blob: 813af02ce4b24d26ae3adbe344ee23561a15cd26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "../../include/fxcrt/fx_basic.h"
#include "fxcrt_platforms.h"
IFXCRT_FileAccess* FXCRT_FileAccess_Create()
return new CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT;
void FXCRT_GetFileModeString(FX_DWORD dwModes, CFX_ByteString &bsMode)
if (dwModes & FX_FILEMODE_ReadOnly) {
bsMode = FX_BSTRC("rb");
} else if (dwModes & FX_FILEMODE_Truncate) {
bsMode = FX_BSTRC("w+b");
} else {
bsMode = FX_BSTRC("a+b");
void FXCRT_GetFileModeString(FX_DWORD dwModes, CFX_WideString &wsMode)
if (dwModes & FX_FILEMODE_ReadOnly) {
wsMode = FX_WSTRC(L"rb");
} else if (dwModes & FX_FILEMODE_Truncate) {
wsMode = FX_WSTRC(L"w+b");
} else {
wsMode = FX_WSTRC(L"a+b");
: m_hFile(NULL)
bool CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::Open(const CFX_ByteStringC& fileName, FX_DWORD dwMode)
if (m_hFile) {
return false;
CFX_ByteString strMode;
FXCRT_GetFileModeString(dwMode, strMode);
m_hFile = FXSYS_fopen(fileName.GetCStr(), strMode.c_str());
return m_hFile != NULL;
bool CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::Open(const CFX_WideStringC& fileName, FX_DWORD dwMode)
if (m_hFile) {
return false;
CFX_WideString strMode;
FXCRT_GetFileModeString(dwMode, strMode);
m_hFile = FXSYS_wfopen(fileName.GetPtr(), strMode.c_str());
return m_hFile != NULL;
void CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::Close()
if (!m_hFile) {
m_hFile = NULL;
void CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::Release()
delete this;
FX_FILESIZE CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::GetSize() const
if (!m_hFile) {
return 0;
FX_FILESIZE pos = (FX_FILESIZE)FXSYS_ftell(m_hFile);
FXSYS_fseek(m_hFile, 0, FXSYS_SEEK_END);
FX_FILESIZE size = (FX_FILESIZE)FXSYS_ftell(m_hFile);
FXSYS_fseek(m_hFile, pos, FXSYS_SEEK_SET);
return size;
FX_FILESIZE CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::GetPosition() const
if (!m_hFile) {
return (FX_FILESIZE) - 1;
return (FX_FILESIZE)FXSYS_ftell(m_hFile);
if (!m_hFile) {
return (FX_FILESIZE) - 1;
FXSYS_fseek(m_hFile, pos, FXSYS_SEEK_SET);
return (FX_FILESIZE)FXSYS_ftell(m_hFile);
size_t CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::Read(void* pBuffer, size_t szBuffer)
if (!m_hFile) {
return 0;
return FXSYS_fread(pBuffer, 1, szBuffer, m_hFile);
size_t CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::Write(const void* pBuffer, size_t szBuffer)
if (!m_hFile) {
return 0;
return FXSYS_fwrite(pBuffer, 1, szBuffer, m_hFile);
size_t CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::ReadPos(void* pBuffer, size_t szBuffer, FX_FILESIZE pos)
if (!m_hFile) {
return (FX_FILESIZE) - 1;
FXSYS_fseek(m_hFile, pos, FXSYS_SEEK_SET);
return FXSYS_fread(pBuffer, 1, szBuffer, m_hFile);
size_t CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::WritePos(const void* pBuffer, size_t szBuffer, FX_FILESIZE pos)
if (!m_hFile) {
return (FX_FILESIZE) - 1;
FXSYS_fseek(m_hFile, pos, FXSYS_SEEK_SET);
return FXSYS_fwrite(pBuffer, 1, szBuffer, m_hFile);
bool CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::Flush()
if (!m_hFile) {
return false;
return !FXSYS_fflush(m_hFile);
bool CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT::Truncate(FX_FILESIZE szFile)
return false;
bool FX_File_Exist(const CFX_ByteStringC& fileName)
return access(fileName.GetCStr(), F_OK) > -1;
bool FX_File_Exist(const CFX_WideStringC& fileName)
return FX_File_Exist(FX_UTF8Encode(fileName));
bool FX_File_Delete(const CFX_ByteStringC& fileName)
return remove(fileName.GetCStr()) > -1;
bool FX_File_Delete(const CFX_WideStringC& fileName)
return FX_File_Delete(FX_UTF8Encode(fileName));
bool FX_File_Copy(const CFX_ByteStringC& fileNameSrc, const CFX_ByteStringC& fileNameDst)
CFXCRT_FileAccess_CRT src, dst;
if (!src.Open(fileNameSrc, FX_FILEMODE_ReadOnly)) {
return false;
FX_FILESIZE size = src.GetSize();
if (!size) {
return false;
if (!dst.Open(fileNameDst, FX_FILEMODE_Truncate)) {
return false;
FX_FILESIZE num = 0;
uint8_t* pBuffer = FX_Alloc(uint8_t, 32768);
while (num = src.Read(pBuffer, 32768)) {
if (dst.Write(pBuffer, num) != num) {
return true;
bool FX_File_Copy(const CFX_WideStringC& fileNameSrc, const CFX_WideStringC& fileNameDst)
return FX_File_Copy(FX_UTF8Encode(fileNameSrc), FX_UTF8Encode(fileNameDst));
bool FX_File_Move(const CFX_ByteStringC& fileNameSrc, const CFX_ByteStringC& fileNameDst)
return rename(fileNameSrc.GetCStr(), fileNameDst.GetCStr());
bool FX_File_Move(const CFX_WideStringC& fileNameSrc, const CFX_WideStringC& fileNameDst)
return FX_File_Move(FX_UTF8Encode(fileNameSrc), FX_UTF8Encode(fileNameDst));