blob: 17bf7b132cf89e2f2f0715a00db59d80edcd5e55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "../jsapi/fxjs_v8.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "JS_Object.h"
#include "JS_Value.h"
struct JSConstSpec {
const wchar_t* pName;
double number;
const wchar_t* string;
uint8_t t; // 0:double 1:str
struct JSPropertySpec {
const wchar_t* pName;
v8::AccessorGetterCallback pPropGet;
v8::AccessorSetterCallback pPropPut;
struct JSMethodSpec {
const wchar_t* pName;
v8::FunctionCallback pMethodCall;
/* ====================================== PUBLIC DEFINE SPEC
* ============================================== */
#define JS_WIDESTRING(widestring) L## #widestring
#define BEGIN_JS_STATIC_CONST(js_class_name) \
JSConstSpec js_class_name::JS_Class_Consts[] = {
#define JS_STATIC_CONST_ENTRY_NUMBER(const_name, pValue) \
{ const_name, pValue, L"", 0 } \
#define JS_STATIC_CONST_ENTRY_STRING(const_name, pValue) \
{ const_name, 0, pValue, 1 } \
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 } \
} \
#define BEGIN_JS_STATIC_PROP(js_class_name) \
JSPropertySpec js_class_name::JS_Class_Properties[] = {
#define JS_STATIC_PROP_ENTRY(prop_name) \
{ \
JS_WIDESTRING(prop_name), get_##prop_name##_static, set_##prop_name##_static \
} \
#define END_JS_STATIC_PROP() \
{ 0, 0, 0 } \
} \
#define BEGIN_JS_STATIC_METHOD(js_class_name) \
JSMethodSpec js_class_name::JS_Class_Methods[] = {
#define JS_STATIC_METHOD_ENTRY(method_name) \
{ JS_WIDESTRING(method_name), method_name##_static } \
{ 0, 0 } \
} \
/* ======================================== PROP CALLBACK
* ============================================ */
template <class C,
FX_BOOL (C::*M)(IFXJS_Context*, CJS_PropValue&, CFX_WideString&)>
void JSPropGetter(const char* prop_name_string,
const char* class_name_string,
v8::Local<v8::String> property,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)isolate->GetData(2);
IFXJS_Context* pRuntimeContext = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();
CJS_PropValue value(isolate);
CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object*)JS_GetPrivate(isolate, info.Holder());
C* pObj = reinterpret_cast<C*>(pJSObj->GetEmbedObject());
CFX_WideString sError;
if (!(pObj->*M)(pRuntimeContext, value, sError)) {
JSFormatErrorString(class_name_string, prop_name_string, sError));
template <class C,
FX_BOOL (C::*M)(IFXJS_Context*, CJS_PropValue&, CFX_WideString&)>
void JSPropSetter(const char* prop_name_string,
const char* class_name_string,
v8::Local<v8::String> property,
v8::Local<v8::Value> value,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)isolate->GetData(2);
IFXJS_Context* pRuntimeContext = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();
CJS_PropValue propValue(CJS_Value(isolate, value, VT_unknown));
CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object*)JS_GetPrivate(isolate, info.Holder());
C* pObj = reinterpret_cast<C*>(pJSObj->GetEmbedObject());
CFX_WideString sError;
if (!(pObj->*M)(pRuntimeContext, propValue, sError)) {
JSFormatErrorString(class_name_string, prop_name_string, sError));
#define JS_STATIC_PROP(prop_name, class_name) \
static void get_##prop_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { \
JSPropGetter<class_name, &class_name::prop_name>(#prop_name, #class_name, \
property, info); \
} \
static void set_##prop_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info) { \
JSPropSetter<class_name, &class_name::prop_name>(#prop_name, #class_name, \
property, value, info); \
/* ========================================= METHOD CALLBACK
* =========================================== */
template <class C,
FX_BOOL (C::*M)(IFXJS_Context*,
const CJS_Parameters&,
void JSMethod(const char* method_name_string,
const char* class_name_string,
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)isolate->GetData(2);
IFXJS_Context* pRuntimeContext = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();
CJS_Parameters parameters;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)info.Length(); i++) {
parameters.push_back(CJS_Value(isolate, info[i], VT_unknown));
CJS_Value valueRes(isolate);
CJS_Object* pJSObj = (CJS_Object*)JS_GetPrivate(isolate, info.Holder());
C* pObj = reinterpret_cast<C*>(pJSObj->GetEmbedObject());
CFX_WideString sError;
if (!(pObj->*M)(pRuntimeContext, parameters, valueRes, sError)) {
