blob: 55422d63aed0756edcd00608ef68446c7a2168a6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2016 The PDFium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("default") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":pdfium" ]
if (pdf_is_standalone) {
deps += [ ":pdfium_all" ]
group("freetype_common") {
public_deps = []
if (pdf_bundle_freetype) {
public_deps += [ "third_party:fx_freetype" ]
} else {
public_deps += [ "//build/config/freetype" ]
config("pdfium_common_config") {
cflags = []
cflags_cc = []
ldflags = []
include_dirs = [ "." ]
defines = []
if (!use_system_libopenjpeg2) {
defines += [ "OPJ_STATIC" ]
if (pdf_enable_click_logging) {
if (pdf_use_skia && pdf_enable_fontations) {
defines += [ "PDF_ENABLE_FONTATIONS" ]
if (pdf_use_partition_alloc) {
defines += [ "PDF_USE_PARTITION_ALLOC" ]
if (is_win) {
# Assume UTF-8 by default to avoid code page dependencies.
cflags += [ "/utf-8" ]
if (!is_clang) {
cflags += [
# Warnings permanently disabled:
# C4091: 'typedef ': ignored on left of 'X' when no variable is
# declared.
# This happens in a number of Windows headers. Dumb.
# C4127: conditional expression is constant
# This warning can in theory catch dead code and other problems, but
# triggers in far too many desirable cases where the conditional
# expression is either set by macros or corresponds some legitimate
# compile-time constant expression (due to constant template args,
# conditionals comparing the sizes of different types, etc.). Some of
# these can be worked around, but it's not worth it.
# C4251: 'identifier' : class 'type' needs to have dll-interface to be
# used by clients of class 'type2'
# This is necessary for the shared library build.
# C4275: non dll-interface class used as base for dll-interface class
# This points out a potential (but rare) problem with referencing static
# fields of a non-exported base, through the base's non-exported inline
# functions, or directly. The warning is subtle enough that people just
# suppressed it when they saw it, so it's not worth it.
# C4312 is a VS 2015 64-bit warning for integer to larger pointer.
# TODO(brucedawson): fix warnings,
# C4324 warns when padding is added to fulfill alignas requirements,
# but can trigger in benign cases that are difficult to individually
# suppress.
# C4351: new behavior: elements of array 'array' will be default
# initialized
# This is a silly "warning" that basically just alerts you that the
# compiler is going to actually follow the language spec like it's
# supposed to, instead of not following it like old buggy versions did.
# There's absolutely no reason to turn this on.
# C4355: 'this': used in base member initializer list
# It's commonly useful to pass |this| to objects in a class' initializer
# list. While this warning can catch real bugs, most of the time the
# constructors in question don't attempt to call methods on the passed-in
# pointer (until later), and annotating every legit usage of this is
# simply more hassle than the warning is worth.
# C4503: 'identifier': decorated name length exceeded, name was
# truncated
# This only means that some long error messages might have truncated
# identifiers in the presence of lots of templates. It has no effect on
# program correctness and there's no real reason to waste time trying to
# prevent it.
# Warning C4589 says: "Constructor of abstract class ignores
# initializer for virtual base class." Disable this warning because it
# is flaky in VS 2015 RTM. It triggers on compiler generated
# copy-constructors in some cases.
# C4611: interaction between 'function' and C++ object destruction is
# non-portable
# This warning is unavoidable when using e.g. setjmp/longjmp. MSDN
# suggests using exceptions instead of setjmp/longjmp for C++, but
# Chromium code compiles without exception support. We therefore have to
# use setjmp/longjmp for e.g. JPEG decode error handling, which means we
# have to turn off this warning (and be careful about how object
# destruction happens in such cases).
# Warnings to evaluate and possibly fix/reenable later:
"/wd4100", # Unreferenced formal function parameter.
"/wd4121", # Alignment of a member was sensitive to packing.
"/wd4244", # Conversion: possible loss of data.
"/wd4505", # Unreferenced local function has been removed.
"/wd4510", # Default constructor could not be generated.
"/wd4512", # Assignment operator could not be generated.
"/wd4610", # Class can never be instantiated, constructor required.
"/wd4838", # Narrowing conversion. Doesn't seem to be very useful.
"/wd4995", # 'X': name was marked as #pragma deprecated
"/wd4996", # Deprecated function warning.
# These are variable shadowing warnings that are new in VS2015. We
# should work through these at some point -- they may be removed from
# the RTM release in the /W4 set.
# All of our compilers support the extensions below.
"/wd4200", # nonstandard extension used: zero-sized array in
# struct/union
"/wd4201", # nonstandard extension used: nameless struct/union
"/wd4204", # nonstandard extension used : non-constant aggregate
# initializer
"/wd4221", # nonstandard extension used : 'identifier' : cannot be
# initialized using address of automatic variable
# - Conversion suppressions waiting on Clang
# -Wconversion.
"/wd4245", # 'conversion' : conversion from 'type1' to 'type2',
# signed/unsigned mismatch
"/wd4267", # 'var' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'type', possible loss
# of data
"/wd4305", # 'identifier' : truncation from 'type1' to 'type2'
