Enable test swarming for initial builders

Enables executing (corpus) tests as swarming tasks for an initial set of
builders: "linux", "mac", and "win".

Bug: pdfium:1933
Change-Id: I21689f83c5c4fd5d0c9c11b7424315a6597ec428
Reviewed-on: https://pdfium-review.googlesource.com/c/pdfium/+/110310
Commit-Queue: K. Moon <kmoon@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Lei Zhang <thestig@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Lei Zhang <thestig@chromium.org>
Auto-Submit: K. Moon <kmoon@chromium.org>
3 files changed
tree: dfb91e52d67606c3993041fc8f09dadaea7976af
  1. generated/
  2. template/
  3. codereview.settings
  4. main.star
  6. README.md


This directory contains configuration files for chrome-infrastructure services.

For the most part, the actual configs consumed by LUCI live under generated/. Those files are generated by executing the .star files at the root of the repository. Don't edit the generated files directly if the configs need to be changed. Instead, edit the Starlark file and execute it to regenerate the files in generated/ directory.

To manually execute the Starlark code, you will need to have lucicfg in your PATH, and run:

lucicfg generate main.star

Or you can execute the .star file directly:

