Remove C++14 implementation of C++17 STL code in template_util.h.

This is a subset of the work done in for
Chromium's copy of base/template_util.h:

- Switch from pdfium::base::void_t to std::void_t
- Remove workarounds for very old compilers
- Remove pdfium::base::in_place_t and pdfium::base::disjunction

Bug: pdfium:1766
Change-Id: I1a6aeebe067d12eaa37711b9b295b566d78be619
Commit-Queue: Lei Zhang <>
Reviewed-by: Tom Sepez <>
diff --git a/third_party/base/containers/contains.h b/third_party/base/containers/contains.h
index 73218d4..fd2ca35 100644
--- a/third_party/base/containers/contains.h
+++ b/third_party/base/containers/contains.h
@@ -23,29 +23,31 @@
 struct HasFindWithNpos<
-    void_t<decltype(std::declval<const Container&>().find(
-                        std::declval<const Element&>()) != Container::npos)>>
-    : std::true_type {};
+    std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<const Container&>().find(
+                             std::declval<const Element&>()) !=
+                         Container::npos)>> : std::true_type {};
 template <typename Container, typename Element, typename = void>
 struct HasFindWithEnd : std::false_type {};
 template <typename Container, typename Element>
-struct HasFindWithEnd<Container,
-                      Element,
-                      void_t<decltype(std::declval<const Container&>().find(
-                                          std::declval<const Element&>()) !=
-                                      std::declval<const Container&>().end())>>
+struct HasFindWithEnd<
+    Container,
+    Element,
+    std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<const Container&>().find(
+                             std::declval<const Element&>()) !=
+                         std::declval<const Container&>().end())>>
     : std::true_type {};
 template <typename Container, typename Element, typename = void>
 struct HasContains : std::false_type {};
 template <typename Container, typename Element>
-struct HasContains<Container,
-                   Element,
-                   void_t<decltype(std::declval<const Container&>().contains(
-                       std::declval<const Element&>()))>> : std::true_type {};
+struct HasContains<
+    Container,
+    Element,
+    std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<const Container&>().contains(
+        std::declval<const Element&>()))>> : std::true_type {};
 }  // namespace internal
diff --git a/third_party/base/template_util.h b/third_party/base/template_util.h
index 2e26a8b..895d8dc 100644
--- a/third_party/base/template_util.h
+++ b/third_party/base/template_util.h
@@ -14,28 +14,6 @@
 #include "build/build_config.h"
-// Some versions of libstdc++ have partial support for type_traits, but misses
-// a smaller subset while removing some of the older non-standard stuff. Assume
-// that all versions below 5.0 fall in this category, along with one 5.0
-// experimental release. Test for this by consulting compiler major version,
-// the only reliable option available, so theoretically this could fail should
-// you attempt to mix an earlier version of libstdc++ with >= GCC5. But
-// that's unlikely to work out, especially as GCC5 changed ABI.
-#define CR_GLIBCXX_5_0_0 20150123
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ < 5) || \
-    (defined(__GLIBCXX__) && __GLIBCXX__ == CR_GLIBCXX_5_0_0)
-// This hacks around using gcc with libc++ which has some incompatibilies.
-// - is_trivially_* doesn't work:
-// TODO(danakj): Remove this when android builders are all using a newer version
-// of gcc, or the android ndk is updated to a newer libc++ that works with older
-// gcc versions.
-#if !defined(__clang__) && defined(_LIBCPP_VERSION)
 namespace pdfium {
 template <class T> struct is_non_const_reference : std::false_type {};
@@ -44,25 +22,6 @@
 namespace internal {
-// Implementation detail of pdfium::void_t below.
-template <typename...>
-struct make_void {
-  using type = void;
-}  // namespace internal
-// pdfium::void_t is an implementation of std::void_t from C++17.