"/wd4389", # 'operator' : signed/unsigned mismatch
"/wd4702", # unreachable code
# - MSVC is more conservative than Clang with
# regards to variables initialized and consumed in different branches.
"/wd4701", # Potentially uninitialized local variable 'name' used
"/wd4703", # Potentially uninitialized local pointer variable 'name'
# used
# - Remaining Clang permitted warnings.
"/wd4661", # 'identifier' : no suitable definition provided for
# explicit
# template instantiation request
"/wd4706", # assignment within conditional expression
# MSVC is stricter and requires a boolean expression.
"/wd4715", # 'function' : not all control paths return a value'
# MSVC does not analyze switch (enum) for completeness.
cflags_cc += [
# Allow "noexcept" annotations even though we compile with exceptions
# disabled.
if (current_cpu == "x86") {
if (msvc_use_sse2) {
cflags += [ "/arch:SSE2" ]
if (is_clang) {
# Override -Wno-c++11-narrowing.
cflags += [ "-Wc++11-narrowing" ]
# May flag some issues when converting int to size_t.
cflags += [ "-Wtautological-unsigned-zero-compare" ]
if (!is_win && !is_clang) {
cflags += [
# Override -Wno-narrowing for GCC.
# GCC assumes that control can get past an exhaustive switch and then
# warns if there's no return there.
if (clang_use_chrome_plugins) {
# Catch misuse of C-style pointers.
# TODO( enable for non-debug builds once this stops
# interfering with code generation.
# TODO(tsepez): enable for windows, too.
if (is_debug && !is_win) {
cflags += [
# TODO(tsepez): enforce raw_ref<> as well.
# "-Xclang",
# "-plugin-arg-raw-ptr-plugin",
# "-Xclang",
# "check-raw-ref-fields",
# Catch misuse of cppgc in XFA.
if (pdf_enable_xfa) {
cflags += [
# Disable GC plugin forbidding off-heap collections of GCed:
cflags += [
config("pdfium_implementation_config") {
visibility = [ ":pdfium_public_headers" ]
config("pdfium_public_config") {
defines = []
if (pdf_enable_v8) {
defines += [ "PDF_ENABLE_V8" ]
if (pdf_enable_xfa) {
defines += [ "PDF_ENABLE_XFA" ]
if (pdf_enable_xfa_bmp) {
defines += [ "PDF_ENABLE_XFA_BMP" ]
if (pdf_enable_xfa_gif) {
defines += [ "PDF_ENABLE_XFA_GIF" ]
if (pdf_enable_xfa_png) {
defines += [ "PDF_ENABLE_XFA_PNG" ]
if (pdf_enable_xfa_tiff) {
defines += [ "PDF_ENABLE_XFA_TIFF" ]
if (pdf_use_skia) {
defines += [ "PDF_USE_SKIA" ]
config("pdfium_core_config") {
cflags = []
configs = [
defines = []
if (is_win) {
cflags += [
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [ "-Wcovered-switch-default" ]
config("pdfium_strict_config") {
configs = [
config("pdfium_noshorten_config") {
cflags = []
if (is_clang) {
cflags += [ "-Wshorten-64-to-32" ]
source_set("pdfium_public_headers_impl") {
sources = [
group("pdfium_public_headers") {
public_deps = [ ":pdfium_public_headers_impl" ]
public_configs = [
component("pdfium") {
output_name = "pdfium"
libs = []
configs += [ ":pdfium_strict_config" ]
public_configs = [ ":pdfium_public_config" ]
deps = [
public_deps = [
if (pdf_enable_xfa) {
deps += [
if (is_win) {
libs += [
if (is_mac) {
frameworks = [
if (pdf_is_complete_lib) {
static_component_type = "static_library"
complete_static_lib = true
configs -= [ "//build/config/compiler:thin_archive" ]
# Targets below this are only visible within this file.
visibility = [ ":*" ]
group("pdfium_unittest_deps") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
visibility += [
test("pdfium_unittests") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "testing/unit_test_main.cpp" ]
deps = [
configs += [ ":pdfium_core_config" ]
if (is_android) {
use_raw_android_executable = true
if (pdf_enable_v8) {
configs += [ "//v8:external_startup_data" ]
deps += [
if (pdf_enable_xfa) {
deps += [
group("pdfium_embeddertest_deps") {
testonly = true
public_deps = [
visibility += [
test("pdfium_embeddertests") {
testonly = true
sources = [ "testing/embedder_test_main.cpp" ]
deps = [
include_dirs = [ "testing/gmock/include" ]
configs += [ ":pdfium_core_config" ]
if (is_android) {
ignore_all_data_deps = true
use_raw_android_executable = true
if (pdf_enable_v8) {
deps += [
configs += [ "//v8:external_startup_data" ]
if (pdf_enable_xfa) {
deps += [
executable("pdfium_diff") {
visibility += [ "testing/tools:test_runner_py" ]
testonly = true
sources = [ "testing/image_diff/image_diff.cpp" ]
deps = [
configs += [ ":pdfium_strict_config" ]
group("pdfium_all") {
testonly = true
deps = [
if (pdf_is_standalone) {
deps += [ "testing/tools:test_runner_py" ]
# Makes additional targets reachable only for "gn check". These are not always
# built by the "all" Ninja target, which uses the "default" group, which in turn
# depends on the "pdfium_all" group.
group("gn_check") {
deps = []
# TODO( Remove !is_android when //third_party/expat is
# available.
if (defined(checkout_skia) && checkout_skia && !is_android) {
deps += [ "//skia" ]