JS_Error(isolate, JSFormatErrorString(class_name_string, method_name_string,
#define JS_STATIC_METHOD(method_name, class_name) \
static void method_name##_static( \
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { \
JSMethod<class_name, &class_name::method_name>(#method_name, #class_name, \
info); \
#define JS_SPECIAL_STATIC_METHOD(method_name, class_alternate, class_name) \
static void method_name##_static( \
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { \
JSMethod<class_alternate, &class_alternate::method_name>( \
#method_name, #class_name, info); \
/* ===================================== JS CLASS
* =============================================== */
#define DECLARE_JS_CLASS(js_class_name) \
static void JSConstructor(IFXJS_Context* cc, JSFXObject obj, \
JSFXObject global); \
static void JSDestructor(JSFXObject obj); \
static int Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType); \
static JSConstSpec JS_Class_Consts[]; \
static JSPropertySpec JS_Class_Properties[]; \
static JSMethodSpec JS_Class_Methods[]; \
static const wchar_t* m_pClassName
#define IMPLEMENT_JS_CLASS_RICH(js_class_name, class_alternate, class_name) \
const wchar_t* js_class_name::m_pClassName = JS_WIDESTRING(class_name); \
void js_class_name::JSConstructor(IFXJS_Context* cc, JSFXObject obj, \
JSFXObject global) { \
CJS_Object* pObj = new js_class_name(obj); \
pObj->SetEmbedObject(new class_alternate(pObj)); \
JS_SetPrivate(NULL, obj, (void*)pObj); \
pObj->InitInstance(cc); \
} \
void js_class_name::JSDestructor(JSFXObject obj) { \
js_class_name* pObj = (js_class_name*)JS_GetPrivate(NULL, obj); \
ASSERT(pObj != NULL); \
pObj->ExitInstance(); \
delete pObj; \
} \
int js_class_name::Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType) { \
int nObjDefnID = JS_DefineObj(pRuntime, js_class_name::m_pClassName, \
eObjType, JSConstructor, JSDestructor); \
if (nObjDefnID >= 0) { \
for (int j = 0, \
szj = sizeof(JS_Class_Properties) / sizeof(JSPropertySpec) - 1; \
j < szj; j++) { \
if (JS_DefineObjProperty(pRuntime, nObjDefnID, \
JS_Class_Properties[j].pName, \
JS_Class_Properties[j].pPropGet, \
JS_Class_Properties[j].pPropPut) < 0) \
return -1; \
} \
for (int k = 0, \
szk = sizeof(JS_Class_Methods) / sizeof(JSMethodSpec) - 1; \
k < szk; k++) { \
if (JS_DefineObjMethod(pRuntime, nObjDefnID, \
JS_Class_Methods[k].pName, \
JS_Class_Methods[k].pMethodCall) < 0) \
return -1; \
} \
return nObjDefnID; \
} \
return -1; \
#define IMPLEMENT_JS_CLASS(js_class_name, class_name) \
IMPLEMENT_JS_CLASS_RICH(js_class_name, class_name, class_name)
/* ======================================== CONST CLASS
* ============================================ */
static int Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType); \
static JSConstSpec JS_Class_Consts[]; \
static const wchar_t* m_pClassName
#define IMPLEMENT_JS_CLASS_CONST(js_class_name, class_name) \
const wchar_t* js_class_name::m_pClassName = JS_WIDESTRING(class_name); \
int js_class_name::Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType) { \
int nObjDefnID = JS_DefineObj(pRuntime, js_class_name::m_pClassName, \
eObjType, NULL, NULL); \
if (nObjDefnID >= 0) { \
for (int i = 0, sz = sizeof(JS_Class_Consts) / sizeof(JSConstSpec) - 1; \
i < sz; i++) { \
if (JS_Class_Consts[i].t == 0) { \
if (JS_DefineObjConst( \
pRuntime, nObjDefnID, JS_Class_Consts[i].pName, \
JS_NewNumber(pRuntime, JS_Class_Consts[i].number)) < 0) \
return -1; \
} else { \
if (JS_DefineObjConst( \
pRuntime, nObjDefnID, JS_Class_Consts[i].pName, \
JS_NewString(pRuntime, JS_Class_Consts[i].string)) < 0) \
return -1; \
} \
} \
return nObjDefnID; \
} \
return -1; \
/* ===================================== SPECIAL JS CLASS
* =============================================== */
template <class Alt>
void JSSpecialPropQuery(const char*,
v8::Local<v8::String> property,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>& info) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(property);
CFX_WideString propname =
CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(*utf8_value, utf8_value.length());
CJS_Object* pJSObj =
reinterpret_cast<CJS_Object*>(JS_GetPrivate(isolate, info.Holder()));
Alt* pObj = reinterpret_cast<Alt*>(pJSObj->GetEmbedObject());
FX_BOOL bRet = pObj->QueryProperty(propname.c_str());
