blob: f2f55b0e33db8c40dacd9846ab03416e67b5f37b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_generateap.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_font/include/cpdf_font.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/cpdf_dictionary.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/cpdf_document.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/cpdf_simple_parser.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/cpdf_stream.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/fpdf_parser_decode.h"
#include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_color.h"
#include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_fontmap.h"
#include "core/fpdfdoc/include/cpdf_formfield.h"
#include "core/fpdfdoc/include/cpvt_word.h"
namespace {
bool GenerateWidgetAP(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict,
const int32_t& nWidgetType) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pFormDict = nullptr;
if (CPDF_Dictionary* pRootDict = pDoc->GetRoot())
pFormDict = pRootDict->GetDictBy("AcroForm");
if (!pFormDict)
return false;
CFX_ByteString DA;
if (CPDF_Object* pDAObj = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "DA"))
DA = pDAObj->GetString();
if (DA.IsEmpty())
DA = pFormDict->GetStringBy("DA");
if (DA.IsEmpty())
return false;
CPDF_SimpleParser syntax(DA.AsStringC());
syntax.FindTagParamFromStart("Tf", 2);
CFX_ByteString sFontName(syntax.GetWord());
sFontName = PDF_NameDecode(sFontName);
if (sFontName.IsEmpty())
return false;
FX_FLOAT fFontSize = FX_atof(syntax.GetWord());
CPVT_Color crText = CPVT_Color::ParseColor(DA);
FX_BOOL bUseFormRes = FALSE;
CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDict = nullptr;
CPDF_Dictionary* pDRDict = pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("DR");
if (!pDRDict) {
pDRDict = pFormDict->GetDictBy("DR");
bUseFormRes = TRUE;
CPDF_Dictionary* pDRFontDict = pDRDict ? pDRDict->GetDictBy("Font") : nullptr;
if (pDRFontDict) {
pFontDict = pDRFontDict->GetDictBy(sFontName.Mid(1));
if (!pFontDict && !bUseFormRes) {
pDRDict = pFormDict->GetDictBy("DR");
pDRFontDict = pDRDict->GetDictBy("Font");
if (pDRFontDict)
pFontDict = pDRFontDict->GetDictBy(sFontName.Mid(1));
if (!pDRFontDict)
return false;
if (!pFontDict) {
pFontDict = new CPDF_Dictionary;
pFontDict->SetAtName("Type", "Font");
pFontDict->SetAtName("Subtype", "Type1");
pFontDict->SetAtName("BaseFont", "Helvetica");
pFontDict->SetAtName("Encoding", "WinAnsiEncoding");
pDRFontDict->SetAtReference(sFontName.Mid(1), pDoc, pFontDict);
CPDF_Font* pDefFont = pDoc->LoadFont(pFontDict);
if (!pDefFont)
return false;
CFX_FloatRect rcAnnot = pAnnotDict->GetRectBy("Rect");
int32_t nRotate = 0;
if (CPDF_Dictionary* pMKDict = pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("MK"))
nRotate = pMKDict->GetIntegerBy("R");
CFX_FloatRect rcBBox;
CFX_Matrix matrix;
switch (nRotate % 360) {
case 0:
rcBBox = CFX_FloatRect(0, 0, rcAnnot.right - rcAnnot.left, - rcAnnot.bottom);
case 90:
matrix = CFX_Matrix(0, 1, -1, 0, rcAnnot.right - rcAnnot.left, 0);
rcBBox = CFX_FloatRect(0, 0, - rcAnnot.bottom,
rcAnnot.right - rcAnnot.left);
case 180:
matrix = CFX_Matrix(-1, 0, 0, -1, rcAnnot.right - rcAnnot.left, - rcAnnot.bottom);
rcBBox = CFX_FloatRect(0, 0, rcAnnot.right - rcAnnot.left, - rcAnnot.bottom);
case 270:
matrix = CFX_Matrix(0, -1, 1, 0, 0, - rcAnnot.bottom);
rcBBox = CFX_FloatRect(0, 0, - rcAnnot.bottom,
rcAnnot.right - rcAnnot.left);
BorderStyle nBorderStyle = BorderStyle::SOLID;
FX_FLOAT fBorderWidth = 1;
CPVT_Dash dsBorder(3, 0, 0);
CPVT_Color crLeftTop, crRightBottom;
if (CPDF_Dictionary* pBSDict = pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("BS")) {
if (pBSDict->KeyExist("W"))
fBorderWidth = pBSDict->GetNumberBy("W");
if (CPDF_Array* pArray = pBSDict->GetArrayBy("D")) {
dsBorder = CPVT_Dash(pArray->GetIntegerAt(0), pArray->GetIntegerAt(1),
