blob: d9767b4817e7aa9259230ebf176da3477636af9a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "../../../include/fpdfapi/fpdf_render.h"
#include "../../../include/fpdfapi/fpdf_pageobj.h"
#include "../../../include/fxge/fx_ge.h"
#include "../fpdf_page/pageint.h"
#include "render_int.h"
struct CACHEINFO {
FX_DWORD time;
CPDF_Stream* pStream;
extern "C" {
static int compare(const void* data1, const void* data2)
return ((CACHEINFO*)data1)->time - ((CACHEINFO*)data2)->time;
void CPDF_Page::ClearRenderCache()
if (m_pPageRender) {
void CPDF_PageRenderCache::ClearAll()
FX_POSITION pos = m_ImageCaches.GetStartPosition();
while (pos) {
void* key;
void* value;
m_ImageCaches.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value);
delete (CPDF_ImageCache*)value;
m_nCacheSize = 0;
m_nTimeCount = 0;
void CPDF_PageRenderCache::CacheOptimization(int32_t dwLimitCacheSize)
if (m_nCacheSize <= (FX_DWORD)dwLimitCacheSize) {
int nCount = m_ImageCaches.GetCount();
CACHEINFO* pCACHEINFO = (CACHEINFO*)FX_Alloc2D(uint8_t, sizeof(CACHEINFO), nCount);
FX_POSITION pos = m_ImageCaches.GetStartPosition();
int i = 0;
while (pos) {
void* key;
void* value;
m_ImageCaches.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value);
pCACHEINFO[i].time = ((CPDF_ImageCache*)value)->GetTimeCount();
pCACHEINFO[i++].pStream = ((CPDF_ImageCache*)value)->GetStream();
FXSYS_qsort(pCACHEINFO, nCount, sizeof (CACHEINFO), compare);
FX_DWORD nTimeCount = m_nTimeCount;
if (nTimeCount + 1 < nTimeCount) {
for (i = 0; i < nCount; i ++) {
((CPDF_ImageCache*)(m_ImageCaches[pCACHEINFO[i].pStream]))->m_dwTimeCount = i;
m_nTimeCount = nCount;
i = 0;
while(nCount > 15) {
while (m_nCacheSize > (FX_DWORD)dwLimitCacheSize) {
void CPDF_PageRenderCache::ClearImageCache(CPDF_Stream* pStream)
void* value = m_ImageCaches.GetValueAt(pStream);
if (value == NULL) {
m_nCacheSize -= ((CPDF_ImageCache*)value)->EstimateSize();
delete (CPDF_ImageCache*)value;
FX_DWORD CPDF_PageRenderCache::EstimateSize()
FX_DWORD dwSize = 0;
FX_POSITION pos = m_ImageCaches.GetStartPosition();
while (pos) {
void* key;
void* value;
m_ImageCaches.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value);
dwSize += ((CPDF_ImageCache*)value)->EstimateSize();
m_nCacheSize = dwSize;
return dwSize;
FX_DWORD CPDF_PageRenderCache::GetCachedSize(CPDF_Stream* pStream) const
if (pStream == NULL) {
return m_nCacheSize;
CPDF_ImageCache* pImageCache;
if (!m_ImageCaches.Lookup(pStream, (void*&)pImageCache)) {
return 0;
return pImageCache->EstimateSize();
void CPDF_PageRenderCache::GetCachedBitmap(CPDF_Stream* pStream, CFX_DIBSource*& pBitmap, CFX_DIBSource*& pMask, FX_DWORD& MatteColor,
bool bStdCS, FX_DWORD GroupFamily, bool bLoadMask, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus,
int32_t downsampleWidth, int32_t downsampleHeight)
CPDF_ImageCache* pImageCache;
bool bFind = m_ImageCaches.Lookup(pStream, (void*&)pImageCache);
if (!bFind) {
pImageCache = new CPDF_ImageCache(m_pPage->m_pDocument, pStream);
m_nTimeCount ++;
bool bCached = pImageCache->GetCachedBitmap(pBitmap, pMask, MatteColor, m_pPage->m_pPageResources, bStdCS, GroupFamily, bLoadMask, pRenderStatus, downsampleWidth, downsampleHeight);
