| // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
| // found in the LICENSE file.
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com
| #include "../../../include/fxcodec/fx_codec.h"
| #include "codec_int.h"
| #include "../lcms2/include/fx_lcms2.h"
| FX_BOOL MD5ComputeID( FX_LPCVOID buf, FX_DWORD dwSize, FX_BYTE ID[16] )
| {
| return cmsMD5computeIDExt(buf, dwSize, ID);
| }
| struct CLcmsCmm : public CFX_Object {
| cmsHTRANSFORM m_hTransform;
| int m_nSrcComponents;
| int m_nDstComponents;
| FX_BOOL m_bLab;
| };
| extern "C" {
| int ourHandler(int ErrorCode, const char *ErrorText)
| {
| return TRUE;
| }
| };
| FX_BOOL CheckComponents(cmsColorSpaceSignature cs, int nComponents, FX_BOOL bDst)
| {
| if (nComponents <= 0 || nComponents > 15) {
| return FALSE;
| }
| switch(cs) {
| case cmsSigLabData:
| if (nComponents < 3) {
| return FALSE;
| }
| break;
| case cmsSigGrayData:
| if (bDst && nComponents != 1) {
| return FALSE;
| } else if (!bDst && nComponents > 2) {
| return FALSE;
| }
| break;
| case cmsSigRgbData:
| if (bDst && nComponents != 3) {
| return FALSE;
| }
| break;
| case cmsSigCmykData:
| if (bDst && nComponents != 4) {
| return FALSE;
| }
| break;
| default:
| if (nComponents != 3) {
| return FALSE;
| }
| break;
| }
| return TRUE;
| }
| void* IccLib_CreateTransform(const unsigned char* pSrcProfileData, unsigned int dwSrcProfileSize, int nSrcComponents,
| const unsigned char* pDstProfileData, unsigned int dwDstProfileSize, int nDstComponents,
| int intent, FX_DWORD dwSrcFormat = Icc_FORMAT_DEFAULT, FX_DWORD dwDstFormat = Icc_FORMAT_DEFAULT)
| {
| cmsHPROFILE srcProfile = NULL;
| cmsHPROFILE dstProfile = NULL;
| cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = NULL;
| CLcmsCmm* pCmm = NULL;
| srcProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem((void*)pSrcProfileData, dwSrcProfileSize);
| if (srcProfile == NULL) {
| return NULL;
| }
| if(pDstProfileData == NULL && dwDstProfileSize == 0 && nDstComponents == 3) {
| dstProfile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();
| } else {
| dstProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem((void*)pDstProfileData, dwDstProfileSize);
| }
| if (dstProfile == NULL) {
| cmsCloseProfile(srcProfile);
| return NULL;
| }
| int srcFormat;
| cmsColorSpaceSignature srcCS = cmsGetColorSpace(srcProfile);
| if (!CheckComponents(srcCS, nSrcComponents, FALSE)) {
| cmsCloseProfile(srcProfile);
| cmsCloseProfile(dstProfile);
| return NULL;
| }
| if (srcCS == cmsSigLabData) {
| srcFormat = COLORSPACE_SH(PT_Lab) | CHANNELS_SH(nSrcComponents) | BYTES_SH(0);
| bLab = TRUE;
| } else {
| srcFormat = COLORSPACE_SH(PT_ANY) | CHANNELS_SH(nSrcComponents) | BYTES_SH(1);
| if (srcCS == cmsSigRgbData && T_DOSWAP(dwSrcFormat)) {
| srcFormat |= DOSWAP_SH(1);
| }
| }
| cmsColorSpaceSignature dstCS = cmsGetColorSpace(dstProfile);
| if (!CheckComponents(dstCS, nDstComponents, TRUE)) {
| cmsCloseProfile(srcProfile);
| cmsCloseProfile(dstProfile);
| return NULL;
| }
| switch(dstCS) {
| case cmsSigGrayData:
| hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(srcProfile, srcFormat, dstProfile, TYPE_GRAY_8, intent, 0);
| break;
| case cmsSigRgbData:
| hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(srcProfile, srcFormat, dstProfile, TYPE_BGR_8, intent, 0);
| break;
| case cmsSigCmykData:
| hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(srcProfile, srcFormat, dstProfile,
| T_DOSWAP(dwDstFormat) ? TYPE_KYMC_8 : TYPE_CMYK_8,
| intent, 0);
| break;
| default:
| break;
| }
| if (hTransform == NULL) {
| cmsCloseProfile(srcProfile);
| cmsCloseProfile(dstProfile);
| return NULL;
| }
| pCmm = FX_NEW CLcmsCmm;
| if (pCmm == NULL) {
| return NULL;
| }
| pCmm->m_nSrcComponents = nSrcComponents;
| pCmm->m_nDstComponents = nDstComponents;
| pCmm->m_hTransform = hTransform;
| pCmm->m_bLab = bLab;
| cmsCloseProfile(srcProfile);
| cmsCloseProfile(dstProfile);
| return pCmm;
| }
| void* IccLib_CreateTransform_sRGB(const unsigned char* pProfileData, unsigned int dwProfileSize, int nComponents, int intent, FX_DWORD dwSrcFormat)
| {
| return IccLib_CreateTransform(pProfileData, dwProfileSize, nComponents, NULL, 0, 3, intent, dwSrcFormat);
| }
| void IccLib_DestroyTransform(void* pTransform)
| {
| if (pTransform == NULL) {
| return;
| }
| cmsDeleteTransform(((CLcmsCmm*)pTransform)->m_hTransform);
| delete (CLcmsCmm*)pTransform;
| }
| void IccLib_Translate(void* pTransform, FX_FLOAT* pSrcValues, FX_FLOAT* pDestValues)
| {
| if (pTransform == NULL) {
| return;
| }
| CLcmsCmm* p = (CLcmsCmm*)pTransform;
| FX_BYTE output[4];
| if (p->m_bLab) {
| CFX_FixedBufGrow<double, 16> inputs(p->m_nSrcComponents);
| double* input = inputs;
| for (int i = 0; i < p->m_nSrcComponents; i ++) {
| input[i] = pSrcValues[i];
| }
| cmsDoTransform(p->m_hTransform, input, output, 1);
| } else {
| CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_BYTE, 16> inputs(p->m_nSrcComponents);
| FX_BYTE* input = inputs;
| for (int i = 0; i < p->m_nSrcComponents; i ++) {
| if (pSrcValues[i] > 1.0f) {
| input[i] = 255;
| } else if (pSrcValues[i] < 0) {
| input[i] = 0;
| } else {
| input[i] = (int)(pSrcValues[i] * 255.0f);
| }
| }
| cmsDoTransform(p->m_hTransform, input, output, 1);
| }
| switch(p->m_nDstComponents) {
| case 1:
| pDestValues[0] = output[0] / 255.0f;
| break;
| case 3:
| pDestValues[0] = output[2] / 255.0f;
| pDestValues[1] = output[1] / 255.0f;
| pDestValues[2] = output[0] / 255.0f;
| break;
| case 4:
| pDestValues[0] = output[0] / 255.0f;
| pDestValues[1] = output[1] / 255.0f;
| pDestValues[2] = output[2] / 255.0f;
| pDestValues[3] = output[3] / 255.0f;
| break;
| }
| }
| void IccLib_TranslateImage(void* pTransform, unsigned char* pDest, const unsigned char* pSrc, int pixels)
| {
| cmsDoTransform(((CLcmsCmm*)pTransform)->m_hTransform, (void*)pSrc, pDest, pixels);
| }
| FX_LPVOID CreateProfile_Gray(double gamma)
| {
| cmsCIExyY* D50 = (cmsCIExyY*)cmsD50_xyY();
| if (!cmsWhitePointFromTemp(D50, 6504)) {
| return NULL;
| }
| cmsToneCurve* curve = cmsBuildGamma(NULL, gamma);
| if (curve == NULL) {
| return NULL;
| }
| FX_LPVOID profile = cmsCreateGrayProfile(D50, curve);
| cmsFreeToneCurve(curve);
| return profile;
| }
| ICodec_IccModule::IccCS GetProfileCSFromHandle(FX_LPVOID pProfile)
| {
| if (pProfile == NULL) {
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Unknown;
| }
| switch (cmsGetColorSpace(pProfile)) {
| case cmsSigXYZData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_XYZ;
| case cmsSigLabData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Lab;
| case cmsSigLuvData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Luv;
| case cmsSigYCbCrData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_YCbCr;
| case cmsSigYxyData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Yxy;
| case cmsSigRgbData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Rgb;
| case cmsSigGrayData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Gray;
| case cmsSigHsvData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Hsv;
| case cmsSigHlsData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Hls;
| case cmsSigCmykData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Cmyk;
| case cmsSigCmyData:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Cmy;
| default:
| return ICodec_IccModule::IccCS_Unknown;
| }
| }
| ICodec_IccModule::IccCS CCodec_IccModule::GetProfileCS(FX_LPCBYTE pProfileData, unsigned int dwProfileSize)
| {
| ICodec_IccModule::IccCS cs;