switch (pBSDict->GetStringBy("S").GetAt(0)) {
case 'S':
nBorderStyle = BorderStyle::SOLID;
case 'D':
nBorderStyle = BorderStyle::DASH;
case 'B':
nBorderStyle = BorderStyle::BEVELED;
fBorderWidth *= 2;
crLeftTop = CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kGray, 1);
crRightBottom = CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kGray, 0.5);
case 'I':
nBorderStyle = BorderStyle::INSET;
fBorderWidth *= 2;
crLeftTop = CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kGray, 0.5);
crRightBottom = CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kGray, 0.75);
case 'U':
nBorderStyle = BorderStyle::UNDERLINE;
CPVT_Color crBorder, crBG;
if (CPDF_Dictionary* pMKDict = pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("MK")) {
if (CPDF_Array* pArray = pMKDict->GetArrayBy("BC"))
crBorder = CPVT_Color::ParseColor(*pArray);
if (CPDF_Array* pArray = pMKDict->GetArrayBy("BG"))
crBG = CPVT_Color::ParseColor(*pArray);
CFX_ByteTextBuf sAppStream;
CFX_ByteString sBG =
CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(crBG, PaintOperation::FILL);
if (sBG.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << "q\n" << sBG << rcBBox.left << " " << rcBBox.bottom << " "
<< rcBBox.Width() << " " << rcBBox.Height() << " re f\n"
<< "Q\n";
CFX_ByteString sBorderStream = CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateBorderAP(
rcBBox, fBorderWidth, crBorder, crLeftTop, crRightBottom, nBorderStyle,
if (sBorderStream.GetLength() > 0)
sAppStream << "q\n" << sBorderStream << "Q\n";
CFX_FloatRect rcBody =
CFX_FloatRect(rcBBox.left + fBorderWidth, rcBBox.bottom + fBorderWidth,
rcBBox.right - fBorderWidth, - fBorderWidth);
CPDF_Dictionary* pAPDict = pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("AP");
if (!pAPDict) {
pAPDict = new CPDF_Dictionary;
pAnnotDict->SetAt("AP", pAPDict);
CPDF_Stream* pNormalStream = pAPDict->GetStreamBy("N");
if (!pNormalStream) {
pNormalStream = new CPDF_Stream(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
int32_t objnum = pDoc->AddIndirectObject(pNormalStream);
pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("AP")->SetAtReference("N", pDoc, objnum);
CPDF_Dictionary* pStreamDict = pNormalStream->GetDict();
if (pStreamDict) {
pStreamDict->SetAtMatrix("Matrix", matrix);
pStreamDict->SetAtRect("BBox", rcBBox);
CPDF_Dictionary* pStreamResList = pStreamDict->GetDictBy("Resources");
if (pStreamResList) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pStreamResFontList = pStreamResList->GetDictBy("Font");
if (!pStreamResFontList) {
pStreamResFontList = new CPDF_Dictionary;
pStreamResList->SetAt("Font", pStreamResFontList);
if (!pStreamResFontList->KeyExist(sFontName))
pStreamResFontList->SetAtReference(sFontName, pDoc, pFontDict);
} else {
pStreamDict->SetAt("Resources", pFormDict->GetDictBy("DR")->Clone());
pStreamResList = pStreamDict->GetDictBy("Resources");
switch (nWidgetType) {
case 0: {
CFX_WideString swValue =
FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "V")
? FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "V")->GetUnicodeText()
: CFX_WideString();
int32_t nAlign = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "Q")
? FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "Q")->GetInteger()
: 0;
uint32_t dwFlags = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "Ff")
? FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "Ff")->GetInteger()
: 0;
uint32_t dwMaxLen =
FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "MaxLen")
? FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "MaxLen")->GetInteger()
: 0;
CPVT_FontMap map(
pDoc, pStreamDict ? pStreamDict->GetDictBy("Resources") : nullptr,
pDefFont, sFontName.Right(sFontName.GetLength() - 1));
CPDF_VariableText::Provider prd(&map);
CPDF_VariableText vt;
if (IsFloatZero(fFontSize))
FX_BOOL bMultiLine = (dwFlags >> 12) & 1;
if (bMultiLine) {
