blob: b2e70d2389e836238536630da2390a0b9152d01b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2015 The PDFium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from dataclasses import dataclass
import itertools
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
_PNG_OPTIMIZER = 'optipng'
_COMMON_SUFFIX_ORDER = ('_{os}', '')
_AGG_SUFFIX_ORDER = ('_agg_{os}', '_agg') + _COMMON_SUFFIX_ORDER
_SKIA_SUFFIX_ORDER = ('_skia_{os}', '_skia') + _COMMON_SUFFIX_ORDER
class ImageDiff:
"""Details about an image diff.
actual_path: Path to the actual image file.
expected_path: Path to the expected image file, or `None` if no matches.
diff_path: Path to the diff image file, or `None` if no diff.
reason: Optional reason for the diff.
actual_path: str
expected_path: str = None
diff_path: str = None
reason: str = None
class PNGDiffer():
def __init__(self, finder, features, reverse_byte_order):
self.pdfium_diff_path = finder.ExecutablePath('pdfium_diff')
self.os_name = finder.os_name
self.reverse_byte_order = reverse_byte_order
if 'SKIA' in features:
self.suffix_order = _SKIA_SUFFIX_ORDER
self.suffix_order = _AGG_SUFFIX_ORDER
def CheckMissingTools(self, regenerate_expected):
if regenerate_expected and not shutil.which(_PNG_OPTIMIZER):
return f'Please install "{_PNG_OPTIMIZER}" to regenerate expected images.'
return None
def GetActualFiles(self, input_filename, source_dir, working_dir):
actual_paths = []
path_templates = _PathTemplates(input_filename, source_dir, working_dir,
self.os_name, self.suffix_order)
for page in itertools.count():
actual_path = path_templates.GetActualPath(page)
if path_templates.GetExpectedPath(page, default_to_base=False):
return actual_paths
def _RunCommand(self, cmd):
try:, capture_output=True, check=True)
return None
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return e
def _RunImageCompareCommand(self, image_diff):
cmd = [self.pdfium_diff_path]
if self.reverse_byte_order:
cmd.extend([image_diff.actual_path, image_diff.expected_path])
return self._RunCommand(cmd)
def _RunImageDiffCommand(self, image_diff):
# TODO( Diff mode ignores --reverse-byte-order.
return self._RunCommand([
self.pdfium_diff_path, '--subtract', image_diff.actual_path,
image_diff.expected_path, image_diff.diff_path
def ComputeDifferences(self, input_filename, source_dir, working_dir):
"""Computes differences between actual and expected image files.
A list of `ImageDiff` instances, one per differing page.
image_diffs = []
path_templates = _PathTemplates(input_filename, source_dir, working_dir,
self.os_name, self.suffix_order)
for page in itertools.count():
page_diff = ImageDiff(actual_path=path_templates.GetActualPath(page))
if not os.path.exists(page_diff.actual_path):
# No more actual pages.
expected_path = path_templates.GetExpectedPath(page)
if os.path.exists(expected_path):
page_diff.expected_path = expected_path
compare_error = self._RunImageCompareCommand(page_diff)
if compare_error:
page_diff.reason = str(compare_error)
# TODO( Compare and diff simultaneously.
page_diff.diff_path = path_templates.GetDiffPath(page)
if not self._RunImageDiffCommand(page_diff):
print(f'WARNING: No diff for {page_diff.actual_path}')
page_diff.diff_path = None
# Validate that no other paths match.
for unexpected_path in path_templates.GetExpectedPaths(page)[1:]:
page_diff.expected_path = unexpected_path
if not self._RunImageCompareCommand(page_diff):
page_diff.reason = f'Also matches {unexpected_path}'
page_diff.expected_path = expected_path
if page == 0:
print(f'WARNING: no expected results files for {input_filename}')
page_diff.reason = f'{expected_path} does not exist'
if page_diff.reason:
return image_diffs
def Regenerate(self, input_filename, source_dir, working_dir):
path_templates = _PathTemplates(input_filename, source_dir, working_dir,
self.os_name, self.suffix_order)
for page in itertools.count():
page_diff = ImageDiff(actual_path=path_templates.GetActualPath(page))
if not os.path.isfile(page_diff.actual_path):
# No more actual pages.
# Regenerate the most specific expected path that exists. If there are no
# existing expectations, regenerate the base case.
# TODO( Clean up redundant expectations.
expected_path = path_templates.GetExpectedPath(page)
shutil.copyfile(page_diff.actual_path, expected_path)
self._RunCommand([_PNG_OPTIMIZER, expected_path])
_ACTUAL_TEMPLATE = '.pdf.%d.png'
_DIFF_TEMPLATE = '.pdf.%d.diff.png'
class _PathTemplates:
def __init__(self, input_filename, source_dir, working_dir, os_name,
input_root, _ = os.path.splitext(input_filename)
self.actual_path_template = os.path.join(working_dir,
input_root + _ACTUAL_TEMPLATE)
self.diff_path_template = os.path.join(working_dir,
input_root + _DIFF_TEMPLATE)
# Pre-create the available templates from most to least specific. We
# generally expect the most specific case to match first.
self.expected_templates = []
for suffix in suffix_order:
formatted_suffix = suffix.format(os=os_name)
assert self.expected_templates
def GetActualPath(self, page):
return self.actual_path_template % page
def GetDiffPath(self, page):
return self.diff_path_template % page
def _GetPossibleExpectedPaths(self, page):
return [template % page for template in self.expected_templates]
def GetExpectedPaths(self, page):
return list(filter(os.path.exists, self._GetPossibleExpectedPaths(page)))
def GetExpectedPath(self, page, default_to_base=True):
"""Returns the most specific expected path that exists."""
last_not_found_expected_path = None
for expected_path in self._GetPossibleExpectedPaths(page):
if os.path.exists(expected_path):
return expected_path
last_not_found_expected_path = expected_path
return last_not_found_expected_path if default_to_base else None