blob: b735b66de9dcf0fda38f7585816d4f247c699c32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "core/fxcrt/unowned_ptr.h"
#include "xfa/fxfa/parser/cxfa_document.h"
class CXFA_ContentLayoutItem;
class CXFA_LayoutProcessor;
class CXFA_ViewLayoutItem;
class CXFA_LayoutItem {
virtual ~CXFA_LayoutItem();
bool IsViewLayoutItem() const { return m_ItemType == kViewItem; }
bool IsContentLayoutItem() const { return m_ItemType == kContentItem; }
CXFA_ViewLayoutItem* AsViewLayoutItem();
const CXFA_ViewLayoutItem* AsViewLayoutItem() const;
CXFA_ContentLayoutItem* AsContentLayoutItem();
const CXFA_ContentLayoutItem* AsContentLayoutItem() const;
CXFA_ViewLayoutItem* GetPage() const;
CXFA_LayoutItem* GetParent() const { return m_pParent; }
CXFA_LayoutItem* GetFirstChild() const { return m_pFirstChild; }
CXFA_LayoutItem* GetNextSibling() const { return m_pNextSibling; }
CXFA_Node* GetFormNode() const { return m_pFormNode.Get(); }
void SetFormNode(CXFA_Node* pNode) { m_pFormNode = pNode; }
// TODO(tsepez) replace these calls with AddChild() etc.
void SetParent(CXFA_LayoutItem* pParent) { m_pParent = pParent; }
void SetFirstChild(CXFA_LayoutItem* pChild) { m_pFirstChild = pChild; }
void SetNextSibling(CXFA_LayoutItem* pSibling) { m_pNextSibling = pSibling; }
void AddChild(CXFA_LayoutItem* pChildItem);
void AddHeadChild(CXFA_LayoutItem* pChildItem);
void RemoveChild(CXFA_LayoutItem* pChildItem);
void InsertChild(CXFA_LayoutItem* pBeforeItem, CXFA_LayoutItem* pChildItem);
enum ItemType { kViewItem, kContentItem };
CXFA_LayoutItem(CXFA_Node* pNode, ItemType type);
const ItemType m_ItemType;
CXFA_LayoutItem* m_pParent = nullptr; // Raw, intra-tree pointer.
CXFA_LayoutItem* m_pFirstChild = nullptr; // Raw, intra-tree pointer.
CXFA_LayoutItem* m_pNextSibling = nullptr; // Raw, intra-tree pointer.
UnownedPtr<CXFA_Node> m_pFormNode;
inline CXFA_ViewLayoutItem* ToViewLayoutItem(CXFA_LayoutItem* item) {
return item ? item->AsViewLayoutItem() : nullptr;
inline CXFA_ContentLayoutItem* ToContentLayoutItem(CXFA_LayoutItem* item) {
return item ? item->AsContentLayoutItem() : nullptr;
void XFA_ReleaseLayoutItem(CXFA_LayoutItem* pLayoutItem);
void XFA_ReleaseLayoutItem_NoPageArea(CXFA_LayoutItem* pLayoutItem);