uint16_t subWord = 0;
if ((dwFlags >> 13) & 1) {
subWord = '*';
FX_BOOL bCharArray = (dwFlags >> 24) & 1;
if (bCharArray)
CFX_FloatRect rcContent = vt.GetContentRect();
CFX_FloatPoint ptOffset(0.0f, 0.0f);
if (!bMultiLine) {
ptOffset =
CFX_FloatPoint(0.0f, (rcContent.Height() - rcBody.Height()) / 2.0f);
CFX_ByteString sBody = CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateEditAP(
&map, vt.GetIterator(), ptOffset, !bCharArray, subWord);
if (sBody.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << "/Tx BMC\n"
<< "q\n";
if (rcContent.Width() > rcBody.Width() ||
rcContent.Height() > rcBody.Height()) {
sAppStream << rcBody.left << " " << rcBody.bottom << " "
<< rcBody.Width() << " " << rcBody.Height()
<< " re\nW\nn\n";
sAppStream << "BT\n"
<< CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(crText,
<< sBody << "ET\n"
<< "Q\nEMC\n";
} break;
case 1: {
CFX_WideString swValue =
FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "V")
? FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "V")->GetUnicodeText()
: CFX_WideString();
CPVT_FontMap map(
pDoc, pStreamDict ? pStreamDict->GetDictBy("Resources") : nullptr,
pDefFont, sFontName.Right(sFontName.GetLength() - 1));
CPDF_VariableText::Provider prd(&map);
CPDF_VariableText vt;
CFX_FloatRect rcButton = rcBody;
rcButton.left = rcButton.right - 13;
CFX_FloatRect rcEdit = rcBody;
rcEdit.right = rcButton.left;
if (IsFloatZero(fFontSize))
CFX_FloatRect rcContent = vt.GetContentRect();
CFX_FloatPoint ptOffset =
CFX_FloatPoint(0.0f, (rcContent.Height() - rcEdit.Height()) / 2.0f);
CFX_ByteString sEdit = CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateEditAP(
&map, vt.GetIterator(), ptOffset, TRUE, 0);
if (sEdit.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << "/Tx BMC\n"
<< "q\n";
sAppStream << rcEdit.left << " " << rcEdit.bottom << " "
<< rcEdit.Width() << " " << rcEdit.Height() << " re\nW\nn\n";
sAppStream << "BT\n"
<< CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(crText,
<< sEdit << "ET\n"
<< "Q\nEMC\n";
CFX_ByteString sButton = CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(
CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kRGB, 220.0f / 255.0f, 220.0f / 255.0f,
220.0f / 255.0f),
if (sButton.GetLength() > 0 && !rcButton.IsEmpty()) {
sAppStream << "q\n" << sButton;
sAppStream << rcButton.left << " " << rcButton.bottom << " "
<< rcButton.Width() << " " << rcButton.Height() << " re f\n";
sAppStream << "Q\n";
CFX_ByteString sButtonBorder = CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateBorderAP(
rcButton, 2, CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kGray, 0),
CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kGray, 1),
CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kGray, 0.5), BorderStyle::BEVELED,
CPVT_Dash(3, 0, 0));
if (sButtonBorder.GetLength() > 0)
sAppStream << "q\n" << sButtonBorder << "Q\n";
CFX_FloatPoint ptCenter =
CFX_FloatPoint((rcButton.left + rcButton.right) / 2,
( + rcButton.bottom) / 2);
if (IsFloatBigger(rcButton.Width(), 6) &&
IsFloatBigger(rcButton.Height(), 6)) {
sAppStream << "q\n"
<< " 0 g\n";
sAppStream << ptCenter.x - 3 << " " << ptCenter.y + 1.5f << " m\n";
sAppStream << ptCenter.x + 3 << " " << ptCenter.y + 1.5f << " l\n";
sAppStream << ptCenter.x << " " << ptCenter.y - 1.5f << " l\n";
sAppStream << ptCenter.x - 3 << " " << ptCenter.y + 1.5f << " l f\n";
sAppStream << sButton << "Q\n";
} break;
case 2: {
CPVT_FontMap map(
pDoc, pStreamDict ? pStreamDict->GetDictBy("Resources") : nullptr,
pDefFont, sFontName.Right(sFontName.GetLength() - 1));
CPDF_VariableText::Provider prd(&map);
CPDF_Array* pOpts = ToArray(FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "Opt"));
CPDF_Array* pSels = ToArray(FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "I"));
CPDF_Object* pTi = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "TI");
