Move CPWL_Utils Draw methods to CFX_RenderDevice

This CL removes the drawing code from the AP stream generation code in
CPWL_Utils and places it in CFX_RenderDevice.

Change-Id: I5335fc38368740ba3ddc676ee856201a358979fc
Commit-Queue: dsinclair <>
Reviewed-by: Tom Sepez <>
diff --git a/core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.cpp b/core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.cpp
index 5d2ae86..407c090 100644
--- a/core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.cpp
+++ b/core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.cpp
@@ -1115,6 +1115,230 @@
   return true;
+void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawFillRect(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                                    const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
+                                    const FX_COLORREF& color) {
+  CFX_PathData path;
+  CFX_FloatRect rcTemp(rect);
+  path.AppendRect(rcTemp.left, rcTemp.bottom, rcTemp.right,;
+  DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, nullptr, color, 0, FXFILL_WINDING);
+void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawFillArea(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                                    const CFX_PointF* pPts,
+                                    int32_t nCount,
+                                    const FX_COLORREF& color) {
+  CFX_PathData path;
+  path.AppendPoint(pPts[0], FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
+  for (int32_t i = 1; i < nCount; i++)
+    path.AppendPoint(pPts[i], FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+  DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, nullptr, color, 0, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
+void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawStrokeRect(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                                      const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
+                                      const FX_COLORREF& color,
+                                      float fWidth) {
+  CFX_PathData path;
+  CFX_FloatRect rcTemp(rect);
+  path.AppendRect(rcTemp.left, rcTemp.bottom, rcTemp.right,;
+  CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
+  gsd.m_LineWidth = fWidth;
+  DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd, 0, color, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
+void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawStrokeLine(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                                      const CFX_PointF& ptMoveTo,
+                                      const CFX_PointF& ptLineTo,
+                                      const FX_COLORREF& color,
+                                      float fWidth) {
+  CFX_PathData path;
+  path.AppendPoint(ptMoveTo, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
+  path.AppendPoint(ptLineTo, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+  CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
+  gsd.m_LineWidth = fWidth;
+  DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd, 0, color, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
+void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawFillRect(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                                    const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
+                                    const CFX_Color& color,
+                                    int32_t nTransparency) {
+  DrawFillRect(pUser2Device, rect, color.ToFXColor(nTransparency));
+void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawShadow(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                                  bool bVertical,
+                                  bool bHorizontal,
+                                  CFX_FloatRect rect,
+                                  int32_t nTransparency,
+                                  int32_t nStartGray,
+                                  int32_t nEndGray) {
+  float fStepGray = 1.0f;
+  if (bVertical) {
+    fStepGray = (nEndGray - nStartGray) / rect.Height();
+    for (float fy = rect.bottom + 0.5f; fy <= - 0.5f; fy += 1.0f) {
+      int32_t nGray = nStartGray + (int32_t)(fStepGray * (fy - rect.bottom));
+      DrawStrokeLine(pUser2Device, CFX_PointF(rect.left, fy),
+                     CFX_PointF(rect.right, fy),
+                     ArgbEncode(nTransparency, nGray, nGray, nGray), 1.5f);
+    }
+  }
+  if (bHorizontal) {
+    fStepGray = (nEndGray - nStartGray) / rect.Width();
+    for (float fx = rect.left + 0.5f; fx <= rect.right - 0.5f; fx += 1.0f) {
+      int32_t nGray = nStartGray + (int32_t)(fStepGray * (fx - rect.left));
+      DrawStrokeLine(pUser2Device, CFX_PointF(fx, rect.bottom),
+                     CFX_PointF(fx,,
+                     ArgbEncode(nTransparency, nGray, nGray, nGray), 1.5f);
+    }
+  }
+void CFX_RenderDevice::DrawBorder(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                                  const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
+                                  float fWidth,
+                                  const CFX_Color& color,
+                                  const CFX_Color& crLeftTop,
+                                  const CFX_Color& crRightBottom,
+                                  BorderStyle nStyle,
+                                  int32_t nTransparency) {
+  float fLeft = rect.left;
+  float fRight = rect.right;
+  float fTop =;
+  float fBottom = rect.bottom;
+  if (fWidth > 0.0f) {
+    float fHalfWidth = fWidth / 2.0f;
+    switch (nStyle) {
+      default:
+      case BorderStyle::SOLID: {
+        CFX_PathData path;
+        path.AppendRect(fLeft, fBottom, fRight, fTop);
+        path.AppendRect(fLeft + fWidth, fBottom + fWidth, fRight - fWidth,
+                        fTop - fWidth);
+        DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, nullptr, color.ToFXColor(nTransparency),
+                 0, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
