blob: aaa6d9cae71e90e194d66af7e7b89b685e7a9169 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/fxcrt/widestring.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace fxcrt {
TEST(WideString, ElementAccess) {
const WideString abc(L"abc");
EXPECT_EQ(L'a', abc[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(L'b', abc[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(L'c', abc[2]);
#ifndef NDEBUG
EXPECT_DEATH({ abc[4]; }, ".*");
WideString mutable_abc = abc;
EXPECT_EQ(abc.c_str(), mutable_abc.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(L'a', mutable_abc[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(L'b', mutable_abc[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(L'c', mutable_abc[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(abc.c_str(), mutable_abc.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(L"abc", abc);
const wchar_t* c_str = abc.c_str();
mutable_abc.SetAt(0, L'd');
EXPECT_EQ(c_str, abc.c_str());
EXPECT_NE(c_str, mutable_abc.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(L"abc", abc);
EXPECT_EQ(L"dbc", mutable_abc);
mutable_abc.SetAt(1, L'e');
EXPECT_EQ(L"abc", abc);
EXPECT_EQ(L"dec", mutable_abc);
mutable_abc.SetAt(2, L'f');
EXPECT_EQ(L"abc", abc);
EXPECT_EQ(L"def", mutable_abc);
#ifndef NDEBUG
EXPECT_DEATH({ mutable_abc.SetAt(3, L'g'); }, ".*");
EXPECT_EQ(L"abc", abc);
TEST(WideString, OperatorLT) {
WideString empty;
WideString a(L"a");
WideString abc(L"\x0110qq"); // Comes before despite endianness.
WideString def(L"\x1001qq"); // Comes after despite endianness.
WideStringView v_empty;
WideStringView v_a(L"a");
WideStringView v_abc(L"\x0110qq");
WideStringView v_def(L"\x1001qq");
const wchar_t* const c_null = nullptr;
const wchar_t* const c_empty = L"";
const wchar_t* const c_a = L"a";
const wchar_t* const c_abc = L"\x0110qq";
const wchar_t* const c_def = L"\x1001qq";
EXPECT_FALSE(empty < empty);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_null < empty);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_empty < empty);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_a < a);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_abc < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_def < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty < c_null);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty < c_empty);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < c_a);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < c_abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty < v_empty);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < v_a);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < v_abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < v_def);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < a);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_null < a);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_empty < a);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_a < empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < c_a);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < c_null);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < c_empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < v_a);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < v_empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_null < abc);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_empty < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_abc < empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < c_abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < c_null);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < c_empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < v_abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < v_empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_null < def);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_empty < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_def < empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < c_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_null);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < v_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < v_empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < a);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_a < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_abc < a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < c_abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < c_a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < v_abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < v_a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < a);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_a < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_def < a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < c_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < v_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < v_a);
EXPECT_TRUE(abc < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < abc);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_abc < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_def < abc);
EXPECT_TRUE(abc < c_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_abc);
EXPECT_TRUE(abc < v_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < v_abc);
TEST(WideString, OperatorEQ) {
WideString null_string;
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string == null_string);
WideString empty_string(L"");
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string == empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string == null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string == empty_string);
WideString deleted_string(L"hello");
deleted_string.Delete(0, 5);
EXPECT_TRUE(deleted_string == deleted_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(deleted_string == null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(deleted_string == empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string == deleted_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string == empty_string);
WideString wide_string(L"hello");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string == wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == empty_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == deleted_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string == wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty_string == wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(deleted_string == wide_string);
WideString wide_string_same1(L"hello");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string == wide_string_same1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_same1 == wide_string);
WideString wide_string_same2(wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string == wide_string_same2);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_same2 == wide_string);
WideString wide_string1(L"he");
WideString wide_string2(L"hellp");
WideString wide_string3(L"hellod");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == wide_string1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == wide_string2);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == wide_string3);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string1 == wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string2 == wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string3 == wide_string);
WideStringView null_string_c;
WideStringView empty_string_c(L"");
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string == null_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string == empty_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string == null_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string == empty_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(deleted_string == null_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(deleted_string == empty_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string_c == null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string_c == null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string_c == empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string_c == empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string_c == deleted_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string_c == deleted_string);
WideStringView wide_string_c_same1(L"hello");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string == wide_string_c_same1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c_same1 == wide_string);
WideStringView wide_string_c1(L"he");
WideStringView wide_string_c2(L"hellp");