int32_t nTop = pTi ? pTi->GetInteger() : 0;
CFX_ByteTextBuf sBody;
if (pOpts) {
FX_FLOAT fy =;
for (size_t i = nTop, sz = pOpts->GetCount(); i < sz; i++) {
if (IsFloatSmaller(fy, rcBody.bottom))
if (CPDF_Object* pOpt = pOpts->GetDirectObjectAt(i)) {
CFX_WideString swItem;
if (pOpt->IsString())
swItem = pOpt->GetUnicodeText();
else if (CPDF_Array* pArray = pOpt->AsArray())
swItem = pArray->GetDirectObjectAt(1)->GetUnicodeText();
FX_BOOL bSelected = FALSE;
if (pSels) {
for (size_t s = 0, ssz = pSels->GetCount(); s < ssz; s++) {
int value = pSels->GetIntegerAt(s);
if (value >= 0 && i == static_cast<size_t>(value)) {
bSelected = TRUE;
CPDF_VariableText vt;
CFX_FloatRect(rcBody.left, 0.0f, rcBody.right, 0.0f));
vt.SetFontSize(IsFloatZero(fFontSize) ? 12.0f : fFontSize);
FX_FLOAT fItemHeight = vt.GetContentRect().Height();
if (bSelected) {
CFX_FloatRect rcItem = CFX_FloatRect(
rcBody.left, fy - fItemHeight, rcBody.right, fy);
sBody << "q\n"
<< CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(
CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kRGB, 0, 51.0f / 255.0f,
113.0f / 255.0f),
<< rcItem.left << " " << rcItem.bottom << " "
<< rcItem.Width() << " " << rcItem.Height() << " re f\n"
<< "Q\n";
sBody << "BT\n"
<< CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(
CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kGray, 1),
<< CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateEditAP(&map, vt.GetIterator(),
CFX_FloatPoint(0.0f, fy),
TRUE, 0)
<< "ET\n";
} else {
sBody << "BT\n"
<< CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(crText,
<< CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateEditAP(&map, vt.GetIterator(),
CFX_FloatPoint(0.0f, fy),
TRUE, 0)
<< "ET\n";
fy -= fItemHeight;
if (sBody.GetSize() > 0) {
sAppStream << "/Tx BMC\nq\n"
<< rcBody.left << " " << rcBody.bottom << " "
<< rcBody.Width() << " " << rcBody.Height() << " re\nW\nn\n"
<< sBody.AsStringC() << "Q\nEMC\n";
} break;
if (pNormalStream) {
pNormalStream->SetData(sAppStream.GetBuffer(), sAppStream.GetSize(), FALSE,
pStreamDict = pNormalStream->GetDict();
if (pStreamDict) {
pStreamDict->SetAtMatrix("Matrix", matrix);
pStreamDict->SetAtRect("BBox", rcBBox);
CPDF_Dictionary* pStreamResList = pStreamDict->GetDictBy("Resources");
if (pStreamResList) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pStreamResFontList = pStreamResList->GetDictBy("Font");
if (!pStreamResFontList) {
pStreamResFontList = new CPDF_Dictionary;
pStreamResList->SetAt("Font", pStreamResFontList);
if (!pStreamResFontList->KeyExist(sFontName))
pStreamResFontList->SetAtReference(sFontName, pDoc, pFontDict);
} else {
pStreamDict->SetAt("Resources", pFormDict->GetDictBy("DR")->Clone());
pStreamResList = pStreamDict->GetDictBy("Resources");
return true;
CFX_ByteString GetColorStringWithDefault(CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict,
const CPVT_Color& crDefaultColor,
PaintOperation nOperation) {
if (CPDF_Array* pColor = pAnnotDict->GetArrayBy("C")) {
CPVT_Color color = CPVT_Color::ParseColor(*pColor);
return CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(color, nOperation);
return CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(crDefaultColor, nOperation);
CPDF_Dictionary* GenerateExtGStateDict(const CPDF_Dictionary& pAnnotDict,
const CFX_ByteString& sExtGSDictName,
const CFX_ByteString& sBlendMode) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pGSDict = new CPDF_Dictionary;
pGSDict->SetAtString("Type", "ExtGState");
FX_FLOAT fOpacity =
pAnnotDict.KeyExist("CA") ? pAnnotDict.GetNumberBy("CA") : 1;
pGSDict->SetAtNumber("CA", fOpacity);
pGSDict->SetAtNumber("ca", fOpacity);
pGSDict->SetAtBoolean("AIS", false);
pGSDict->SetAtString("BM", sBlendMode);
CPDF_Dictionary* pExtGStateDict = new CPDF_Dictionary;
pExtGStateDict->SetAt(sExtGSDictName, pGSDict);
return pExtGStateDict;
// Takes ownership of |pExtGStateDict|.
