blob: e79acab7a09c40ec9c792810f9a68b5a92d784da [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fpdfdoc/include/cpdf_annot.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_page/include/cpdf_form.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_page/include/cpdf_page.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/cpdf_array.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_parser/include/cpdf_document.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_render/include/cpdf_rendercontext.h"
#include "core/fpdfapi/fpdf_render/include/cpdf_renderoptions.h"
#include "core/fpdfdoc/cpvt_generateap.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_memory.h"
#include "core/fxge/include/cfx_graphstatedata.h"
#include "core/fxge/include/cfx_pathdata.h"
#include "core/fxge/include/cfx_renderdevice.h"
CPDF_Annot::CPDF_Annot(CPDF_Dictionary* pDict, CPDF_Document* pDocument)
: m_pAnnotDict(pDict),
m_pPopupAnnot(nullptr) {
CPDF_Annot::~CPDF_Annot() {
void CPDF_Annot::GenerateAPIfNeeded() {
if (m_sSubtype == "Circle")
CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateCircleAP(m_pDocument, m_pAnnotDict);
else if (m_sSubtype == "Highlight")
CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateHighlightAP(m_pDocument, m_pAnnotDict);
else if (m_sSubtype == "Ink")
CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateInkAP(m_pDocument, m_pAnnotDict);
else if (m_sSubtype == "Popup")
CPVT_GenerateAP::GeneratePopupAP(m_pDocument, m_pAnnotDict);
else if (m_sSubtype == "Square")
CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateSquareAP(m_pDocument, m_pAnnotDict);
else if (m_sSubtype == "Squiggly")
CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateSquigglyAP(m_pDocument, m_pAnnotDict);
else if (m_sSubtype == "StrikeOut")
CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateStrikeOutAP(m_pDocument, m_pAnnotDict);
else if (m_sSubtype == "Text")
CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateTextAP(m_pDocument, m_pAnnotDict);
else if (m_sSubtype == "Underline")
CPVT_GenerateAP::GenerateUnderlineAP(m_pDocument, m_pAnnotDict);
void CPDF_Annot::ClearCachedAP() {
CFX_ByteString CPDF_Annot::GetSubtype() const {
return m_sSubtype;
CFX_FloatRect CPDF_Annot::GetRect() const {
if (!m_pAnnotDict)
return CFX_FloatRect();
CFX_FloatRect rect = m_pAnnotDict->GetRectBy("Rect");
return rect;
uint32_t CPDF_Annot::GetFlags() const {
return m_pAnnotDict->GetIntegerBy("F");
CPDF_Stream* FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict,
CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode mode) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pAP = pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("AP");
if (!pAP) {
return nullptr;
const FX_CHAR* ap_entry = "N";
if (mode == CPDF_Annot::Down)
ap_entry = "D";
else if (mode == CPDF_Annot::Rollover)
ap_entry = "R";
if (!pAP->KeyExist(ap_entry))
ap_entry = "N";
CPDF_Object* psub = pAP->GetDirectObjectBy(ap_entry);
if (!psub)
return nullptr;
if (CPDF_Stream* pStream = psub->AsStream())
return pStream;
if (CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = psub->AsDictionary()) {
CFX_ByteString as = pAnnotDict->GetStringBy("AS");
if (as.IsEmpty()) {
CFX_ByteString value = pAnnotDict->GetStringBy("V");
if (value.IsEmpty()) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pParentDict = pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("Parent");
value = pParentDict ? pParentDict->GetStringBy("V") : CFX_ByteString();
if (value.IsEmpty() || !pDict->KeyExist(value))
as = "Off";
as = value;
return pDict->GetStreamBy(as);
return nullptr;
CPDF_Form* CPDF_Annot::GetAPForm(const CPDF_Page* pPage, AppearanceMode mode) {
CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(m_pAnnotDict, mode);
if (!pStream)
return nullptr;
auto it = m_APMap.find(pStream);
if (it != m_APMap.end())
return it->second.get();
CPDF_Form* pNewForm =
new CPDF_Form(m_pDocument, pPage->m_pResources, pStream);
pNewForm->ParseContent(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
m_APMap[pStream] = WrapUnique(pNewForm);
return pNewForm;
static CPDF_Form* FPDFDOC_Annot_GetMatrix(const CPDF_Page* pPage,
CPDF_Annot* pAnnot,
CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode mode,
const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
CFX_Matrix& matrix) {
CPDF_Form* pForm = pAnnot->GetAPForm(pPage, mode);
if (!pForm) {
return nullptr;
CFX_FloatRect form_bbox = pForm->m_pFormDict->GetRectBy("BBox");
CFX_Matrix form_matrix = pForm->m_pFormDict->GetMatrixBy("Matrix");
matrix.MatchRect(pAnnot->GetRect(), form_bbox);
return pForm;
// static
bool CPDF_Annot::IsAnnotationHidden(CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) {
return !!(pAnnotDict->GetIntegerBy("F") & ANNOTFLAG_HIDDEN);
FX_BOOL CPDF_Annot::DrawAppearance(CPDF_Page* pPage,
CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
AppearanceMode mode,
const CPDF_RenderOptions* pOptions) {
if (IsAnnotationHidden(m_pAnnotDict))
return FALSE;
if (m_sSubtype == "Popup" && !m_bOpenState)
return FALSE;
// It might happen that by the time this annotation instance was created,
// it was flagged as "hidden" (e.g. /F 2), and hence CPVT_GenerateAP decided
// to not "generate" its AP.
