blob: 5ba47ec7836279c7f9bb445433dedeeeac448492 [file] [log] [blame]
{{include field.fragment}}
% JS program to exexute
{{object 16 0}} <<
{{include property_test_helpers.js}}
function testProperties() {
try {
var field = this.getField("MyField");
var text = this.getField("MyField.MyText");
var button = this.getField("MyField.MyPushButton");
var radio = this.getField("MyField.MyRadio");
var list = this.getField("MyField.MyMultiSelect");
var check = this.getField("MyField.MyCheckBox");
app.alert('Testing properties under delay');
testRWProperty(field, "delay", false, true);
// TODO(tsepez): try this case, too.
// testTextPropertiesCase(field);
app.alert('Testing properties under non-delay');
testRWProperty(field, "delay", true, false);
} catch (e) {
app.alert("Unexpected error: " + e);
function testTextPropertiesCase(field) {
try {
// TODO(tsepez): devise tests and uncomment.
testRIProperty(field, "alignment", "left", "center");
testRWProperty(field, "borderStyle", "solid", "inset");
testRIProperty(field, "calcOrderIndex", -1, 100);
testRIProperty(field, "charLimit", 0, 100);
testRIProperty(field, "comb", false, true);
// testRIProperty(field, "commitOnSelChange", false, true);
// testROProperty(field, "currentValueIndices", "clams");
testXXProperty(field, "defaultStyle");
testRIProperty(field, "defaultValue", "", "clams");
testRIProperty(field, "doNotScroll", false, true);
testRIProperty(field, "doNotSpellCheck", false, true);
testRWProperty(field, "display", 2, 3);
testROProperty(field, "doc", "[object global]");
// testROProperty(field, "editable", "clams");
testRWProperty(field, "hidden", false, true);
testRIProperty(field, "fileSelect", false, true);
testRIProperty(field, "fillColor", "T", ["RGB", 0, 0, 0]);
testRWProperty(field, "lineWidth", 1, 4);
testRIProperty(field, "multiline", false, true);
// testROProperty(field, "multipleSelection", "clams");
testROProperty(field, "name", "MyField");
// testROProperty(field, "numItems", "clams");
testROProperty(field, "page", 0);
testRIProperty(field, "password", false, 42);
testRWProperty(field, "print", true, false);
testRIProperty(field, "readonly", false, true);
// testRWProperty(field, "rect", [0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0]);
// testROProperty(field, "required", "clams");
testRIProperty(field, "richText", false, true);
testRIProperty(field, "richValue", undefined, "clams");
testRIProperty(field, "rotation", 0, 42);
testRIProperty(field, "source", undefined, "clams");
testRIProperty(field, "strokeColor", "T", ["RGB", 0, 0, 0]);
testRIProperty(field, "submitName", undefined, "clams");
testRIProperty(field, "textColor", "T", ["RGB", 0, 0, 0]);
// testROProperty(field, "textFont", "clams");
testRIProperty(field, "textSize", 0, 32);
testROProperty(field, "type", "text");
testRIProperty(field, "userName", "");
testRIProperty(field, "value", "", "clams");
testROProperty(field, "valueAsString", "");
} catch (e) {
app.alert("Unexpected error: " + e);
function testPushButtonPropertiesCase(field) {
try {
testRIProperty(field, "buttonAlignX", 0, 50);
testRIProperty(field, "buttonAlignY", 0, 50);
testRIProperty(field, "buttonFitBounds", false);
testRIProperty(field, "buttonPosition", 0);
testRIProperty(field, "buttonScaleHow", 0);
testRIProperty(field, "buttonScaleWhen", 0);
testRIProperty(field, "highlight", "invert");
testROProperty(field, "type", "button");
} catch (e) {
app.alert("Unexpected error: " + e);
function testRadioButtonPropertiesCase(field) {
try {
testROProperty(field, "exportValues", "N");
testRIProperty(field, "radiosInUnison", false);
testRIProperty(field, "style", "check");
testROProperty(field, "type", "radiobutton");
testRIProperty(field, "value", "Off");
testROProperty(field, "valueAsString", "Off");
} catch (e) {
app.alert("Unexpected error: " + e);
function testCheckBoxPropertiesCase(field) {
try {
testROProperty(field, "exportValues", "N");
testRIProperty(field, "style", "check");
testROProperty(field, "type", "checkbox");
testRIProperty(field, "value", "Off");
testROProperty(field, "valueAsString", "Off");
} catch (e) {
app.alert("Unexpected error: " + e);
function testListBoxPropertiesCase(field) {
try {
testRWProperty(field, "currentValueIndices", 2, 1);
} catch (e) {
app.alert("Unexpected error: " + e);