void GenerateAndSetAPDict(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict,
const CFX_ByteTextBuf& sAppStream,
CPDF_Dictionary* pExtGStateDict) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pAPDict = new CPDF_Dictionary;
pAnnotDict->SetAt("AP", pAPDict);
CPDF_Stream* pNormalStream = new CPDF_Stream(nullptr, 0, nullptr);
int32_t objnum = pDoc->AddIndirectObject(pNormalStream);
pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("AP")->SetAtReference("N", pDoc, objnum);
pNormalStream->SetData(sAppStream.GetBuffer(), sAppStream.GetSize(), FALSE,
CPDF_Dictionary* pStreamDict = pNormalStream->GetDict();
pStreamDict->SetAtInteger("FormType", 1);
pStreamDict->SetAtString("Subtype", "Form");
pStreamDict->SetAtMatrix("Matrix", CFX_Matrix());
CFX_FloatRect rect = pAnnotDict->GetRectBy("Rect");
pStreamDict->SetAtRect("BBox", rect);
CPDF_Dictionary* pResourceDict = new CPDF_Dictionary;
pResourceDict->SetAt("ExtGState", pExtGStateDict);
pStreamDict->SetAt("Resources", pResourceDict);
} // namespace
bool FPDF_GenerateAP(CPDF_Document* pDoc, CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) {
if (!pAnnotDict || pAnnotDict->GetStringBy("Subtype") != "Widget")
return false;
CFX_ByteString field_type = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "FT")->GetString();
uint32_t flags = FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "Ff")
? FPDF_GetFieldAttr(pAnnotDict, "Ff")->GetInteger()
: 0;
if (field_type == "Tx") {
return CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateTextFieldAP(pDoc, pAnnotDict);
if (field_type == "Ch") {
return (flags & (1 << 17))
? CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateComboBoxAP(pDoc, pAnnotDict)
: CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateListBoxAP(pDoc, pAnnotDict);
if (field_type == "Btn") {
if (!(flags & (1 << 16))) {
if (!pAnnotDict->KeyExist("AS")) {
if (CPDF_Dictionary* pParentDict = pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("Parent")) {
if (pParentDict->KeyExist("AS")) {
pAnnotDict->SetAtString("AS", pParentDict->GetStringBy("AS"));
return false;
// Static.
bool CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateComboBoxAP(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) {
return GenerateWidgetAP(pDoc, pAnnotDict, 1);
// Static.
bool CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateListBoxAP(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) {
return GenerateWidgetAP(pDoc, pAnnotDict, 2);
// Static.
bool CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateTextFieldAP(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) {
return GenerateWidgetAP(pDoc, pAnnotDict, 0);
bool CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateHighlightAP(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) {
// If AP dictionary exists, we use the appearance defined in the
// existing AP dictionary.
