| // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_parser.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/dib/cfx_dibitmap.h" |
| #include "public/fpdf_doc.h" |
| #include "public/fpdfview.h" |
| |
| #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| #include "core/fxcrt/fx_stream.h" |
| #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) |
| #include <math.h> |
| #include <tchar.h> |
| #endif |
| |
| class CPDF_Annot; |
| class CPDF_AnnotContext; |
| class CPDF_ClipPath; |
| class CPDF_ContentMarkItem; |
| class CPDF_Object; |
| class CPDF_Font; |
| class CPDF_LinkExtract; |
| class CPDF_PageObject; |
| class CPDF_PageRenderContext; |
| class CPDF_Stream; |
| class CPDF_StructElement; |
| class CPDF_StructTree; |
| class CPDF_TextPage; |
| class CPDF_TextPageFind; |
| class CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment; |
| class CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm; |
| class IPDFSDK_PauseAdapter; |
| class FX_PATHPOINT; |
| |
| #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| class CPDFXFA_Context; |
| class CPDFXFA_Page; |
| class CXFA_FFWidget; |
| #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| |
| // Conversions to/from underlying types. |
| IPDF_Page* IPDFPageFromFPDFPage(FPDF_PAGE page); |
| FPDF_PAGE FPDFPageFromIPDFPage(IPDF_Page* page); |
| CPDF_Page* CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(FPDF_PAGE page); |
| FPDF_DOCUMENT FPDFDocumentFromCPDFDocument(CPDF_Document* doc); |
| CPDF_Document* CPDFDocumentFromFPDFDocument(FPDF_DOCUMENT doc); |
| |
| // Conversions to/from incomplete FPDF_ API types. |
| inline FPDF_ACTION FPDFActionFromCPDFDictionary(CPDF_Dictionary* action) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_ACTION>(action); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_Dictionary* CPDFDictionaryFromFPDFAction(FPDF_ACTION action) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_Dictionary*>(action); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_ANNOTATION FPDFAnnotationFromCPDFAnnotContext( |
| CPDF_AnnotContext* annot) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_ANNOTATION>(annot); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_AnnotContext* CPDFAnnotContextFromFPDFAnnotation( |
| FPDF_ANNOTATION annot) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_AnnotContext*>(annot); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_ATTACHMENT FPDFAttachmentFromCPDFObject(CPDF_Object* attachment) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_ATTACHMENT>(attachment); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_Object* CPDFObjectFromFPDFAttachment(FPDF_ATTACHMENT attachment) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_Object*>(attachment); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_BITMAP FPDFBitmapFromCFXDIBitmap(CFX_DIBitmap* bitmap) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_BITMAP>(bitmap); |
| } |
| inline CFX_DIBitmap* CFXDIBitmapFromFPDFBitmap(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CFX_DIBitmap*>(bitmap); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_BOOKMARK FPDFBookmarkFromCPDFDictionary(CPDF_Dictionary* bookmark) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_BOOKMARK>(bookmark); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_Dictionary* CPDFDictionaryFromFPDFBookmark(FPDF_BOOKMARK bookmark) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_Dictionary*>(bookmark); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_CLIPPATH FPDFClipPathFromCPDFClipPath(CPDF_ClipPath* path) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_CLIPPATH>(path); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_ClipPath* CPDFClipPathFromFPDFClipPath(FPDF_CLIPPATH path) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_ClipPath*>(path); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_DEST FPDFDestFromCPDFArray(CPDF_Array* dest) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_DEST>(dest); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_Array* CPDFArrayFromFPDFDest(FPDF_DEST dest) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_Array*>(dest); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_FONT FPDFFontFromCPDFFont(CPDF_Font* font) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_FONT>(font); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_Font* CPDFFontFromFPDFFont(FPDF_FONT font) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_Font*>(font); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_LINK FPDFLinkFromCPDFDictionary(CPDF_Dictionary* link) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_LINK>(link); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_Dictionary* CPDFDictionaryFromFPDFLink(FPDF_LINK link) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_Dictionary*>(link); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_PAGELINK FPDFPageLinkFromCPDFLinkExtract(CPDF_LinkExtract* link) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_PAGELINK>(link); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_LinkExtract* CPDFLinkExtractFromFPDFPageLink(FPDF_PAGELINK link) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_LinkExtract*>(link); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_PAGEOBJECT FPDFPageObjectFromCPDFPageObject( |
| CPDF_PageObject* page_object) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_PAGEOBJECT>(page_object); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_PageObject* CPDFPageObjectFromFPDFPageObject( |
| FPDF_PAGEOBJECT page_object) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_PageObject*>(page_object); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK FPDFPageObjectMarkFromCPDFContentMarkItem( |