if (!bFind) {
m_ImageCaches.SetAt(pStream, pImageCache);
if (!bCached) {
m_nCacheSize += pImageCache->EstimateSize();
bool CPDF_PageRenderCache::StartGetCachedBitmap(CPDF_Stream* pStream, bool bStdCS, FX_DWORD GroupFamily, bool bLoadMask, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus, int32_t downsampleWidth, int32_t downsampleHeight)
m_bCurFindCache = m_ImageCaches.Lookup(pStream, (void*&)m_pCurImageCache);
if (!m_bCurFindCache) {
m_pCurImageCache = new CPDF_ImageCache(m_pPage->m_pDocument, pStream);
int ret = m_pCurImageCache->StartGetCachedBitmap(pRenderStatus->m_pFormResource, m_pPage->m_pPageResources, bStdCS, GroupFamily, bLoadMask, pRenderStatus, downsampleWidth, downsampleHeight);
if (ret == 2) {
return true;
m_nTimeCount ++;
if (!m_bCurFindCache) {
m_ImageCaches.SetAt(pStream, m_pCurImageCache);
if (!ret) {
m_nCacheSize += m_pCurImageCache->EstimateSize();
return false;
bool CPDF_PageRenderCache::Continue(IFX_Pause* pPause)
int ret = m_pCurImageCache->Continue(pPause);
if (ret == 2) {
return true;
m_nTimeCount ++;
if (!m_bCurFindCache) {
m_ImageCaches.SetAt(m_pCurImageCache->GetStream(), m_pCurImageCache);
if (!ret) {
m_nCacheSize += m_pCurImageCache->EstimateSize();
return false;
void CPDF_PageRenderCache::ResetBitmap(CPDF_Stream* pStream, const CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap)
CPDF_ImageCache* pImageCache;
if (!m_ImageCaches.Lookup(pStream, (void*&)pImageCache)) {
if (pBitmap == NULL) {
pImageCache = new CPDF_ImageCache(m_pPage->m_pDocument, pStream);
m_ImageCaches.SetAt(pStream, pImageCache);
int oldsize = pImageCache->EstimateSize();
m_nCacheSize = pImageCache->EstimateSize() - oldsize;
CPDF_ImageCache::CPDF_ImageCache(CPDF_Document* pDoc, CPDF_Stream* pStream)
: m_dwTimeCount(0)
, m_pCurBitmap(NULL)
, m_pCurMask(NULL)
, m_MatteColor(0)
, m_pRenderStatus(NULL)
, m_pDocument(pDoc)
, m_pStream(pStream)
, m_pCachedBitmap(NULL)
, m_pCachedMask(NULL)
, m_dwCacheSize(0)
delete m_pCachedBitmap;
m_pCachedBitmap = NULL;
delete m_pCachedMask;
m_pCachedMask = NULL;
void CPDF_ImageCache::Reset(const CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap)
delete m_pCachedBitmap;
m_pCachedBitmap = NULL;
if (pBitmap) {
m_pCachedBitmap = pBitmap->Clone();
void CPDF_PageRenderCache::ClearImageData()
FX_POSITION pos = m_ImageCaches.GetStartPosition();
while (pos) {
void* key;
void* value;
m_ImageCaches.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, value);
void CPDF_ImageCache::ClearImageData()
if (m_pCachedBitmap && m_pCachedBitmap->GetBuffer() == NULL) {
static FX_DWORD FPDF_ImageCache_EstimateImageSize(const CFX_DIBSource* pDIB)
return pDIB && pDIB->GetBuffer() ? (FX_DWORD)pDIB->GetHeight() * pDIB->GetPitch() + (FX_DWORD)pDIB->GetPaletteSize() * 4 : 0;
bool CPDF_ImageCache::GetCachedBitmap(CFX_DIBSource*& pBitmap, CFX_DIBSource*& pMask, FX_DWORD& MatteColor, CPDF_Dictionary* pPageResources,
bool bStdCS, FX_DWORD GroupFamily, bool bLoadMask, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus,
int32_t downsampleWidth, int32_t downsampleHeight)