info.GetReturnValue().Set(bRet ? 4 : 0);
template <class Alt>
void JSSpecialPropGet(const char* class_name,
v8::Local<v8::String> property,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)isolate->GetData(2);
IFXJS_Context* pRuntimeContext = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();
CJS_Object* pJSObj =
reinterpret_cast<CJS_Object*>(JS_GetPrivate(isolate, info.Holder()));
Alt* pObj = reinterpret_cast<Alt*>(pJSObj->GetEmbedObject());
v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(property);
CFX_WideString propname =
CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(*utf8_value, utf8_value.length());
CFX_WideString sError;
CJS_PropValue value(isolate);
if (!pObj->DoProperty(pRuntimeContext, propname.c_str(), value, sError)) {
JS_Error(isolate, JSFormatErrorString(class_name, "GetProperty", sError));
template <class Alt>
void JSSpecialPropPut(const char* class_name,
v8::Local<v8::String> property,
v8::Local<v8::Value> value,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)isolate->GetData(2);
IFXJS_Context* pRuntimeContext = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();
CJS_Object* pJSObj =
reinterpret_cast<CJS_Object*>(JS_GetPrivate(isolate, info.Holder()));
Alt* pObj = reinterpret_cast<Alt*>(pJSObj->GetEmbedObject());
v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(property);
CFX_WideString propname =
CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(*utf8_value, utf8_value.length());
CFX_WideString sError;
CJS_PropValue PropValue(CJS_Value(isolate, value, VT_unknown));
if (!pObj->DoProperty(pRuntimeContext, propname.c_str(), PropValue, sError)) {
JS_Error(isolate, JSFormatErrorString(class_name, "PutProperty", sError));
template <class Alt>
void JSSpecialPropDel(const char* class_name,
v8::Local<v8::String> property,
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)isolate->GetData(2);
IFXJS_Context* pRuntimeContext = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();
CJS_Object* pJSObj =
reinterpret_cast<CJS_Object*>(JS_GetPrivate(isolate, info.Holder()));
Alt* pObj = reinterpret_cast<Alt*>(pJSObj->GetEmbedObject());
v8::String::Utf8Value utf8_value(property);
CFX_WideString propname =
CFX_WideString::FromUTF8(*utf8_value, utf8_value.length());
CFX_WideString sError;
if (!pObj->DelProperty(pRuntimeContext, propname.c_str(), sError)) {
CFX_ByteString cbName;
cbName.Format("%s.%s", class_name, "DelProperty");
// Probably a missing call to JS_Error().
#define DECLARE_SPECIAL_JS_CLASS(js_class_name) \
static void JSConstructor(IFXJS_Context* cc, JSFXObject obj, \
JSFXObject global); \
static void JSDestructor(JSFXObject obj); \
static JSConstSpec JS_Class_Consts[]; \
static JSPropertySpec JS_Class_Properties[]; \
static JSMethodSpec JS_Class_Methods[]; \
static int Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType); \
static const wchar_t* m_pClassName; \
static void queryprop_##js_class_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>& info); \
static void getprop_##js_class_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info); \
static void putprop_##js_class_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info); \
static void delprop_##js_class_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info)
#define IMPLEMENT_SPECIAL_JS_CLASS(js_class_name, class_alternate, class_name) \
const wchar_t* js_class_name::m_pClassName = JS_WIDESTRING(class_name); \
void js_class_name::queryprop_##js_class_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Integer>& info) { \
JSSpecialPropQuery<class_alternate>(#class_name, property, info); \
} \
void js_class_name::getprop_##js_class_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { \
JSSpecialPropGet<class_alternate>(#class_name, property, info); \
} \
void js_class_name::putprop_##js_class_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, v8::Local<v8::Value> value, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { \
JSSpecialPropPut<class_alternate>(#class_name, property, value, info); \
} \
void js_class_name::delprop_##js_class_name##_static( \
v8::Local<v8::String> property, \
const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Boolean>& info) { \
JSSpecialPropDel<class_alternate>(#class_name, property, info); \
} \