| cmsHPROFILE hProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem((void*)pProfileData, dwProfileSize);
| if (hProfile == NULL) {
| return IccCS_Unknown;
| }
| cs = GetProfileCSFromHandle(hProfile);
| if (hProfile) {
| cmsCloseProfile(hProfile);
| }
| return cs;
| }
| ICodec_IccModule::IccCS CCodec_IccModule::GetProfileCS(IFX_FileRead* pFile)
| {
| if (pFile == NULL) {
| return IccCS_Unknown;
| }
| ICodec_IccModule::IccCS cs;
| FX_DWORD dwSize = (FX_DWORD)pFile->GetSize();
| FX_LPBYTE pBuf = FX_Alloc(FX_BYTE, dwSize);
| if (pBuf == NULL) {
| return IccCS_Unknown;
| }
| pFile->ReadBlock(pBuf, 0, dwSize);
| cs = GetProfileCS(pBuf, dwSize);
| FX_Free(pBuf);
| return cs;
| }
| FX_DWORD TransferProfileType(FX_LPVOID pProfile, FX_DWORD dwFormat)
| {
| cmsColorSpaceSignature cs = cmsGetColorSpace(pProfile);
| switch (cs) {
| case cmsSigXYZData:
| return TYPE_XYZ_16;
| case cmsSigLabData:
| return TYPE_Lab_DBL;
| case cmsSigLuvData:
| return TYPE_YUV_8;
| case cmsSigYCbCrData:
| return TYPE_YCbCr_8;
| case cmsSigYxyData:
| return TYPE_Yxy_16;
| case cmsSigRgbData:
| return T_DOSWAP(dwFormat) ? TYPE_RGB_8 : TYPE_BGR_8;
| case cmsSigGrayData:
| return TYPE_GRAY_8;
| case cmsSigHsvData:
| return TYPE_HSV_8;
| case cmsSigHlsData:
| return TYPE_HLS_8;
| case cmsSigCmykData:
| return T_DOSWAP(dwFormat) ? TYPE_KYMC_8 : TYPE_CMYK_8;
| case cmsSigCmyData:
| return TYPE_CMY_8;
| case cmsSigMCH5Data:
| return T_DOSWAP(dwFormat) ? TYPE_KYMC5_8 : TYPE_CMYK5_8;
| case cmsSigMCH6Data:
| return TYPE_CMYK6_8;
| case cmsSigMCH7Data:
| return T_DOSWAP(dwFormat) ? TYPE_KYMC7_8 : TYPE_CMYK7_8;
| case cmsSigMCH8Data:
| return T_DOSWAP(dwFormat) ? TYPE_KYMC8_8 : TYPE_CMYK8_8;
| case cmsSigMCH9Data:
| return T_DOSWAP(dwFormat) ? TYPE_KYMC9_8 : TYPE_CMYK9_8;
| case cmsSigMCHAData:
| return T_DOSWAP(dwFormat) ? TYPE_KYMC10_8 : TYPE_CMYK10_8;
| case cmsSigMCHBData:
| return T_DOSWAP(dwFormat) ? TYPE_KYMC11_8 : TYPE_CMYK11_8;
| case cmsSigMCHCData:
| return T_DOSWAP(dwFormat) ? TYPE_KYMC12_8 : TYPE_CMYK12_8;
| default:
| return 0;
| }
| }
| class CFX_IccProfileCache : public CFX_Object
| {
| public:
| CFX_IccProfileCache();
| ~CFX_IccProfileCache();
| FX_LPVOID m_pProfile;
| FX_DWORD m_dwRate;
| protected:
| void Purge();
| };
| CFX_IccProfileCache::CFX_IccProfileCache()
| {
| m_pProfile = NULL;
| m_dwRate = 1;
| }
| CFX_IccProfileCache::~CFX_IccProfileCache()
| {
| if (m_pProfile) {
| cmsCloseProfile(m_pProfile);
| }
| }
| void CFX_IccProfileCache::Purge()
| {
| }
| class CFX_IccTransformCache : public CFX_Object
| {
| public:
| CFX_IccTransformCache(CLcmsCmm* pCmm = NULL);
| ~CFX_IccTransformCache();
| FX_LPVOID m_pIccTransform;
| FX_DWORD m_dwRate;
| CLcmsCmm* m_pCmm;
| protected:
| void Purge();
| };
| CFX_IccTransformCache::CFX_IccTransformCache(CLcmsCmm* pCmm)
| {
| m_pIccTransform = NULL;
| m_dwRate = 1;
| m_pCmm = pCmm;
| }
| CFX_IccTransformCache::~CFX_IccTransformCache()
| {
| if (m_pIccTransform) {
| cmsDeleteTransform(m_pIccTransform);
| }
| if (m_pCmm) {
| FX_Free(m_pCmm);
| }
| }
| void CFX_IccTransformCache::Purge()
| {
| }
| class CFX_ByteStringKey : public CFX_BinaryBuf
| {
| public:
| CFX_ByteStringKey() : CFX_BinaryBuf() {}
| CFX_ByteStringKey& operator << (FX_DWORD i);
| };
| CFX_ByteStringKey& CFX_ByteStringKey::operator << (FX_DWORD i)
| {
| AppendBlock(&i, sizeof(FX_DWORD));
| return *this;
| }
| FX_LPVOID CCodec_IccModule::CreateProfile(ICodec_IccModule::IccParam* pIccParam, Icc_CLASS ic, CFX_BinaryBuf* pTransformKey)
| {
| CFX_IccProfileCache* pCache = NULL;
| CFX_ByteStringKey key;
| CFX_ByteString text;
| key << pIccParam->ColorSpace << (pIccParam->dwProfileType | ic << 8);
| FX_BYTE ID[16];
| switch (pIccParam->dwProfileType) {
| return NULL;
| MD5ComputeID(pIccParam->pProfileData, pIccParam->dwProfileSize, ID);
| break;
| FXSYS_memset32(ID, 0, 16);
| switch (pIccParam->ColorSpace) {
| case IccCS_Gray:
| text.Format("%lf", pIccParam->Gamma);
| break;
| default:
| ;
| }
| MD5ComputeID(text.GetBuffer(0), text.GetLength(), ID);
| break;
| default:
| ;
| }
| key.AppendBlock(ID, 16);
| CFX_ByteString ProfileKey(key.GetBuffer(), key.GetSize());
| ASSERT(pTransformKey);
| pTransformKey->AppendBlock(ProfileKey.GetBuffer(0), ProfileKey.GetLength());
| if (!m_MapProfile.Lookup(ProfileKey, (FX_LPVOID&)pCache)) {
| pCache = FX_NEW CFX_IccProfileCache;
| if (pCache == NULL) {
| return NULL;
| }
| switch (pIccParam->dwProfileType) {
| pCache->m_pProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(pIccParam->pProfileData, pIccParam->dwProfileSize);
| break;
| switch (pIccParam->ColorSpace) {
| case IccCS_Rgb:
| pCache->m_pProfile = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();
| break;
| case IccCS_Gray:
| pCache->m_pProfile = CreateProfile_Gray(pIccParam->Gamma);
| break;
| default:
| break;
| }
| break;
| default:
| break;
| }
| m_MapProfile.SetAt(ProfileKey, pCache);
| } else {
| pCache->m_dwRate++;
| }
| return pCache->m_pProfile;
| }
| FX_LPVOID CCodec_IccModule::CreateTransform(ICodec_IccModule::IccParam* pInputParam,
| ICodec_IccModule::IccParam* pOutputParam,
| ICodec_IccModule::IccParam* pProofParam,
| FX_DWORD dwIntent, FX_DWORD dwFlag, FX_DWORD dwPrfIntent, FX_DWORD dwPrfFlag)
| {
| CLcmsCmm* pCmm = NULL;
| ASSERT(pInputParam && pOutputParam);
| CFX_ByteStringKey key;
| FX_LPVOID pInputProfile = CreateProfile(pInputParam, Icc_CLASS_INPUT, &key);
| if (pInputProfile == NULL) {
| return NULL;
| }
| FX_LPVOID pOutputProfile = CreateProfile(pOutputParam, Icc_CLASS_OUTPUT, &key);
| if (pOutputProfile == NULL) {
| return NULL;
| }
| FX_DWORD dwInputProfileType = TransferProfileType(pInputProfile, pInputParam->dwFormat);
| FX_DWORD dwOutputProfileType = TransferProfileType(pOutputProfile, pOutputParam->dwFormat);
| if (dwInputProfileType == 0 || dwOutputProfileType == 0) {
| return NULL;
| }
| FX_LPVOID pProofProfile = NULL;
| if (pProofParam) {
| pProofProfile = CreateProfile(pProofParam, Icc_CLASS_PROOF, &key);
| }
| key << dwInputProfileType << dwOutputProfileType << dwIntent << dwFlag << (pProofProfile != NULL) << dwPrfIntent << dwPrfFlag;
| CFX_ByteStringC TransformKey(key.GetBuffer(), key.GetSize());
| CFX_IccTransformCache* pTransformCache;
| if (!m_MapTranform.Lookup(TransformKey, (FX_LPVOID&)pTransformCache)) {
| pCmm = FX_Alloc(CLcmsCmm, 1);
| if (pCmm == NULL) {
| return NULL;
| }
| pCmm->m_nSrcComponents = T_CHANNELS(dwInputProfileType);
| pCmm->m_nDstComponents = T_CHANNELS(dwOutputProfileType);
| pCmm->m_bLab = T_COLORSPACE(pInputParam->dwFormat) == PT_Lab;
| pTransformCache = FX_NEW CFX_IccTransformCache(pCmm);
| if (pTransformCache == NULL) {
| FX_Free(pCmm);
| return NULL;
| }
| if (pProofProfile) {
| pTransformCache->m_pIccTransform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(pInputProfile, dwInputProfileType, pOutputProfile, dwOutputProfileType,
| pProofProfile, dwIntent, dwPrfIntent, dwPrfFlag);
| } else {
| pTransformCache->m_pIccTransform = cmsCreateTransform(pInputProfile, dwInputProfileType, pOutputProfile, dwOutputProfileType,
| dwIntent, dwFlag);
| }
| pCmm->m_hTransform = pTransformCache->m_pIccTransform;
| m_MapTranform.SetAt(TransformKey, pTransformCache);
| } else {
| pTransformCache->m_dwRate++;
| }
| return pTransformCache->m_pCmm;
| }
| CCodec_IccModule::~CCodec_IccModule()
| {
| FX_POSITION pos = m_MapProfile.GetStartPosition();
| CFX_ByteString key;
| CFX_IccProfileCache* pProfileCache;
| while (pos) {
| m_MapProfile.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, (FX_LPVOID&)pProfileCache);
| if (pProfileCache) {
| delete pProfileCache;
| }
