blob: 452946f9b689e343fb2eb6e180ff7884384e6a98 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "testing/test_fonts.h"
#include <utility>
#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmapper.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmgr.h"
#include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h"
#include "core/fxge/systemfontinfo_iface.h"
#include "testing/utils/path_service.h"
namespace {
ByteString RenameFontForTesting(const ByteString& face) {
ByteString result;
if (face.Contains("Arial") || face.Contains("Calibri") ||
face.Contains("Helvetica")) {
// Sans
result = "Arimo";
} else if (face.IsEmpty() || face.Contains("Times")) {
// Serif
result = "Tinos";
} else if (face.Contains("Courier")) {
// Mono
result = "Cousine";
} else {
// Some tests expect the fallback font.
return face;
if (face.Contains("Bold"))
result += " Bold";
if (face.Contains("Italic") || face.Contains("Oblique"))
result += " Italic";
return result;
// Intercepts font requests and renames font faces to those in test_fonts.
class SystemFontInfoWrapper : public SystemFontInfoIface {
explicit SystemFontInfoWrapper(std::unique_ptr<SystemFontInfoIface> impl)
: impl_(std::move(impl)) {}
~SystemFontInfoWrapper() = default;
bool EnumFontList(CFX_FontMapper* pMapper) override {
return impl_->EnumFontList(pMapper);
void* MapFont(int weight,
bool bItalic,
FX_Charset charset,
int pitch_family,
const ByteString& face) override {
return impl_->MapFont(weight, bItalic, charset, pitch_family,
void* GetFont(const ByteString& face) override {
return impl_->GetFont(RenameFontForTesting(face));
size_t GetFontData(void* hFont,
uint32_t table,
pdfium::span<uint8_t> buffer) override {
return impl_->GetFontData(hFont, table, buffer);
bool GetFaceName(void* hFont, ByteString* name) override {
auto face = RenameFontForTesting(*name);
return impl_->GetFaceName(hFont, &face);
bool GetFontCharset(void* hFont, FX_Charset* charset) override {
return impl_->GetFontCharset(hFont, charset);
void DeleteFont(void* hFont) override { impl_->DeleteFont(hFont); }
std::unique_ptr<SystemFontInfoIface> impl_;
} // namespace
TestFonts::TestFonts() {
if (!PathService::GetExecutableDir(&font_path_))
font_paths_ = std::make_unique<const char*[]>(2);
font_paths_[0] = font_path_.c_str();
font_paths_[1] = nullptr;
TestFonts::~TestFonts() = default;
void TestFonts::InstallFontMapper() {
auto* font_mapper = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr()->GetBuiltinMapper();