if (m_pCachedBitmap) {
pBitmap = m_pCachedBitmap;
pMask = m_pCachedMask;
MatteColor = m_MatteColor;
return true;
if (!pRenderStatus) {
return false;
CPDF_RenderContext*pContext = pRenderStatus->GetContext();
CPDF_PageRenderCache* pPageRenderCache = pContext->m_pPageCache;
m_dwTimeCount = pPageRenderCache->GetTimeCount();
CPDF_DIBSource* pSrc = new CPDF_DIBSource;
CPDF_DIBSource* pMaskSrc = NULL;
if (!pSrc->Load(m_pDocument, m_pStream, &pMaskSrc, &MatteColor, pRenderStatus->m_pFormResource, pPageResources, bStdCS, GroupFamily, bLoadMask)) {
delete pSrc;
pBitmap = NULL;
return false;
m_MatteColor = MatteColor;
if (pSrc->GetPitch() * pSrc->GetHeight() < FPDF_HUGE_IMAGE_SIZE) {
m_pCachedBitmap = pSrc->Clone();
delete pSrc;
} else {
m_pCachedBitmap = pSrc;
if (pMaskSrc) {
m_pCachedMask = pMaskSrc->Clone();
delete pMaskSrc;
pBitmap = m_pCachedBitmap;
pMask = m_pCachedMask;
return false;
CFX_DIBSource* CPDF_ImageCache::DetachBitmap()
CFX_DIBSource* pDIBSource = m_pCurBitmap;
m_pCurBitmap = NULL;
return pDIBSource;
CFX_DIBSource* CPDF_ImageCache::DetachMask()
CFX_DIBSource* pDIBSource = m_pCurMask;
m_pCurMask = NULL;
return pDIBSource;
int CPDF_ImageCache::StartGetCachedBitmap(CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResources, CPDF_Dictionary* pPageResources, bool bStdCS,
FX_DWORD GroupFamily, bool bLoadMask, CPDF_RenderStatus* pRenderStatus,
int32_t downsampleWidth, int32_t downsampleHeight)
if (m_pCachedBitmap) {
m_pCurBitmap = m_pCachedBitmap;
m_pCurMask = m_pCachedMask;
return 1;
if (!pRenderStatus) {
return 0;
m_pRenderStatus = pRenderStatus;
m_pCurBitmap = new CPDF_DIBSource;
int ret = ((CPDF_DIBSource*)m_pCurBitmap)->StartLoadDIBSource(m_pDocument, m_pStream, true, pFormResources, pPageResources, bStdCS, GroupFamily, bLoadMask);
if (ret == 2) {
return ret;
if (!ret) {
delete m_pCurBitmap;
m_pCurBitmap = NULL;
return 0;
return 0;
int CPDF_ImageCache::ContinueGetCachedBitmap()
m_MatteColor = ((CPDF_DIBSource*)m_pCurBitmap)->m_MatteColor;
m_pCurMask = ((CPDF_DIBSource*)m_pCurBitmap)->DetachMask();
CPDF_RenderContext*pContext = m_pRenderStatus->GetContext();
CPDF_PageRenderCache* pPageRenderCache = pContext->m_pPageCache;
m_dwTimeCount = pPageRenderCache->GetTimeCount();
if (m_pCurBitmap->GetPitch() * m_pCurBitmap->GetHeight() < FPDF_HUGE_IMAGE_SIZE) {
m_pCachedBitmap = m_pCurBitmap->Clone();
delete m_pCurBitmap;
m_pCurBitmap = NULL;
} else {
m_pCachedBitmap = m_pCurBitmap;
if (m_pCurMask) {
m_pCachedMask = m_pCurMask->Clone();
delete m_pCurMask;
m_pCurMask = NULL;
m_pCurBitmap = m_pCachedBitmap;
m_pCurMask = m_pCachedMask;
return 0;
int CPDF_ImageCache::Continue(IFX_Pause* pPause)
int ret = ((CPDF_DIBSource*)m_pCurBitmap)->ContinueLoadDIBSource(pPause);
if (ret == 2) {
return ret;
if (!ret) {
delete m_pCurBitmap;
m_pCurBitmap = NULL;
return 0;
return 0;
void CPDF_ImageCache::CalcSize()
m_dwCacheSize = FPDF_ImageCache_EstimateImageSize(m_pCachedBitmap) + FPDF_ImageCache_EstimateImageSize(m_pCachedMask);
void CPDF_Document::ClearRenderFont()
if (m_pDocRender) {
CFX_FontCache* pCache = m_pDocRender->GetFontCache();
if (pCache) {