| // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| #include "core/fpdfdoc/cba_fontmap.h" |
| |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "constants/annotation_common.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_font.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_fontencoding.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_docpagedata.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_dictionary.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_document.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_parser.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_reference.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/cpdf_stream.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfapi/parser/fpdf_parser_utility.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_defaultappearance.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_formfield.h" |
| #include "core/fpdfdoc/ipvt_fontmap.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmapper.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_fontmgr.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_gemodule.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_substfont.h" |
| #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" |
| #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| bool FindNativeTrueTypeFont(ByteString sFontFaceName) { |
| CFX_FontMgr* pFontMgr = CFX_GEModule::Get()->GetFontMgr(); |
| if (!pFontMgr) |
| return false; |
| |
| CFX_FontMapper* pFontMapper = pFontMgr->GetBuiltinMapper(); |
| pFontMapper->LoadInstalledFonts(); |
| |
| for (const auto& font : pFontMapper->m_InstalledTTFonts) { |
| if (font.Compare(sFontFaceName.AsStringView())) |
| return true; |
| } |
| for (const auto& fontPair : pFontMapper->m_LocalizedTTFonts) { |
| if (fontPair.first.Compare(sFontFaceName.AsStringView())) |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> AddNativeTrueTypeFontToPDF(CPDF_Document* pDoc, |
| ByteString sFontFaceName, |
| uint8_t nCharset) { |
| if (!pDoc) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| auto pFXFont = pdfium::MakeUnique<CFX_Font>(); |
| pFXFont->LoadSubst(sFontFaceName, true, 0, 0, 0, |
| FX_GetCodePageFromCharset(nCharset), false); |
| |
| auto* pDocPageData = CPDF_DocPageData::FromDocument(pDoc); |
| return pDocPageData->AddFont(std::move(pFXFont), nCharset); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| CBA_FontMap::Data::Data() = default; |
| |
| CBA_FontMap::Data::~Data() = default; |
| |
| CBA_FontMap::CBA_FontMap(CPDF_Document* pDocument, CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDict) |
| : m_pDocument(pDocument), m_pAnnotDict(pAnnotDict) { |
| Initialize(); |
| } |
| |
| CBA_FontMap::~CBA_FontMap() { |
| Clear(); |
| } |
| |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> CBA_FontMap::GetPDFFont(int32_t nFontIndex) { |
| if (pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_Data, nFontIndex)) |
| return m_Data[nFontIndex]->pFont; |
| return nullptr; |
| } |
| |
| ByteString CBA_FontMap::GetPDFFontAlias(int32_t nFontIndex) { |
| if (pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_Data, nFontIndex)) |
| return m_Data[nFontIndex]->sFontName; |
| return ByteString(); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t CBA_FontMap::GetWordFontIndex(uint16_t word, |
| int32_t nCharset, |
| int32_t nFontIndex) { |
| if (nFontIndex > 0) { |
| if (KnowWord(nFontIndex, word)) |
| return nFontIndex; |
| } else { |
| if (!m_Data.empty()) { |
| const Data* pData = m_Data.front().get(); |
| if (nCharset == FX_CHARSET_Default || |
| pData->nCharset == FX_CHARSET_Symbol || nCharset == pData->nCharset) { |
| if (KnowWord(0, word)) |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| int32_t nNewFontIndex = |
| GetFontIndex(GetCachedNativeFontName(nCharset), nCharset, true); |
| if (nNewFontIndex >= 0) { |
| if (KnowWord(nNewFontIndex, word)) |
| return nNewFontIndex; |
| } |
| nNewFontIndex = GetFontIndex(CFX_Font::kUniversalDefaultFontName, |
| FX_CHARSET_Default, false); |
| if (nNewFontIndex >= 0) { |
| if (KnowWord(nNewFontIndex, word)) |