+        break;
+      }
+      case BorderStyle::DASH: {
+        CFX_PathData path;
+        path.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fWidth / 2.0f, fBottom + fWidth / 2.0f),
+            FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
+        path.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fWidth / 2.0f, fTop - fWidth / 2.0f),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        path.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fRight - fWidth / 2.0f, fTop - fWidth / 2.0f),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        path.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fRight - fWidth / 2.0f, fBottom + fWidth / 2.0f),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        path.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fWidth / 2.0f, fBottom + fWidth / 2.0f),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
+        gsd.SetDashCount(2);
+        gsd.m_DashArray[0] = 3.0f;
+        gsd.m_DashArray[1] = 3.0f;
+        gsd.m_DashPhase = 0;
+        gsd.m_LineWidth = fWidth;
+        DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd, 0, color.ToFXColor(nTransparency),
+                 FXFILL_WINDING);
+        break;
+      }
+      case BorderStyle::BEVELED:
+      case BorderStyle::INSET: {
+        CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
+        gsd.m_LineWidth = fHalfWidth;
+        CFX_PathData pathLT;
+        pathLT.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth),
+                           FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
+        pathLT.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth),
+                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathLT.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth),
+                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathLT.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth * 2, fTop - fHalfWidth * 2),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathLT.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2, fTop - fHalfWidth * 2),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathLT.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2, fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathLT.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth),
+                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        DrawPath(&pathLT, pUser2Device, &gsd,
+                 crLeftTop.ToFXColor(nTransparency), 0, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
+        CFX_PathData pathRB;
+        pathRB.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth),
+                           FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
+        pathRB.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathRB.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth),
+                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathRB.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2, fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathRB.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth * 2, fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathRB.AppendPoint(
+            CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth * 2, fTop - fHalfWidth * 2),
+            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        pathRB.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth),
+                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        DrawPath(&pathRB, pUser2Device, &gsd,
+                 crRightBottom.ToFXColor(nTransparency), 0, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
+        CFX_PathData path;
+        path.AppendRect(fLeft, fBottom, fRight, fTop);
+        path.AppendRect(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth,
+                        fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth);
+        DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd, color.ToFXColor(nTransparency), 0,
+                 FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
+        break;
+      }
+      case BorderStyle::UNDERLINE: {
+        CFX_PathData path;
+        path.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fBottom + fWidth / 2),
+                         FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
+        path.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fRight, fBottom + fWidth / 2),
+                         FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
+        CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
+        gsd.m_LineWidth = fWidth;
+        DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd, 0, color.ToFXColor(nTransparency),
+                 FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
 CFX_RenderDevice::StateRestorer::StateRestorer(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice)
     : m_pDevice(pDevice) {
diff --git a/core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h b/core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h
index 83c45f9..ef15718 100644
--- a/core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h
+++ b/core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include <memory>
 #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_unowned_ptr.h"
+#include "core/fxge/cfx_color.h"
 #include "core/fxge/fx_dib.h"
 #include "core/fxge/fx_font.h"
@@ -227,6 +228,42 @@
                     CFX_PathData* pClippingPath,
                     int nFlag);
+  void DrawFillRect(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                    const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
+                    const CFX_Color& color,
+                    int32_t nTransparency);
+  void DrawFillRect(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                    const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
+                    const FX_COLORREF& color);