| }
| pos = m_MapTranform.GetStartPosition();
| CFX_IccTransformCache* pTransformCache;
| while (pos) {
| m_MapTranform.GetNextAssoc(pos, key, (FX_LPVOID&)pTransformCache);
| if (pTransformCache) {
| delete pTransformCache;
| }
| }
| }
| void* CCodec_IccModule::CreateTransform_sRGB(FX_LPCBYTE pProfileData, unsigned int dwProfileSize, int nComponents, int intent, FX_DWORD dwSrcFormat)
| {
| return IccLib_CreateTransform_sRGB(pProfileData, dwProfileSize, nComponents, intent, dwSrcFormat);
| }
| void* CCodec_IccModule::CreateTransform_CMYK(FX_LPCBYTE pSrcProfileData, unsigned int dwSrcProfileSize, int nSrcComponents,
| FX_LPCBYTE pDstProfileData, unsigned int dwDstProfileSize, int intent,
| FX_DWORD dwSrcFormat , FX_DWORD dwDstFormat)
| {
| return IccLib_CreateTransform(pSrcProfileData, dwSrcProfileSize, nSrcComponents,
| pDstProfileData, dwDstProfileSize, 4, intent, dwSrcFormat, dwDstFormat);
| }
| void CCodec_IccModule::DestroyTransform(void* pTransform)
| {
| IccLib_DestroyTransform(pTransform);
| }
| void CCodec_IccModule::Translate(void* pTransform, FX_FLOAT* pSrcValues, FX_FLOAT* pDestValues)
| {
| IccLib_Translate(pTransform, pSrcValues, pDestValues);
| }
| void CCodec_IccModule::TranslateScanline(void* pTransform, FX_LPBYTE pDest, FX_LPCBYTE pSrc, int pixels)
| {
| IccLib_TranslateImage(pTransform, pDest, pSrc, pixels);
| }
| const FX_BYTE g_CMYKSamples[81 * 81 * 3] = {
| 255, 255, 255, 225, 226, 228, 199, 200, 202, 173, 174, 178, 147, 149, 152, 123, 125, 128, 99, 99, 102, 69, 70, 71, 34, 30, 31,
| 255, 253, 229, 226, 224, 203, 200, 199, 182, 173, 173, 158, 149, 148, 135, 125, 124, 113, 99, 99, 90, 70, 69, 63, 33, 29, 24,
| 255, 251, 204, 228, 223, 182, 201, 198, 163, 174, 172, 142, 150, 147, 122, 125, 123, 101, 99, 98, 80, 70, 68, 54, 32, 28, 16,
| 255, 249, 179, 230, 222, 160, 203, 197, 144, 174, 170, 124, 150, 145, 105, 125, 122, 88, 99, 97, 69, 70, 68, 46, 31, 28, 6,
| 255, 247, 154, 229, 220, 138, 203, 195, 122, 176, 169, 107, 150, 145, 91, 125, 121, 74, 100, 96, 57, 70, 67, 35, 29, 26, 0,
| 255, 246, 128, 231, 217, 114, 205, 194, 101, 176, 167, 88, 150, 144, 75, 125, 120, 60, 100, 96, 44, 70, 66, 24, 28, 26, 0,
| 255, 244, 96, 231, 217, 87, 203, 192, 78, 175, 167, 66, 150, 143, 56, 125, 119, 43, 100, 95, 29, 69, 66, 7, 26, 26, 0,
| 255, 243, 51, 232, 215, 51, 204, 191, 43, 176, 165, 38, 150, 142, 28, 125, 118, 17, 99, 94, 0, 68, 65, 0, 24, 25, 0,
| 255, 241, 0, 231, 215, 0, 203, 190, 0, 176, 164, 0, 150, 141, 0, 126, 117, 0, 99, 93, 0, 68, 65, 0, 24, 25, 0,
| 252, 228, 238, 222, 201, 211, 197, 180, 190, 171, 156, 166, 147, 133, 143, 123, 111, 119, 99, 88, 94, 71, 61, 66, 34, 22, 26,
| 254, 226, 213, 224, 201, 191, 199, 179, 171, 172, 155, 148, 147, 133, 128, 123, 110, 106, 98, 87, 83, 70, 59, 57, 33, 21, 18,
| 254, 224, 191, 224, 199, 172, 200, 177, 153, 173, 154, 133, 147, 132, 115, 123, 109, 94, 98, 86, 74, 70, 59, 49, 32, 21, 9,
| 255, 222, 168, 227, 198, 150, 200, 175, 135, 173, 153, 118, 148, 130, 99, 123, 109, 82, 98, 86, 64, 69, 58, 40, 31, 19, 0,
| 255, 221, 145, 227, 196, 129, 201, 174, 115, 173, 151, 99, 148, 129, 85, 124, 108, 69, 98, 85, 52, 69, 58, 30, 30, 19, 0,
| 255, 219, 121, 227, 195, 109, 201, 174, 97, 174, 150, 83, 148, 129, 70, 124, 107, 55, 98, 84, 40, 69, 58, 19, 28, 18, 0,
| 255, 218, 92, 229, 194, 82, 202, 173, 75, 174, 150, 63, 149, 128, 51, 124, 106, 39, 98, 84, 24, 68, 57, 3, 26, 18, 0,
| 255, 217, 54, 228, 193, 52, 201, 172, 46, 174, 148, 36, 148, 127, 27, 123, 105, 14, 98, 83, 0, 68, 56, 0, 25, 18, 0,
| 255, 216, 0, 229, 192, 2, 202, 171, 4, 173, 148, 0, 148, 126, 0, 124, 105, 0, 98, 83, 0, 68, 56, 0, 24, 17, 0,
| 249, 204, 223, 219, 181, 199, 195, 160, 178, 170, 140, 156, 146, 119, 134, 123, 99, 112, 98, 77, 88, 70, 52, 61, 34, 11, 20,
| 250, 201, 200, 221, 180, 178, 197, 159, 161, 171, 139, 139, 147, 119, 120, 123, 98, 99, 98, 77, 78, 69, 51, 52, 34, 11, 10,
| 252, 201, 180, 223, 179, 162, 197, 159, 144, 170, 138, 125, 146, 117, 107, 122, 97, 89, 98, 76, 69, 69, 50, 44, 32, 11, 2,
| 252, 199, 158, 222, 177, 143, 199, 158, 127, 171, 137, 110, 147, 117, 93, 122, 96, 76, 97, 75, 58, 69, 50, 36, 32, 10, 0,
| 253, 198, 137, 223, 177, 123, 198, 156, 110, 171, 136, 95, 146, 116, 80, 122, 96, 65, 97, 75, 47, 69, 50, 25, 30, 10, 0,
| 254, 197, 115, 225, 175, 104, 198, 156, 92, 172, 135, 79, 147, 115, 66, 123, 95, 52, 98, 74, 37, 69, 49, 15, 29, 10, 0,
| 254, 196, 89, 224, 175, 80, 199, 154, 70, 172, 134, 59, 146, 114, 48, 122, 95, 36, 97, 74, 21, 68, 49, 0, 27, 9, 0,
| 255, 195, 57, 225, 173, 52, 198, 154, 44, 172, 133, 36, 147, 113, 26, 123, 94, 14, 98, 74, 0, 68, 49, 0, 26, 10, 0,
| 254, 194, 15, 225, 172, 12, 198, 153, 7, 172, 132, 3, 146, 113, 0, 123, 93, 0, 98, 73, 0, 68, 49, 0, 26, 9, 0,
| 246, 178, 209, 218, 159, 186, 194, 140, 166, 168, 122, 145, 144, 104, 125, 121, 85, 103, 97, 65, 81, 69, 41, 55, 34, 0, 12,
| 248, 176, 186, 219, 157, 166, 195, 139, 149, 168, 121, 130, 144, 103, 111, 121, 85, 91, 97, 65, 71, 69, 41, 46, 34, 0, 4,
| 249, 175, 168, 220, 156, 150, 196, 139, 135, 169, 121, 116, 144, 103, 100, 122, 84, 83, 98, 65, 63, 70, 41, 39, 33, 0, 0,
| 249, 175, 148, 220, 155, 133, 196, 138, 119, 169, 120, 103, 145, 101, 87, 121, 83, 71, 97, 65, 54, 69, 41, 31, 32, 0, 0,
| 249, 173, 128, 222, 154, 115, 195, 137, 102, 170, 119, 88, 145, 101, 74, 122, 83, 59, 97, 64, 43, 68, 40, 20, 30, 0, 0,
| 250, 172, 108, 221, 154, 98, 195, 136, 86, 170, 118, 73, 145, 100, 61, 122, 82, 48, 97, 63, 32, 69, 40, 11, 28, 0, 0,
| 250, 171, 85, 221, 153, 76, 196, 136, 67, 170, 117, 56, 145, 99, 44, 121, 82, 33, 97, 63, 17, 68, 40, 0, 28, 0, 0,
| 251, 171, 58, 222, 152, 50, 197, 135, 43, 169, 117, 34, 146, 99, 25, 121, 81, 10, 96, 63, 0, 68, 40, 0, 27, 0, 0,
| 250, 170, 26, 222, 151, 19, 196, 134, 13, 169, 116, 4, 145, 99, 0, 122, 81, 0, 97, 63, 0, 67, 40, 0, 26, 0, 0,
| 244, 153, 194, 215, 136, 173, 192, 121, 155, 167, 104, 135, 143, 89, 115, 121, 72, 96, 97, 54, 75, 70, 31, 49, 34, 0, 6,
| 245, 153, 173, 216, 136, 155, 192, 120, 138, 167, 104, 121, 144, 88, 103, 121, 71, 85, 97, 54, 66, 69, 31, 42, 34, 0, 0,
| 246, 152, 157, 217, 135, 140, 193, 120, 126, 167, 103, 109, 143, 88, 92, 121, 72, 76, 97, 54, 58, 69, 31, 35, 33, 0, 0,
| 245, 150, 139, 218, 134, 125, 193, 119, 111, 167, 103, 96, 144, 87, 80, 121, 71, 66, 96, 53, 49, 68, 31, 26, 32, 0, 0,
| 246, 151, 122, 218, 133, 108, 194, 118, 96, 168, 102, 81, 144, 86, 69, 120, 71, 55, 95, 53, 39, 68, 30, 17, 31, 0, 0,
| 248, 150, 103, 218, 133, 91, 193, 118, 81, 168, 102, 69, 143, 86, 56, 120, 70, 43, 96, 53, 28, 68, 31, 6, 29, 0, 0,
| 247, 149, 81, 218, 132, 72, 194, 117, 62, 168, 101, 52, 144, 86, 42, 121, 70, 29, 96, 52, 13, 68, 30, 0, 28, 0, 0,
| 247, 148, 55, 219, 131, 50, 194, 117, 43, 167, 101, 32, 144, 85, 22, 120, 69, 8, 96, 52, 0, 67, 30, 0, 27, 0, 0,
| 247, 147, 29, 218, 131, 24, 194, 116, 20, 168, 100, 11, 144, 85, 0, 120, 69, 0, 96, 52, 0, 67, 30, 0, 26, 0, 0,
| 242, 130, 179, 214, 114, 160, 190, 101, 143, 166, 87, 125, 143, 72, 107, 120, 58, 88, 96, 42, 68, 69, 17, 44, 35, 0, 0,
| 243, 129, 161, 215, 114, 143, 191, 101, 128, 166, 87, 113, 143, 73, 96, 120, 58, 79, 96, 41, 60, 69, 18, 37, 33, 0, 0,
| 243, 129, 146, 216, 114, 130, 192, 101, 117, 166, 87, 101, 143, 72, 86, 121, 58, 69, 96, 42, 52, 69, 18, 29, 31, 0, 0,
| 243, 128, 130, 216, 114, 115, 191, 101, 102, 165, 86, 88, 142, 72, 75, 120, 58, 60, 95, 42, 43, 68, 19, 21, 30, 0, 0,
| 244, 127, 112, 217, 113, 101, 192, 99, 89, 166, 85, 75, 142, 72, 63, 119, 57, 50, 96, 41, 35, 68, 19, 13, 30, 0, 0,
