL_Widget(app, properties, pOuter), |
| m_pEditEngine(std::make_unique<CFDE_TextEditEngine>()) { |
| m_pEditEngine->SetDelegate(this); |
| } |
| |
| CFWL_Edit::~CFWL_Edit() = default; |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::PreFinalize() { |
| m_pEditEngine->SetDelegate(nullptr); |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Focused) |
| HideCaret(nullptr); |
| CFWL_Widget::PreFinalize(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::Trace(cppgc::Visitor* visitor) const { |
| CFWL_Widget::Trace(visitor); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pVertScrollBar); |
| visitor->Trace(m_pCaret); |
| } |
| |
| FWL_Type CFWL_Edit::GetClassID() const { |
| return FWL_Type::Edit; |
| } |
| |
| CFX_RectF CFWL_Edit::GetWidgetRect() { |
| CFX_RectF rect = m_WidgetRect; |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_OuterScrollbar) { |
| float scrollbarWidth = GetThemeProvider()->GetScrollBarWidth(); |
| if (IsShowVertScrollBar()) { |
| rect.width += scrollbarWidth; |
| rect.width += kEditMargin; |
| } |
| } |
| return rect; |
| } |
| |
| CFX_RectF CFWL_Edit::GetAutosizedWidgetRect() { |
| CFX_RectF rect; |
| if (m_pEditEngine->GetLength() > 0) { |
| CFX_SizeF size = CalcTextSize( |
| m_pEditEngine->GetText(), |
| !!(m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_MultiLine)); |
| rect = CFX_RectF(0, 0, size); |
| } |
| InflateWidgetRect(rect); |
| return rect; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::SetStates(uint32_t dwStates) { |
| if ((m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Invisible) || |
| (m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Disabled)) { |
| HideCaret(nullptr); |
| } |
| CFWL_Widget::SetStates(dwStates); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::Update() { |
| if (IsLocked()) |
| return; |
| |
| Layout(); |
| if (m_ClientRect.IsEmpty()) |
| return; |
| |
| UpdateEditEngine(); |
| UpdateVAlignment(); |
| UpdateScroll(); |
| InitCaret(); |
| } |
| |
| FWL_WidgetHit CFWL_Edit::HitTest(const CFX_PointF& point) { |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_OuterScrollbar) { |
| if (IsShowVertScrollBar()) { |
| if (m_pVertScrollBar->GetWidgetRect().Contains(point)) |
| return FWL_WidgetHit::VScrollBar; |
| } |
| } |
| if (m_ClientRect.Contains(point)) |
| return FWL_WidgetHit::Edit; |
| return FWL_WidgetHit::Unknown; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::DrawWidget(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| if (!pGraphics) |
| return; |
| |
| if (m_ClientRect.IsEmpty()) |
| return; |
| |
| DrawContent(pGraphics, matrix); |
| if (HasBorder()) |
| DrawBorder(pGraphics, CFWL_ThemePart::Part::kBorder, matrix); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::SetText(const WideString& wsText) { |
| m_pEditEngine->Clear(); |
| m_pEditEngine->Insert(0, wsText, |
| CFDE_TextEditEngine::RecordOperation::kInsertRecord); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::SetTextSkipNotify(const WideString& wsText) { |
| m_pEditEngine->Clear(); |
| m_pEditEngine->Insert(0, wsText, |
| CFDE_TextEditEngine::RecordOperation::kSkipNotify); |
| } |
| |
| size_t CFWL_Edit::GetTextLength() const { |
| return m_pEditEngine->GetLength(); |
| } |
| |
| WideString CFWL_Edit::GetText() const { |
| return m_pEditEngine->GetText(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::ClearText() { |
| m_pEditEngine->Clear(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::SelectAll() { |
| m_pEditEngine->SelectAll(); |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::HasSelection() const { |
| return m_pEditEngine->HasSelection(); |
| } |
| |
| std::pair<size_t, size_t> CFWL_Edit::GetSelection() const { |
| return m_pEditEngine->GetSelection(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::ClearSelection() { |
| return m_pEditEngine->ClearSelection(); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t CFWL_Edit::GetLimit() const { |
| return m_nLimit; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::SetLimit(int32_t nLimit) { |
| m_nLimit = nLimit; |
| |
| if (m_nLimit > 0) { |
| m_pEditEngine->SetHasCharacterLimit(true); |
| m_pEditEngine->SetCharacterLimit(nLimit); |
| } else { |
| m_pEditEngine->SetHasCharacterLimit(false); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::SetAliasChar(wchar_t wAlias) { |
| m_pEditEngine->SetAliasChar(wAlias); |
| } |
| |
| std::optional<WideString> CFWL_Edit::Copy() { |