WideStringView wide_string_c3(L"hellod");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == wide_string_c1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == wide_string_c2);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == wide_string_c3);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c1 == wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c2 == wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c3 == wide_string);
const wchar_t* const c_null_string = nullptr;
const wchar_t* const c_empty_string = L"";
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string == c_null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string == c_empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string == c_null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string == c_empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(deleted_string == c_null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(deleted_string == c_empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_null_string == null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_empty_string == null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_null_string == empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_empty_string == empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_null_string == deleted_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_empty_string == deleted_string);
const wchar_t* const c_string_same1 = L"hello";
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string == c_string_same1);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_string_same1 == wide_string);
const wchar_t* const c_string1 = L"he";
const wchar_t* const c_string2 = L"hellp";
const wchar_t* const c_string3 = L"hellod";
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == c_string1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == c_string2);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string == c_string3);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_string1 == wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_string2 == wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_string3 == wide_string);
TEST(WideString, OperatorNE) {
WideString null_string;
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string != null_string);
WideString empty_string(L"");
EXPECT_FALSE(empty_string != empty_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty_string != null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string != empty_string);
WideString deleted_string(L"hello");
deleted_string.Delete(0, 5);
EXPECT_FALSE(deleted_string != deleted_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(deleted_string != null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(deleted_string != empty_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string != deleted_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string != empty_string);
WideString wide_string(L"hello");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string != wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != null_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != empty_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != deleted_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(null_string != wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty_string != wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(deleted_string != wide_string);
WideString wide_string_same1(L"hello");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string != wide_string_same1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_same1 != wide_string);
WideString wide_string_same2(wide_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string != wide_string_same2);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_same2 != wide_string);
WideString wide_string1(L"he");
WideString wide_string2(L"hellp");
WideString wide_string3(L"hellod");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != wide_string1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != wide_string2);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != wide_string3);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string1 != wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string2 != wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string3 != wide_string);
WideStringView null_string_c;
WideStringView empty_string_c(L"");
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string != null_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string != empty_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty_string != null_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty_string != empty_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(deleted_string != null_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(deleted_string != empty_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string_c != null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty_string_c != null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string_c != empty_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty_string_c != empty_string);
WideStringView wide_string_c_same1(L"hello");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string != wide_string_c_same1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c_same1 != wide_string);
WideStringView wide_string_c1(L"he");
WideStringView wide_string_c2(L"hellp");
WideStringView wide_string_c3(L"hellod");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != wide_string_c1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != wide_string_c2);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != wide_string_c3);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c1 != wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c2 != wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c3 != wide_string);
const wchar_t* const c_null_string = nullptr;
const wchar_t* const c_empty_string = L"";
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string != c_null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(null_string != c_empty_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty_string != c_null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty_string != c_empty_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(deleted_string != c_null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(deleted_string != c_empty_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_null_string != null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_empty_string != null_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_null_string != empty_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_empty_string != empty_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_null_string != deleted_string);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_empty_string != deleted_string);
const wchar_t* const c_string_same1 = L"hello";
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string != c_string_same1);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_string_same1 != wide_string);
const wchar_t* const c_string1 = L"he";
const wchar_t* const c_string2 = L"hellp";
const wchar_t* const c_string3 = L"hellod";
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != c_string1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != c_string2);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string != c_string3);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_string1 != wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_string2 != wide_string);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_string3 != wide_string);
TEST(WideString, ConcatInPlace) {
WideString fred;
fred.Concat(L"FRED", 4);
fred.Concat(L"DY", 2);
fred.Delete(3, 3);
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRE", fred);
fred.Concat(L"D", 1);
WideString copy = fred;
fred.Concat(L"DY", 2);
TEST(WideString, Remove) {
WideString freed(L"FREED");
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRD", freed);
EXPECT_EQ(L"RD", freed);
EXPECT_EQ(L"R", freed);
EXPECT_EQ(L"R", freed);
EXPECT_EQ(L"", freed);
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
TEST(WideString, RemoveCopies) {
WideString freed(L"FREED");
const wchar_t* old_buffer = freed.c_str();
// No change with single reference - no copy.
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, freed.c_str());
// Change with single reference - no copy.
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRD", freed);
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, freed.c_str());
// No change with multiple references - no copy.
WideString shared(freed);
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRD", freed);
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, freed.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, shared.c_str());
// Change with multiple references -- must copy.