+  void DrawStrokeRect(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                      const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
+                      const FX_COLORREF& color,
+                      float fWidth);
+  void DrawStrokeLine(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                      const CFX_PointF& ptMoveTo,
+                      const CFX_PointF& ptLineTo,
+                      const FX_COLORREF& color,
+                      float fWidth);
+  void DrawBorder(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                  const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
+                  float fWidth,
+                  const CFX_Color& color,
+                  const CFX_Color& crLeftTop,
+                  const CFX_Color& crRightBottom,
+                  BorderStyle nStyle,
+                  int32_t nTransparency);
+  void DrawFillArea(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                    const CFX_PointF* pPts,
+                    int32_t nCount,
+                    const FX_COLORREF& color);
+  void DrawShadow(CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
+                  bool bVertical,
+                  bool bHorizontal,
+                  CFX_FloatRect rect,
+                  int32_t nTransparency,
+                  int32_t nStartGray,
+                  int32_t nEndGray);
 #ifdef _SKIA_SUPPORT_
   virtual void DebugVerifyBitmapIsPreMultiplied() const;
   virtual bool SetBitsWithMask(const CFX_RetainPtr<CFX_DIBSource>& pBitmap,
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_list_box.cpp b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_list_box.cpp
index 96df02c..f9fdef0 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_list_box.cpp
+++ b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_list_box.cpp
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
 #include <sstream>
+#include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h"
 #include "fpdfsdk/fxedit/fxet_edit.h"
 #include "fpdfsdk/fxedit/fxet_list.h"
 #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_edit.h"
@@ -171,8 +172,8 @@
                            nullptr, pSysHandler, m_pFormFiller.Get());
         pSysHandler->OutputSelectedRect(m_pFormFiller.Get(), rcItem);
       } else {
-        CPWL_Utils::DrawFillRect(pDevice, pUser2Device, rcItem,
-                                 ArgbEncode(255, 0, 51, 113));
+        pDevice->DrawFillRect(pUser2Device, rcItem,
+                              ArgbEncode(255, 0, 51, 113));
         CFX_Edit::DrawEdit(pDevice, pUser2Device, m_pList->GetItemEdit(i),
                            ArgbEncode(255, 255, 255, 255), rcList, ptOffset,
                            nullptr, pSysHandler, m_pFormFiller.Get());
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_scroll_bar.cpp b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_scroll_bar.cpp
index dc153fd..ca63760 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_scroll_bar.cpp
+++ b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_scroll_bar.cpp
@@ -242,24 +242,20 @@
   // draw border
-  CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeRect(pDevice, pUser2Device, rectWnd,
-                             ArgbEncode(nTransparency, 100, 100, 100), 0.0f);
-  // draw inner border
-  CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeRect(pDevice, pUser2Device,
-                             rectWnd.GetDeflated(0.5f, 0.5f),
-                             ArgbEncode(nTransparency, 255, 255, 255), 1.0f);
+  pDevice->DrawStrokeRect(pUser2Device, rectWnd,
+                          ArgbEncode(nTransparency, 100, 100, 100), 0.0f);
+  pDevice->DrawStrokeRect(pUser2Device, rectWnd.GetDeflated(0.5f, 0.5f),
+                          ArgbEncode(nTransparency, 255, 255, 255), 1.0f);
   if (m_eSBButtonType != PSBT_POS) {
     // draw background
     if (IsEnabled()) {
-      CPWL_Utils::DrawShadow(pDevice, pUser2Device, true, false,
-                             rectWnd.GetDeflated(1.0f, 1.0f), nTransparency, 80,
-                             220);
+      pDevice->DrawShadow(pUser2Device, true, false,
+                          rectWnd.GetDeflated(1.0f, 1.0f), nTransparency, 80,
+                          220);
     } else {
-      CPWL_Utils::DrawFillRect(pDevice, pUser2Device,
-                               rectWnd.GetDeflated(1.0f, 1.0f),
-                               ArgbEncode(255, 255, 255, 255));
+      pDevice->DrawFillRect(pUser2Device, rectWnd.GetDeflated(1.0f, 1.0f),
+                            ArgbEncode(255, 255, 255, 255));
     // draw arrow
@@ -284,10 +280,10 @@
         pts.push_back(CFX_PointF(fX + 4.5f, fY + 3.0f));
         pts.push_back(CFX_PointF(fX + 2.5f, fY + 5.0f));
-      CPWL_Utils::DrawFillArea(pDevice, pUser2Device,, 7,
-                               IsEnabled()
-                                   ? ArgbEncode(nTransparency, 255, 255, 255)
-                                   : PWL_DEFAULT_HEAVYGRAYCOLOR.ToFXColor(255));
+      pDevice->DrawFillArea(pUser2Device,, 7,
+                            IsEnabled()
+                                ? ArgbEncode(nTransparency, 255, 255, 255)
+                                : PWL_DEFAULT_HEAVYGRAYCOLOR.ToFXColor(255));
@@ -310,17 +306,15 @@
                                 ArgbEncode(nTransparency, 150, 150, 150),
                                 ArgbEncode(nTransparency, 180, 180, 180),
                                 ArgbEncode(nTransparency, 210, 210, 210)};
-    for (auto* it = std::begin(refs); it < std::end(refs); ++it) {
-      CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeLine(pDevice, pUser2Device, ptTop, ptBottom, *it,
-                                 1.0f);
+    for (FX_COLORREF ref : refs) {
+      pDevice->DrawStrokeLine(pUser2Device, ptTop, ptBottom, ref, 1.0f);
       ptTop.x += 1.0f;
       ptBottom.x += 1.0f;
   } else {
-    CPWL_Utils::DrawFillRect(pDevice, pUser2Device,
-                             rectWnd.GetDeflated(0.5f, 0.5f),
-                             ArgbEncode(255, 255, 255, 255));