| 244, 127, 96, 216, 112, 86, 191, 99, 75, 166, 86, 64, 143, 72, 52, 120, 57, 40, 95, 41, 24, 67, 20, 1, 29, 0, 0,
| 245, 126, 77, 216, 113, 68, 191, 100, 59, 166, 85, 49, 142, 71, 38, 119, 57, 26, 95, 41, 10, 67, 20, 0, 28, 0, 0,
| 244, 126, 55, 216, 112, 48, 191, 99, 40, 166, 85, 31, 143, 71, 20, 119, 57, 6, 95, 42, 0, 67, 20, 0, 28, 0, 0,
| 245, 126, 33, 217, 112, 26, 192, 99, 22, 166, 84, 11, 142, 70, 0, 119, 57, 0, 95, 41, 0, 66, 20, 0, 27, 0, 0,
| 241, 102, 167, 213, 90, 149, 189, 79, 133, 165, 66, 115, 141, 54, 98, 119, 41, 81, 96, 25, 63, 69, 0, 38, 30, 0, 0,
| 241, 102, 149, 213, 90, 133, 189, 79, 119, 165, 66, 103, 142, 55, 88, 119, 41, 71, 96, 25, 53, 69, 0, 31, 28, 0, 0,
| 241, 102, 135, 214, 90, 121, 190, 79, 108, 165, 66, 92, 141, 55, 78, 119, 42, 63, 96, 26, 46, 69, 0, 24, 28, 0, 0,
| 241, 101, 120, 214, 90, 107, 189, 79, 95, 165, 67, 83, 141, 54, 68, 118, 41, 54, 95, 27, 39, 68, 0, 16, 27, 0, 0,
| 241, 102, 106, 213, 90, 93, 189, 78, 82, 164, 67, 70, 141, 55, 58, 118, 42, 45, 94, 27, 29, 67, 2, 6, 27, 0, 0,
| 242, 101, 90, 214, 89, 79, 190, 79, 69, 166, 67, 59, 141, 55, 47, 118, 41, 35, 95, 27, 19, 67, 3, 0, 26, 0, 0,
| 242, 102, 72, 213, 89, 63, 191, 79, 56, 164, 67, 45, 141, 55, 34, 118, 42, 22, 94, 28, 6, 67, 3, 0, 26, 0, 0,
| 242, 100, 51, 214, 89, 45, 190, 78, 38, 164, 67, 30, 141, 55, 18, 118, 42, 3, 95, 28, 0, 66, 4, 0, 26, 0, 0,
| 243, 100, 33, 214, 90, 27, 190, 78, 22, 165, 67, 13, 141, 55, 0, 118, 43, 0, 94, 29, 0, 66, 5, 0, 26, 0, 0,
| 237, 69, 153, 211, 58, 135, 187, 51, 121, 163, 41, 105, 141, 28, 90, 118, 15, 73, 96, 0, 56, 68, 0, 33, 25, 0, 0,
| 239, 67, 137, 212, 60, 123, 189, 50, 110, 163, 41, 94, 141, 29, 79, 118, 17, 65, 95, 0, 48, 69, 0, 26, 25, 0, 0,
| 240, 69, 124, 211, 60, 111, 188, 50, 98, 163, 42, 85, 141, 31, 72, 118, 18, 57, 94, 0, 41, 68, 0, 19, 25, 0, 0,
| 240, 70, 112, 212, 61, 99, 188, 52, 87, 163, 41, 74, 140, 31, 62, 118, 20, 48, 94, 2, 32, 68, 0, 11, 24, 0, 0,
| 239, 70, 98, 212, 62, 86, 188, 53, 77, 164, 42, 64, 140, 32, 52, 118, 20, 40, 94, 3, 24, 67, 0, 3, 23, 0, 0,
| 239, 71, 85, 212, 61, 74, 187, 53, 65, 163, 44, 54, 140, 34, 43, 118, 22, 30, 95, 3, 14, 67, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0,
| 239, 70, 67, 212, 62, 59, 188, 53, 51, 163, 45, 42, 141, 34, 31, 117, 22, 17, 94, 5, 2, 66, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0,
| 239, 71, 50, 213, 62, 43, 188, 54, 37, 164, 45, 28, 139, 34, 16, 117, 22, 2, 94, 7, 0, 65, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0,
| 240, 71, 34, 212, 63, 29, 189, 54, 24, 163, 46, 15, 139, 36, 2, 117, 25, 0, 94, 8, 0, 66, 0, 0, 23, 0, 0,
| 237, 0, 140, 209, 0, 124, 186, 0, 112, 162, 0, 97, 141, 0, 82, 118, 0, 67, 95, 0, 49, 68, 0, 27, 20, 0, 0,
| 237, 0, 126, 210, 0, 113, 187, 0, 99, 163, 0, 86, 139, 0, 72, 118, 0, 58, 95, 0, 42, 67, 0, 20, 20, 0, 0,
| 237, 1, 114, 209, 1, 102, 187, 0, 90, 163, 0, 78, 139, 0, 64, 118, 0, 50, 95, 0, 35, 67, 0, 13, 20, 0, 0,
| 236, 16, 102, 209, 7, 91, 186, 0, 80, 162, 0, 68, 139, 0, 56, 117, 0, 43, 94, 0, 27, 67, 0, 6, 20, 0, 0,
| 238, 15, 89, 209, 13, 79, 186, 6, 69, 162, 0, 58, 139, 0, 47, 117, 0, 34, 93, 0, 20, 66, 0, 2, 20, 0, 0,
| 237, 20, 78, 210, 12, 68, 187, 4, 59, 163, 0, 49, 139, 0, 38, 116, 0, 26, 94, 0, 11, 66, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0,
| 237, 25, 64, 210, 18, 56, 186, 11, 48, 162, 4, 39, 138, 0, 27, 117, 0, 14, 93, 0, 0, 66, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0,
| 238, 25, 48, 210, 22, 43, 186, 15, 35, 162, 8, 26, 140, 0, 14, 117, 0, 0, 93, 0, 0, 65, 0, 0, 20, 0, 0,
| 238, 28, 35, 210, 21, 30, 187, 15, 24, 162, 8, 16, 139, 1, 2, 117, 0, 0, 93, 0, 0, 65, 0, 0, 22, 0, 0,
| 219, 242, 252, 195, 214, 225, 172, 191, 201, 148, 165, 175, 127, 142, 150, 106, 119, 126, 84, 95, 101, 58, 66, 72, 24, 27, 32,
| 222, 239, 226, 196, 213, 202, 173, 189, 180, 150, 165, 158, 129, 141, 135, 107, 118, 113, 85, 94, 90, 58, 66, 63, 21, 26, 24,
| 223, 237, 203, 198, 211, 182, 175, 188, 163, 152, 164, 141, 129, 140, 121, 107, 117, 101, 85, 93, 80, 58, 64, 54, 21, 26, 18,
| 226, 236, 179, 201, 210, 160, 177, 187, 143, 153, 162, 125, 130, 139, 106, 108, 116, 89, 85, 92, 69, 58, 64, 45, 20, 25, 8,
| 227, 234, 153, 201, 208, 139, 178, 185, 124, 154, 161, 107, 131, 138, 91, 108, 115, 75, 85, 91, 58, 58, 63, 35, 17, 25, 0,
| 229, 233, 130, 203, 207, 116, 178, 184, 104, 154, 160, 90, 131, 137, 76, 109, 114, 62, 85, 90, 46, 58, 63, 25, 16, 24, 0,
| 230, 231, 100, 202, 205, 90, 179, 183, 80, 154, 159, 69, 131, 136, 57, 109, 113, 46, 86, 90, 32, 58, 63, 10, 14, 24, 0,
| 230, 230, 65, 204, 204, 58, 180, 182, 52, 155, 157, 44, 132, 135, 35, 110, 113, 24, 86, 89, 9, 57, 62, 0, 11, 24, 0,
| 232, 230, 19, 204, 204, 19, 180, 181, 17, 155, 157, 10, 131, 134, 2, 109, 112, 0, 85, 89, 0, 57, 62, 0, 10, 23, 0,
| 218, 216, 236, 194, 192, 211, 172, 171, 188, 149, 149, 164, 128, 127, 141, 106, 106, 119, 84, 84, 94, 59, 57, 66, 25, 18, 26,
| 221, 214, 211, 196, 191, 190, 174, 170, 170, 150, 148, 148, 128, 126, 127, 107, 105, 106, 85, 83, 84, 59, 56, 58, 23, 17, 18,
| 222, 213, 190, 197, 189, 170, 175, 169, 153, 151, 147, 133, 129, 126, 113, 108, 105, 94, 85, 82, 74, 59, 56, 49, 22, 17, 11,
| 224, 211, 168, 199, 188, 151, 175, 168, 135, 152, 146, 117, 129, 124, 99, 107, 103, 82, 84, 82, 64, 59, 55, 41, 21, 17, 1,
| 224, 210, 145, 199, 187, 130, 176, 166, 117, 152, 145, 101, 129, 123, 86, 107, 103, 70, 85, 81, 53, 58, 55, 31, 19, 17, 0,
| 227, 208, 123, 200, 186, 110, 177, 165, 98, 153, 143, 84, 130, 122, 70, 108, 102, 57, 85, 80, 41, 58, 54, 20, 18, 16, 0,
| 227, 208, 97, 202, 185, 86, 177, 164, 77, 153, 142, 65, 130, 122, 54, 108, 101, 42, 85, 80, 27, 58, 54, 7, 16, 16, 0,
| 228, 206, 66, 202, 184, 58, 178, 163, 50, 154, 141, 42, 131, 121, 33, 109, 101, 21, 86, 79, 5, 58, 54, 0, 13, 16, 0,
| 228, 206, 29, 202, 183, 25, 178, 163, 20, 154, 141, 15, 131, 121, 5, 108, 100, 0, 85, 79, 0, 58, 53, 0, 13, 16, 0,
| 217, 193, 221, 193, 172, 198, 172, 153, 178, 149, 133, 154, 128, 114, 132, 107, 94, 111, 85, 74, 89, 59, 49, 61, 25, 8, 22,
| 219, 191, 198, 195, 171, 178, 173, 153, 159, 149, 132, 139, 128, 113, 119, 107, 94, 100, 85, 73, 79, 59, 48, 52, 25, 7, 14,
| 221, 191, 180, 196, 170, 160, 174, 152, 144, 150, 132, 125, 129, 113, 107, 107, 93, 89, 85, 73, 69, 59, 48, 45, 23, 7, 4,
| 222, 189, 159, 197, 169, 142, 174, 151, 127, 151, 131, 110, 129, 112, 94, 108, 93, 78, 85, 72, 60, 58, 47, 37, 22, 7, 0,
| 223, 188, 138, 197, 168, 123, 175, 150, 109, 151, 130, 95, 130, 111, 81, 108, 92, 65, 85, 72, 49, 59, 47, 27, 21, 7, 0,
| 224, 187, 118, 198, 167, 105, 176, 149, 93, 152, 129, 79, 130, 110, 68, 108, 91, 54, 85, 71, 38, 59, 47, 17, 18, 7, 0,
| 224, 187, 93, 199, 166, 83, 176, 148, 73, 152, 128, 62, 129, 109, 51, 108, 90, 39, 85, 71, 25, 58, 46, 3, 16, 8, 0,
| 226, 186, 64, 200, 165, 57, 177, 147, 50, 153, 127, 40, 130, 108, 31, 108, 90, 19, 85, 70, 3, 58, 46, 0, 16, 8, 0,
| 227, 185, 35, 200, 165, 30, 176, 146, 25, 152, 127, 18, 130, 108, 7, 108, 89, 0, 85, 70, 0, 57, 46, 0, 14, 8, 0,
| 216, 169, 205, 192, 150, 184, 171, 134, 164, 149, 116, 144, 128, 99, 124, 107, 81, 103, 85, 63, 81, 60, 39, 55, 26, 0, 15,
| 217, 168, 186, 193, 150, 165, 172, 134, 149, 150, 116, 130, 128, 99, 111, 107, 81, 92, 85, 62, 72, 59, 39, 47, 25, 0, 6,
| 219, 168, 168, 194, 149, 150, 173, 133, 135, 150, 116, 117, 128, 98, 99, 107, 80, 82, 86, 62, 63, 59, 38, 39, 24, 0, 0,
| 219, 166, 148, 195, 149, 133, 173, 133, 119, 150, 115, 103, 128, 98, 88, 107, 80, 72, 85, 61, 54, 59, 38, 32, 23, 0, 0,