EXPECT_EQ(L"FR", freed);
EXPECT_NE(old_buffer, freed.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRD", shared);
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, shared.c_str());
TEST(WideString, Replace) {
WideString fred(L"FRED");
fred.Replace(L"FR", L"BL");
fred.Replace(L"D", L"DDY");
fred.Replace(L"LEDD", L"");
EXPECT_EQ(L"BY", fred);
fred.Replace(L"X", L"CLAMS");
EXPECT_EQ(L"BY", fred);
fred.Replace(L"BY", L"HI");
EXPECT_EQ(L"HI", fred);
fred.Replace(L"", L"CLAMS");
EXPECT_EQ(L"HI", fred);
fred.Replace(L"HI", L"");
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred);
TEST(WideString, Insert) {
WideString fred(L"FRED");
EXPECT_EQ(5u, fred.Insert(0, 'S'));
EXPECT_EQ(6u, fred.Insert(1, 'T'));
EXPECT_EQ(7u, fred.Insert(4, 'U'));
EXPECT_EQ(8u, fred.Insert(7, 'V'));
EXPECT_EQ(8u, fred.Insert(12, 'P'));
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(1u, empty.Insert(0, 'X'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"X", empty);
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(0u, empty.Insert(5, 'X'));
EXPECT_NE(L"X", empty);
TEST(WideString, InsertAtFrontAndInsertAtBack) {
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(1u, empty.InsertAtFront('D'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"D", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, empty.InsertAtFront('E'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"ED", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, empty.InsertAtFront('R'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"RED", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, empty.InsertAtFront('F'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", empty);
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(1u, empty.InsertAtBack('F'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"F", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, empty.InsertAtBack('R'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FR", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, empty.InsertAtBack('E'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRE", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, empty.InsertAtBack('D'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", empty);
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(1u, empty.InsertAtBack('E'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"E", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, empty.InsertAtFront('R'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"RE", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, empty.InsertAtBack('D'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"RED", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, empty.InsertAtFront('F'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", empty);
TEST(WideString, Delete) {
WideString fred(L"FRED");
EXPECT_EQ(4u, fred.Delete(0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(2u, fred.Delete(0, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(L"ED", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, fred.Delete(1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"E", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, fred.Delete(0));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, fred.Delete(0));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred);
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(0u, empty.Delete(0));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, empty.Delete(1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
TEST(WideString, Mid) {
WideString fred(L"FRED");
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred.Mid(0, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred.Mid(3, 0));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", fred.Mid(0, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(L"RED", fred.Mid(1, 3));
EXPECT_EQ(L"ED", fred.Mid(2, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(L"D", fred.Mid(3, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"F", fred.Mid(0, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"R", fred.Mid(1, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"E", fred.Mid(2, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"D", fred.Mid(3, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FR", fred.Mid(0, 2));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", fred.Mid(0, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred.Mid(0, 10));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred.Mid(1, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred.Mid(4, 1));
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty.Mid(0, 0));
TEST(WideString, Left) {
WideString fred(L"FRED");
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred.Left(0));
EXPECT_EQ(L"F", fred.Left(1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FR", fred.Left(2));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRE", fred.Left(3));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", fred.Left(4));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred.Left(5));
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty.Left(0));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty.Left(1));
TEST(WideString, Right) {
WideString fred(L"FRED");
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred.Right(0));
EXPECT_EQ(L"D", fred.Right(1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"ED", fred.Right(2));
EXPECT_EQ(L"RED", fred.Right(3));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", fred.Right(4));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", fred.Right(5));
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty.Right(0));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty.Right(1));
TEST(WideString, Find) {
WideString null_string;
WideString empty_string(L"");
pdfium::Optional<size_t> result;
WideString single_string(L"a");
result = single_string.Find(L'a');
EXPECT_EQ(0u, result.value());
WideString longer_string(L"abccc");
result = longer_string.Find(L'a');
EXPECT_EQ(0u, result.value());
result = longer_string.Find(L'c');
EXPECT_EQ(2u, result.value());
result = longer_string.Find(L'c', 3);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, result.value());
result = longer_string.Find(L"ab");
EXPECT_EQ(0u, result.value());
result = longer_string.Find(L"ccc");
EXPECT_EQ(2u, result.value());
result = longer_string.Find(L"cc", 3);
EXPECT_EQ(3u, result.value());
WideString hibyte_string(
result = hibyte_string.Find(L'\xff8c');
EXPECT_EQ(2u, result.value());
TEST(WideString, UpperLower) {
WideString fred(L"F-Re.42D");
EXPECT_EQ(L"f-re.42d", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(L"F-RE.42D", fred);
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
TEST(WideString, TrimRight) {
WideString fred(L" FRED ");
EXPECT_EQ(L" FRED", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(L" FRED", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(L" FRE", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(L" F", fred);
WideString blank(L" ");
EXPECT_EQ(L" ", blank);
EXPECT_EQ(L" ", blank);
EXPECT_EQ(L"", blank);
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
TEST(WideString, TrimRightCopies) {
// With a single reference, no copy takes place.
WideString fred(L" FRED ");
const wchar_t* old_buffer = fred.c_str();
EXPECT_EQ(L" FRED", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, fred.c_str());
// With multiple references, we must copy.
