blob: 180f1a1503688fc3add2521a4670248ffa0cd705 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Represents the options for filling paths.
struct CFX_FillRenderOptions {
// FillType defines how path is filled.
enum class FillType {
// No filling needed.
kNoFill = 0,
// Use even-odd or inverse even-odd algorithms to decide if the area needs
// to be filled.
kEvenOdd = 1,
// Use winding or inverse winding algorithms to decide whether the area
// needs to be filled.
kWinding = 2,
static const CFX_FillRenderOptions& EvenOddOptions();
static const CFX_FillRenderOptions& WindingOptions();
explicit CFX_FillRenderOptions(FillType fill_type);
// Fill type.
FillType fill_type = FillType::kNoFill;
// Adjusted stroke rendering is enabled.
bool adjust_stroke = false;
// Whether anti aliasing is enabled for path rendering.
bool aliased_path = false;
// Fills with the sum of colors from both cover and source.
bool full_cover = false;
// Rect paths use anti-aliasing.
bool rect_aa = false;
// Path is stroke.
bool stroke = false;
// Renders text by filling strokes.
bool stroke_text_mode = false;
// Path is text.
bool text_mode = false;
// Path encloses zero area.
bool zero_area = false;
// Converts integer |fill_type| into CFX_FillRenderOptions::FillType.
// |fill_type| can be 0, FXFILL_ALTERNATE or FXFILL_WINDING.
// TODO( Remove this function when all existence
// of FXFILL_ALTERNATE and FXFILL_WINDING are replaced by FillType::kEvenOdd and
// FillType::kWinding.
CFX_FillRenderOptions::FillType GetFillType(int fill_type);
// TODO( Remove the converter functions
// GetFillOptionsFromIntegerFlags() and GetIntegerFlagsFromFillOptions() once
// all integer rendering flags are replaced with CFX_FillRenderOptions.
// Generates a matching CFX_FillRenderOptions struct from integer |flags| which
// contains fill rendering options.
CFX_FillRenderOptions GetFillOptionsFromIntegerFlags(int flags);
// Generates an integer which represents fill options from CFX_FillRenderOptions
// struct |options|.
int GetIntegerFlagsFromFillOptions(const CFX_FillRenderOptions& options);