| 220, 166, 129, 196, 148, 116, 174, 132, 103, 151, 114, 89, 129, 97, 75, 107, 79, 60, 85, 61, 44, 59, 38, 22, 21, 0, 0,
| 222, 164, 110, 197, 147, 99, 175, 131, 87, 151, 113, 75, 129, 96, 63, 107, 79, 49, 85, 61, 33, 58, 38, 12, 19, 0, 0,
| 222, 164, 88, 197, 146, 79, 174, 130, 69, 151, 113, 58, 129, 95, 47, 107, 78, 35, 85, 60, 20, 58, 38, 0, 18, 0, 0,
| 223, 164, 63, 198, 145, 55, 175, 129, 48, 151, 112, 39, 129, 95, 29, 107, 78, 16, 85, 60, 1, 58, 38, 0, 17, 0, 0,
| 223, 163, 36, 198, 145, 32, 174, 129, 26, 151, 111, 17, 129, 95, 7, 107, 78, 0, 84, 60, 0, 57, 37, 0, 15, 0, 0,
| 215, 147, 192, 191, 130, 172, 170, 116, 153, 148, 100, 133, 127, 85, 115, 107, 69, 96, 85, 51, 75, 60, 28, 50, 25, 0, 8,
| 217, 146, 173, 192, 130, 154, 171, 115, 138, 149, 100, 121, 128, 84, 103, 107, 68, 85, 85, 51, 66, 60, 28, 42, 25, 0, 0,
| 217, 145, 157, 193, 129, 140, 173, 115, 125, 149, 100, 109, 128, 84, 92, 107, 68, 76, 85, 51, 58, 59, 28, 35, 23, 0, 0,
| 218, 145, 140, 193, 129, 125, 172, 114, 110, 149, 99, 96, 128, 83, 81, 107, 67, 65, 84, 51, 49, 59, 29, 27, 22, 0, 0,
| 219, 144, 121, 194, 128, 108, 172, 113, 96, 149, 98, 83, 128, 83, 69, 107, 68, 55, 85, 50, 40, 59, 28, 18, 20, 0, 0,
| 220, 143, 104, 195, 128, 93, 173, 114, 82, 150, 98, 69, 127, 82, 58, 107, 67, 45, 85, 50, 30, 59, 28, 7, 19, 0, 0,
| 220, 143, 84, 195, 127, 74, 173, 113, 65, 149, 97, 55, 128, 82, 44, 106, 67, 32, 84, 50, 16, 58, 28, 0, 18, 0, 0,
| 221, 142, 62, 196, 126, 53, 173, 112, 46, 150, 97, 37, 128, 82, 26, 107, 66, 14, 84, 50, 0, 58, 28, 0, 16, 0, 0,
| 222, 142, 38, 196, 126, 34, 174, 112, 27, 150, 96, 17, 128, 82, 6, 106, 66, 0, 84, 50, 0, 57, 29, 0, 16, 0, 0,
| 214, 123, 179, 191, 110, 159, 169, 98, 143, 147, 84, 124, 126, 70, 106, 107, 55, 88, 85, 39, 69, 60, 15, 45, 23, 0, 2,
| 216, 123, 161, 192, 110, 144, 170, 98, 129, 148, 84, 112, 127, 70, 95, 107, 55, 79, 85, 39, 61, 60, 15, 37, 20, 0, 0,
| 217, 122, 145, 192, 110, 130, 170, 97, 116, 149, 84, 101, 127, 70, 85, 106, 55, 70, 85, 39, 53, 59, 16, 30, 19, 0, 0,
| 217, 123, 131, 192, 109, 116, 171, 96, 103, 149, 83, 89, 127, 70, 75, 106, 55, 60, 85, 40, 45, 59, 16, 23, 17, 0, 0,
| 217, 122, 114, 193, 109, 101, 172, 96, 91, 149, 82, 77, 128, 69, 64, 106, 55, 50, 84, 39, 35, 59, 17, 14, 17, 0, 0,
| 218, 122, 98, 194, 108, 87, 171, 96, 77, 149, 82, 65, 127, 69, 52, 106, 55, 40, 84, 40, 25, 59, 18, 3, 15, 0, 0,
| 219, 122, 80, 193, 108, 70, 172, 95, 61, 149, 82, 51, 127, 69, 40, 106, 55, 28, 84, 39, 12, 58, 17, 0, 13, 0, 0,
| 219, 121, 59, 194, 108, 52, 172, 96, 44, 149, 82, 35, 127, 68, 24, 106, 55, 11, 84, 40, 0, 57, 18, 0, 13, 0, 0,
| 219, 121, 40, 193, 108, 33, 172, 95, 26, 149, 81, 19, 128, 68, 6, 106, 54, 0, 84, 39, 0, 57, 18, 0, 13, 0, 0,
| 213, 99, 165, 189, 87, 148, 169, 76, 132, 147, 64, 115, 126, 52, 98, 106, 39, 81, 85, 23, 63, 60, 0, 39, 16, 0, 0,
| 214, 98, 149, 191, 87, 133, 170, 76, 119, 148, 65, 103, 127, 53, 88, 106, 39, 72, 85, 24, 55, 60, 0, 32, 15, 0, 0,
| 215, 99, 136, 191, 87, 121, 170, 77, 108, 148, 65, 93, 126, 53, 79, 106, 40, 64, 85, 24, 47, 59, 0, 25, 14, 0, 0,
| 215, 99, 121, 192, 87, 108, 170, 77, 96, 148, 65, 82, 126, 53, 69, 106, 40, 55, 85, 25, 39, 59, 0, 18, 13, 0, 0,
| 216, 99, 106, 191, 87, 95, 170, 76, 83, 148, 65, 71, 126, 53, 58, 106, 41, 45, 85, 26, 30, 59, 0, 8, 11, 0, 0,
| 216, 98, 91, 192, 88, 82, 170, 77, 71, 148, 65, 60, 127, 53, 48, 105, 41, 36, 83, 26, 21, 58, 1, 2, 11, 0, 0,
| 217, 99, 75, 192, 87, 66, 170, 76, 57, 148, 65, 47, 126, 53, 36, 105, 41, 24, 83, 26, 8, 57, 2, 0, 9, 0, 0,
| 217, 98, 57, 192, 87, 49, 171, 77, 41, 147, 65, 32, 126, 53, 21, 105, 41, 8, 84, 27, 0, 57, 3, 0, 9, 0, 0,
| 217, 98, 40, 193, 87, 34, 171, 76, 27, 148, 65, 19, 126, 53, 6, 105, 41, 0, 83, 27, 0, 57, 4, 0, 9, 0, 0,
| 211, 67, 152, 189, 58, 136, 168, 50, 122, 147, 39, 105, 127, 28, 89, 106, 14, 74, 85, 0, 56, 59, 0, 33, 9, 0, 0,
| 213, 68, 138, 190, 59, 123, 169, 51, 109, 148, 40, 95, 126, 30, 80, 106, 16, 65, 85, 0, 48, 59, 0, 27, 9, 0, 0,
| 214, 69, 125, 190, 59, 111, 168, 51, 99, 148, 41, 86, 126, 31, 72, 106, 18, 58, 85, 0, 41, 59, 0, 20, 7, 0, 0,
| 215, 70, 112, 190, 61, 100, 169, 52, 88, 147, 42, 76, 126, 32, 63, 106, 19, 49, 84, 1, 34, 58, 0, 13, 7, 0, 0,
| 214, 70, 99, 190, 62, 88, 169, 53, 77, 147, 43, 65, 125, 32, 53, 106, 20, 40, 84, 3, 26, 58, 0, 4, 7, 0, 0,
| 214, 71, 86, 190, 61, 75, 169, 53, 65, 146, 43, 54, 126, 33, 44, 105, 21, 31, 83, 4, 17, 57, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0,
| 215, 71, 71, 191, 62, 62, 169, 53, 53, 147, 44, 44, 126, 34, 33, 105, 22, 20, 83, 5, 4, 57, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0,
| 215, 71, 54, 191, 62, 47, 169, 54, 39, 147, 44, 30, 126, 35, 20, 105, 23, 6, 83, 6, 0, 56, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0,
| 215, 71, 41, 191, 63, 34, 170, 54, 27, 147, 45, 17, 126, 35, 6, 105, 23, 0, 83, 8, 0, 56, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0,
| 210, 13, 140, 189, 1, 125, 167, 0, 110, 146, 0, 96, 126, 0, 81, 106, 0, 67, 85, 0, 51, 59, 0, 28, 4, 0, 0,
| 212, 18, 126, 190, 7, 113, 168, 0, 100, 146, 0, 86, 126, 0, 73, 106, 0, 59, 84, 0, 43, 59, 0, 22, 4, 0, 0,
| 212, 21, 115, 190, 13, 103, 168, 3, 91, 146, 0, 78, 125, 0, 65, 105, 0, 52, 84, 0, 36, 58, 0, 16, 4, 0, 0,
| 213, 24, 103, 189, 19, 91, 168, 9, 82, 146, 0, 69, 125, 0, 57, 105, 0, 44, 84, 0, 29, 58, 0, 7, 4, 0, 0,
| 213, 27, 92, 188, 21, 81, 168, 14, 71, 146, 1, 59, 125, 0, 48, 105, 0, 36, 84, 0, 21, 58, 0, 4, 4, 0, 0,
| 213, 30, 80, 189, 22, 69, 168, 17, 61, 146, 5, 50, 125, 0, 39, 104, 0, 27, 83, 0, 12, 57, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0,
| 214, 30, 67, 189, 25, 57, 168, 20, 50, 146, 9, 40, 125, 0, 29, 104, 0, 17, 83, 0, 2, 56, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0,
| 214, 32, 53, 189, 27, 44, 169, 20, 38, 146, 13, 28, 124, 2, 17, 104, 0, 4, 83, 0, 0, 56, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0,
| 214, 33, 41, 190, 27, 33, 168, 23, 27, 146, 13, 18, 125, 3, 5, 105, 0, 0, 83, 0, 0, 56, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0,
| 185, 229, 250, 164, 204, 223, 146, 182, 199, 127, 158, 174, 108, 136, 149, 89, 113, 125, 70, 90, 100, 46, 62, 71, 10, 25, 33,
| 189, 227, 225, 168, 202, 201, 148, 181, 179, 129, 157, 156, 109, 135, 134, 90, 113, 113, 70, 89, 90, 46, 62, 62, 8, 24, 25,
| 192, 226, 202, 170, 202, 182, 151, 179, 162, 130, 156, 141, 110, 133, 121, 91, 112, 101, 71, 89, 80, 46, 61, 54, 7, 24, 19,
| 194, 224, 179, 173, 200, 160, 153, 178, 144, 132, 155, 125, 112, 133, 107, 92, 111, 89, 71, 88, 69, 46, 61, 45, 6, 23, 10,
| 196, 223, 155, 174, 198, 139, 154, 176, 124, 132, 153, 107, 113, 131, 91, 92, 110, 75, 72, 87, 58, 47, 60, 37, 4, 23, 0,
| 198, 221, 131, 175, 197, 117, 155, 175, 105, 133, 152, 91, 113, 130, 76, 92, 109, 63, 72, 86, 47, 46, 60, 26, 3, 23, 0,
| 200, 220, 104, 176, 196, 94, 156, 175, 84, 134, 151, 72, 113, 129, 59, 93, 108, 47, 72, 85, 33, 46, 59, 13, 0, 23, 0,
| 201, 219, 73, 179, 195, 65, 157, 173, 57, 135, 150, 48, 114, 129, 39, 94, 108, 28, 72, 85, 15, 47, 59, 0, 0, 22, 0,
| 203, 219, 42, 178, 195, 37, 157, 173, 32, 135, 150, 26, 114, 128, 16, 94, 107, 6, 73, 85, 0, 46, 58, 0, 0, 22, 0,
| 186, 205, 233, 165, 183, 209, 148, 163, 187, 128, 142, 163, 109, 121, 140, 91, 101, 118, 71, 80, 94, 48, 54, 66, 12, 15, 27,
| 189, 204, 211, 169, 182, 189, 151, 163, 169, 131, 141, 147, 111, 121, 126, 92, 101, 105, 72, 79, 84, 48, 54, 58, 11, 15, 19,
| 192, 202, 190, 171, 181, 170, 152, 161, 152, 131, 141, 133, 112, 120, 113, 93, 100, 94, 72, 79, 74, 48, 53, 50, 10, 15, 11,