// If for a reason the object is no longer hidden, but still does not have
// its "AP" generated, generate it now.
CFX_Matrix matrix;
CPDF_Form* pForm =
FPDFDOC_Annot_GetMatrix(pPage, this, mode, pUser2Device, matrix);
if (!pForm) {
return FALSE;
CPDF_RenderContext context(pPage);
context.AppendLayer(pForm, &matrix);
context.Render(pDevice, pOptions, nullptr);
return TRUE;
FX_BOOL CPDF_Annot::DrawInContext(const CPDF_Page* pPage,
CPDF_RenderContext* pContext,
const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
AppearanceMode mode) {
CFX_Matrix matrix;
CPDF_Form* pForm =
FPDFDOC_Annot_GetMatrix(pPage, this, mode, pUser2Device, matrix);
if (!pForm) {
return FALSE;
pContext->AppendLayer(pForm, &matrix);
return TRUE;
void CPDF_Annot::DrawBorder(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice,
const CFX_Matrix* pUser2Device,
const CPDF_RenderOptions* pOptions) {
if (GetSubtype() == "Popup")
uint32_t annot_flags = GetFlags();
if (annot_flags & ANNOTFLAG_HIDDEN) {
bool bPrinting = pDevice->GetDeviceClass() == FXDC_PRINTER ||
(pOptions && (pOptions->m_Flags & RENDER_PRINTPREVIEW));
if (bPrinting && (annot_flags & ANNOTFLAG_PRINT) == 0) {
if (!bPrinting && (annot_flags & ANNOTFLAG_NOVIEW)) {
CPDF_Dictionary* pBS = m_pAnnotDict->GetDictBy("BS");
char style_char;
FX_FLOAT width;
CPDF_Array* pDashArray = nullptr;
if (!pBS) {
CPDF_Array* pBorderArray = m_pAnnotDict->GetArrayBy("Border");
style_char = 'S';
if (pBorderArray) {
width = pBorderArray->GetNumberAt(2);
if (pBorderArray->GetCount() == 4) {
pDashArray = pBorderArray->GetArrayAt(3);
if (!pDashArray) {
size_t nLen = pDashArray->GetCount();
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < nLen; ++i) {
CPDF_Object* pObj = pDashArray->GetDirectObjectAt(i);
if (pObj && pObj->GetInteger()) {
if (i == nLen) {
style_char = 'D';
} else {
width = 1;
} else {
CFX_ByteString style = pBS->GetStringBy("S");
pDashArray = pBS->GetArrayBy("D");
style_char = style[1];
width = pBS->GetNumberBy("W");
if (width <= 0) {
CPDF_Array* pColor = m_pAnnotDict->GetArrayBy("C");
uint32_t argb = 0xff000000;
if (pColor) {
int R = (int32_t)(pColor->GetNumberAt(0) * 255);
int G = (int32_t)(pColor->GetNumberAt(1) * 255);
int B = (int32_t)(pColor->GetNumberAt(2) * 255);
argb = ArgbEncode(0xff, R, G, B);
CFX_GraphStateData graph_state;
graph_state.m_LineWidth = width;
if (style_char == 'D') {
if (pDashArray) {
size_t dash_count = pDashArray->GetCount();
if (dash_count % 2) {
graph_state.m_DashArray = FX_Alloc(FX_FLOAT, dash_count);
graph_state.m_DashCount = dash_count;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < pDashArray->GetCount(); ++i) {
graph_state.m_DashArray[i] = pDashArray->GetNumberAt(i);
if (i < dash_count) {
graph_state.m_DashArray[i] = graph_state.m_DashArray[i - 1];
} else {
graph_state.m_DashArray = FX_Alloc(FX_FLOAT, 2);
graph_state.m_DashCount = 2;
graph_state.m_DashArray[0] = graph_state.m_DashArray[1] = 3 * 1.0f;
CFX_FloatRect rect = GetRect();
CFX_PathData path;
width /= 2;
path.AppendRect(rect.left + width, rect.bottom + width, rect.right - width, - width);
int fill_type = 0;
if (pOptions && (pOptions->m_Flags & RENDER_NOPATHSMOOTH)) {
pDevice->DrawPath(&path, pUser2Device, &graph_state, argb, argb, fill_type);