-// We use |pdfium::internal::make_void| as a helper struct to avoid a C++14
-// defect:
-template <typename... Ts>
-using void_t = typename ::pdfium::internal::make_void<Ts...>::type;
-namespace internal {
 // Uses expression SFINAE to detect whether using operator<< would work.
 template <typename T, typename = void>
 struct SupportsOstreamOperator : std::false_type {};
@@ -79,100 +38,13 @@
 struct is_iterator : std::false_type {};
 template <typename T>
-struct is_iterator<T,
-                   void_t<typename std::iterator_traits<T>::iterator_category>>
+struct is_iterator<
+    T,
+    std::void_t<typename std::iterator_traits<T>::iterator_category>>
     : std::true_type {};
 }  // namespace internal
-// is_trivially_copyable is especially hard to get right.
-// - Older versions of libstdc++ will fail to have it like they do for other
-//   type traits. This has become a subset of the second point, but used to be
-//   handled independently.
-// - An experimental release of gcc includes most of type_traits but misses
-//   is_trivially_copyable, so we still have to avoid using libstdc++ in this
-//   case, which is covered by CR_USE_FALLBACKS_FOR_OLD_EXPERIMENTAL_GLIBCXX.
-// - When compiling libc++ from before r239653, with a gcc compiler, the
-//   std::is_trivially_copyable can fail. So we need to work around that by not
-//   using the one in libc++ in this case. This is covered by the
-//   CR_USE_FALLBACKS_FOR_GCC_WITH_LIBCXX define, and is discussed in
-// where they point out that
-//   in libc++'s commit r239653 this is fixed by libc++ checking for gcc 5.1.
-// - In both of the above cases we are using the gcc compiler. When defining
-//   this ourselves on compiler intrinsics, the __is_trivially_copyable()
-//   intrinsic is not available on gcc before version 5.1 (see the discussion in
-// again), so we must check for
-//   that version.
-// - When __is_trivially_copyable() is not available because we are on gcc older
-//   than 5.1, we need to fall back to something, so we use __has_trivial_copy()
-//   instead based on what was done one-off in bit_cast() previously.
-// TODO( Remove this when all platforms have this in the std
-// namespace and it works with gcc as needed.
-template <typename T>
-struct is_trivially_copyable {
-// TODO(danakj): Remove this when android builders are all using a newer version
-// of gcc, or the android ndk is updated to a newer libc++ that does this for
-// us.
-#if _GNUC_VER >= 501
-  static constexpr bool value = __is_trivially_copyable(T);
-  static constexpr bool value =
-      __has_trivial_copy(T) && __has_trivial_destructor(T);
-template <class T>
-using is_trivially_copyable = std::is_trivially_copyable<T>;
-#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) && __GNUC__ <= 7
-// Workaround for g++7 and earlier family.
-// Due to, without this
-// absl::optional<std::vector<T>> where T is non-copyable causes a compile
-// error. As we know it is not trivially copy constructible, explicitly declare
-// so.
-template <typename T>
-struct is_trivially_copy_constructible
-    : std::is_trivially_copy_constructible<T> {};
-template <typename... T>
-struct is_trivially_copy_constructible<std::vector<T...>> : std::false_type {};
-// Otherwise use std::is_trivially_copy_constructible as is.
-template <typename T>
-using is_trivially_copy_constructible = std::is_trivially_copy_constructible<T>;
-// pdfium::in_place_t is an implementation of std::in_place_t from
-// C++17. A tag type used to request in-place construction in template vararg
-// constructors.
-// Specification:
-struct in_place_t {};
-constexpr in_place_t in_place = {};
-// C++14 implementation of C++17's std::disjunction.
-// Reference:
-// Specification:
-template <typename...>
-struct disjunction : std::false_type {};
-template <typename B1>
-struct disjunction<B1> : B1 {};
-template <typename B1, typename... Bn>
-struct disjunction<B1, Bn...>
-    : std::conditional_t<static_cast<bool>(B1::value), B1, disjunction<Bn...>> {
 }  // namespace pdfium