blob: ea57c4e3fa60ae45540940b72ac7677e6370a9e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <memory>
#include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_basic.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_coordinates.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/include/fx_system.h"
#include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_error.h"
#include "xfa/fwl/core/fwl_widgetimp.h"
// FWL contains three parallel inheritance hierarchies, which reference each
// other via pointers as follows:
// m_pIface m_pImpl
// CFWL_Widget ----------> IFWL_Widget ----------> CFWL_WidgetImp
// | | |
// A A A
// | | |
// CFWL_... IFWL_... CFWL_...Imp
class CFWL_WidgetImp;
class CFX_Graphics;
class IFWL_App;
class IFWL_DataProvider;
class IFWL_Form;
class IFWL_ThemeProvider;
class IFWL_WidgetDelegate;
class IFWL_Widget {
IFWL_Widget() : m_pImpl(nullptr) {}
virtual ~IFWL_Widget();
FWL_ERR GetWidgetRect(CFX_RectF& rect, FX_BOOL bAutoSize = FALSE);
FWL_ERR GetGlobalRect(CFX_RectF& rect);
FWL_ERR SetWidgetRect(const CFX_RectF& rect);
FWL_ERR GetClientRect(CFX_RectF& rect);
IFWL_Widget* GetParent();
FWL_ERR SetParent(IFWL_Widget* pParent);
IFWL_Widget* GetOwner();
FWL_ERR SetOwner(IFWL_Widget* pOwner);
IFWL_Widget* GetOuter();
uint32_t GetStyles();
FWL_ERR ModifyStyles(uint32_t dwStylesAdded, uint32_t dwStylesRemoved);
uint32_t GetStylesEx();
FWL_ERR ModifyStylesEx(uint32_t dwStylesExAdded, uint32_t dwStylesExRemoved);
uint32_t GetStates();
FWL_ERR SetStates(uint32_t dwStates, FX_BOOL bSet = TRUE);
FWL_ERR SetPrivateData(void* module_id,
void* pData,
void* GetPrivateData(void* module_id);
FWL_ERR Update();
FWL_ERR LockUpdate();
FWL_ERR UnlockUpdate();
uint32_t HitTest(FX_FLOAT fx, FX_FLOAT fy);
FWL_ERR TransformTo(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, FX_FLOAT& fx, FX_FLOAT& fy);
FWL_ERR TransformTo(IFWL_Widget* pWidget, CFX_RectF& rt);
FWL_ERR GetMatrix(CFX_Matrix& matrix, FX_BOOL bGlobal = FALSE);
FWL_ERR SetMatrix(const CFX_Matrix& matrix);
FWL_ERR DrawWidget(CFX_Graphics* pGraphics, const CFX_Matrix* pMatrix = NULL);
IFWL_ThemeProvider* GetThemeProvider();
FWL_ERR SetThemeProvider(IFWL_ThemeProvider* pThemeProvider);
FWL_ERR SetDataProvider(IFWL_DataProvider* pDataProvider);
IFWL_WidgetDelegate* SetDelegate(IFWL_WidgetDelegate* pDelegate);
IFWL_App* GetOwnerApp() const;
CFX_SizeF GetOffsetFromParent(IFWL_Widget* pParent);
// These call into equivalent polymorphic methods of m_pImpl. There
// should be no need to override these in subclasses.
FWL_ERR GetClassName(CFX_WideString& wsClass) const;
uint32_t GetClassID() const;
FX_BOOL IsInstance(const CFX_WideStringC& wsClass) const;
FWL_ERR Initialize();
FWL_ERR Finalize();
CFWL_WidgetImp* GetImpl() const { return m_pImpl.get(); }
// Takes ownership of |pImpl|.
void SetImpl(CFWL_WidgetImp* pImpl) { m_pImpl.reset(pImpl); }
std::unique_ptr<CFWL_WidgetImp> m_pImpl;