Remove unnecessary aligned memory check when __SSE__ is used

Since the land of, memory is assured to be 16 byte aligned. So no need to do this check.

Plus, the removed code was causing bug in M36:


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diff --git a/core/src/fxcodec/fx_libopenjpeg/libopenjpeg20/mct.c b/core/src/fxcodec/fx_libopenjpeg/libopenjpeg20/mct.c
index c4341ec..89f8222 100644
--- a/core/src/fxcodec/fx_libopenjpeg/libopenjpeg20/mct.c
+++ b/core/src/fxcodec/fx_libopenjpeg/libopenjpeg20/mct.c
@@ -150,58 +150,43 @@
 	OPJ_UINT32 i;
 #ifdef __SSE__
-	// Mantis BUGID: 0056291. The address must be 16-byte aligned.
-	// TestFile: fuzz-signal_sigsegv_6e9e7f_5076_5265.pdf
-	if ((OPJ_UINT32)c0 % 16 == 0 && (OPJ_UINT32)c1 % 16 == 0 && (OPJ_UINT32)c2 % 16 == 0){
-		__m128 vrv, vgu, vgv, vbu;
-		vrv = _mm_set1_ps(1.402f);
-		vgu = _mm_set1_ps(0.34413f);
-		vgv = _mm_set1_ps(0.71414f);
-		vbu = _mm_set1_ps(1.772f);
-		for (i = 0; i < (n >> 3); ++i) {
-			__m128 vy, vu, vv;
-			__m128 vr, vg, vb;
+    __m128 vrv, vgu, vgv, vbu;
+    vrv = _mm_set1_ps(1.402f);
+    vgu = _mm_set1_ps(0.34413f);
+    vgv = _mm_set1_ps(0.71414f);
+    vbu = _mm_set1_ps(1.772f);
+    for (i = 0; i < (n >> 3); ++i) {
+        __m128 vy, vu, vv;
+        __m128 vr, vg, vb;
-			vy = _mm_load_ps(c0);
-			vu = _mm_load_ps(c1);
-			vv = _mm_load_ps(c2);
-			vr = _mm_add_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vv, vrv));
-			vg = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_sub_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vu, vgu)), _mm_mul_ps(vv, vgv));
-			vb = _mm_add_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vu, vbu));
-			_mm_store_ps(c0, vr);
-			_mm_store_ps(c1, vg);
-			_mm_store_ps(c2, vb);
-			c0 += 4;
-			c1 += 4;
-			c2 += 4;
+        vy = _mm_load_ps(c0);
+        vu = _mm_load_ps(c1);
+        vv = _mm_load_ps(c2);
+        vr = _mm_add_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vv, vrv));
+        vg = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_sub_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vu, vgu)), _mm_mul_ps(vv, vgv));
+        vb = _mm_add_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vu, vbu));
+        _mm_store_ps(c0, vr);
+        _mm_store_ps(c1, vg);
+        _mm_store_ps(c2, vb);
+        c0 += 4;
+        c1 += 4;
+        c2 += 4;
-			vy = _mm_load_ps(c0);
-			vu = _mm_load_ps(c1);
-			vv = _mm_load_ps(c2);
-			vr = _mm_add_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vv, vrv));
-			vg = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_sub_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vu, vgu)), _mm_mul_ps(vv, vgv));
-			vb = _mm_add_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vu, vbu));
-			_mm_store_ps(c0, vr);
-			_mm_store_ps(c1, vg);
-			_mm_store_ps(c2, vb);
-			c0 += 4;
-			c1 += 4;
-			c2 += 4;
-		}
-		n &= 7;
-	} else {
-		for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
-			OPJ_FLOAT32 y = c0[i];
-			OPJ_FLOAT32 u = c1[i];
-			OPJ_FLOAT32 v = c2[i];
-			OPJ_FLOAT32 r = y + (v * 1.402f);
-			OPJ_FLOAT32 g = y - (u * 0.34413f) - (v * (0.71414f));
-			OPJ_FLOAT32 b = y + (u * 1.772f);
-			c0[i] = r;
-			c1[i] = g;
-			c2[i] = b;
-		}
-	}
+        vy = _mm_load_ps(c0);
+        vu = _mm_load_ps(c1);
+        vv = _mm_load_ps(c2);
+        vr = _mm_add_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vv, vrv));
+        vg = _mm_sub_ps(_mm_sub_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vu, vgu)), _mm_mul_ps(vv, vgv));
+        vb = _mm_add_ps(vy, _mm_mul_ps(vu, vbu));
+        _mm_store_ps(c0, vr);
+        _mm_store_ps(c1, vg);
+        _mm_store_ps(c2, vb);
+        c0 += 4;
+        c1 += 4;
+        c2 += 4;
+    }
+    n &= 7;
 	for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
 		OPJ_FLOAT32 y = c0[i];