| if (!m_pEditEngine->HasSelection()) |
| return std::nullopt; |
| |
| return m_pEditEngine->GetSelectedText(); |
| } |
| |
| std::optional<WideString> CFWL_Edit::Cut() { |
| if (!m_pEditEngine->HasSelection()) |
| return std::nullopt; |
| |
| WideString cut_text = m_pEditEngine->DeleteSelectedText(); |
| UpdateCaret(); |
| return cut_text; |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::Paste(const WideString& wsPaste) { |
| if (m_pEditEngine->HasSelection()) |
| m_pEditEngine->ReplaceSelectedText(wsPaste); |
| else |
| m_pEditEngine->Insert(m_CursorPosition, wsPaste); |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::Undo() { |
| return CanUndo() && m_pEditEngine->Undo(); |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::Redo() { |
| return CanRedo() && m_pEditEngine->Redo(); |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::CanUndo() { |
| return m_pEditEngine->CanUndo(); |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::CanRedo() { |
| return m_pEditEngine->CanRedo(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::NotifyTextFull() { |
| CFWL_Event evt(CFWL_Event::Type::TextFull, this); |
| DispatchEvent(&evt); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnCaretChanged() { |
| if (m_EngineRect.IsEmpty()) |
| return; |
| if ((m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Focused) == 0) |
| return; |
| |
| bool bRepaintContent = UpdateOffset(); |
| UpdateCaret(); |
| CFX_RectF rtInvalid; |
| bool bRepaintScroll = false; |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_MultiLine) { |
| CFWL_ScrollBar* pScroll = UpdateScroll(); |
| if (pScroll) { |
| rtInvalid = pScroll->GetWidgetRect(); |
| bRepaintScroll = true; |
| } |
| } |
| if (bRepaintContent || bRepaintScroll) { |
| if (bRepaintContent) |
| rtInvalid.Union(m_EngineRect); |
| RepaintRect(rtInvalid); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnTextWillChange(CFDE_TextEditEngine::TextChange* change) { |
| CFWL_EventTextWillChange event(this, change->text, change->previous_text, |
| change->selection_start, |
| change->selection_end); |
| DispatchEvent(&event); |
| |
| change->text = event.GetChangeText(); |
| change->selection_start = event.GetSelectionStart(); |
| change->selection_end = event.GetSelectionEnd(); |
| change->cancelled = event.GetCancelled(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnTextChanged() { |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VAlignMask) |
| UpdateVAlignment(); |
| |
| LayoutScrollBar(); |
| RepaintRect(GetClientRect()); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnSelChanged() { |
| RepaintRect(GetClientRect()); |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::OnValidate(const WideString& wsText) { |
| CFWL_EventValidate event(this, wsText); |
| DispatchEvent(&event); |
| return event.GetValidate(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::SetScrollOffset(float fScrollOffset) { |
| m_fScrollOffsetY = fScrollOffset; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::DrawContent(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_Matrix& mtMatrix) { |
| DrawContentNonComb(pGraphics, mtMatrix); |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_CombText) { |
| CFGAS_GEGraphics::StateRestorer restorer(pGraphics); |
| CFGAS_GEPath path; |
| const int32_t iLimit = m_nLimit > 0 ? m_nLimit : 1; |
| const float fStep = m_EngineRect.width / iLimit; |
| float fLeft = m_EngineRect.left + 1; |
| for (int32_t i = 1; i < iLimit; i++) { |
| fLeft += fStep; |
| path.AddLine(CFX_PointF(fLeft, m_ClientRect.top), |
| CFX_PointF(fLeft, m_ClientRect.bottom())); |
| } |
| CFWL_ThemeBackground param(CFWL_ThemePart::Part::kCombTextLine, this, |
| pGraphics); |
| param.m_matrix = mtMatrix; |
| param.SetPath(&path); |
| GetThemeProvider()->DrawBackground(param); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::DrawContentNonComb(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_Matrix& mtMatrix) { |
| CFGAS_GEGraphics::StateRestorer restorer(pGraphics); |
| CFX_RectF rtClip = m_EngineRect; |
| float fOffSetX = m_EngineRect.left - m_fScrollOffsetX; |
| float fOffSetY = m_EngineRect.top - m_fScrollOffsetY + m_fVAlignOffset; |
| CFX_Matrix mt(1, 0, 0, 1, fOffSetX, fOffSetY); |
| rtClip = mtMatrix.TransformRect(rtClip); |
| mt.Concat(mtMatrix); |
| |
| bool bShowSel = !!(m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Focused); |
| if (bShowSel && m_pEditEngine->HasSelection()) { |
| auto [sel_start, count] = m_pEditEngine->GetSelection(); |
| std::vector<CFX_RectF> rects = m_pEditEngine->GetCharacterRectsInRange( |
| checked_cast<int32_t>(sel_start), checked_cast<int32_t>(count)); |
| |
| CFGAS_GEPath path; |
| for (auto& rect : rects) { |
| rect.left += fOffSetX; |
| rect.top += fOffSetY; |
| path.AddRectangle(rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height); |
| } |
| pGraphics->SetClipRect(rtClip); |
| |
| CFWL_ThemeBackground param(CFWL_ThemePart::Part::kBackground, this, |
| pGraphics); |
| param.m_matrix = mtMatrix; |
| param.SetPath(&path); |
| GetThemeProvider()->DrawBackground(param); |
| } |
| |
| CFX_RenderDevice* pRenderDev = pGraphics->GetRenderDevice(); |
| RenderText(pRenderDev, rtClip, mt); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::RenderText(CFX_RenderDevice* pRenderDev, |
| const CFX_RectF& clipRect, |
| const CFX_Matrix& mt) { |
| DCHECK(pRenderDev); |
| |
| RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> font = m_pEditEngine->GetFont(); |
| if (!font) |
| return; |
| |
| pRenderDev->SetClip_Rect(clipRect.GetOuterRect()); |
| |
| CFX_RectF rtDocClip = clipRect; |
| if (rtDocClip.IsEmpty()) { |
| rtDocClip.left = 0; |
| rtDocClip.top = 0; |
| rtDocClip.width = static_cast<float>(pRenderDev->GetWidth()); |
| rtDocClip.height = static_cast<float>(pRenderDev->GetHeight()); |
| } |
| rtDocClip = mt.GetInverse().TransformRect(rtDocClip); |
| |
| for (const FDE_TEXTEDITPIECE& info : m_pEditEngine->GetTextPieces()) { |
| // If this character is outside the clip, skip it. |
| if (!rtDocClip.IntersectWith(info.rtPiece)) |
| continue; |
| |
| std::vector<TextCharPos> char_pos = m_pEditEngine->GetDisplayPos(info); |
| if (char_pos.empty()) |
| continue; |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::DrawString(pRenderDev, m_pEditEngine->GetFontColor(), font, |
| char_pos, m_pEditEngine->GetFontSize(), mt); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::UpdateEditEngine() { |
| UpdateEditParams(); |
| UpdateEditLayout(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::UpdateEditParams() { |
| m_pEditEngine->SetAvailableWidth(m_EngineRect.width); |
| m_pEditEngine->SetCombText( |
| !!(m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_CombText)); |
| |
| m_pEditEngine->EnableValidation( |
| !!(m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_Validate)); |
| m_pEditEngine->EnablePasswordMode( |
| !!(m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_Password)); |
| |
| uint32_t alignment = 0; |
| switch (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HAlignMask) { |
| case FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HNear: { |
| alignment |= CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Left; |
| break; |
| } |
| case FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HCenter: { |
| alignment |= CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Center; |
| break; |
| } |
| case FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HFar: { |
| alignment |= CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Right; |
| break; |
| } |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| switch (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_HAlignModeMask) { |
| case FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_Justified: { |
| alignment |= CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Justified; |
| break; |
| } |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| m_pEditEngine->SetAlignment(alignment); |
| |
| bool auto_hscroll = |
| !!(m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_AutoHScroll); |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_MultiLine) { |
| m_pEditEngine->EnableMultiLine(true); |
| m_pEditEngine->EnableLineWrap(!auto_hscroll); |
| m_pEditEngine->LimitVerticalScroll( |
| (m_Properties.m_dwStyles & FWL_STYLE_WGT_VScroll) == 0 && |
| (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_AutoVScroll) == 0); |
| } else { |
| m_pEditEngine->EnableMultiLine(false); |
| m_pEditEngine->EnableLineWrap(false); |
| m_pEditEngine->LimitVerticalScroll(false); |
| } |
| m_pEditEngine->LimitHorizontalScroll(!auto_hscroll); |
| |
| IFWL_ThemeProvider* theme = GetThemeProvider(); |
| CFWL_ThemePart part(CFWL_ThemePart::Part::kNone, this); |
| m_fFontSize = theme->GetFontSize(part); |
| |
| RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> pFont = theme->GetFont(part); |
| if (!pFont) |
| return; |
| |
| m_pEditEngine->SetFont(pFont); |
| m_pEditEngine->SetFontColor(theme->GetTextColor(part)); |
| m_pEditEngine->SetFontSize(m_fFontSize); |
| m_pEditEngine->SetLineSpace(theme->GetLineHeight(part)); |
| m_pEditEngine->SetTabWidth(m_fFontSize); |
| m_pEditEngine->SetVisibleLineCount(m_EngineRect.height / |
| theme->GetLineHeight(part)); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::UpdateEditLayout() { |
| m_pEditEngine->Layout(); |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::UpdateOffset() { |
| CFX_RectF rtCaret = m_CaretRect; |
| |
| float fOffSetX = m_EngineRect.left - m_fScrollOffsetX; |
| float fOffSetY = m_EngineRect.top - m_fScrollOffsetY + m_fVAlignOffset; |
| rtCaret.Offset(fOffSetX, fOffSetY); |
| |
| const CFX_RectF& edit_bounds = m_EngineRect; |
| if (edit_bounds.Contains(rtCaret)) { |
| CFX_RectF contents_bounds = m_pEditEngine->GetContentsBoundingBox(); |
| contents_bounds.Offset(fOffSetX, fOffSetY); |
| if (contents_bounds.right() < edit_bounds.right() && m_fScrollOffsetX > 0) { |
| m_fScrollOffsetX += contents_bounds.right() - edit_bounds.right(); |
| m_fScrollOffsetX = std::max(m_fScrollOffsetX, 0.0f); |
| } |
| if (contents_bounds.bottom() < edit_bounds.bottom() && |
| m_fScrollOffsetY > 0) { |
| m_fScrollOffsetY += contents_bounds.bottom() - edit_bounds.bottom(); |
| m_fScrollOffsetY = std::max(m_fScrollOffsetY, 0.0f); |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| float offsetX = 0.0; |
| float offsetY = 0.0; |
| if (rtCaret.left < edit_bounds.left) |
| offsetX = rtCaret.left - edit_bounds.left; |
| if (rtCaret.right() > edit_bounds.right()) |
| offsetX = rtCaret.right() - edit_bounds.right(); |
| if (rtCaret.top < edit_bounds.top) |
| offsetY = rtCaret.top - edit_bounds.top; |
| if (rtCaret.bottom() > edit_bounds.bottom()) |
| offsetY = rtCaret.bottom() - edit_bounds.bottom(); |
| |
| m_fScrollOffsetX += offsetX; |
| m_fScrollOffsetY += offsetY; |
| if (m_fFontSize > m_EngineRect.height) |
| m_fScrollOffsetY = 0; |
| |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::UpdateOffset(CFWL_ScrollBar* pScrollBar, float fPosChanged) { |
| m_fScrollOffsetY += fPosChanged; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::UpdateVAlignment() { |
| IFWL_ThemeProvider* theme = GetThemeProvider(); |
| CFWL_ThemePart part(CFWL_ThemePart::Part::kNone, this); |
| const CFX_SizeF pSpace = theme->GetSpaceAboveBelow(part); |
| const float fSpaceAbove = pSpace.width >= 0.1f ? pSpace.width : 0.0f; |
| const float fSpaceBelow = pSpace.height >= 0.1f ? pSpace.height : 0.0f; |
| float fOffsetY = 0.0f; |
| CFX_RectF contents_bounds = m_pEditEngine->GetContentsBoundingBox(); |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VCenter) { |
| fOffsetY = (m_EngineRect.height - contents_bounds.height) / 2.0f; |
| if (fOffsetY < (fSpaceAbove + fSpaceBelow) / 2.0f && |
| fSpaceAbove < fSpaceBelow) { |
| return; |
| } |
| fOffsetY += (fSpaceAbove - fSpaceBelow) / 2.0f; |
| } else if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_VFar) { |
| fOffsetY = (m_EngineRect.height - contents_bounds.height); |
| fOffsetY -= fSpaceBelow; |
| } else { |
| fOffsetY += fSpaceAbove; |
| } |
| m_fVAlignOffset = std::max(fOffsetY, 0.0f); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::UpdateCaret() { |
| CFX_RectF rtCaret = m_CaretRect; |
| rtCaret.Offset(m_EngineRect.left - m_fScrollOffsetX, |
| m_EngineRect.top - m_fScrollOffsetY + m_fVAlignOffset); |
| |
| CFX_RectF rtClient = GetClientRect(); |
| rtCaret.Intersect(rtClient); |
| if (rtCaret.left > rtClient.right()) { |
| float right = rtCaret.right(); |
| rtCaret.left = rtClient.right() - 1; |
| rtCaret.width = right - rtCaret.left; |
| } |
| |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Focused && !rtCaret.IsEmpty()) |
| ShowCaret(&rtCaret); |
| else |
| HideCaret(&rtCaret); |
| } |
| |
| CFWL_ScrollBar* CFWL_Edit::UpdateScroll() { |
| bool bShowVert = m_pVertScrollBar && m_pVertScrollBar->IsVisible(); |
| if (!bShowVert) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| CFX_RectF contents_bounds = m_pEditEngine->GetContentsBoundingBox(); |
| CFX_RectF rtScroll = m_pVertScrollBar->GetWidgetRect(); |
| if (rtScroll.height < contents_bounds.height) { |
| float fStep = m_pEditEngine->GetLineSpace(); |
| float fRange = |