+    pDevice->DrawFillRect(pUser2Device, rectWnd.GetDeflated(0.5f, 0.5f),
+                          ArgbEncode(255, 255, 255, 255));
   // draw friction
@@ -340,8 +334,7 @@
                                   ptCenter.y - nFrictionHeight / 2.0f + 0.5f);
   for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-    CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeLine(pDevice, pUser2Device, ptLeft, ptRight, crStroke,
-                               1.0f);
+    pDevice->DrawStrokeLine(pUser2Device, ptLeft, ptRight, crStroke, 1.0f);
     ptLeft.y += 2.0f;
     ptRight.y += 2.0f;
@@ -487,18 +480,16 @@
   CFX_FloatRect rectWnd = GetWindowRect();
   if (IsVisible() && !rectWnd.IsEmpty()) {
-    CPWL_Utils::DrawFillRect(pDevice, pUser2Device, rectWnd,
-                             GetBackgroundColor(), GetTransparency());
+    pDevice->DrawFillRect(pUser2Device, rectWnd, GetBackgroundColor(),
+                          GetTransparency());
-    CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeLine(
-        pDevice, pUser2Device,
-        CFX_PointF(rectWnd.left + 2.0f, - 2.0f),
+    pDevice->DrawStrokeLine(
+        pUser2Device, CFX_PointF(rectWnd.left + 2.0f, - 2.0f),
         CFX_PointF(rectWnd.left + 2.0f, rectWnd.bottom + 2.0f),
         ArgbEncode(GetTransparency(), 100, 100, 100), 1.0f);
-    CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeLine(
-        pDevice, pUser2Device,
-        CFX_PointF(rectWnd.right - 2.0f, - 2.0f),
+    pDevice->DrawStrokeLine(
+        pUser2Device, CFX_PointF(rectWnd.right - 2.0f, - 2.0f),
         CFX_PointF(rectWnd.right - 2.0f, rectWnd.bottom + 2.0f),
         ArgbEncode(GetTransparency(), 100, 100, 100), 1.0f);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.cpp b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.cpp
index af69174..b21047b 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.cpp
+++ b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.cpp
@@ -11,12 +11,8 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_word.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_graphstatedata.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_pathdata.h"
-#include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h"
 #include "fpdfsdk/fxedit/fxet_edit.h"
 #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_icon.h"
-#include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_wnd.h"
 CFX_ByteString CPWL_Utils::GetAP_Check(const CFX_FloatRect& crBBox) {
   const float fWidth = crBBox.right - crBBox.left;
@@ -842,239 +838,3 @@
   return CFX_ByteString(sAppStream);
-void CPWL_Utils::DrawFillRect(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                              CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                              const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
-                              const FX_COLORREF& color) {
-  CFX_PathData path;
-  CFX_FloatRect rcTemp(rect);
-  path.AppendRect(rcTemp.left, rcTemp.bottom, rcTemp.right,;
-  pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, nullptr, color, 0, FXFILL_WINDING);
-void CPWL_Utils::DrawFillArea(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                              CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                              const CFX_PointF* pPts,
-                              int32_t nCount,
-                              const FX_COLORREF& color) {
-  CFX_PathData path;
-  path.AppendPoint(pPts[0], FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
-  for (int32_t i = 1; i < nCount; i++)
-    path.AppendPoint(pPts[i], FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-  pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, nullptr, color, 0, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
-void CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeRect(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                                CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                                const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
-                                const FX_COLORREF& color,
-                                float fWidth) {
-  CFX_PathData path;
-  CFX_FloatRect rcTemp(rect);
-  path.AppendRect(rcTemp.left, rcTemp.bottom, rcTemp.right,;
-  CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
-  gsd.m_LineWidth = fWidth;
-  pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd, 0, color, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
-void CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeLine(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                                CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                                const CFX_PointF& ptMoveTo,
-                                const CFX_PointF& ptLineTo,
-                                const FX_COLORREF& color,
-                                float fWidth) {
-  CFX_PathData path;
-  path.AppendPoint(ptMoveTo, FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
-  path.AppendPoint(ptLineTo, FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-  CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
-  gsd.m_LineWidth = fWidth;
-  pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd, 0, color, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
-void CPWL_Utils::DrawFillRect(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                              CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                              const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
-                              const CFX_Color& color,
-                              int32_t nTransparency) {
-  CPWL_Utils::DrawFillRect(pDevice, pUser2Device, rect,
-                           color.ToFXColor(nTransparency));
-void CPWL_Utils::DrawShadow(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                            CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                            bool bVertical,
-                            bool bHorizontal,