void js_class_name::JSConstructor(IFXJS_Context* cc, JSFXObject obj, \
JSFXObject global) { \
CJS_Object* pObj = new js_class_name(obj); \
pObj->SetEmbedObject(new class_alternate(pObj)); \
JS_SetPrivate(NULL, obj, (void*)pObj); \
pObj->InitInstance(cc); \
} \
void js_class_name::JSDestructor(JSFXObject obj) { \
js_class_name* pObj = (js_class_name*)JS_GetPrivate(NULL, obj); \
ASSERT(pObj != NULL); \
pObj->ExitInstance(); \
delete pObj; \
} \
int js_class_name::Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime, FXJSOBJTYPE eObjType) { \
int nObjDefnID = JS_DefineObj(pRuntime, js_class_name::m_pClassName, \
eObjType, JSConstructor, JSDestructor); \
if (nObjDefnID >= 0) { \
for (int j = 0, \
szj = sizeof(JS_Class_Properties) / sizeof(JSPropertySpec) - 1; \
j < szj; j++) { \
if (JS_DefineObjProperty(pRuntime, nObjDefnID, \
JS_Class_Properties[j].pName, \
JS_Class_Properties[j].pPropGet, \
JS_Class_Properties[j].pPropPut) < 0) \
return -1; \
} \
for (int k = 0, \
szk = sizeof(JS_Class_Methods) / sizeof(JSMethodSpec) - 1; \
k < szk; k++) { \
if (JS_DefineObjMethod(pRuntime, nObjDefnID, \
JS_Class_Methods[k].pName, \
JS_Class_Methods[k].pMethodCall) < 0) \
return -1; \
} \
if (JS_DefineObjAllProperties( \
pRuntime, nObjDefnID, \
js_class_name::queryprop_##js_class_name##_static, \
js_class_name::getprop_##js_class_name##_static, \
js_class_name::putprop_##js_class_name##_static, \
js_class_name::delprop_##js_class_name##_static) < 0) \
return -1; \
return nObjDefnID; \
} \
return -1; \
/* ======================================== GLOBAL METHODS
* ============================================ */
template <FX_BOOL (
*F)(IFXJS_Context*, const CJS_Parameters&, CJS_Value&, CFX_WideString&)>
void JSGlobalFunc(const char* func_name_string,
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
v8::Isolate* isolate = info.GetIsolate();
IFXJS_Runtime* pRuntime = (IFXJS_Runtime*)isolate->GetData(2);
IFXJS_Context* pRuntimeContext = pRuntime->GetCurrentContext();
CJS_Parameters parameters;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (unsigned int)info.Length(); i++) {
parameters.push_back(CJS_Value(isolate, info[i], VT_unknown));
CJS_Value valueRes(isolate);
CFX_WideString sError;
if (!(*F)(pRuntimeContext, parameters, valueRes, sError)) {
JS_Error(isolate, JSFormatErrorString(func_name_string, nullptr, sError));
#define JS_STATIC_GLOBAL_FUN(fun_name) \
static void fun_name##_static( \
const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) { \
JSGlobalFunc<fun_name>(#fun_name, info); \
static JSMethodSpec global_methods[]; \
static int Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime)
#define BEGIN_JS_STATIC_GLOBAL_FUN(js_class_name) \
JSMethodSpec js_class_name::global_methods[] = {
#define JS_STATIC_GLOBAL_FUN_ENTRY(method_name) \
#define IMPLEMENT_JS_STATIC_GLOBAL_FUN(js_class_name) \
int js_class_name::Init(IJS_Runtime* pRuntime) { \
for (int i = 0, sz = sizeof(js_class_name::global_methods) / \
sizeof(JSMethodSpec) - \
1; \
i < sz; i++) { \
if (JS_DefineGlobalMethod( \
pRuntime, js_class_name::global_methods[i].pName, \
js_class_name::global_methods[i].pMethodCall) < 0) \
return -1; \
} \
return 0; \
/* ======================================== GLOBAL CONSTS
* ============================================ */
#define DEFINE_GLOBAL_CONST(pRuntime, const_name, const_value) \
if (JS_DefineGlobalConst( \
pRuntime, JS_WIDESTRING(const_name), \
JS_NewString(pRuntime, JS_WIDESTRING(const_value)))) \
return -1
/* ======================================== GLOBAL ARRAYS
* ============================================ */
#define DEFINE_GLOBAL_ARRAY(pRuntime) \
int size = FX_ArraySize(ArrayContent); \
CJS_Array array(pRuntime); \
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) \
array.SetElement(i, CJS_Value(pRuntime, ArrayContent[i])); \
CJS_PropValue prop(pRuntime); \
prop << array; \
if (JS_DefineGlobalConst(pRuntime, (const wchar_t*)ArrayName, \
prop.ToV8Value()) < 0) \
return -1
/* ============================================================ */
#define VALUE_NAME_STRING L"string"
#define VALUE_NAME_NUMBER L"number"
#define VALUE_NAME_BOOLEAN L"boolean"
#define VALUE_NAME_DATE L"date"
#define VALUE_NAME_OBJECT L"object"
#define VALUE_NAME_FXOBJ L"fxobj"
#define VALUE_NAME_NULL L"null"
#define VALUE_NAME_UNDEFINED L"undefined"