| std::max(contents_bounds.height - m_EngineRect.height, fStep); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetRange(0.0f, fRange); |
| float fPos = std::clamp(m_fScrollOffsetY, 0.0f, fRange); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetPos(fPos); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetTrackPos(fPos); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetPageSize(rtScroll.height); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetStepSize(fStep); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->RemoveStates(FWL_STATE_WGT_Disabled); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->Update(); |
| return m_pVertScrollBar; |
| } |
| if ((m_pVertScrollBar->GetStates() & FWL_STATE_WGT_Disabled) == 0) { |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetRange(0, -1); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetStates(FWL_STATE_WGT_Disabled); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->Update(); |
| return m_pVertScrollBar; |
| } |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::IsShowVertScrollBar() const { |
| const bool bShow = |
| !(m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_ShowScrollbarFocus) || |
| (m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Focused); |
| return bShow && (m_Properties.m_dwStyles & FWL_STYLE_WGT_VScroll) && |
| (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_MultiLine) && |
| IsContentHeightOverflow(); |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::IsContentHeightOverflow() const { |
| return m_pEditEngine->GetContentsBoundingBox().height > |
| m_EngineRect.height + 1.0f; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::Layout() { |
| m_ClientRect = GetClientRect(); |
| m_EngineRect = m_ClientRect; |
| |
| IFWL_ThemeProvider* theme = GetThemeProvider(); |
| float fWidth = theme->GetScrollBarWidth(); |
| if (!GetOuter()) { |
| CFWL_ThemePart part(CFWL_ThemePart::Part::kNone, this); |
| CFX_RectF pUIMargin = theme->GetUIMargin(part); |
| m_EngineRect.Deflate(pUIMargin.left, pUIMargin.top, pUIMargin.width, |
| pUIMargin.height); |
| } else if (GetOuter()->GetClassID() == FWL_Type::DateTimePicker) { |
| CFWL_ThemePart part(CFWL_ThemePart::Part::kNone, GetOuter()); |
| CFX_RectF pUIMargin = theme->GetUIMargin(part); |
| m_EngineRect.Deflate(pUIMargin.left, pUIMargin.top, pUIMargin.width, |
| pUIMargin.height); |
| } |
| |
| bool bShowVertScrollbar = IsShowVertScrollBar(); |
| if (bShowVertScrollbar) { |
| InitVerticalScrollBar(); |
| |
| CFX_RectF rtVertScr; |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_OuterScrollbar) { |
| rtVertScr = CFX_RectF(m_ClientRect.right() + kEditMargin, |
| m_ClientRect.top, fWidth, m_ClientRect.height); |
| } else { |
| rtVertScr = CFX_RectF(m_ClientRect.right() - fWidth, m_ClientRect.top, |
| fWidth, m_ClientRect.height); |
| m_EngineRect.width -= fWidth; |
| } |
| |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetWidgetRect(rtVertScr); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->RemoveStates(FWL_STATE_WGT_Invisible); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->Update(); |
| } else if (m_pVertScrollBar) { |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetStates(FWL_STATE_WGT_Invisible); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::LayoutScrollBar() { |
| if (!(m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_ShowScrollbarFocus)) |
| return; |
| |
| bool bShowVertScrollbar = IsShowVertScrollBar(); |
| IFWL_ThemeProvider* theme = GetThemeProvider(); |
| float fWidth = theme->GetScrollBarWidth(); |
| if (bShowVertScrollbar) { |
| if (!m_pVertScrollBar) { |
| InitVerticalScrollBar(); |
| CFX_RectF rtVertScr; |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_OuterScrollbar) { |
| rtVertScr = CFX_RectF(m_ClientRect.right() + kEditMargin, |
| m_ClientRect.top, fWidth, m_ClientRect.height); |
| } else { |
| rtVertScr = CFX_RectF(m_ClientRect.right() - fWidth, m_ClientRect.top, |
| fWidth, m_ClientRect.height); |
| } |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetWidgetRect(rtVertScr); |
| m_pVertScrollBar->Update(); |
| } |
| m_pVertScrollBar->RemoveStates(FWL_STATE_WGT_Invisible); |
| } else if (m_pVertScrollBar) { |
| m_pVertScrollBar->SetStates(FWL_STATE_WGT_Invisible); |
| } |
| if (bShowVertScrollbar) |
| UpdateScroll(); |
| } |
| |
| CFX_PointF CFWL_Edit::DeviceToEngine(const CFX_PointF& pt) { |
| return pt + CFX_PointF(m_fScrollOffsetX - m_EngineRect.left, |
