blob: 16dacd32c7dc7679bae600ab2332e6691557bbb0 [file] [log] [blame]
use_relative_paths = True
vars = {
# By default, we should check out everything needed to run on the main
# chromium waterfalls. This var can be also be set to 'small', in order
# to skip things are not strictly needed to build chromium for development
# purposes.
'checkout_configuration': 'default',
'checkout_instrumented_libraries': 'checkout_linux and checkout_configuration != "small"',
'chromium_git': '',
'pdfium_git': '',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling android_ndk
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'android_ndk_revision': '27c0a8d090c666a50e40fceb4ee5b40b1a2d3f87',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling binutils
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'binutils_revision': 'f9ce777698a819dff4d6a033b31122d91a49b62e',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling build
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'build_revision': '36cc563890d733d7aefa52bd27fcd49bcb37b030',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling buildtools
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'buildtools_revision': '4164a305626786b1912d467003acf4c4995bec7d',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling catapult
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'catapult_revision': 'df670f0bed9e3f58ab3061f54842e4606fd9ba29',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling clang
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'clang_revision': '6e39ba4a2cedc07e77e63fe39788370370fd98d9',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling clang_dsymutil
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'clang_dsymutil_revision': 'M56jPzDv1620Rnm__jTMYS62Zi8rxHVq7yw0qeBFEgkC',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling code_coverage
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'code_coverage_revision': 'a8f20a1dacc200010cd99f4eabdb0da7d94be112',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling depot_tools
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'depot_tools_revision': '464e9ff4f3682426b0cb3b68ee38e7be6fa4a2be',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling freetype
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'freetype_revision': '6a431038c9113d906d66836cd7d216a5c630be7c',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling gtest
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'gtest_revision': '10b1902d893ea8cc43c69541d70868f91af3646b',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling icu
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'icu_revision': 'd7aff76cf6bb0fbef3afa6c07718f78a80a70f8f',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling instrumented_lib
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'instrumented_lib_revision': 'bb3f1802c237dd19105dd0f7919f99e536a39d10',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling jinja2
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'jinja2_revision': 'b41863e42637544c2941b574c7877d3e1f663e25',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling jpeg_turbo
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'jpeg_turbo_revision': '7e3ad79800a7945fb37173149842b494ab8982b2',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling markupsafe
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'markupsafe_revision': '8f45f5cfa0009d2a70589bcda0349b8cb2b72783',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling nasm_source
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'nasm_source_revision': 'c74336e4a09381e77e3ec2e8968a319fefa6e8f7',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling pdfium_tests
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'pdfium_tests_revision': 'b4e9a126d289b49002d0f0acac71d1fdc26953b3',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling skia
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'skia_revision': '1171d314efc7e131b039c94126d26575cfb9e70c',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling tools_memory
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'tools_memory_revision': '89552acb6e60f528fe3c98eac7b445d4c34183ee',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling trace_event
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'trace_event_revision': 'dab187b372fc17e51f5b9fad8201813d0aed5129',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling v8
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'v8_revision': '5deecef68e6234554658e1b61cafc793fbd97791',
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling zlib
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
'zlib_revision': '156be8c52f80cde343088b4a69a80579101b6e67',
deps = {
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/base/trace_event/common.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/build.git@' + Var('build_revision'),
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/buildtools.git@' +
Var('pdfium_git') + '/pdfium_tests@' + Var('pdfium_tests_revision'),
'third_party/android_ndk': {
'url': Var('chromium_git') + '/android_ndk.git@' +
'condition': 'checkout_android',
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/third_party/binutils.git@' +
'third_party/catapult': {
'url': Var('chromium_git') + '/catapult.git@' + Var('catapult_revision'),
'condition': 'checkout_android',
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/third_party/freetype2.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/external/' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/deps/icu.git@' + Var('icu_revision'),
Var('chromium_git') +
'/chromium/src/third_party/instrumented_libraries.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/third_party/jinja2.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/deps/libjpeg_turbo.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/third_party/markupsafe.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/deps/nasm.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/skia.git@' + Var('skia_revision'),
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/third_party/zlib.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/tools/clang@' + Var('clang_revision'),
'tools/clang/dsymutil': {
'packages': [
'package': 'chromium/llvm-build-tools/dsymutil',
'version': Var('clang_dsymutil_revision'),
'condition': 'checkout_mac or checkout_ios',
'dep_type': 'cipd',
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/tools/code_coverage.git@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/chromium/src/tools/memory@' +