| 195, 201, 169, 172, 179, 151, 153, 160, 135, 132, 139, 117, 113, 119, 100, 93, 99, 82, 72, 78, 64, 48, 53, 41, 9, 14, 3,
| 195, 200, 146, 174, 179, 131, 154, 159, 117, 133, 138, 101, 113, 118, 86, 93, 98, 70, 73, 77, 53, 48, 52, 32, 8, 15, 0,
| 198, 199, 125, 175, 177, 111, 155, 158, 100, 133, 137, 85, 113, 117, 71, 93, 97, 57, 72, 77, 42, 47, 52, 22, 5, 14, 0,
| 199, 198, 101, 176, 177, 89, 155, 157, 79, 134, 136, 68, 113, 116, 56, 94, 97, 44, 73, 76, 30, 47, 52, 10, 2, 15, 0,
| 200, 197, 72, 178, 176, 63, 157, 156, 56, 135, 136, 46, 114, 116, 37, 94, 96, 26, 73, 76, 11, 47, 51, 0, 0, 14, 0,
| 201, 197, 45, 177, 175, 38, 156, 155, 31, 135, 135, 25, 114, 115, 17, 94, 96, 5, 73, 75, 0, 46, 51, 0, 0, 14, 0,
| 187, 183, 218, 167, 165, 197, 149, 147, 176, 129, 127, 153, 111, 109, 132, 92, 90, 111, 73, 70, 89, 49, 46, 62, 15, 4, 22,
| 190, 183, 197, 170, 164, 177, 151, 146, 159, 130, 127, 139, 112, 109, 119, 93, 90, 99, 72, 70, 78, 49, 45, 53, 14, 4, 15,
| 192, 182, 179, 171, 163, 161, 153, 145, 144, 132, 126, 125, 113, 108, 107, 93, 89, 88, 73, 70, 69, 49, 45, 45, 13, 5, 6,
| 195, 181, 159, 172, 162, 142, 152, 145, 127, 132, 125, 111, 113, 107, 94, 93, 88, 77, 73, 69, 59, 48, 45, 37, 11, 5, 0,
| 195, 180, 139, 173, 161, 124, 153, 143, 110, 133, 125, 96, 113, 106, 81, 94, 88, 66, 73, 68, 49, 49, 44, 28, 9, 6, 0,
| 196, 179, 118, 174, 160, 106, 154, 142, 94, 133, 124, 81, 113, 105, 68, 94, 87, 54, 73, 68, 39, 48, 44, 18, 5, 5, 0,
| 197, 178, 96, 176, 159, 86, 155, 141, 75, 134, 123, 64, 114, 105, 53, 94, 87, 40, 73, 68, 26, 48, 44, 5, 2, 6, 0,
| 199, 178, 70, 176, 158, 62, 156, 141, 54, 134, 122, 44, 114, 104, 35, 94, 86, 23, 73, 67, 8, 47, 44, 0, 2, 6, 0,
| 199, 177, 45, 178, 158, 40, 156, 140, 32, 135, 122, 26, 114, 104, 16, 94, 86, 4, 73, 67, 0, 47, 44, 0, 0, 7, 0,
| 188, 161, 204, 168, 144, 183, 149, 129, 164, 130, 112, 144, 112, 95, 123, 93, 78, 103, 74, 60, 81, 50, 36, 56, 16, 0, 16,
| 190, 160, 185, 170, 144, 165, 151, 128, 148, 132, 111, 130, 112, 95, 110, 93, 78, 92, 74, 59, 72, 50, 36, 48, 16, 0, 8,
| 192, 160, 167, 171, 143, 150, 153, 128, 134, 132, 111, 117, 112, 94, 100, 94, 77, 82, 74, 59, 63, 50, 36, 40, 14, 0, 0,
| 193, 159, 149, 172, 143, 134, 153, 127, 119, 133, 110, 103, 113, 94, 87, 93, 77, 72, 73, 59, 54, 50, 36, 32, 12, 0, 0,
| 195, 159, 131, 173, 142, 117, 153, 127, 104, 132, 110, 90, 113, 93, 76, 93, 76, 61, 74, 59, 45, 49, 36, 23, 9, 0, 0,
| 196, 158, 113, 174, 141, 101, 155, 126, 89, 133, 109, 76, 113, 93, 64, 94, 76, 51, 74, 58, 35, 49, 36, 14, 6, 0, 0,
| 197, 157, 92, 174, 141, 80, 154, 125, 71, 134, 108, 60, 114, 92, 50, 94, 75, 37, 73, 58, 22, 48, 36, 1, 5, 0, 0,
| 197, 157, 68, 175, 140, 59, 155, 124, 51, 134, 108, 41, 113, 91, 32, 94, 75, 21, 73, 57, 5, 48, 35, 0, 5, 0, 0,
| 198, 156, 46, 176, 140, 40, 155, 124, 32, 134, 107, 24, 114, 91, 14, 94, 75, 2, 73, 57, 0, 48, 36, 0, 3, 0, 0,
| 189, 140, 191, 168, 126, 172, 150, 112, 154, 131, 97, 134, 112, 82, 115, 94, 66, 96, 74, 49, 75, 51, 25, 50, 12, 0, 10,
| 191, 139, 173, 170, 125, 154, 152, 111, 138, 132, 96, 121, 113, 81, 103, 94, 66, 85, 74, 48, 66, 50, 26, 42, 12, 0, 1,
| 192, 139, 157, 171, 125, 140, 152, 111, 125, 132, 96, 109, 113, 81, 92, 94, 65, 76, 74, 48, 58, 50, 26, 35, 9, 0, 0,
| 193, 139, 140, 172, 124, 125, 153, 110, 112, 133, 95, 96, 113, 80, 82, 94, 65, 66, 74, 49, 50, 50, 26, 28, 7, 0, 0,
| 194, 138, 123, 172, 123, 109, 153, 110, 97, 133, 95, 84, 113, 80, 70, 94, 65, 56, 74, 48, 40, 50, 26, 20, 6, 0, 0,
| 194, 138, 105, 173, 123, 94, 153, 109, 83, 133, 94, 70, 112, 79, 59, 94, 64, 46, 74, 48, 31, 50, 26, 9, 4, 0, 0,
| 196, 138, 87, 174, 122, 77, 153, 109, 67, 133, 93, 56, 113, 79, 46, 94, 64, 34, 73, 48, 18, 49, 27, 0, 4, 0, 0,
| 196, 137, 65, 174, 122, 57, 154, 108, 49, 133, 93, 39, 113, 79, 29, 94, 64, 18, 74, 48, 3, 49, 27, 0, 2, 0, 0,
| 197, 137, 47, 175, 122, 40, 155, 108, 32, 133, 93, 23, 114, 79, 14, 94, 64, 1, 73, 48, 0, 48, 27, 0, 2, 0, 0,
| 189, 119, 177, 168, 106, 159, 150, 94, 142, 131, 81, 124, 113, 67, 107, 94, 53, 89, 74, 37, 69, 51, 11, 45, 6, 0, 3,
| 191, 119, 161, 170, 106, 144, 152, 94, 129, 132, 81, 112, 113, 67, 96, 94, 53, 79, 74, 37, 61, 51, 13, 38, 6, 0, 0,
| 192, 119, 146, 170, 106, 131, 152, 94, 117, 132, 80, 101, 112, 67, 85, 94, 53, 70, 74, 37, 53, 50, 14, 31, 4, 0, 0,
| 192, 119, 131, 171, 106, 117, 153, 94, 105, 132, 80, 89, 113, 67, 75, 94, 54, 61, 74, 38, 45, 51, 14, 23, 3, 0, 0,
| 193, 118, 114, 171, 106, 102, 153, 93, 90, 132, 80, 78, 113, 67, 65, 94, 53, 52, 74, 37, 36, 50, 15, 16, 1, 0, 0,
| 194, 118, 99, 172, 105, 89, 153, 93, 78, 132, 80, 66, 113, 67, 54, 94, 53, 42, 74, 38, 27, 50, 16, 5, 1, 0, 0,
| 194, 118, 82, 173, 105, 72, 153, 93, 63, 132, 79, 53, 113, 67, 42, 94, 53, 30, 74, 38, 15, 49, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 195, 117, 63, 173, 105, 55, 154, 93, 47, 133, 79, 37, 113, 66, 27, 94, 53, 15, 73, 38, 0, 48, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 195, 117, 46, 173, 104, 39, 154, 92, 32, 133, 79, 22, 113, 66, 13, 94, 53, 0, 73, 38, 0, 48, 17, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 189, 96, 166, 168, 85, 147, 150, 74, 132, 131, 62, 115, 113, 51, 99, 94, 38, 82, 74, 21, 63, 51, 0, 40, 1, 0, 0,
| 190, 96, 150, 170, 85, 133, 152, 75, 119, 132, 63, 104, 113, 51, 88, 94, 38, 72, 75, 22, 55, 51, 0, 33, 1, 0, 0,
| 192, 96, 137, 170, 85, 121, 152, 74, 108, 132, 64, 94, 113, 52, 79, 94, 39, 64, 74, 23, 48, 50, 0, 26, 0, 0, 0,
| 192, 96, 122, 171, 86, 109, 152, 75, 96, 132, 63, 83, 113, 52, 69, 94, 39, 56, 74, 24, 41, 50, 0, 19, 0, 0, 0,
| 193, 96, 107, 171, 85, 96, 152, 75, 84, 132, 64, 72, 113, 52, 60, 94, 39, 47, 74, 24, 32, 50, 1, 10, 0, 0, 0,
| 193, 96, 93, 172, 85, 82, 152, 75, 72, 133, 63, 61, 113, 51, 49, 94, 39, 37, 73, 25, 23, 49, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0,
| 194, 96, 78, 172, 85, 68, 152, 75, 59, 132, 63, 49, 113, 52, 39, 94, 40, 26, 73, 25, 11, 48, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 194, 96, 60, 173, 85, 52, 153, 75, 44, 132, 64, 35, 112, 52, 25, 94, 40, 12, 73, 26, 0, 48, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 195, 96, 46, 173, 85, 38, 154, 74, 31, 133, 63, 22, 113, 52, 11, 93, 40, 0, 73, 26, 0, 47, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 188, 67, 153, 168, 58, 137, 151, 49, 122, 131, 39, 106, 113, 28, 90, 94, 13, 75, 75, 0, 57, 51, 0, 35, 0, 0, 0,
| 190, 68, 138, 170, 59, 123, 152, 50, 110, 132, 41, 96, 113, 29, 80, 94, 16, 66, 75, 0, 49, 50, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0,
| 191, 69, 126, 170, 59, 112, 151, 52, 100, 132, 42, 86, 113, 30, 73, 95, 17, 58, 75, 0, 42, 50, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0,
| 192, 70, 113, 170, 61, 100, 151, 52, 89, 132, 42, 77, 113, 31, 64, 94, 19, 50, 74, 1, 35, 50, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0,
| 192, 70, 100, 170, 62, 89, 151, 53, 77, 131, 43, 66, 112, 32, 54, 94, 20, 42, 74, 2, 27, 49, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0,
| 192, 71, 87, 171, 61, 77, 152, 53, 67, 131, 44, 57, 112, 33, 45, 94, 21, 33, 74, 4, 19, 49, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
| 193, 71, 74, 171, 62, 64, 152, 53, 55, 132, 44, 45, 113, 34, 34, 94, 22, 23, 73, 5, 7, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 193, 70, 58, 172, 62, 50, 152, 54, 42, 132, 44, 32, 112, 35, 22, 93, 23, 10, 73, 6, 0, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 193, 70, 45, 172, 62, 38, 153, 54, 31, 132, 44, 21, 112, 35, 9, 94, 23, 0, 73, 7, 0, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 189, 26, 141, 169, 15, 126, 150, 2, 112, 131, 0, 97, 113, 0, 82, 94, 0, 67, 75, 0, 51, 50, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0,
