| // Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| #ifndef FXJS_CJS_FIELD_H_ |
| #define FXJS_CJS_FIELD_H_ |
| |
| #include <string> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "fxjs/cjs_document.h" |
| #include "fxjs/js_define.h" |
| |
| class CPDF_FormControl; |
| class CPDFSDK_Widget; |
| struct CJS_DelayData; |
| |
| enum FIELD_PROP { |
| FP_RECT, |
| }; |
| |
| class CJS_Field final : public CJS_Object { |
| public: |
| static int GetObjDefnID(); |
| static void DefineJSObjects(CFXJS_Engine* pEngine); |
| static void DoDelay(CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment* pFormFillEnv, |
| CJS_DelayData* pData); |
| |
| CJS_Field(v8::Local<v8::Object> pObject, CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| ~CJS_Field() override; |
| |
| bool AttachField(CJS_Document* pDocument, const WideString& csFieldName); |
| |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(alignment, alignment, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(borderStyle, border_style, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(buttonAlignX, button_align_x, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(buttonAlignY, button_align_y, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(buttonFitBounds, button_fit_bounds, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(buttonPosition, button_position, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(buttonScaleHow, button_scale_how, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(ButtonScaleWhen, button_scale_when, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(calcOrderIndex, calc_order_index, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(charLimit, char_limit, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(comb, comb, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(commitOnSelChange, commit_on_sel_change, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(currentValueIndices, current_value_indices, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(defaultStyle, default_style, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(defaultValue, default_value, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(doNotScroll, do_not_scroll, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(doNotSpellCheck, do_not_spell_check, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(delay, delay, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(display, display, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(doc, doc, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(editable, editable, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(exportValues, export_values, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(fileSelect, file_select, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(fillColor, fill_color, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(hidden, hidden, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(highlight, highlight, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(lineWidth, line_width, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(multiline, multiline, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(multipleSelection, multiple_selection, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(name, name, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(numItems, num_items, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(page, page, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(password, password, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(print, print, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(radiosInUnison, radios_in_unison, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(readonly, readonly, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(rect, rect, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(required, required, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(richText, rich_text, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(richValue, rich_value, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(rotation, rotation, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(strokeColor, stroke_color, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(style, style, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(submitName, submit_name, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(textColor, text_color, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(textFont, text_font, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(textSize, text_size, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(type, type, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(userName, user_name, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(value, value, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(valueAsString, value_as_string, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_PROP(source, source, CJS_Field); |
| |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(browseForFileToSubmit, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(buttonGetCaption, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(buttonGetIcon, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(buttonImportIcon, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(buttonSetCaption, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(buttonSetIcon, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(checkThisBox, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(clearItems, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(defaultIsChecked, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(deleteItemAt, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(getArray, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(getItemAt, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(getLock, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(insertItemAt, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(isBoxChecked, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(isDefaultChecked, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(setAction, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(setFocus, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(setItems, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(setLock, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(signatureGetModifications, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(signatureGetSeedValue, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(signatureInfo, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(signatureSetSeedValue, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(signatureSign, CJS_Field); |
| JS_STATIC_METHOD(signatureValidate, CJS_Field); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_text_color(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_text_color(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| private: |
| static int ObjDefnID; |
| static const char kName[]; |
| static const JSPropertySpec PropertySpecs[]; |
| static const JSMethodSpec MethodSpecs[]; |
| |
| CJS_Result get_alignment(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_alignment(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_border_style(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_border_style(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_button_align_x(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_button_align_x(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_button_align_y(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_button_align_y(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_button_fit_bounds(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_button_fit_bounds(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_button_position(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_button_position(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_button_scale_how(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_button_scale_how(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_button_scale_when(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_button_scale_when(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_calc_order_index(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_calc_order_index(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_char_limit(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_char_limit(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_comb(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_comb(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_commit_on_sel_change(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_commit_on_sel_change(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_current_value_indices(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_current_value_indices(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_default_style(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_default_style(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_default_value(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_default_value(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_do_not_scroll(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_do_not_scroll(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_do_not_spell_check(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_do_not_spell_check(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_delay(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_delay(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_display(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_display(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_doc(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_doc(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_editable(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_editable(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_export_values(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_export_values(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_file_select(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_file_select(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_fill_color(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_fill_color(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_hidden(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_hidden(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_highlight(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_highlight(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_line_width(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_line_width(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_multiline(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_multiline(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_multiple_selection(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_multiple_selection(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_name(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_name(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_num_items(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_num_items(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_page(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_page(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_password(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_password(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_print(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_print(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_radios_in_unison(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_radios_in_unison(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_readonly(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_readonly(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_rect(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_rect(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_required(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_required(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_rich_text(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_rich_text(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_rich_value(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_rich_value(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_rotation(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_rotation(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_stroke_color(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_stroke_color(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_style(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_style(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_submit_name(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_submit_name(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_text_font(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_text_font(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_text_size(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_text_size(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_type(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_type(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_user_name(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_user_name(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_value(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_value(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_value_as_string(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_value_as_string(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result get_source(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime); |
| CJS_Result set_source(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, v8::Local<v8::Value> vp); |
| |
| CJS_Result browseForFileToSubmit( |
| CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result buttonGetCaption(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result buttonGetIcon(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result buttonImportIcon(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result buttonSetCaption(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result buttonSetIcon(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result checkThisBox(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result clearItems(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result defaultIsChecked(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result deleteItemAt(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result getArray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result getItemAt(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result getLock(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result insertItemAt(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result isBoxChecked(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result isDefaultChecked(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result setAction(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result setFocus(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result setItems(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result setLock(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result signatureGetModifications( |
| CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result signatureGetSeedValue( |
| CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result signatureInfo(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result signatureSetSeedValue( |
| CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result signatureSign(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| CJS_Result signatureValidate(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime, |
| const std::vector<v8::Local<v8::Value>>& params); |
| |
| void SetDelay(bool bDelay); |
| void ParseFieldName(const std::wstring& strFieldNameParsed, |
| std::wstring& strFieldName, |
| int& iControlNo); |
| std::vector<CPDF_FormField*> GetFormFields() const; |
| CPDF_FormField* GetFirstFormField() const; |
| CPDF_FormControl* GetSmartFieldControl(CPDF_FormField* pFormField); |
| bool ValueIsOccur(CPDF_FormField* pFormField, WideString csOptLabel) const; |
| |
| void AddDelay_Int(FIELD_PROP prop, int32_t n); |
| void AddDelay_Bool(FIELD_PROP prop, bool b); |
| void AddDelay_String(FIELD_PROP prop, const ByteString& str); |
| void AddDelay_Rect(FIELD_PROP prop, const CFX_FloatRect& rect); |
| void AddDelay_WordArray(FIELD_PROP prop, const std::vector<uint32_t>& array); |
| void AddDelay_WideStringArray(FIELD_PROP prop, |
| const std::vector<WideString>& array); |
| |
| void DoDelay(); |
| |
| CJS_Document::ObservedPtr m_pJSDoc; |
| CPDFSDK_FormFillEnvironment::ObservedPtr m_pFormFillEnv; |
| WideString m_FieldName; |
| int m_nFormControlIndex = -1; |
| bool m_bCanSet = false; |
| bool m_bDelay = false; |
| }; |
| |
| #endif // FXJS_CJS_FIELD_H_ |