| CPDF_ContentMarkItem* mark) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_PAGEOBJECTMARK>(mark); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_ContentMarkItem* CPDFContentMarkItemFromFPDFPageObjectMark( |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_ContentMarkItem*>(mark); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_PAGERANGE FPDFPageRangeFromCPDFArray(CPDF_Array* range) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_PAGERANGE>(range); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_Array* CPDFArrayFromFPDFPageRange(FPDF_PAGERANGE range) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_Array*>(range); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_PATHSEGMENT FPDFPathSegmentFromFXPathPoint( |
| const FX_PATHPOINT* segment) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_PATHSEGMENT>(segment); |
| } |
| inline const FX_PATHPOINT* FXPathPointFromFPDFPathSegment( |
| FPDF_PATHSEGMENT segment) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<const FX_PATHPOINT*>(segment); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_STRUCTTREE FPDFStructTreeFromCPDFStructTree( |
| CPDF_StructTree* struct_tree) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_STRUCTTREE>(struct_tree); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_StructTree* CPDFStructTreeFromFPDFStructTree( |
| FPDF_STRUCTTREE struct_tree) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_StructTree*>(struct_tree); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT FPDFStructElementFromCPDFStructElement( |
| CPDF_StructElement* struct_element) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT>(struct_element); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_StructElement* CPDFStructElementFromFPDFStructElement( |
| FPDF_STRUCTELEMENT struct_element) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_StructElement*>(struct_element); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_TEXTPAGE FPDFTextPageFromCPDFTextPage(CPDF_TextPage* page) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_TEXTPAGE>(page); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_TextPage* CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(FPDF_TEXTPAGE page) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_TextPage*>(page); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_SCHHANDLE FPDFSchHandleFromCPDFTextPageFind( |
| CPDF_TextPageFind* handle) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_SCHHANDLE>(handle); |
| } |
| inline CPDF_TextPageFind* CPDFTextPageFindFromFPDFSchHandle( |
| FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDF_TextPageFind*>(handle); |
| } |
| |
| inline FPDF_FORMHANDLE FPDFFormHandleFromCPDFSDKFormFillEnvironment( |
| CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* handle) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_FORMHANDLE>(handle); |
| } |
| inline CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* |
| CPDFSDKFormFillEnvironmentFromFPDFFormHandle(FPDF_FORMHANDLE handle) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment*>(handle); |
| } |
| |
| CPDFSDK_InteractiveForm* FormHandleToInteractiveForm(FPDF_FORMHANDLE hHandle); |
| |
| ByteString ByteStringFromFPDFWideString(FPDF_WIDESTRING wide_string); |
| |
| WideString WideStringFromFPDFWideString(FPDF_WIDESTRING wide_string); |
| |
| #ifdef PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| inline FPDF_WIDGET FPDFWidgetFromCXFAFFWidget(CXFA_FFWidget* widget) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<FPDF_WIDGET>(widget); |
| } |
| inline CXFA_FFWidget* CXFAFFWidgetFromFPDFWidget(FPDF_WIDGET widget) { |
| return reinterpret_cast<CXFA_FFWidget*>(widget); |
| } |
| |
| // Layering prevents fxcrt from knowing about FPDF_FILEHANDLER, so this can't |
| // be a static method of IFX_SeekableStream. |
| RetainPtr<IFX_SeekableStream> MakeSeekableStream( |
| FPDF_FILEHANDLER* pFileHandler); |
| #endif // PDF_ENABLE_XFA |
| |
| const CPDF_Array* GetQuadPointsArrayFromDictionary(const CPDF_Dictionary* dict); |
| CPDF_Array* GetQuadPointsArrayFromDictionary(CPDF_Dictionary* dict); |
| CPDF_Array* AddQuadPointsArrayToDictionary(CPDF_Dictionary* dict); |
| bool IsValidQuadPointsIndex(const CPDF_Array* array, size_t index); |
| bool GetQuadPointsAtIndex(const CPDF_Array* array, |
| size_t quad_index, |
| FS_QUADPOINTSF* quad_points); |
| |
| CFX_FloatRect CFXFloatRectFromFSRECTF(const FS_RECTF& rect); |
| void FSRECTFFromCFXFloatRect(const CFX_FloatRect& rect, FS_RECTF* out_rect); |
| |
| CFX_Matrix CFXMatrixFromFSMatrix(const FS_MATRIX& matrix); |
| |
| unsigned long Utf16EncodeMaybeCopyAndReturnLength(const WideString& text, |
| void* buffer, |
| unsigned long buflen); |
| |
| // Returns the length of the raw stream data from |stream|. The raw data is the |
| // stream's data as stored in the PDF without applying any filters. If |buffer| |
| // is non-nullptr and |buflen| is large enough to contain the raw data, then |
| // the raw data is copied into |buffer|. |
| unsigned long GetRawStreamMaybeCopyAndReturnLength(const CPDF_Stream* stream, |
| void* buffer, |
| unsigned long buflen); |
| |
| // Return the length of the decoded stream data of |stream|. The decoded data is |
| // the uncompressed stream data, i.e. the raw stream data after having all |
| // filters applied. If |buffer| is non-nullptr and |buflen| is large enough to |
| // contain the decoded data, then the decoded data is copied into |buffer|. |
| unsigned long DecodeStreamMaybeCopyAndReturnLength(const CPDF_Stream* stream, |
| void* buffer, |
| unsigned long buflen); |
| |
| void FSDK_SetSandBoxPolicy(FPDF_DWORD policy, FPDF_BOOL enable); |
| FPDF_BOOL FSDK_IsSandBoxPolicyEnabled(FPDF_DWORD policy); |
| |
| // TODO(dsinclair): Where should this live? |
| void RenderPageWithContext(CPDF_PageRenderContext* pContext, |
| FPDF_PAGE page, |
| int start_x, |
| int start_y, |
| int size_x, |
| int size_y, |
| int rotate, |
| int flags, |
| bool bNeedToRestore, |
| IPDFSDK_PauseAdapter* pause); |
| |
| void ReportUnsupportedFeatures(CPDF_Document* pDoc); |
| void CheckForUnsupportedAnnot(const CPDF_Annot* pAnnot); |
| |
| #if !defined(OS_WIN) |
| void SetLastError(int err); |
| int GetLastError(); |
| #endif |
| |
| void ProcessParseError(CPDF_Parser::Error err); |
| |