| 190, 28, 128, 170, 18, 114, 151, 8, 101, 132, 0, 88, 113, 0, 74, 94, 0, 60, 75, 0, 44, 50, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0,
| 191, 30, 117, 170, 23, 104, 152, 11, 92, 132, 1, 79, 113, 0, 67, 95, 0, 53, 75, 0, 37, 50, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0,
| 191, 33, 105, 170, 26, 93, 151, 18, 83, 132, 6, 70, 112, 0, 58, 94, 0, 45, 75, 0, 30, 49, 0, 8, 0, 0, 0,
| 191, 34, 93, 170, 27, 82, 151, 20, 72, 131, 8, 61, 112, 0, 49, 94, 0, 38, 74, 0, 23, 49, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0,
| 191, 36, 82, 170, 29, 71, 151, 22, 63, 131, 11, 52, 112, 0, 41, 93, 0, 29, 74, 0, 14, 48, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
| 191, 38, 69, 170, 31, 60, 151, 24, 51, 131, 14, 41, 112, 1, 31, 93, 0, 19, 73, 0, 3, 48, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 192, 37, 56, 171, 31, 47, 152, 25, 40, 131, 17, 30, 112, 4, 19, 93, 0, 7, 73, 0, 0, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 192, 38, 45, 171, 33, 36, 152, 26, 30, 131, 18, 21, 111, 7, 9, 93, 0, 0, 73, 0, 0, 47, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 149, 218, 248, 133, 194, 222, 119, 173, 198, 102, 151, 173, 86, 130, 148, 70, 108, 125, 53, 85, 100, 32, 59, 71, 0, 22, 33,
| 154, 216, 223, 137, 193, 200, 122, 172, 178, 106, 150, 156, 89, 128, 133, 73, 107, 112, 54, 85, 89, 31, 59, 63, 0, 22, 26,
| 159, 215, 202, 141, 192, 181, 126, 171, 161, 108, 149, 141, 90, 128, 121, 74, 107, 100, 55, 85, 80, 32, 58, 55, 0, 22, 19,
| 161, 213, 179, 144, 190, 160, 126, 170, 143, 109, 148, 125, 92, 127, 107, 74, 106, 89, 56, 84, 69, 32, 58, 46, 0, 21, 11,
| 163, 211, 156, 144, 189, 139, 129, 168, 125, 110, 147, 108, 93, 126, 92, 75, 105, 76, 57, 83, 58, 33, 58, 37, 0, 21, 1,
| 167, 211, 133, 147, 188, 120, 130, 167, 105, 110, 145, 92, 93, 125, 78, 76, 104, 64, 58, 83, 48, 33, 57, 27, 0, 21, 0,
| 169, 210, 108, 149, 187, 96, 131, 166, 86, 112, 144, 74, 94, 124, 62, 77, 103, 49, 58, 82, 35, 33, 57, 15, 0, 21, 0,
| 170, 209, 80, 151, 186, 71, 133, 165, 62, 114, 143, 52, 95, 123, 42, 77, 103, 32, 58, 81, 18, 33, 56, 0, 0, 21, 0,
| 173, 208, 55, 152, 186, 49, 134, 165, 41, 114, 143, 34, 95, 122, 25, 77, 102, 14, 58, 81, 0, 33, 56, 0, 0, 21, 0,
| 154, 195, 232, 137, 174, 207, 122, 156, 185, 105, 136, 163, 89, 116, 140, 73, 97, 117, 56, 76, 94, 35, 51, 66, 0, 13, 28,
| 158, 194, 209, 141, 174, 187, 125, 155, 167, 109, 135, 146, 91, 116, 125, 75, 96, 105, 57, 75, 83, 35, 50, 57, 0, 12, 21,
| 161, 193, 189, 144, 173, 169, 128, 154, 151, 110, 134, 132, 93, 115, 113, 77, 95, 94, 58, 75, 74, 35, 50, 50, 0, 12, 13,
| 164, 192, 168, 145, 171, 151, 129, 153, 134, 111, 133, 117, 94, 114, 100, 76, 95, 82, 58, 75, 64, 36, 50, 42, 0, 12, 5,
| 165, 191, 147, 147, 170, 131, 130, 152, 117, 113, 132, 102, 95, 113, 86, 77, 94, 71, 58, 74, 54, 35, 50, 33, 0, 13, 0,
| 167, 189, 126, 148, 169, 113, 132, 151, 100, 113, 131, 86, 96, 112, 73, 77, 93, 59, 59, 73, 43, 35, 49, 23, 0, 12, 0,
| 170, 189, 104, 150, 168, 91, 133, 150, 81, 114, 130, 69, 96, 111, 57, 78, 92, 46, 59, 73, 31, 35, 49, 11, 0, 13, 0,
| 171, 188, 78, 152, 168, 68, 134, 149, 60, 115, 130, 50, 96, 111, 41, 78, 92, 29, 60, 73, 15, 35, 49, 0, 0, 12, 0,
| 173, 187, 55, 153, 167, 47, 134, 149, 39, 115, 129, 33, 97, 110, 24, 79, 92, 13, 60, 72, 0, 35, 48, 0, 0, 12, 0,
| 157, 175, 217, 139, 157, 196, 125, 141, 175, 109, 122, 153, 92, 104, 132, 76, 86, 110, 59, 67, 88, 37, 43, 61, 1, 1, 23,
| 161, 174, 196, 144, 156, 176, 127, 140, 158, 110, 121, 137, 94, 104, 118, 77, 85, 98, 59, 67, 78, 37, 43, 53, 0, 2, 16,
| 163, 174, 178, 146, 156, 160, 130, 139, 143, 112, 121, 124, 95, 103, 106, 78, 85, 88, 60, 66, 69, 37, 42, 46, 0, 2, 7,
| 166, 173, 159, 147, 154, 142, 130, 138, 127, 113, 120, 111, 96, 103, 95, 78, 84, 77, 60, 66, 59, 37, 43, 37, 0, 2, 0,
| 166, 172, 139, 148, 154, 125, 131, 137, 112, 113, 120, 96, 96, 102, 81, 78, 84, 66, 60, 65, 50, 37, 42, 29, 0, 3, 0,
| 167, 171, 120, 149, 153, 107, 133, 137, 95, 114, 118, 81, 97, 101, 69, 79, 84, 56, 60, 65, 40, 37, 42, 19, 0, 3, 0,
| 170, 170, 99, 151, 152, 87, 134, 136, 77, 115, 118, 66, 97, 101, 55, 79, 83, 42, 61, 65, 28, 37, 42, 7, 0, 3, 0,
| 172, 170, 75, 152, 151, 65, 134, 135, 57, 115, 117, 48, 97, 100, 38, 79, 83, 27, 61, 64, 12, 36, 42, 0, 0, 3, 0,
| 172, 169, 55, 154, 151, 46, 135, 134, 40, 116, 116, 32, 97, 99, 21, 80, 82, 10, 61, 64, 0, 36, 41, 0, 0, 3, 0,
| 160, 154, 203, 143, 139, 182, 127, 124, 164, 111, 107, 143, 95, 91, 122, 78, 75, 103, 60, 57, 81, 39, 33, 56, 1, 0, 18,
| 163, 154, 184, 146, 138, 165, 130, 123, 148, 113, 107, 129, 96, 90, 110, 79, 74, 92, 61, 56, 72, 39, 34, 48, 2, 0, 9,
| 165, 154, 167, 147, 137, 149, 131, 122, 134, 114, 106, 117, 96, 90, 100, 79, 74, 82, 61, 56, 64, 39, 33, 40, 2, 0, 1,
| 166, 153, 150, 149, 137, 133, 132, 122, 119, 114, 106, 104, 97, 90, 88, 79, 74, 72, 61, 56, 55, 39, 34, 33, 0, 0, 0,
| 168, 152, 132, 149, 136, 117, 132, 121, 104, 114, 105, 90, 97, 89, 76, 79, 73, 62, 61, 56, 46, 38, 34, 25, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 151, 114, 150, 135, 101, 133, 121, 90, 114, 104, 77, 97, 89, 65, 80, 73, 51, 61, 56, 36, 38, 34, 16, 0, 0, 0,
| 170, 150, 94, 151, 135, 83, 134, 120, 73, 115, 104, 62, 98, 88, 51, 80, 72, 39, 61, 56, 24, 38, 34, 3, 0, 0, 0,
| 172, 150, 72, 153, 134, 63, 135, 119, 55, 115, 103, 45, 98, 88, 36, 80, 72, 24, 61, 55, 9, 38, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 172, 150, 54, 153, 134, 47, 135, 119, 38, 116, 103, 30, 98, 87, 21, 80, 72, 8, 62, 55, 0, 37, 34, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 162, 134, 190, 145, 120, 171, 129, 108, 153, 113, 93, 134, 97, 78, 115, 80, 63, 96, 62, 46, 75, 41, 23, 51, 0, 0, 11,
| 165, 134, 173, 147, 120, 154, 131, 107, 138, 114, 92, 120, 97, 78, 103, 80, 63, 85, 62, 46, 66, 40, 23, 43, 0, 0, 2,
| 166, 134, 157, 148, 120, 140, 132, 106, 125, 114, 92, 109, 97, 77, 93, 81, 63, 77, 62, 46, 58, 40, 24, 36, 0, 0, 0,
| 168, 133, 140, 149, 119, 125, 132, 106, 112, 115, 92, 97, 98, 77, 82, 81, 62, 67, 62, 46, 50, 40, 24, 29, 0, 0, 0,
| 168, 133, 123, 150, 119, 110, 133, 106, 97, 115, 91, 84, 98, 77, 70, 81, 62, 57, 62, 46, 41, 40, 24, 20, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 132, 107, 150, 118, 94, 133, 105, 84, 115, 91, 72, 98, 76, 60, 80, 62, 47, 62, 46, 32, 39, 25, 11, 0, 0, 0,
| 171, 132, 89, 152, 118, 79, 135, 105, 69, 115, 90, 58, 98, 76, 47, 80, 62, 36, 62, 46, 21, 39, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 171, 132, 69, 153, 117, 60, 135, 104, 52, 116, 90, 42, 98, 76, 33, 81, 61, 21, 62, 46, 6, 38, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 172, 132, 54, 153, 118, 45, 135, 104, 38, 116, 90, 28, 98, 76, 18, 81, 61, 6, 62, 46, 0, 38, 25, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 164, 115, 177, 146, 103, 159, 130, 91, 143, 114, 78, 125, 97, 65, 107, 81, 51, 89, 63, 34, 69, 41, 9, 46, 0, 0, 4,
| 166, 115, 161, 148, 103, 144, 132, 91, 129, 115, 78, 112, 98, 65, 96, 81, 51, 79, 63, 35, 61, 41, 11, 38, 0, 0, 0,
| 167, 115, 146, 150, 102, 131, 132, 91, 117, 115, 78, 101, 98, 65, 86, 81, 51, 71, 63, 35, 54, 41, 12, 32, 0, 0, 0,
| 168, 114, 132, 150, 103, 118, 133, 91, 105, 116, 78, 91, 98, 64, 76, 82, 51, 61, 63, 36, 46, 41, 13, 24, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 114, 116, 150, 102, 103, 134, 90, 91, 116, 78, 79, 98, 65, 66, 81, 51, 53, 63, 36, 37, 40, 14, 17, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 114, 101, 151, 101, 89, 134, 90, 79, 116, 77, 67, 98, 64, 56, 81, 51, 44, 63, 36, 29, 40, 15, 7, 0, 0, 0,