-                            CFX_FloatRect rect,
-                            int32_t nTransparency,
-                            int32_t nStartGray,
-                            int32_t nEndGray) {
-  float fStepGray = 1.0f;
-  if (bVertical) {
-    fStepGray = (nEndGray - nStartGray) / rect.Height();
-    for (float fy = rect.bottom + 0.5f; fy <= - 0.5f; fy += 1.0f) {
-      int32_t nGray = nStartGray + (int32_t)(fStepGray * (fy - rect.bottom));
-      CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeLine(
-          pDevice, pUser2Device, CFX_PointF(rect.left, fy),
-          CFX_PointF(rect.right, fy),
-          ArgbEncode(nTransparency, nGray, nGray, nGray), 1.5f);
-    }
-  }
-  if (bHorizontal) {
-    fStepGray = (nEndGray - nStartGray) / rect.Width();
-    for (float fx = rect.left + 0.5f; fx <= rect.right - 0.5f; fx += 1.0f) {
-      int32_t nGray = nStartGray + (int32_t)(fStepGray * (fx - rect.left));
-      CPWL_Utils::DrawStrokeLine(
-          pDevice, pUser2Device, CFX_PointF(fx, rect.bottom),
-          CFX_PointF(fx,,
-          ArgbEncode(nTransparency, nGray, nGray, nGray), 1.5f);
-    }
-  }
-void CPWL_Utils::DrawBorder(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                            CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                            const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
-                            float fWidth,
-                            const CFX_Color& color,
-                            const CFX_Color& crLeftTop,
-                            const CFX_Color& crRightBottom,
-                            BorderStyle nStyle,
-                            int32_t nTransparency) {
-  float fLeft = rect.left;
-  float fRight = rect.right;
-  float fTop =;
-  float fBottom = rect.bottom;
-  if (fWidth > 0.0f) {
-    float fHalfWidth = fWidth / 2.0f;
-    switch (nStyle) {
-      default:
-      case BorderStyle::SOLID: {
-        CFX_PathData path;
-        path.AppendRect(fLeft, fBottom, fRight, fTop);
-        path.AppendRect(fLeft + fWidth, fBottom + fWidth, fRight - fWidth,
-                        fTop - fWidth);
-        pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, nullptr,
-                          color.ToFXColor(nTransparency), 0, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
-        break;
-      }
-      case BorderStyle::DASH: {
-        CFX_PathData path;
-        path.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fWidth / 2.0f, fBottom + fWidth / 2.0f),
-            FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
-        path.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fWidth / 2.0f, fTop - fWidth / 2.0f),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        path.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fRight - fWidth / 2.0f, fTop - fWidth / 2.0f),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        path.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fRight - fWidth / 2.0f, fBottom + fWidth / 2.0f),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        path.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fWidth / 2.0f, fBottom + fWidth / 2.0f),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
-        gsd.SetDashCount(2);
-        gsd.m_DashArray[0] = 3.0f;
-        gsd.m_DashArray[1] = 3.0f;
-        gsd.m_DashPhase = 0;
-        gsd.m_LineWidth = fWidth;
-        pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd, 0,
-                          color.ToFXColor(nTransparency), FXFILL_WINDING);
-        break;
-      }
-      case BorderStyle::BEVELED:
-      case BorderStyle::INSET: {
-        CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
-        gsd.m_LineWidth = fHalfWidth;
-        CFX_PathData pathLT;
-        pathLT.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth),
-                           FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
-        pathLT.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth),
-                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathLT.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth),
-                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathLT.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth * 2, fTop - fHalfWidth * 2),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathLT.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2, fTop - fHalfWidth * 2),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathLT.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2, fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathLT.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth),
-                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pDevice->DrawPath(&pathLT, pUser2Device, &gsd,
-                          crLeftTop.ToFXColor(nTransparency), 0,
-                          FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
-        CFX_PathData pathRB;
-        pathRB.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth),
-                           FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
-        pathRB.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathRB.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth),
-                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathRB.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2, fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathRB.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth * 2, fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathRB.AppendPoint(
-            CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth * 2, fTop - fHalfWidth * 2),
-            FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pathRB.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth),
-                           FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        pDevice->DrawPath(&pathRB, pUser2Device, &gsd,
-                          crRightBottom.ToFXColor(nTransparency), 0,
-                          FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