WideString fred(L" FRED ");
WideString other_fred = fred;
const wchar_t* old_buffer = fred.c_str();
EXPECT_EQ(L" FRED", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(L" FRED ", other_fred);
EXPECT_NE(old_buffer, fred.c_str());
// With multiple references, but no modifications, no copy.
WideString fred(L"FRED");
WideString other_fred = fred;
const wchar_t* old_buffer = fred.c_str();
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", other_fred);
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, fred.c_str());
TEST(WideString, TrimLeft) {
WideString fred(L" FRED ");
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED ", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED ", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(L"RED ", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(L"D ", fred);
WideString blank(L" ");
EXPECT_EQ(L" ", blank);
EXPECT_EQ(L" ", blank);
EXPECT_EQ(L"", blank);
WideString empty;
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
EXPECT_EQ(L"", empty);
TEST(WideString, TrimLeftCopies) {
// With a single reference, no copy takes place.
WideString fred(L" FRED ");
const wchar_t* old_buffer = fred.c_str();
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED ", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, fred.c_str());
// With multiple references, we must copy.
WideString fred(L" FRED ");
WideString other_fred = fred;
const wchar_t* old_buffer = fred.c_str();
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED ", fred);
EXPECT_EQ(L" FRED ", other_fred);
EXPECT_NE(old_buffer, fred.c_str());
// With multiple references, but no modifications, no copy.
WideString fred(L"FRED");
WideString other_fred = fred;
const wchar_t* old_buffer = fred.c_str();
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", other_fred);
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, fred.c_str());
TEST(WideString, Reserve) {
WideString str;
const wchar_t* old_buffer = str.c_str();
str += L"ABCDEF";
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, str.c_str());
str += L"Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah";
EXPECT_NE(old_buffer, str.c_str());
WideString str(L"A");
const wchar_t* old_buffer = str.c_str();
str += L"BCDEF";
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, str.c_str());
str += L"Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah";
EXPECT_NE(old_buffer, str.c_str());
TEST(WideString, GetBuffer) {
WideString str;
wchar_t* buffer = str.GetBuffer(12);
wcscpy(buffer, L"clams");
EXPECT_EQ(L"clams", str);
WideString str(L"cl");
wchar_t* buffer = str.GetBuffer(12);
wcscpy(buffer + 2, L"ams");
EXPECT_EQ(L"clams", str);
TEST(WideString, ReleaseBuffer) {
WideString str;
str += L"clams";
const wchar_t* old_buffer = str.c_str();
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, str.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(L"clam", str);
WideString str(L"c");
str += L"lams";
const wchar_t* old_buffer = str.c_str();
EXPECT_EQ(old_buffer, str.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(L"clam", str);
WideString str;
str += L"clams";
const wchar_t* old_buffer = str.c_str();
EXPECT_NE(old_buffer, str.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(L"clam", str);
WideString str(L"c");
str += L"lams";
const wchar_t* old_buffer = str.c_str();
EXPECT_NE(old_buffer, str.c_str());
EXPECT_EQ(L"clam", str);
TEST(WideString, EmptyReverseIterator) {
WideString empty;
auto iter = empty.rbegin();
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == empty.rend());
EXPECT_FALSE(iter != empty.rend());
EXPECT_FALSE(iter < empty.rend());
TEST(WideString, OneCharReverseIterator) {
WideString one_str(L"a");
auto iter = one_str.rbegin();
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == one_str.rend());
EXPECT_TRUE(iter != one_str.rend());
EXPECT_TRUE(iter < one_str.rend());
char ch = *iter++;
EXPECT_EQ('a', ch);
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == one_str.rend());
EXPECT_FALSE(iter != one_str.rend());
EXPECT_FALSE(iter < one_str.rend());
TEST(WideString, MultiCharReverseIterator) {
WideString multi_str(L"abcd");
auto iter = multi_str.rbegin();
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
char ch = *iter++;
EXPECT_EQ('d', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('c', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *(++iter);
EXPECT_EQ('b', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('b', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *iter++;
EXPECT_EQ('b', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('a', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *iter++;
EXPECT_EQ('a', ch);
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *(--iter);
EXPECT_EQ('a', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('a', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *iter--;
EXPECT_EQ('a', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('b', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *iter--;
EXPECT_EQ('b', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('c', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *(--iter);
EXPECT_EQ('d', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('d', *iter);
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == multi_str.rbegin());
TEST(WideString, UTF16LE_Encode) {
struct UTF16LEEncodeCase {
WideString ws;
ByteString bs;
} utf16le_encode_cases[] = {
{L"", ByteString("\0\0", 2)},
{L"abc", ByteString("a\0b\0c\0\0\0", 8)},
{L"abcdef", ByteString("a\0b\0c\0d\0e\0f\0\0\0", 14)},
{L"abc\0def", ByteString("a\0b\0c\0\0\0", 8)},