if (pAnnotDict->KeyExist("AP"))
return false;
CFX_ByteTextBuf sAppStream;
CFX_ByteString sExtGSDictName = "GS";
sAppStream << "/" << sExtGSDictName << " gs ";
sAppStream << GetColorStringWithDefault(
pAnnotDict, CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kRGB, 1, 1, 0), PaintOperation::FILL);
CFX_FloatRect rect = pAnnotDict->GetRectBy("Rect");
sAppStream << rect.left << " " << << " m " << rect.right << " "
<< << " l " << rect.right << " " << rect.bottom << " l "
<< rect.left << " " << rect.bottom << " l "
<< "h f\n";
CPDF_Dictionary* pExtGStateDict =
GenerateExtGStateDict(*pAnnotDict, sExtGSDictName, "Multiply");
GenerateAndSetAPDict(pDoc, pAnnotDict, sAppStream, pExtGStateDict);
return true;
bool CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateUnderlineAP(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) {
// If AP dictionary exists, we use the appearance defined in the
// existing AP dictionary.
if (pAnnotDict->KeyExist("AP"))
return false;
CFX_ByteTextBuf sAppStream;
CFX_ByteString sExtGSDictName = "GS";
sAppStream << "/" << sExtGSDictName << " gs ";
sAppStream << GetColorStringWithDefault(pAnnotDict,
CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kRGB, 0, 0, 0),
CFX_FloatRect rect = pAnnotDict->GetRectBy("Rect");
FX_FLOAT fLineWidth = 1.0;
sAppStream << fLineWidth << " w " << rect.left << " "
<< rect.bottom + fLineWidth << " m " << rect.right << " "
<< rect.bottom + fLineWidth << " l S\n";
CPDF_Dictionary* pExtGStateDict =
GenerateExtGStateDict(*pAnnotDict, sExtGSDictName, "Normal");
GenerateAndSetAPDict(pDoc, pAnnotDict, sAppStream, pExtGStateDict);
return true;
bool CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateSquigglyAP(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) {
// If AP dictionary exists, we use the appearance defined in the
// existing AP dictionary.
if (pAnnotDict->KeyExist("AP"))
return false;
CFX_ByteTextBuf sAppStream;
CFX_ByteString sExtGSDictName = "GS";
sAppStream << "/" << sExtGSDictName << " gs ";
sAppStream << GetColorStringWithDefault(pAnnotDict,
CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kRGB, 0, 0, 0),
CFX_FloatRect rect = pAnnotDict->GetRectBy("Rect");
FX_FLOAT fLineWidth = 1.0;
sAppStream << fLineWidth << " w ";
const FX_FLOAT fDelta = 2.0;
const FX_FLOAT fTop = rect.bottom + fDelta;
const FX_FLOAT fBottom = rect.bottom;
sAppStream << rect.left << " " << fTop << " m ";
FX_FLOAT fX = rect.left + fDelta;
bool isUpwards = false;
while (fX < rect.right) {
sAppStream << fX << " " << (isUpwards ? fTop : fBottom) << " l ";
fX += fDelta;
isUpwards = !isUpwards;
FX_FLOAT fRemainder = rect.right - (fX - fDelta);
if (isUpwards)
sAppStream << rect.right << " " << fBottom + fRemainder << " l ";
sAppStream << rect.right << " " << fTop - fRemainder << " l ";
sAppStream << "S\n";
CPDF_Dictionary* pExtGStateDict =
GenerateExtGStateDict(*pAnnotDict, sExtGSDictName, "Normal");
GenerateAndSetAPDict(pDoc, pAnnotDict, sAppStream, pExtGStateDict);
return true;
bool CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateStrikeOutAP(CPDF_Document* pDoc,
CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) {
// If AP dictionary exists, we use the appearance defined in the
// existing AP dictionary.
if (pAnnotDict->KeyExist("AP"))
return false;
CFX_ByteTextBuf sAppStream;
CFX_ByteString sExtGSDictName = "GS";
sAppStream << "/" << sExtGSDictName << " gs ";
sAppStream << GetColorStringWithDefault(pAnnotDict,
CPVT_Color(CPVT_Color::kRGB, 0, 0, 0),
CFX_FloatRect rect = pAnnotDict->GetRectBy("Rect");
FX_FLOAT fLineWidth = 1.0;
FX_FLOAT fY = ( + rect.bottom) / 2;
sAppStream << fLineWidth << " w " << rect.left << " " << fY << " m "
<< rect.right << " " << fY << " l S\n";
CPDF_Dictionary* pExtGStateDict =
GenerateExtGStateDict(*pAnnotDict, sExtGSDictName, "Normal");
GenerateAndSetAPDict(pDoc, pAnnotDict, sAppStream, pExtGStateDict);
return true;
// Static.
