blob: 8a12e8ffc9cb17467c23800afaf62b39695985e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The PDFium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h"
#include <wchar.h>
#include "core/fxcrt/check.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/utf16.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/widestring.h"
namespace {
time_t DefaultTimeFunction() {
return time(nullptr);
struct tm* DefaultLocaltimeFunction(const time_t* tp) {
return localtime(tp);
time_t (*g_time_func)() = DefaultTimeFunction;
struct tm* (*g_localtime_func)(const time_t*) = DefaultLocaltimeFunction;
} // namespace
float FXSYS_wcstof(const wchar_t* pwsStr, size_t nLength, size_t* pUsedLen) {
WideString copied(pwsStr, nLength);
wchar_t* endptr = nullptr;
float result = wcstof(copied.c_str(), &endptr);
if (result != result) {
result = 0.0f; // Convert NAN to 0.0f;
if (pUsedLen) {
*pUsedLen = endptr - copied.c_str();
return result;
wchar_t* FXSYS_wcsncpy(wchar_t* dstStr, const wchar_t* srcStr, size_t count) {
DCHECK(count > 0);
// SAFETY: TODO(tsepez): This is UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE as well.
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
dstStr[i] = srcStr[i];
if (dstStr[i] == L'\0') {
return dstStr;
void FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(uint8_t n, char* buf) {
static const char kHex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
// SAFETY: TODO(tsepez): This is UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE as well.
buf[0] = kHex[n / 16];
buf[1] = kHex[n % 16];
void FXSYS_IntToFourHexChars(uint16_t n, char* buf) {
// SAFETY: TODO(tsepez): This is UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE as well.
FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(n / 256, buf);
FXSYS_IntToTwoHexChars(n % 256, buf + 2);
size_t FXSYS_ToUTF16BE(uint32_t unicode, char* buf) {
DCHECK(unicode <= pdfium::kMaximumSupplementaryCodePoint);
if (unicode <= 0xFFFF) {
FXSYS_IntToFourHexChars(unicode, buf);
return 4;
// SAFETY: TODO(tsepez): This is UNSAFE_BUFFER_USAGE as well.
pdfium::SurrogatePair surrogate_pair(unicode);
FXSYS_IntToFourHexChars(surrogate_pair.high(), buf);
FXSYS_IntToFourHexChars(surrogate_pair.low(), buf + 4);
return 8;
void FXSYS_SetTimeFunction(time_t (*func)()) {
g_time_func = func ? func : DefaultTimeFunction;
void FXSYS_SetLocaltimeFunction(struct tm* (*func)(const time_t*)) {
g_localtime_func = func ? func : DefaultLocaltimeFunction;
time_t FXSYS_time(time_t* tloc) {
time_t ret_val = g_time_func();
if (tloc)
*tloc = ret_val;
return ret_val;
struct tm* FXSYS_localtime(const time_t* tp) {
return g_localtime_func(tp);