{L"\xaabb\xccdd", ByteString("\xbb\xaa\xdd\xcc\0\0", 6)},
{L"\x3132\x6162", ByteString("\x32\x31\x62\x61\0\0", 6)},
for (size_t i = 0; i < FX_ArraySize(utf16le_encode_cases); ++i) {
<< " for case number " << i;
TEST(WideStringView, FromVector) {
std::vector<WideStringView::UnsignedType> null_vec;
WideStringView null_string(null_vec);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, null_string.GetLength());
std::vector<WideStringView::UnsignedType> lower_a_vec(
10, static_cast<WideStringView::UnsignedType>(L'a'));
WideStringView lower_a_string(lower_a_vec);
EXPECT_EQ(10u, lower_a_string.GetLength());
EXPECT_EQ(L"aaaaaaaaaa", lower_a_string);
std::vector<WideStringView::UnsignedType> cleared_vec;
WideStringView cleared_string(cleared_vec);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, cleared_string.GetLength());
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, cleared_string.raw_str());
TEST(WideStringView, ElementAccess) {
WideStringView abc(L"abc");
EXPECT_EQ(L'a', static_cast<wchar_t>(abc[0]));
EXPECT_EQ(L'b', static_cast<wchar_t>(abc[1]));
EXPECT_EQ(L'c', static_cast<wchar_t>(abc[2]));
#ifndef NDEBUG
EXPECT_DEATH({ abc[4]; }, ".*");
TEST(WideStringView, OperatorLT) {
WideStringView empty;
WideStringView a(L"a");
WideStringView abc(L"\x0110qq"); // Comes InsertAtFront despite endianness.
WideStringView def(L"\x1001qq"); // Comes InsertAtBack despite endianness.
const wchar_t* const c_null = nullptr;
const wchar_t* const c_empty = L"";
const wchar_t* const c_a = L"a";
const wchar_t* const c_abc = L"\x0110qq";
const wchar_t* const c_def = L"\x1001qq";
EXPECT_FALSE(empty < empty);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_null < empty);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_empty < empty);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_a < a);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_abc < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_def < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty < c_null);
EXPECT_FALSE(empty < c_empty);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < c_a);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < c_abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_def);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < a);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < c_a);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < c_null);
EXPECT_FALSE(a < c_empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < c_abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < c_null);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < c_empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(empty < c_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_null);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_empty);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < c_abc);
EXPECT_FALSE(abc < c_a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < a);
EXPECT_TRUE(a < c_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_a);
EXPECT_TRUE(abc < def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < abc);
EXPECT_TRUE(abc < c_def);
EXPECT_FALSE(def < c_abc);
TEST(WideStringView, OperatorEQ) {
WideStringView wide_string_c(L"hello");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c == wide_string_c);
WideStringView wide_string_c_same1(L"hello");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c == wide_string_c_same1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c_same1 == wide_string_c);
WideStringView wide_string_c_same2(wide_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c == wide_string_c_same2);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c_same2 == wide_string_c);
WideStringView wide_string_c1(L"he");
WideStringView wide_string_c2(L"hellp");
WideStringView wide_string_c3(L"hellod");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c == wide_string_c1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c == wide_string_c2);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c == wide_string_c3);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c1 == wide_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c2 == wide_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c3 == wide_string_c);
WideString wide_string_same1(L"hello");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c == wide_string_same1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_same1 == wide_string_c);
WideString wide_string1(L"he");
WideString wide_string2(L"hellp");
WideString wide_string3(L"hellod");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c == wide_string1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c == wide_string2);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c == wide_string3);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string1 == wide_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string2 == wide_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string3 == wide_string_c);
const wchar_t* const c_string_same1 = L"hello";
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c == c_string_same1);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_string_same1 == wide_string_c);
const wchar_t* const c_string1 = L"he";
const wchar_t* const c_string2 = L"hellp";
const wchar_t* const c_string3 = L"hellod";
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c == c_string1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c == c_string2);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c == c_string3);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_string1 == wide_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_string2 == wide_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_string3 == wide_string_c);
