blob: b628b292c9526e9a613cc5da810a9d7d8afbb15b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_utils.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_word.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/fxedit/fxet_edit.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/pdfwindow/cpwl_icon.h"
CFX_ByteString CPWL_Utils::GetRectFillAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
const CFX_Color& color) {
std::ostringstream sAppStream;
CFX_ByteString sColor = GetColorAppStream(color, true);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << "q\n" << sColor;
sAppStream << rect.left << " " << rect.bottom << " "
<< rect.right - rect.left << " " << - rect.bottom
<< " re f\nQ\n";
return CFX_ByteString(sAppStream);
CFX_ByteString CPWL_Utils::GetEditAppStream(CFX_Edit* pEdit,
const CFX_PointF& ptOffset,
const CPVT_WordRange* pRange,
bool bContinuous,
uint16_t SubWord) {
return CFX_Edit::GetEditAppearanceStream(pEdit, ptOffset, pRange, bContinuous,
CFX_ByteString CPWL_Utils::GetEditSelAppStream(CFX_Edit* pEdit,
const CFX_PointF& ptOffset,
const CPVT_WordRange* pRange) {
return CFX_Edit::GetSelectAppearanceStream(pEdit, ptOffset, pRange);
CFX_ByteString CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(const CFX_Color& color,
const bool& bFillOrStroke) {
std::ostringstream sColorStream;
switch (color.nColorType) {
sColorStream << color.fColor1 << " " << color.fColor2 << " "
<< color.fColor3 << " " << (bFillOrStroke ? "rg" : "RG")
<< "\n";
sColorStream << color.fColor1 << " " << (bFillOrStroke ? "g" : "G")
<< "\n";
sColorStream << color.fColor1 << " " << color.fColor2 << " "
<< color.fColor3 << " " << color.fColor4 << " "
<< (bFillOrStroke ? "k" : "K") << "\n";
return CFX_ByteString(sColorStream);
CFX_ByteString CPWL_Utils::GetBorderAppStream(const CFX_FloatRect& rect,
float fWidth,
const CFX_Color& color,
const CFX_Color& crLeftTop,
const CFX_Color& crRightBottom,
BorderStyle nStyle,
const CPWL_Dash& dash) {
std::ostringstream sAppStream;
CFX_ByteString sColor;
float fLeft = rect.left;
float fRight = rect.right;
float fTop =;
float fBottom = rect.bottom;
if (fWidth > 0.0f) {
float fHalfWidth = fWidth / 2.0f;
sAppStream << "q\n";
switch (nStyle) {
case BorderStyle::SOLID:
sColor = CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(color, true);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fLeft << " " << fBottom << " " << fRight - fLeft << " "
<< fTop - fBottom << " re\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fWidth << " " << fBottom + fWidth << " "
<< fRight - fLeft - fWidth * 2 << " "
<< fTop - fBottom - fWidth * 2 << " re\n";
sAppStream << "f*\n";
case BorderStyle::DASH:
sColor = CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(color, false);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fWidth << " w"
<< " [" << dash.nDash << " " << dash.nGap << "] "
<< dash.nPhase << " d\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fWidth / 2 << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2
<< " m\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fWidth / 2 << " " << fTop - fWidth / 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fWidth / 2 << " " << fTop - fWidth / 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fWidth / 2 << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fWidth / 2 << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2
<< " l S\n";
case BorderStyle::BEVELED:
case BorderStyle::INSET:
sColor = CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(crLeftTop, true);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth << " " << fBottom + fHalfWidth
<< " m\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth * 2 << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth * 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2 << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth * 2
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2 << " "
<< fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2 << " l f\n";
sColor = CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(crRightBottom, true);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth
<< " m\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth << " " << fBottom + fHalfWidth
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth << " " << fBottom + fHalfWidth
<< " l\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth * 2 << " "
<< fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2 << " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth * 2 << " "
<< fBottom + fHalfWidth * 2 << " l\n";
sAppStream << fRight - fHalfWidth * 2 << " " << fTop - fHalfWidth * 2
<< " l f\n";
sColor = CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(color, true);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fLeft << " " << fBottom << " " << fRight - fLeft << " "
<< fTop - fBottom << " re\n";
sAppStream << fLeft + fHalfWidth << " " << fBottom + fHalfWidth << " "
<< fRight - fLeft - fHalfWidth * 2 << " "
<< fTop - fBottom - fHalfWidth * 2 << " re f*\n";
case BorderStyle::UNDERLINE:
sColor = CPWL_Utils::GetColorAppStream(color, false);
if (sColor.GetLength() > 0) {
sAppStream << sColor;
sAppStream << fWidth << " w\n";
sAppStream << fLeft << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2 << " m\n";
sAppStream << fRight << " " << fBottom + fWidth / 2 << " l S\n";
sAppStream << "Q\n";
return CFX_ByteString(sAppStream);