| 170, 114, 85, 152, 101, 75, 135, 90, 65, 116, 77, 54, 98, 64, 44, 81, 51, 32, 63, 36, 17, 39, 15, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 172, 113, 66, 152, 101, 58, 135, 89, 49, 116, 77, 40, 99, 64, 30, 81, 51, 18, 62, 36, 3, 38, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 171, 113, 51, 153, 101, 44, 136, 89, 36, 116, 77, 28, 99, 64, 18, 81, 51, 5, 62, 36, 0, 38, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 165, 94, 166, 147, 82, 147, 132, 72, 132, 115, 61, 115, 98, 49, 99, 82, 36, 82, 64, 19, 64, 42, 0, 41, 0, 0, 0,
| 167, 93, 150, 150, 83, 134, 133, 73, 120, 116, 62, 104, 99, 49, 88, 82, 36, 72, 64, 20, 55, 41, 0, 33, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 93, 137, 150, 83, 122, 134, 73, 109, 116, 61, 94, 99, 50, 80, 82, 37, 65, 64, 21, 49, 41, 0, 27, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 94, 123, 150, 83, 110, 133, 73, 97, 116, 61, 83, 99, 50, 70, 82, 38, 57, 63, 23, 42, 41, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 94, 109, 150, 84, 97, 134, 73, 85, 116, 62, 73, 99, 51, 61, 81, 38, 48, 63, 23, 33, 41, 1, 11, 0, 0, 0,
| 170, 94, 96, 150, 83, 84, 134, 73, 74, 116, 61, 62, 99, 50, 51, 82, 38, 39, 64, 23, 24, 40, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0,
| 171, 93, 79, 152, 82, 70, 135, 73, 61, 116, 62, 51, 98, 51, 40, 81, 38, 28, 63, 24, 14, 39, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 171, 94, 64, 152, 83, 55, 135, 73, 47, 116, 62, 37, 98, 50, 27, 81, 38, 15, 63, 24, 1, 39, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 172, 93, 51, 153, 82, 42, 135, 73, 35, 117, 62, 26, 99, 51, 16, 81, 39, 3, 63, 25, 0, 38, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 166, 68, 153, 148, 59, 137, 133, 49, 121, 115, 39, 106, 99, 28, 91, 82, 13, 75, 65, 0, 58, 42, 0, 36, 0, 0, 0,
| 168, 68, 139, 150, 59, 124, 134, 50, 110, 116, 40, 96, 99, 30, 81, 82, 16, 66, 64, 0, 50, 41, 0, 29, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 69, 126, 150, 59, 113, 134, 51, 101, 117, 42, 87, 100, 30, 73, 82, 17, 59, 65, 0, 43, 41, 0, 23, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 70, 115, 150, 61, 102, 134, 52, 89, 116, 42, 77, 99, 32, 65, 82, 19, 52, 64, 0, 36, 41, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 70, 101, 150, 61, 90, 134, 52, 79, 116, 43, 68, 99, 32, 55, 82, 21, 43, 64, 2, 28, 41, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0,
| 170, 70, 89, 151, 62, 79, 134, 53, 69, 116, 44, 58, 99, 33, 46, 81, 21, 34, 64, 3, 20, 41, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0,
| 170, 71, 76, 152, 62, 66, 134, 53, 57, 116, 43, 46, 99, 33, 36, 82, 22, 24, 64, 5, 10, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 171, 70, 61, 152, 62, 52, 135, 53, 44, 116, 44, 35, 99, 34, 24, 82, 22, 12, 63, 6, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 171, 71, 49, 153, 62, 41, 135, 54, 33, 117, 45, 25, 98, 34, 13, 81, 23, 0, 63, 7, 0, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 167, 33, 142, 149, 24, 127, 134, 10, 113, 116, 0, 97, 100, 0, 83, 83, 0, 68, 65, 0, 52, 40, 0, 30, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 33, 129, 150, 26, 115, 134, 17, 102, 116, 3, 89, 100, 0, 75, 83, 0, 60, 65, 0, 45, 40, 0, 24, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 36, 118, 151, 27, 104, 134, 19, 93, 116, 7, 80, 100, 0, 67, 83, 0, 54, 65, 0, 38, 41, 0, 17, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 39, 107, 150, 30, 94, 134, 22, 84, 116, 11, 71, 99, 0, 59, 83, 0, 46, 64, 0, 31, 40, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 39, 95, 151, 31, 83, 134, 24, 73, 116, 15, 62, 100, 1, 51, 83, 0, 38, 64, 0, 24, 40, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0,
| 169, 41, 83, 151, 33, 73, 134, 26, 64, 117, 17, 54, 99, 4, 42, 82, 0, 30, 64, 0, 16, 40, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
| 170, 42, 71, 152, 34, 62, 134, 28, 53, 117, 19, 44, 99, 6, 33, 82, 0, 21, 63, 0, 4, 39, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 171, 42, 59, 152, 35, 50, 134, 29, 42, 117, 21, 32, 99, 9, 22, 82, 0, 9, 63, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 172, 42, 48, 152, 36, 40, 135, 29, 32, 117, 21, 23, 99, 10, 12, 82, 0, 0, 63, 0, 0, 38, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 107, 207, 246, 96, 185, 220, 86, 165, 196, 73, 144, 171, 60, 123, 147, 46, 103, 125, 32, 82, 100, 9, 56, 71, 0, 20, 33,
| 115, 206, 221, 104, 184, 198, 92, 164, 178, 78, 143, 154, 64, 123, 133, 51, 102, 111, 34, 81, 89, 10, 56, 63, 0, 20, 27,
| 122, 204, 200, 108, 183, 180, 95, 163, 161, 82, 142, 140, 68, 122, 120, 54, 102, 101, 36, 81, 79, 11, 56, 55, 0, 20, 20,
| 125, 203, 179, 111, 181, 160, 97, 162, 143, 85, 141, 124, 70, 121, 107, 55, 101, 89, 38, 80, 69, 14, 55, 46, 0, 19, 10,
| 128, 202, 156, 113, 180, 140, 102, 161, 125, 87, 140, 108, 71, 120, 92, 56, 100, 76, 39, 79, 59, 14, 55, 38, 0, 20, 3,
| 132, 200, 135, 117, 179, 121, 103, 159, 106, 88, 139, 93, 73, 119, 79, 57, 100, 65, 41, 79, 49, 15, 54, 28, 0, 19, 0,
| 134, 200, 111, 119, 178, 98, 105, 158, 87, 89, 138, 76, 74, 118, 64, 58, 99, 51, 41, 78, 37, 16, 54, 17, 0, 19, 0,
| 137, 199, 85, 122, 177, 75, 108, 158, 66, 91, 137, 56, 75, 118, 46, 59, 98, 35, 42, 78, 22, 16, 54, 3, 0, 19, 0,
| 140, 198, 62, 125, 177, 55, 109, 158, 47, 92, 137, 40, 76, 117, 32, 59, 98, 21, 42, 78, 6, 16, 54, 0, 0, 18, 0,
| 118, 186, 231, 106, 167, 206, 93, 149, 184, 81, 130, 161, 67, 111, 139, 54, 92, 117, 39, 72, 93, 17, 48, 66, 0, 10, 29,
| 123, 185, 207, 110, 166, 186, 98, 148, 167, 85, 129, 145, 71, 111, 125, 56, 92, 104, 40, 72, 83, 18, 48, 57, 0, 10, 22,
| 128, 184, 188, 113, 165, 168, 102, 147, 151, 88, 128, 131, 73, 110, 113, 58, 91, 94, 42, 71, 74, 19, 48, 50, 0, 9, 15,
| 131, 183, 168, 116, 164, 151, 104, 146, 134, 89, 127, 117, 73, 109, 100, 58, 90, 83, 42, 71, 65, 20, 48, 42, 0, 9, 5,
| 134, 182, 148, 120, 163, 131, 105, 145, 118, 90, 126, 102, 75, 108, 86, 59, 90, 72, 43, 71, 55, 19, 47, 34, 0, 9, 0,
| 136, 181, 128, 122, 162, 115, 107, 144, 102, 92, 125, 87, 76, 107, 74, 61, 89, 60, 44, 70, 45, 20, 47, 24, 0, 8, 0,
| 139, 180, 106, 124, 161, 95, 109, 144, 83, 93, 124, 71, 77, 107, 60, 61, 89, 47, 44, 70, 33, 20, 47, 13, 0, 8, 0,
| 142, 179, 82, 125, 160, 72, 111, 143, 63, 94, 124, 54, 77, 106, 44, 61, 88, 32, 44, 69, 18, 20, 46, 0, 0, 8, 0,
| 143, 179, 62, 127, 160, 54, 111, 142, 47, 94, 124, 39, 78, 106, 29, 62, 88, 18, 45, 69, 3, 20, 46, 0, 0, 8, 0,
| 124, 167, 216, 112, 150, 194, 99, 134, 174, 87, 117, 153, 73, 100, 131, 58, 82, 110, 43, 64, 88, 23, 40, 61, 0, 0, 24,
| 129, 166, 195, 116, 150, 175, 103, 134, 158, 89, 116, 137, 75, 99, 118, 60, 82, 98, 44, 63, 78, 23, 40, 53, 0, 0, 17,
| 132, 166, 177, 119, 149, 160, 106, 133, 143, 90, 115, 124, 76, 99, 107, 61, 81, 88, 45, 63, 69, 24, 40, 46, 0, 0, 9,
| 136, 166, 159, 121, 148, 143, 107, 132, 126, 92, 115, 111, 77, 98, 94, 62, 81, 78, 46, 63, 60, 23, 40, 38, 0, 0, 0,
| 138, 164, 140, 122, 147, 125, 108, 131, 111, 93, 114, 97, 79, 98, 82, 63, 80, 67, 46, 62, 50, 24, 40, 29, 0, 0, 0,
| 139, 163, 122, 124, 146, 109, 110, 131, 96, 94, 114, 83, 79, 97, 70, 63, 81, 57, 46, 62, 41, 24, 40, 21, 0, 0, 0,
| 141, 163, 101, 126, 145, 90, 111, 130, 79, 95, 113, 68, 79, 96, 56, 63, 80, 44, 47, 62, 30, 23, 40, 10, 0, 0, 0,
| 144, 162, 79, 127, 145, 70, 112, 129, 60, 95, 112, 51, 79, 96, 41, 64, 79, 30, 47, 61, 15, 23, 40, 0, 0, 0, 0,
| 145, 162, 60, 129, 145, 52, 113, 129, 46, 96, 112, 37, 79, 95, 27, 64, 79, 16, 47, 61, 1, |