| return nNewFontIndex; |
| } |
| return -1; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t CBA_FontMap::CharCodeFromUnicode(int32_t nFontIndex, uint16_t word) { |
| if (!pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_Data, nFontIndex)) |
| return -1; |
| |
| Data* pData = m_Data[nFontIndex].get(); |
| if (!pData->pFont) |
| return -1; |
| |
| if (pData->pFont->IsUnicodeCompatible()) |
| return pData->pFont->CharCodeFromUnicode(word); |
| |
| return word < 0xFF ? word : -1; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t CBA_FontMap::CharSetFromUnicode(uint16_t word, int32_t nOldCharset) { |
| // to avoid CJK Font to show ASCII |
| if (word < 0x7F) |
| return FX_CHARSET_ANSI; |
| |
| // follow the old charset |
| if (nOldCharset != FX_CHARSET_Default) |
| return nOldCharset; |
| |
| return CFX_Font::GetCharSetFromUnicode(word); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t CBA_FontMap::GetNativeCharset() { |
| return FX_GetCharsetFromCodePage(FXSYS_GetACP()); |
| } |
| |
| void CBA_FontMap::Reset() { |
| Clear(); |
| m_pDefaultFont = nullptr; |
| m_sDefaultFontName.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| void CBA_FontMap::SetAPType(const ByteString& sAPType) { |
| m_sAPType = sAPType; |
| |
| Reset(); |
| Initialize(); |
| } |
| |
| void CBA_FontMap::Initialize() { |
| int32_t nCharset = FX_CHARSET_Default; |
| |
| if (!m_pDefaultFont) { |
| m_pDefaultFont = GetAnnotDefaultFont(&m_sDefaultFontName); |
| if (m_pDefaultFont) { |
| if (const CFX_SubstFont* pSubstFont = m_pDefaultFont->GetSubstFont()) { |
| nCharset = pSubstFont->m_Charset; |
| } else { |
| if (m_sDefaultFontName == "Wingdings" || |
| m_sDefaultFontName == "Wingdings2" || |
| m_sDefaultFontName == "Wingdings3" || |
| m_sDefaultFontName == "Webdings") |
| nCharset = FX_CHARSET_Symbol; |
| else |
| nCharset = FX_CHARSET_ANSI; |
| } |
| AddFontData(m_pDefaultFont, m_sDefaultFontName, nCharset); |
| AddFontToAnnotDict(m_pDefaultFont, m_sDefaultFontName); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (nCharset != FX_CHARSET_ANSI) |
| GetFontIndex(CFX_Font::kDefaultAnsiFontName, FX_CHARSET_ANSI, false); |
| } |
| |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> CBA_FontMap::FindFontSameCharset(ByteString* sFontAlias, |
| int32_t nCharset) { |
| if (m_pAnnotDict->GetStringFor(pdfium::annotation::kSubtype) != "Widget") |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| const CPDF_Dictionary* pRootDict = m_pDocument->GetRoot(); |
| if (!pRootDict) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| const CPDF_Dictionary* pAcroFormDict = pRootDict->GetDictFor("AcroForm"); |
| if (!pAcroFormDict) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| const CPDF_Dictionary* pDRDict = pAcroFormDict->GetDictFor("DR"); |
| if (!pDRDict) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| return FindResFontSameCharset(pDRDict, sFontAlias, nCharset); |
| } |
| |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> CBA_FontMap::FindResFontSameCharset( |
| const CPDF_Dictionary* pResDict, |
| ByteString* sFontAlias, |
| int32_t nCharset) { |
| if (!pResDict) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| const CPDF_Dictionary* pFonts = pResDict->GetDictFor("Font"); |
| if (!pFonts) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> pFind; |
| CPDF_DictionaryLocker locker(pFonts); |
| for (const auto& it : locker) { |
| const ByteString& csKey = it.first; |
| if (!it.second) |
| continue; |
| |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pElement = ToDictionary(it.second->GetDirect()); |
| if (!pElement || pElement->GetStringFor("Type") != "Font") |
| continue; |
| |
| auto* pData = CPDF_DocPageData::FromDocument(m_pDocument.Get()); |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> pFont = pData->GetFont(pElement); |
| if (!pFont) |
| continue; |
| |
| const CFX_SubstFont* pSubst = pFont->GetSubstFont(); |
| if (!pSubst) |
| continue; |
| |
| if (pSubst->m_Charset == nCharset) { |
| *sFontAlias = csKey; |
| pFind = std::move(pFont); |
| } |
| } |
| return pFind; |
| } |