CFX_ByteString CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateEditAP(
IPVT_FontMap* pFontMap,
CPDF_VariableText::Iterator* pIterator,
const CFX_FloatPoint& ptOffset,
FX_BOOL bContinuous,
uint16_t SubWord) {
CFX_ByteTextBuf sEditStream;
CFX_ByteTextBuf sLineStream;
CFX_ByteTextBuf sWords;
CFX_FloatPoint ptOld(0.0f, 0.0f);
CFX_FloatPoint ptNew(0.0f, 0.0f);
int32_t nCurFontIndex = -1;
CPVT_WordPlace oldplace;
while (pIterator->NextWord()) {
CPVT_WordPlace place = pIterator->GetAt();
if (bContinuous) {
if (place.LineCmp(oldplace) != 0) {
if (sWords.GetSize() > 0) {
sLineStream << GetWordRenderString(sWords.MakeString());
sEditStream << sLineStream;
CPVT_Word word;
if (pIterator->GetWord(word)) {
ptNew = CFX_FloatPoint(word.ptWord.x + ptOffset.x,
word.ptWord.y + ptOffset.y);
} else {
CPVT_Line line;
ptNew = CFX_FloatPoint(line.ptLine.x + ptOffset.x,
line.ptLine.y + ptOffset.y);
if (ptNew.x != ptOld.x || ptNew.y != ptOld.y) {
sLineStream << ptNew.x - ptOld.x << " " << ptNew.y - ptOld.y
<< " Td\n";
ptOld = ptNew;
CPVT_Word word;
if (pIterator->GetWord(word)) {
if (word.nFontIndex != nCurFontIndex) {
if (sWords.GetSize() > 0) {
sLineStream << GetWordRenderString(sWords.MakeString());
sLineStream << GetFontSetString(pFontMap, word.nFontIndex,
nCurFontIndex = word.nFontIndex;
sWords << GetPDFWordString(pFontMap, nCurFontIndex, word.Word, SubWord);
oldplace = place;
} else {
CPVT_Word word;
if (pIterator->GetWord(word)) {
ptNew = CFX_FloatPoint(word.ptWord.x + ptOffset.x,
word.ptWord.y + ptOffset.y);
if (ptNew.x != ptOld.x || ptNew.y != ptOld.y) {
sEditStream << ptNew.x - ptOld.x << " " << ptNew.y - ptOld.y
<< " Td\n";
ptOld = ptNew;
if (word.nFontIndex != nCurFontIndex) {
sEditStream << GetFontSetString(pFontMap, word.nFontIndex,
nCurFontIndex = word.nFontIndex;
sEditStream << GetWordRenderString(
GetPDFWordString(pFontMap, nCurFontIndex, word.Word, SubWord));
if (sWords.GetSize() > 0) {
sLineStream << GetWordRenderString(sWords.MakeString());
sEditStream << sLineStream;
return sEditStream.MakeString();
// Static.