Var('chromium_git') + '/v8/v8.git@' + Var('v8_revision'),
recursedeps = [
# buildtools provides clang_format, libc++, and libc++abi
include_rules = [
# Basic stuff that everyone can use.
# Note: public is not here because core cannot depend on public.
specific_include_rules = {
# Allow embedder tests to use public APIs.
'(.*embeddertest\.cpp)': [
hooks = [
# Case-insensitivity for the Win SDK. Must run before win_toolchain below.
'name': 'ciopfs_linux',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'checkout_win and host_os == "linux"',
'action': [ 'python',
'--bucket', 'chromium-browser-clang/ciopfs',
'-s', 'pdfium/build/ciopfs.sha1',
# Update the Windows toolchain if necessary. Must run before 'clang' below.
'name': 'win_toolchain',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'checkout_win',
'action': ['python', 'pdfium/build/', 'update', '--force'],
# Update the Mac toolchain if necessary.
'name': 'mac_toolchain',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['python', 'pdfium/build/'],
# Pull clang-format binaries using checked-in hashes.
'name': 'clang_format_win',
'pattern': '.',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
'--bucket', 'chromium-clang-format',
'-s', 'pdfium/buildtools/win/clang-format.exe.sha1',
'name': 'clang_format_mac',
'pattern': '.',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
'--bucket', 'chromium-clang-format',
'-s', 'pdfium/buildtools/mac/clang-format.sha1',
'name': 'clang_format_linux',
'pattern': '.',
'action': [ 'download_from_google_storage',
'--bucket', 'chromium-clang-format',
'-s', 'pdfium/buildtools/linux64/clang-format.sha1',
# Note: On Win, this should run after win_toolchain, as it may use it.
'name': 'clang',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['python',
'name': 'binutils',
'pattern': 'src/third_party/binutils',
'condition': 'host_os == "linux"',
'action': [
'name': 'sysroot_arm',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'checkout_linux and checkout_arm',
'action': ['python', 'pdfium/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/',
'name': 'sysroot_arm64',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'checkout_linux and checkout_arm64',
'action': ['python', 'pdfium/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/',
'name': 'sysroot_x86',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'checkout_linux and (checkout_x86 or checkout_x64)',
'action': ['python', 'pdfium/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/',
'name': 'sysroot_mips',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'checkout_linux and checkout_mips',
'action': ['python', 'pdfium/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/',
'name': 'sysroot_x64',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'checkout_linux and checkout_x64',
'action': ['python', 'pdfium/build/linux/sysroot_scripts/',
'name': 'msan_chained_origins',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'checkout_instrumented_libraries',
'action': [ 'python',
'--bucket', 'chromium-instrumented-libraries',
'-s', 'pdfium/third_party/instrumented_libraries/binaries/msan-chained-origins-trusty.tgz.sha1',
'name': 'msan_no_origins',
'pattern': '.',
'condition': 'checkout_instrumented_libraries',
'action': [ 'python',
'--bucket', 'chromium-instrumented-libraries',
'-s', 'pdfium/third_party/instrumented_libraries/binaries/msan-no-origins-trusty.tgz.sha1',
'name': 'lastchange',
'pattern': '.',
'action': ['python', 'pdfium/build/util/',
'-o', 'pdfium/build/util/LASTCHANGE'],