-        CFX_PathData path;
-        path.AppendRect(fLeft, fBottom, fRight, fTop);
-        path.AppendRect(fLeft + fHalfWidth, fBottom + fHalfWidth,
-                        fRight - fHalfWidth, fTop - fHalfWidth);
-        pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd,
-                          color.ToFXColor(nTransparency), 0, FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
-        break;
-      }
-      case BorderStyle::UNDERLINE: {
-        CFX_PathData path;
-        path.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fLeft, fBottom + fWidth / 2),
-                         FXPT_TYPE::MoveTo, false);
-        path.AppendPoint(CFX_PointF(fRight, fBottom + fWidth / 2),
-                         FXPT_TYPE::LineTo, false);
-        CFX_GraphStateData gsd;
-        gsd.m_LineWidth = fWidth;
-        pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &gsd, 0,
-                          color.ToFXColor(nTransparency), FXFILL_ALTERNATE);
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.h b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.h
index 70680c7..67876ed 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.h
+++ b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.h
@@ -77,49 +77,6 @@
       const CPVT_WordRange* pRange = nullptr);
   static CFX_ByteString GetDropButtonAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox);
-  static void DrawFillRect(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                           CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                           const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
-                           const CFX_Color& color,
-                           int32_t nTransparency);
-  static void DrawFillRect(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                           CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                           const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
-                           const FX_COLORREF& color);
-  static void DrawStrokeRect(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                             CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                             const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
-                             const FX_COLORREF& color,
-                             float fWidth);
-  static void DrawStrokeLine(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                             CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                             const CFX_PointF& ptMoveTo,
-                             const CFX_PointF& ptLineTo,
-                             const FX_COLORREF& color,
-                             float fWidth);
-  static void DrawBorder(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                         CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                         const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
-                         float fWidth,
-                         const CFX_Color& color,
-                         const CFX_Color& crLeftTop,
-                         const CFX_Color& crRightBottom,
-                         BorderStyle nStyle,
-                         int32_t nTransparency);
-  static void DrawFillArea(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                           CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                           const CFX_PointF* pPts,
-                           int32_t nCount,
-                           const FX_COLORREF& color);
-  static void DrawShadow(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
-                         CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
-                         bool bVertical,
-                         bool bHorizontal,
-                         CFX_FloatRect rect,
-                         int32_t nTransparency,
-                         int32_t nStartGray,
-                         int32_t nEndGray);
   static CFX_ByteString GetAppStream_Check(const CFX_FloatRect& rcBBox,
                                            const CFX_Color& crText);
diff --git a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_wnd.cpp b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_wnd.cpp
index 863b9aa..d3ff2a5 100644
--- a/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_wnd.cpp
+++ b/fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_wnd.cpp
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 #include <sstream>
 #include <vector>
+#include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h"
 #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_scroll_bar.h"
 #include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.h"
 #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h"
@@ -293,17 +294,16 @@
   if (HasFlag(PWS_BACKGROUND)) {
     float width = static_cast<float>(GetBorderWidth() + GetInnerBorderWidth());
-    CPWL_Utils::DrawFillRect(pDevice, pUser2Device,
-                             rectWnd.GetDeflated(width, width),
-                             GetBackgroundColor(), GetTransparency());
+    pDevice->DrawFillRect(pUser2Device, rectWnd.GetDeflated(width, width),
+                          GetBackgroundColor(), GetTransparency());
   if (HasFlag(PWS_BORDER)) {
-    CPWL_Utils::DrawBorder(pDevice, pUser2Device, rectWnd,
-                           (float)GetBorderWidth(), GetBorderColor(),
-                           GetBorderLeftTopColor(GetBorderStyle()),
-                           GetBorderRightBottomColor(GetBorderStyle()),
-                           GetBorderStyle(), GetTransparency());
+    pDevice->DrawBorder(pUser2Device, rectWnd,
+                        static_cast<float>(GetBorderWidth()), GetBorderColor(),
+                        GetBorderLeftTopColor(GetBorderStyle()),
+                        GetBorderRightBottomColor(GetBorderStyle()),
+                        GetBorderStyle(), GetTransparency());