| m_fScrollOffsetY - m_EngineRect.top - m_fVAlignOffset); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::InitVerticalScrollBar() { |
| if (m_pVertScrollBar) |
| return; |
| |
| m_pVertScrollBar = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_ScrollBar>( |
| GetFWLApp()->GetHeap()->GetAllocationHandle(), GetFWLApp(), |
| Properties{0, FWL_STYLEEXT_SCB_Vert, |
| FWL_STATE_WGT_Disabled | FWL_STATE_WGT_Invisible}, |
| this); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::ShowCaret(CFX_RectF* pRect) { |
| if (m_pCaret) { |
| m_pCaret->ShowCaret(); |
| if (!pRect->IsEmpty()) |
| m_pCaret->SetWidgetRect(*pRect); |
| RepaintRect(m_EngineRect); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| CFWL_Widget* pOuter = this; |
| pRect->Offset(m_WidgetRect.left, m_WidgetRect.top); |
| while (pOuter->GetOuter()) { |
| pOuter = pOuter->GetOuter(); |
| CFX_RectF rtOuter = pOuter->GetWidgetRect(); |
| pRect->Offset(rtOuter.left, rtOuter.top); |
| } |
| |
| CFWL_Widget::AdapterIface* pXFAWidget = pOuter->GetAdapterIface(); |
| if (!pXFAWidget) |
| return; |
| |
| CFX_RectF rt = pXFAWidget->GetRotateMatrix().TransformRect(*pRect); |
| pXFAWidget->DisplayCaret(true, &rt); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::HideCaret(CFX_RectF* pRect) { |
| if (m_pCaret) { |
| m_pCaret->HideCaret(); |
| RepaintRect(m_EngineRect); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| CFWL_Widget* pOuter = this; |
| while (pOuter->GetOuter()) |
| pOuter = pOuter->GetOuter(); |
| |
| CFWL_Widget::AdapterIface* pXFAWidget = pOuter->GetAdapterIface(); |
| if (!pXFAWidget) |
| return; |
| |
| pXFAWidget->DisplayCaret(false, pRect); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::InitCaret() { |
| if (m_pCaret) |
| return; |
| |
| m_pCaret = cppgc::MakeGarbageCollected<CFWL_Caret>( |
| GetFWLApp()->GetHeap()->GetAllocationHandle(), GetFWLApp(), Properties(), |
| this); |
| m_pCaret->SetStates(m_Properties.m_dwStates); |
| UpdateCursorRect(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::UpdateCursorRect() { |
| int32_t bidi_level; |
| if (m_pEditEngine->CanGenerateCharacterInfo()) { |
| std::tie(bidi_level, m_CaretRect) = m_pEditEngine->GetCharacterInfo( |
| checked_cast<int32_t>(m_CursorPosition)); |
| } else { |
| bidi_level = 0; |
| m_CaretRect = CFX_RectF(); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(dsinclair): This should handle bidi level ... |
| |
| m_CaretRect.width = 1.0f; |
| |
| // TODO(hnakashima): Handle correctly edits with empty text instead of using |
| // these defaults. |
| if (m_CaretRect.height == 0) |
| m_CaretRect.height = 8.0f; |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::SetCursorPosition(size_t position) { |
| if (m_CursorPosition == position) |
| return; |
| |
| m_CursorPosition = std::min(position, m_pEditEngine->GetLength()); |
| UpdateCursorRect(); |
| OnCaretChanged(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnProcessMessage(CFWL_Message* pMessage) { |
| switch (pMessage->GetType()) { |
| case CFWL_Message::Type::kSetFocus: |
| OnFocusGained(); |
| break; |
| case CFWL_Message::Type::kKillFocus: |
| OnFocusLost(); |
| break; |
| case CFWL_Message::Type::kMouse: { |
| CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg = static_cast<CFWL_MessageMouse*>(pMessage); |
| switch (pMsg->m_dwCmd) { |
| case CFWL_MessageMouse::MouseCommand::kLeftButtonDown: |
| OnLButtonDown(pMsg); |
| break; |
| case CFWL_MessageMouse::MouseCommand::kLeftButtonUp: |
| OnLButtonUp(pMsg); |
| break; |
| case CFWL_MessageMouse::MouseCommand::kLeftButtonDblClk: |
| OnButtonDoubleClick(pMsg); |
| break; |
| case CFWL_MessageMouse::MouseCommand::kMove: |
| OnMouseMove(pMsg); |
| break; |
| case CFWL_MessageMouse::MouseCommand::kRightButtonDown: |
| DoRButtonDown(pMsg); |
| break; |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case CFWL_Message::Type::kKey: { |
| CFWL_MessageKey* pKey = static_cast<CFWL_MessageKey*>(pMessage); |
| if (pKey->m_dwCmd == CFWL_MessageKey::KeyCommand::kKeyDown) |
| OnKeyDown(pKey); |
| else if (pKey->m_dwCmd == CFWL_MessageKey::KeyCommand::kChar) |
| OnChar(pKey); |
| break; |
| } |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| // Dst target could be |this|, continue only if not destroyed by above. |
| if (pMessage->GetDstTarget()) |
| CFWL_Widget::OnProcessMessage(pMessage); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnProcessEvent(CFWL_Event* pEvent) { |
