blob: 7bae79f24588f8d5faa0f812f16896530431d03c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_basic.h"
class CGifDecompressor;
#define GIF_SIG_EXTENSION 0x21
#define GIF_SIG_IMAGE 0x2C
#define GIF_SIG_TRAILER 0x3B
#define GIF_BLOCK_GCE 0xF9
#define GIF_BLOCK_PTE 0x01
#define GIF_BLOCK_CE 0xFE
#define GIF_BLOCK_AE 0xFF
#define GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE 4096
#define GIF_DATA_BLOCK 255
#define GIF_MAX_ERROR_SIZE 256
#define GIF_D_STATUS_SIG 0x01
#define GIF_D_STATUS_TAIL 0x02
#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT 0x03
#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_AE 0x04
#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_CE 0x05
#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_GCE 0x06
#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_PTE 0x07
#define GIF_D_STATUS_EXT_UNE 0x08
#define GIF_D_STATUS_IMG_INFO 0x09
#pragma pack(1)
typedef struct tagGifGF {
uint8_t pal_bits : 3;
uint8_t sort_flag : 1;
uint8_t color_resolution : 3;
uint8_t global_pal : 1;
} GifGF;
typedef struct tagGifLF {
uint8_t pal_bits : 3;
uint8_t reserved : 2;
uint8_t sort_flag : 1;
uint8_t interlace : 1;
uint8_t local_pal : 1;
} GifLF;
typedef struct tagGifHeader {
char signature[3];
char version[3];
} GifHeader;
typedef struct tagGifLSD {
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
uint8_t global_flag;
uint8_t bc_index;
uint8_t pixel_aspect;
} GifLSD;
typedef struct tagGifImageInfo {
uint16_t left;
uint16_t top;
uint16_t width;
uint16_t height;
uint8_t local_flag;
} GifImageInfo;
typedef struct tagGifCEF {
uint8_t transparency : 1;
uint8_t user_input : 1;
uint8_t disposal_method : 3;
uint8_t reserved : 3;
} GifCEF;
typedef struct tagGifGCE {
uint8_t block_size;
uint8_t gce_flag;
uint16_t delay_time;
uint8_t trans_index;
} GifGCE;
typedef struct tagGifPTE {
uint8_t block_size;
uint16_t grid_left;
uint16_t grid_top;
uint16_t grid_width;
uint16_t grid_height;
uint8_t char_width;
uint8_t char_height;
uint8_t fc_index;
uint8_t bc_index;
} GifPTE;
typedef struct tagGifAE {
uint8_t block_size;
uint8_t app_identify[8];
uint8_t app_authentication[3];
} GifAE;
typedef struct tagGifPalette { uint8_t r, g, b; } GifPalette;
#pragma pack()
enum class GifDecodeStatus {
InsufficientDestSize, // Only used internally by CGifLZWDecoder::Decode()
class GifImage {
std::unique_ptr<GifGCE> m_ImageGCE;
std::vector<GifPalette> m_LocalPalettes;
std::vector<uint8_t> m_ImageRowBuf;
GifImageInfo m_ImageInfo;
uint8_t image_code_size;
uint32_t image_data_pos;
int32_t image_row_num;
class CGifLZWDecoder {
struct tag_Table {
uint16_t prefix;
uint8_t suffix;
explicit CGifLZWDecoder(char* error_ptr);
void InitTable(uint8_t code_len);
GifDecodeStatus Decode(uint8_t* des_buf, uint32_t* des_size);
void Input(uint8_t* src_buf, uint32_t src_size);
uint32_t GetAvailInput();
void ClearTable();
void AddCode(uint16_t prefix_code, uint8_t append_char);
void DecodeString(uint16_t code);
uint8_t code_size;
uint8_t code_size_cur;
uint16_t code_clear;
uint16_t code_end;
uint16_t code_next;
uint8_t code_first;
uint8_t stack[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE];
uint16_t stack_size;
tag_Table code_table[GIF_MAX_LZW_CODE];
uint16_t code_old;
uint8_t* next_in;
uint32_t avail_in;
uint8_t bits_left;
uint32_t code_store;
char* err_msg_ptr;
static const int32_t s_gif_interlace_step[4] = {8, 8, 4, 2};
GifDecodeStatus gif_read_header(CGifDecompressor* gif_ptr);
GifDecodeStatus gif_get_frame(CGifDecompressor* gif_ptr);
int32_t gif_get_frame_num(CGifDecompressor* gif_ptr);
GifDecodeStatus gif_load_frame(CGifDecompressor* gif_ptr, int32_t frame_num);
void gif_input_buffer(CGifDecompressor* gif_ptr,
uint8_t* src_buf,
uint32_t src_size);
uint32_t gif_get_avail_input(CGifDecompressor* gif_ptr,
uint8_t** avail_buf_ptr);