TEST(WideStringView, OperatorNE) {
WideStringView wide_string_c(L"hello");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c != wide_string_c);
WideStringView wide_string_c_same1(L"hello");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c != wide_string_c_same1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c_same1 != wide_string_c);
WideStringView wide_string_c_same2(wide_string_c);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c != wide_string_c_same2);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c_same2 != wide_string_c);
WideStringView wide_string_c1(L"he");
WideStringView wide_string_c2(L"hellp");
WideStringView wide_string_c3(L"hellod");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c != wide_string_c1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c != wide_string_c2);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c != wide_string_c3);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c1 != wide_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c2 != wide_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c3 != wide_string_c);
WideString wide_string_same1(L"hello");
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c != wide_string_same1);
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_same1 != wide_string_c);
WideString wide_string1(L"he");
WideString wide_string2(L"hellp");
WideString wide_string3(L"hellod");
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c != wide_string1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c != wide_string2);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c != wide_string3);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string1 != wide_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string2 != wide_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string3 != wide_string_c);
const wchar_t* const c_string_same1 = L"hello";
EXPECT_FALSE(wide_string_c != c_string_same1);
EXPECT_FALSE(c_string_same1 != wide_string_c);
const wchar_t* const c_string1 = L"he";
const wchar_t* const c_string2 = L"hellp";
const wchar_t* const c_string3 = L"hellod";
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c != c_string1);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c != c_string2);
EXPECT_TRUE(wide_string_c != c_string3);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_string1 != wide_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_string2 != wide_string_c);
EXPECT_TRUE(c_string3 != wide_string_c);
TEST(WideStringView, Find) {
WideStringView null_string;
WideStringView empty_string(L"");
pdfium::Optional<size_t> result;
WideStringView single_string(L"a");
result = single_string.Find(L'a');
EXPECT_EQ(0u, result.value());
WideStringView longer_string(L"abccc");
result = longer_string.Find(L'a');
EXPECT_EQ(0u, result.value());
result = longer_string.Find(L'c');
EXPECT_EQ(2u, result.value());
WideStringView hibyte_string(
result = hibyte_string.Find(L'\xFF8c');
EXPECT_EQ(2u, result.value());
TEST(WideStringView, NullIterator) {
WideStringView null_str;
int32_t sum = 0;
bool any_present = false;
for (const auto& c : null_str) {
sum += c; // Avoid unused arg warnings.
any_present = true;
EXPECT_EQ(0, sum);
TEST(WideStringView, EmptyIterator) {
WideStringView empty_str(L"");
int32_t sum = 0;
bool any_present = false;
for (const auto& c : empty_str) {
any_present = true;
sum += c; // Avoid unused arg warnings.
EXPECT_EQ(0, sum);
TEST(WideStringView, OneCharIterator) {
WideStringView one_str(L"a");
int32_t sum = 0;
bool any_present = false;
for (const auto& c : one_str) {
any_present = true;
sum += c; // Avoid unused arg warnings.
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(L'a'), sum);
TEST(WideStringView, MultiCharIterator) {
WideStringView one_str(L"abc");
int32_t sum = 0;
bool any_present = false;
for (const auto& c : one_str) {
any_present = true;
sum += c; // Avoid unused arg warnings.
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(L'a' + L'b' + L'c'), sum);
TEST(WideStringView, EmptyReverseIterator) {
WideStringView empty;
auto iter = empty.rbegin();
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == empty.rend());
EXPECT_FALSE(iter != empty.rend());
EXPECT_FALSE(iter < empty.rend());
TEST(WideStringView, OneCharReverseIterator) {
WideStringView one_str(L"a");
auto iter = one_str.rbegin();
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == one_str.rend());
EXPECT_TRUE(iter != one_str.rend());
EXPECT_TRUE(iter < one_str.rend());
char ch = *iter++;
EXPECT_EQ('a', ch);
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == one_str.rend());
EXPECT_FALSE(iter != one_str.rend());
EXPECT_FALSE(iter < one_str.rend());
TEST(WideStringView, MultiCharReverseIterator) {
WideStringView multi_str(L"abcd");
auto iter = multi_str.rbegin();
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
char ch = *iter++;
EXPECT_EQ('d', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('c', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *(++iter);
EXPECT_EQ('b', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('b', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *iter++;
EXPECT_EQ('b', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('a', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *iter++;
EXPECT_EQ('a', ch);
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *(--iter);