| if (!pEvent || pEvent->GetType() != CFWL_Event::Type::Scroll) |
| return; |
| |
| CFWL_Widget* pSrcTarget = pEvent->GetSrcTarget(); |
| if ((pSrcTarget == m_pVertScrollBar && m_pVertScrollBar)) { |
| CFWL_EventScroll* pScrollEvent = static_cast<CFWL_EventScroll*>(pEvent); |
| OnScroll(static_cast<CFWL_ScrollBar*>(pSrcTarget), |
| pScrollEvent->GetScrollCode(), pScrollEvent->GetPos()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnDrawWidget(CFGAS_GEGraphics* pGraphics, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| DrawWidget(pGraphics, matrix); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::DoRButtonDown(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { |
| SetCursorPosition( |
| m_pEditEngine->GetIndexForPoint(DeviceToEngine(pMsg->m_pos))); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnFocusGained() { |
| m_Properties.m_dwStates |= FWL_STATE_WGT_Focused; |
| UpdateVAlignment(); |
| UpdateOffset(); |
| UpdateCaret(); |
| LayoutScrollBar(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnFocusLost() { |
| bool bRepaint = false; |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Focused) { |
| m_Properties.m_dwStates &= ~FWL_STATE_WGT_Focused; |
| HideCaret(nullptr); |
| if (HasSelection()) { |
| ClearSelection(); |
| bRepaint = true; |
| } |
| UpdateOffset(); |
| } |
| LayoutScrollBar(); |
| if (!bRepaint) |
| return; |
| |
| RepaintRect(CFX_RectF(0, 0, m_WidgetRect.width, m_WidgetRect.height)); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnLButtonDown(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Disabled) |
| return; |
| |
| m_bLButtonDown = true; |
| SetGrab(true); |
| |
| bool bRepaint = false; |
| if (m_pEditEngine->HasSelection()) { |
| m_pEditEngine->ClearSelection(); |
| bRepaint = true; |
| } |
| |
| size_t index_at_click = |
| m_pEditEngine->GetIndexForPoint(DeviceToEngine(pMsg->m_pos)); |
| |
| if (index_at_click != m_CursorPosition && |
| !!(pMsg->m_dwFlags & XFA_FWL_KeyFlag::kShift)) { |
| size_t start = std::min(m_CursorPosition, index_at_click); |
| size_t end = std::max(m_CursorPosition, index_at_click); |
| |
| m_pEditEngine->SetSelection(start, end - start); |
| bRepaint = true; |
| } else { |
| SetCursorPosition(index_at_click); |
| } |
| |
| if (bRepaint) |
| RepaintRect(m_EngineRect); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnLButtonUp(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { |
| m_bLButtonDown = false; |
| SetGrab(false); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnButtonDoubleClick(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { |
| size_t click_idx = |
| m_pEditEngine->GetIndexForPoint(DeviceToEngine(pMsg->m_pos)); |
| auto [start_idx, count] = m_pEditEngine->BoundsForWordAt(click_idx); |
| |
| m_pEditEngine->SetSelection(start_idx, count); |
| m_CursorPosition = start_idx + count; |
| RepaintRect(m_EngineRect); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnMouseMove(CFWL_MessageMouse* pMsg) { |
| bool shift = !!(pMsg->m_dwFlags & XFA_FWL_KeyFlag::kShift); |
| if (!m_bLButtonDown || !shift) |
| return; |
| |
| size_t old_cursor_pos = m_CursorPosition; |
| SetCursorPosition( |
| m_pEditEngine->GetIndexForPoint(DeviceToEngine(pMsg->m_pos))); |
| if (old_cursor_pos == m_CursorPosition) |
| return; |
| |
| size_t length = m_pEditEngine->GetLength(); |
| if (m_CursorPosition > length) |
| SetCursorPosition(length); |
| |
| size_t sel_start = 0; |
| size_t count = 0; |
| if (m_pEditEngine->HasSelection()) |
| std::tie(sel_start, count) = m_pEditEngine->GetSelection(); |
| else |
| sel_start = old_cursor_pos; |
| |
| size_t start_pos = std::min(sel_start, m_CursorPosition); |
| size_t end_pos = std::max(sel_start, m_CursorPosition); |
| m_pEditEngine->SetSelection(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos); |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnKeyDown(CFWL_MessageKey* pMsg) { |
| bool bShift = !!(pMsg->m_dwFlags & XFA_FWL_KeyFlag::kShift); |
| bool bCtrl = !!(pMsg->m_dwFlags & XFA_FWL_KeyFlag::kCtrl); |
| |
| size_t sel_start = m_CursorPosition; |
| if (m_pEditEngine->HasSelection()) { |
| auto [start_idx, count] = m_pEditEngine->GetSelection(); |
| sel_start = start_idx; |
| } |
| |
| switch (pMsg->m_dwKeyCodeOrChar) { |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_Left: |
| SetCursorPosition(m_pEditEngine->GetIndexLeft(m_CursorPosition)); |