| |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> CBA_FontMap::GetAnnotDefaultFont(ByteString* sAlias) { |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pAcroFormDict = nullptr; |
| const bool bWidget = |
| (m_pAnnotDict->GetStringFor(pdfium::annotation::kSubtype) == "Widget"); |
| if (bWidget) { |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pRootDict = m_pDocument->GetRoot(); |
| if (pRootDict) |
| pAcroFormDict = pRootDict->GetDictFor("AcroForm"); |
| } |
| |
| ByteString sDA; |
| const CPDF_Object* pObj = |
| CPDF_FormField::GetFieldAttr(m_pAnnotDict.Get(), "DA"); |
| if (pObj) |
| sDA = pObj->GetString(); |
| |
| if (bWidget) { |
| if (sDA.IsEmpty()) { |
| pObj = CPDF_FormField::GetFieldAttr(pAcroFormDict, "DA"); |
| sDA = pObj ? pObj->GetString() : ByteString(); |
| } |
| } |
| if (sDA.IsEmpty()) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| CPDF_DefaultAppearance appearance(sDA); |
| float font_size; |
| Optional<ByteString> font = appearance.GetFont(&font_size); |
| *sAlias = font.value_or(ByteString()); |
| |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDict = nullptr; |
| if (CPDF_Dictionary* pAPDict = |
| m_pAnnotDict->GetDictFor(pdfium::annotation::kAP)) { |
| if (CPDF_Dictionary* pNormalDict = pAPDict->GetDictFor("N")) { |
| if (CPDF_Dictionary* pNormalResDict = |
| pNormalDict->GetDictFor("Resources")) { |
| if (CPDF_Dictionary* pResFontDict = pNormalResDict->GetDictFor("Font")) |
| pFontDict = pResFontDict->GetDictFor(*sAlias); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (bWidget && !pFontDict && pAcroFormDict) { |
| if (CPDF_Dictionary* pDRDict = pAcroFormDict->GetDictFor("DR")) { |
| if (CPDF_Dictionary* pDRFontDict = pDRDict->GetDictFor("Font")) |
| pFontDict = pDRFontDict->GetDictFor(*sAlias); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!pFontDict) |
| return nullptr; |
| |
| return CPDF_DocPageData::FromDocument(m_pDocument.Get())->GetFont(pFontDict); |
| } |
| |
| void CBA_FontMap::AddFontToAnnotDict(const RetainPtr<CPDF_Font>& pFont, |
| const ByteString& sAlias) { |
| if (!pFont) |
| return; |
| |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pAPDict = m_pAnnotDict->GetDictFor(pdfium::annotation::kAP); |
| if (!pAPDict) |
| pAPDict = m_pAnnotDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Dictionary>(pdfium::annotation::kAP); |
| |
| // to avoid checkbox and radiobutton |
| if (ToDictionary(pAPDict->GetObjectFor(m_sAPType))) |
| return; |
| |
| CPDF_Stream* pStream = pAPDict->GetStreamFor(m_sAPType); |
| if (!pStream) { |
| pStream = m_pDocument->NewIndirect<CPDF_Stream>(); |
| pAPDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Reference>(m_sAPType, m_pDocument.Get(), |
| pStream->GetObjNum()); |
| } |
| |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pStreamDict = pStream->GetDict(); |
| if (!pStreamDict) { |
| auto pOwnedDict = m_pDocument->New<CPDF_Dictionary>(); |
| pStreamDict = pOwnedDict.Get(); |
| pStream->InitStream({}, std::move(pOwnedDict)); |
| } |
| |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pStreamResList = pStreamDict->GetDictFor("Resources"); |
| if (!pStreamResList) |
| pStreamResList = pStreamDict->SetNewFor<CPDF_Dictionary>("Resources"); |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pStreamResFontList = pStreamResList->GetDictFor("Font"); |
| if (!pStreamResFontList) { |
| pStreamResFontList = m_pDocument->NewIndirect<CPDF_Dictionary>(); |
| pStreamResList->SetNewFor<CPDF_Reference>("Font", m_pDocument.Get(), |
| pStreamResFontList->GetObjNum()); |
| } |
| if (!pStreamResFontList->KeyExist(sAlias)) { |
| CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDict = pFont->GetFontDict(); |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Object> pObject = |
| pFontDict->IsInline() ? pFontDict->Clone() |
| : pFontDict->MakeReference(m_pDocument.Get()); |
| pStreamResFontList->SetFor(sAlias, std::move(pObject)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| bool CBA_FontMap::KnowWord(int32_t nFontIndex, uint16_t word) { |
| return pdfium::IndexInBounds(m_Data, nFontIndex) && |
| CharCodeFromUnicode(nFontIndex, word) >= 0; |
| } |
| |
| void CBA_FontMap::Clear() { |
| m_Data.clear(); |