EXPECT_EQ('a', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('a', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *iter--;
EXPECT_EQ('a', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('b', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *iter--;
EXPECT_EQ('b', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('c', *iter);
EXPECT_FALSE(iter == multi_str.rend());
ch = *(--iter);
EXPECT_EQ('d', ch);
EXPECT_EQ('d', *iter);
EXPECT_TRUE(iter == multi_str.rbegin());
TEST(WideStringView, AnyAllNoneOf) {
WideStringView str(L"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab");
EXPECT_FALSE(std::all_of(str.begin(), str.end(),
[](const wchar_t& c) { return c == L'a'; }));
EXPECT_FALSE(std::none_of(str.begin(), str.end(),
[](const wchar_t& c) { return c == L'a'; }));
EXPECT_TRUE(std::any_of(str.begin(), str.end(),
[](const wchar_t& c) { return c == L'a'; }));
EXPECT_TRUE(pdfium::ContainsValue(str, L'a'));
EXPECT_TRUE(pdfium::ContainsValue(str, L'b'));
EXPECT_FALSE(pdfium::ContainsValue(str, L'z'));
TEST(WideStringView, TrimmedRight) {
WideStringView fred(L"FRED");
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRED", fred.TrimmedRight(L'E'));
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRE", fred.TrimmedRight(L'D'));
WideStringView fredd(L"FREDD");
EXPECT_EQ(L"FRE", fred.TrimmedRight(L'D'));
TEST(WideString, FormatWidth) {
EXPECT_EQ(L" 1", WideString::Format(L"%5d", 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"1", WideString::Format(L"%d", 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L" 1", WideString::Format(L"%*d", 5, 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"1", WideString::Format(L"%-1d", 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"1", WideString::Format(L"%0d", 1));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", WideString::Format(L"%1048576d", 1));
TEST(WideString, FormatPrecision) {
EXPECT_EQ(L"1.12", WideString::Format(L"%.2f", 1.12345));
EXPECT_EQ(L"1.123", WideString::Format(L"%.*f", 3, 1.12345));
EXPECT_EQ(L"1.123450", WideString::Format(L"%f", 1.12345));
EXPECT_EQ(L"1.123450", WideString::Format(L"%-1f", 1.12345));
EXPECT_EQ(L"1.123450", WideString::Format(L"%0f", 1.12345));
EXPECT_EQ(L"", WideString::Format(L"%.1048576f", 1.2));
TEST(WideString, FormatOutOfRangeChar) {
WideString::Format(L"unsupported char '%c'", 0x00FF00FF);
TEST(WideString, Empty) {
WideString empty_str;
EXPECT_EQ(0u, empty_str.GetLength());
const wchar_t* cstr = empty_str.c_str();
EXPECT_EQ(0u, wcslen(cstr));
TEST(CFX_WidString, InitializerList) {
WideString many_str({L"clams", L" and ", L"oysters"});
EXPECT_EQ(L"clams and oysters", many_str);
many_str = {L"fish", L" and ", L"chips", L" and ", L"soda"};
EXPECT_EQ(L"fish and chips and soda", many_str);
TEST(WideString, NullIterator) {
WideString null_str;
int32_t sum = 0;
bool any_present = false;
for (const auto& c : null_str) {
sum += c; // Avoid unused arg warnings.
any_present = true;
EXPECT_EQ(0, sum);
TEST(WideString, EmptyIterator) {
WideString empty_str(L"");
int32_t sum = 0;
bool any_present = false;
for (const auto& c : empty_str) {
any_present = true;
sum += c; // Avoid unused arg warnings.
EXPECT_EQ(0, sum);
TEST(WideString, OneCharIterator) {
WideString one_str(L"a");
int32_t sum = 0;
bool any_present = false;
for (const auto& c : one_str) {
any_present = true;
sum += c; // Avoid unused arg warnings.
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(L'a'), sum);
TEST(WideString, MultiCharIterator) {
WideString one_str(L"abc");
int32_t sum = 0;
bool any_present = false;
for (const auto& c : one_str) {
any_present = true;
sum += c; // Avoid unused arg warnings.
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<int32_t>(L'a' + L'b' + L'c'), sum);
TEST(WideString, AnyAllNoneOf) {
WideString str(L"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab");
EXPECT_FALSE(std::all_of(str.begin(), str.end(),
[](const wchar_t& c) { return c == L'a'; }));
EXPECT_FALSE(std::none_of(str.begin(), str.end(),
[](const wchar_t& c) { return c == L'a'; }));
EXPECT_TRUE(std::any_of(str.begin(), str.end(),
[](const wchar_t& c) { return c == L'a'; }));
EXPECT_TRUE(pdfium::ContainsValue(str, L'a'));
EXPECT_TRUE(pdfium::ContainsValue(str, L'b'));
EXPECT_FALSE(pdfium::ContainsValue(str, L'z'));
TEST(WideString, OStreamOverload) {
std::ostringstream stream;
// Basic case, empty string
WideString str;
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ("", stream.str());
// Basic case, wide character
str = L"\u20AC";
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ("\u20AC", stream.str());
// Basic case, non-empty string
str = L"def";
stream << "abc" << str << "ghi";
EXPECT_EQ("abcdefghi", stream.str());
// Changing the WideString does not change the stream it was written to.
str = L"123";
EXPECT_EQ("abcdefghi", stream.str());
// Writing it again to the stream will use the latest value.
stream << "abc" << str << "ghi";
EXPECT_EQ("abc123ghi", stream.str());
wchar_t stringWithNulls[]{'x', 'y', '\0', 'z'};
// Writing a WideString with nulls and no specified length treats it as
// a C-style null-terminated string.
str = WideString(stringWithNulls);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, str.GetLength());
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(2u, stream.tellp());
// Writing a WideString with nulls but specifying its length treats it as
// a C++-style string.
str = WideString(stringWithNulls, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, str.GetLength());
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(4u, stream.tellp());
// << operators can be chained.