CFX_ByteString CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateBorderAP(
const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
FX_FLOAT fWidth,
const CPVT_Color& color,
const CPVT_Color& crLeftTop,
const CPVT_Color& crRightBottom,
BorderStyle nStyle,
const CPVT_Dash& dash) {
CFX_ByteTextBuf sAppStream;
CFX_ByteString sColor;
FX_FLOAT fLeft = rect.left;
FX_FLOAT fRight = rect.right;
FX_FLOAT fTop =;
FX_FLOAT fBottom = rect.bottom;
if (fWidth > 0.0f) {
FX_FLOAT fHalfWidth = fWidth / 2.0f;
switch (nStyle) {
case BorderStyle::SOLID:
sColor = GenerateColorAP(color, PaintOperation::FILL);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fLeft << " " << fBottom << " " << fRight - fLeft << " "
<< fTop - fBottom << " re\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fWidth << " " << fBottom + fWidth << " "
<< fRight - fLeft - fWidth * 2 << " "
<< fTop - fBottom - fWidth * 2 << " re\n";
sAppStream << "f*\n";
case BorderStyle::DASH:
sColor = GenerateColorAP(color, PaintOperation::STROKE);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fWidth << " w"
<< " [" << dash.nDash << " " << dash.nGap << "] "
<< dash.nPhase << " d\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fWidth / 2 << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2
<< " m\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fWidth / 2 << " " << fTop - fWidth / 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fWidth / 2 << " " << fTop - fWidth / 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fWidth / 2 << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fWidth / 2 << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2
<< " l S\n";
case BorderStyle::BEVELED:
case BorderStyle::INSET:
sColor = GenerateColorAP(crLeftTop, PaintOperation::FILL);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth << " " << fBottom + fHalfWidth
<< " m\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth * 2 << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth * 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2 << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth * 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2 << " "
<< fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2 << " l f\n";
sColor = GenerateColorAP(crRightBottom, PaintOperation::FILL);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth
<< " m\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth << " " << fBottom + fHalfWidth
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth << " " << fBottom + fHalfWidth
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2 << " "
<< fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2 << " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth * 2 << " "
<< fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2 << " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth * 2 << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth * 2
<< " l f\n";
sColor = GenerateColorAP(color, PaintOperation::FILL);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fLeft << " " << fBottom << " " << fRight - fLeft << " "
<< fTop - fBottom << " re\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth << " " << fBottom + fHalfWidth << " "
<< fRight - fLeft - fHalfWidth * 2 << " "
<< fTop - fBottom - fHalfWidth * 2 << " re f*\n";
case BorderStyle::UNDERLINE:
sColor = GenerateColorAP(color, PaintOperation::STROKE);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fWidth << " w\n";
sAppStream << fLeft << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2 << " m\n";
sAppStream << fRight << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2 << " l S\n";
return sAppStream.MakeString();
// Static.
CFX_ByteString CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateColorAP(const CPVT_Color& color,
PaintOperation nOperation) {
CFX_ByteTextBuf sColorStream;
switch (color.nColorType) {
case CPVT_Color::kRGB:
sColorStream << color.fColor1 << " " << color.fColor2 << " "
<< color.fColor3 << " "
<< (nOperation == PaintOperation::STROKE ? "RG" : "rg")
<< "\n";
case CPVT_Color::kGray:
sColorStream << color.fColor1 << " "
<< (nOperation == PaintOperation::STROKE ? "G" : "g")
<< "\n";
case CPVT_Color::kCMYK:
sColorStream << color.fColor1 << " " << color.fColor2 << " "
<< color.fColor3 << " " << color.fColor4 << " "
<< (nOperation == PaintOperation::STROKE ? "K" : "k")
<< "\n";
case CPVT_Color::kTransparent:
return sColorStream.MakeString();
// Static.
CFX_ByteString CPVT_GenerateAP::GetPDFWordString(IPVT_FontMap* pFontMap,
int32_t nFontIndex,
uint16_t Word,
uint16_t SubWord) {
CFX_ByteString sWord;
if (SubWord > 0) {
sWord.Format("%c", SubWord);
return sWord;
if (!pFontMap)
return sWord;
if (CPDF_Font* pPDFFont = pFontMap->GetPDFFont(nFontIndex)) {
if (pPDFFont->GetBaseFont().Compare("Symbol") == 0 ||
pPDFFont->GetBaseFont().Compare("ZapfDingbats") == 0) {
sWord.Format("%c", Word);
} else {
uint32_t dwCharCode = pPDFFont->CharCodeFromUnicode(Word);
if (dwCharCode != CPDF_Font::kInvalidCharCode)
pPDFFont->AppendChar(sWord, dwCharCode);
return sWord;
// Static.
CFX_ByteString CPVT_GenerateAP::GetWordRenderString(
const CFX_ByteString& strWords) {
if (strWords.GetLength() > 0)
return PDF_EncodeString(strWords) + " Tj\n";
return "";
// Static.
CFX_ByteString CPVT_GenerateAP::GetFontSetString(IPVT_FontMap* pFontMap,
int32_t nFontIndex,
FX_FLOAT fFontSize) {
CFX_ByteTextBuf sRet;
if (pFontMap) {
CFX_ByteString sFontAlias = pFontMap->GetPDFFontAlias(nFontIndex);
if (sFontAlias.GetLength() > 0 && fFontSize > 0)
sRet << "/" << sFontAlias << " " << fFontSize << " Tf\n";
return sRet.MakeString();