| break; |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_Right: |
| SetCursorPosition(m_pEditEngine->GetIndexRight(m_CursorPosition)); |
| break; |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_Up: |
| SetCursorPosition(m_pEditEngine->GetIndexUp(m_CursorPosition)); |
| break; |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_Down: |
| SetCursorPosition(m_pEditEngine->GetIndexDown(m_CursorPosition)); |
| break; |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_Home: |
| SetCursorPosition( |
| bCtrl ? 0 : m_pEditEngine->GetIndexAtStartOfLine(m_CursorPosition)); |
| break; |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_End: |
| SetCursorPosition( |
| bCtrl ? m_pEditEngine->GetLength() |
| : m_pEditEngine->GetIndexAtEndOfLine(m_CursorPosition)); |
| break; |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_Delete: { |
| if ((m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_ReadOnly) || |
| (m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Disabled)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| m_pEditEngine->Delete(m_CursorPosition, 1); |
| UpdateCaret(); |
| break; |
| } |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_Insert: |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_F2: |
| case XFA_FWL_VKEY_Tab: |
| default: |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| // Update the selection. |
| if (bShift && sel_start != m_CursorPosition) { |
| m_pEditEngine->SetSelection(std::min(sel_start, m_CursorPosition), |
| std::max(sel_start, m_CursorPosition)); |
| RepaintRect(m_EngineRect); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CFWL_Edit::OnChar(CFWL_MessageKey* pMsg) { |
| if ((m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_ReadOnly) || |
| (m_Properties.m_dwStates & FWL_STATE_WGT_Disabled)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| wchar_t c = static_cast<wchar_t>(pMsg->m_dwKeyCodeOrChar); |
| switch (c) { |
| case L'\b': |
| if (m_CursorPosition > 0) { |
| SetCursorPosition(m_CursorPosition - 1); |
| m_pEditEngine->Delete(m_CursorPosition, 1); |
| UpdateCaret(); |
| } |
| break; |
| case L'\n': |
| case 27: // Esc |
| case 127: // Delete |
| break; |
| case L'\t': |
| m_pEditEngine->Insert(m_CursorPosition, L"\t"); |
| SetCursorPosition(m_CursorPosition + 1); |
| break; |
| case L'\r': |
| if (m_Properties.m_dwStyleExts & FWL_STYLEEXT_EDT_WantReturn) { |
| m_pEditEngine->Insert(m_CursorPosition, L"\n"); |
| SetCursorPosition(m_CursorPosition + 1); |
| } |
| break; |
| default: { |
| if (pMsg->m_dwFlags & kEditingModifier) |
| break; |
| |
| m_pEditEngine->Insert(m_CursorPosition, WideString(c)); |
| SetCursorPosition(m_CursorPosition + 1); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool CFWL_Edit::OnScroll(CFWL_ScrollBar* pScrollBar, |
| CFWL_EventScroll::Code dwCode, |
| float fPos) { |
| float fMin; |
| float fMax; |
| pScrollBar->GetRange(&fMin, &fMax); |
| float iCurPos = pScrollBar->GetPos(); |
| float fStep = pScrollBar->GetStepSize(); |
| switch (dwCode) { |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::Min: { |
| fPos = fMin; |
| break; |
| } |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::Max: { |
| fPos = fMax; |
| break; |
| } |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::StepBackward: { |
| fPos -= fStep; |
| if (fPos < fMin + fStep / 2) { |
| fPos = fMin; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::StepForward: { |
| fPos += fStep; |
| if (fPos > fMax - fStep / 2) { |
| fPos = fMax; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::PageBackward: { |
| fPos -= pScrollBar->GetPageSize(); |
| if (fPos < fMin) { |
| fPos = fMin; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::PageForward: { |
| fPos += pScrollBar->GetPageSize(); |
| if (fPos > fMax) { |
| fPos = fMax; |
| } |
| break; |
| } |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::Pos: |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::TrackPos: |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::None: |
| break; |
| case CFWL_EventScroll::Code::EndScroll: |
| return false; |
| } |
| if (iCurPos == fPos) |
| return true; |
| |
| pScrollBar->SetPos(fPos); |
| pScrollBar->SetTrackPos(fPos); |
| UpdateOffset(pScrollBar, fPos - iCurPos); |
| UpdateCaret(); |
| |
| CFX_RectF rect = GetWidgetRect(); |
| RepaintRect(CFX_RectF(0, 0, rect.width + 2, rect.height + 2)); |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace pdfium |