WideString str1(L"abc");
WideString str2(L"def");
stream << str1 << str2;
EXPECT_EQ("abcdef", stream.str());
TEST(WideString, WideOStreamOverload) {
std::wostringstream stream;
// Basic case, empty string
WideString str;
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(L"", stream.str());
// Basic case, wide character
str = L"\u20AC";
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(L"\u20AC", stream.str());
// Basic case, non-empty string
str = L"def";
stream << L"abc" << str << L"ghi";
EXPECT_EQ(L"abcdefghi", stream.str());
// Changing the WideString does not change the stream it was written to.
str = L"123";
EXPECT_EQ(L"abcdefghi", stream.str());
// Writing it again to the stream will use the latest value.
stream << L"abc" << str << L"ghi";
EXPECT_EQ(L"abc123ghi", stream.str());
wchar_t stringWithNulls[]{'x', 'y', '\0', 'z'};
// Writing a WideString with nulls and no specified length treats it as
// a C-style null-terminated string.
str = WideString(stringWithNulls);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, str.GetLength());
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(2u, stream.tellp());
// Writing a WideString with nulls but specifying its length treats it as
// a C++-style string.
str = WideString(stringWithNulls, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, str.GetLength());
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(4u, stream.tellp());
// << operators can be chained.
WideString str1(L"abc");
WideString str2(L"def");
stream << str1 << str2;
EXPECT_EQ(L"abcdef", stream.str());
TEST(WideStringView, OStreamOverload) {
// Basic case, empty string
std::ostringstream stream;
WideStringView str;
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ("", stream.str());
// Basic case, non-empty string
std::ostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(L"def");
stream << "abc" << str << "ghi";
EXPECT_EQ("abcdefghi", stream.str());
// Basic case, wide character
std::ostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(L"\u20AC");
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ("\u20AC", stream.str());
// Changing the WideStringView does not change the stream it was written to.
std::ostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(L"abc");
stream << str;
str = L"123";
EXPECT_EQ("abc", stream.str());
// Writing it again to the stream will use the latest value.
std::ostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(L"abc");
stream << str;
str = L"123";
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ("123", stream.str());
// Writing a WideStringView with nulls and no specified length treats it as
// a C-style null-terminated string.
wchar_t stringWithNulls[]{'x', 'y', '\0', 'z'};
std::ostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(stringWithNulls);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, str.GetLength());
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(2u, stream.tellp());
str = L"";
// Writing a WideStringView with nulls but specifying its length treats it as
// a C++-style string.
wchar_t stringWithNulls[]{'x', 'y', '\0', 'z'};
std::ostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(stringWithNulls, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, str.GetLength());
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(4u, stream.tellp());
str = L"";
// << operators can be chained.
std::ostringstream stream;
WideStringView str1(L"abc");
WideStringView str2(L"def");
stream << str1 << str2;
EXPECT_EQ("abcdef", stream.str());
TEST(WideStringView, WideOStreamOverload) {
// Basic case, empty string
std::wostringstream stream;
WideStringView str;
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(L"", stream.str());
// Basic case, non-empty string
std::wostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(L"def");
stream << "abc" << str << "ghi";
EXPECT_EQ(L"abcdefghi", stream.str());
// Basic case, wide character
std::wostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(L"\u20AC");
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(L"\u20AC", stream.str());
// Changing the WideStringView does not change the stream it was written to.
std::wostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(L"abc");
stream << str;
str = L"123";
EXPECT_EQ(L"abc", stream.str());
// Writing it again to the stream will use the latest value.
std::wostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(L"abc");
stream << str;
str = L"123";
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(L"123", stream.str());
// Writing a WideStringView with nulls and no specified length treats it as
// a C-style null-terminated string.
wchar_t stringWithNulls[]{'x', 'y', '\0', 'z'};
std::wostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(stringWithNulls);
EXPECT_EQ(2u, str.GetLength());
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(2u, stream.tellp());
// Writing a WideStringView with nulls but specifying its length treats it as
// a C++-style string.
wchar_t stringWithNulls[]{'x', 'y', '\0', 'z'};
std::wostringstream stream;
WideStringView str(stringWithNulls, 4);
EXPECT_EQ(4u, str.GetLength());
stream << str;
EXPECT_EQ(4u, stream.tellp());
// << operators can be chained.
std::wostringstream stream;
WideStringView str1(L"abc");
WideStringView str2(L"def");
stream << str1 << str2;
EXPECT_EQ(L"abcdef", stream.str());
} // namespace fxcrt