| m_NativeFont.clear(); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t CBA_FontMap::GetFontIndex(const ByteString& sFontName, |
| int32_t nCharset, |
| bool bFind) { |
| int32_t nFontIndex = FindFont(EncodeFontAlias(sFontName, nCharset), nCharset); |
| if (nFontIndex >= 0) |
| return nFontIndex; |
| |
| ByteString sAlias; |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> pFont = |
| bFind ? FindFontSameCharset(&sAlias, nCharset) : nullptr; |
| if (!pFont) { |
| ByteString sTemp = sFontName; |
| pFont = AddFontToDocument(sTemp, nCharset); |
| sAlias = EncodeFontAlias(sTemp, nCharset); |
| } |
| AddFontToAnnotDict(pFont, sAlias); |
| return AddFontData(pFont, sAlias, nCharset); |
| } |
| |
| int32_t CBA_FontMap::AddFontData(const RetainPtr<CPDF_Font>& pFont, |
| const ByteString& sFontAlias, |
| int32_t nCharset) { |
| auto pNewData = pdfium::MakeUnique<Data>(); |
| pNewData->pFont = pFont; |
| pNewData->sFontName = sFontAlias; |
| pNewData->nCharset = nCharset; |
| m_Data.push_back(std::move(pNewData)); |
| return pdfium::CollectionSize<int32_t>(m_Data) - 1; |
| } |
| |
| ByteString CBA_FontMap::EncodeFontAlias(const ByteString& sFontName, |
| int32_t nCharset) { |
| return EncodeFontAlias(sFontName) + ByteString::Format("_%02X", nCharset); |
| } |
| |
| ByteString CBA_FontMap::EncodeFontAlias(const ByteString& sFontName) { |
| ByteString sRet = sFontName; |
| sRet.Remove(' '); |
| return sRet; |
| } |
| |
| int32_t CBA_FontMap::FindFont(const ByteString& sFontName, int32_t nCharset) { |
| int32_t i = 0; |
| for (const auto& pData : m_Data) { |
| if ((nCharset == FX_CHARSET_Default || nCharset == pData->nCharset) && |
| (sFontName.IsEmpty() || pData->sFontName == sFontName)) { |
| return i; |
| } |
| ++i; |
| } |
| return -1; |
| } |
| |
| ByteString CBA_FontMap::GetNativeFontName(int32_t nCharset) { |
| if (nCharset == FX_CHARSET_Default) |
| nCharset = GetNativeCharset(); |
| |
| ByteString sFontName = CFX_Font::GetDefaultFontNameByCharset(nCharset); |
| if (!FindNativeTrueTypeFont(sFontName)) |
| return ByteString(); |
| |
| return sFontName; |
| } |
| |
| ByteString CBA_FontMap::GetCachedNativeFontName(int32_t nCharset) { |
| for (const auto& pData : m_NativeFont) { |
| if (pData && pData->nCharset == nCharset) |
| return pData->sFontName; |
| } |
| |
| ByteString sNew = GetNativeFontName(nCharset); |
| if (sNew.IsEmpty()) |
| return ByteString(); |
| |
| auto pNewData = pdfium::MakeUnique<Native>(); |
| pNewData->nCharset = nCharset; |
| pNewData->sFontName = sNew; |
| m_NativeFont.push_back(std::move(pNewData)); |
| return sNew; |
| } |
| |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> CBA_FontMap::AddFontToDocument(ByteString sFontName, |
| uint8_t nCharset) { |
| if (IsStandardFont(sFontName)) |
| return AddStandardFont(sFontName); |
| |
| return AddSystemFont(sFontName, nCharset); |
| } |
| |
| bool CBA_FontMap::IsStandardFont(const ByteString& sFontName) { |
| static const char* const kStandardFontNames[] = {"Courier", |
| "Courier-Bold", |
| "Courier-BoldOblique", |
| "Courier-Oblique", |
| "Helvetica", |
| "Helvetica-Bold", |
| "Helvetica-BoldOblique", |
| "Helvetica-Oblique", |
| "Times-Roman", |
| "Times-Bold", |
| "Times-Italic", |
| "Times-BoldItalic", |
| "Symbol", |
| "ZapfDingbats"}; |
| for (const char* name : kStandardFontNames) { |
| if (sFontName == name) |
| return true; |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> CBA_FontMap::AddStandardFont(ByteString sFontName) { |
| auto* pPageData = CPDF_DocPageData::FromDocument(m_pDocument.Get()); |
| if (sFontName == "ZapfDingbats") |
| return pPageData->AddStandardFont(sFontName, nullptr); |
| |
| static const CPDF_FontEncoding fe(PDFFONT_ENCODING_WINANSI); |
| return pPageData->AddStandardFont(sFontName, &fe); |
| } |
| |
| RetainPtr<CPDF_Font> CBA_FontMap::AddSystemFont(ByteString sFontName, |
| uint8_t nCharset) { |
| if (sFontName.IsEmpty()) |
| sFontName = GetNativeFontName(nCharset); |
| |
| if (nCharset == FX_CHARSET_Default) |
| nCharset = GetNativeCharset(); |
| |
| return AddNativeTrueTypeFontToPDF(m_pDocument.Get(), sFontName, nCharset); |
| } |