| // Copyright 2017 The PDFium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/formcalc/cxfa_fmparser.h" |
| |
| #include "core/fxcrt/widetext_buffer.h" |
| #include "testing/fxgc_unittest.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "xfa/fxfa/formcalc/cxfa_fmtojavascriptdepth.h" |
| |
| class CXFA_FMParserTest : public FXGCUnitTest {}; |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, Empty) { |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(L""); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| // TODO(dsinclair): This is a little weird ..... |
| EXPECT_STREQ(L"// comments only", buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, CommentOnlyIsError) { |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(L"; Just comment"); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast); |
| // TODO(dsinclair): This isn't allowed per the spec. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| // EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(L"// comments only", buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, CommentThenValue) { |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| pfm_ret = 12; |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(L"; Just comment\n12"); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(ret, buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, Parse) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = |
| LR"***($ = Avg (-3, 5, -6, 12, -13); |
| $ = Avg (Table2..Row[*].Cell1); |
| if ($ ne -1)then |
| border.fill.color.value = "255,64,64"; |
| elseif ($ ne -2) then |
| border.fill.color.value = "128,128,128"; |
| else |
| border.fill.color.value = "20,170,13"; |
| endif |
| $)***"; |
| |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| if (pfm_rt.is_obj(this)) |
| { |
| pfm_rt.asgn_val_op(this, pfm_rt.Avg(pfm_rt.neg_op(3), 5, pfm_rt.neg_op(6), 12, pfm_rt.neg_op(13))); |
| } |
| if (pfm_rt.is_obj(this)) |
| { |
| pfm_rt.asgn_val_op(this, pfm_rt.Avg(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dotdot_acc(Table2, "Table2", "Row", 1), "", "Cell1", 0, 0))); |
| } |
| if (pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_rt.neq_op(this, pfm_rt.neg_op(1)))) |
| { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_obj(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(border, "border", "fill", 0, 0), "", "color", 0, 0), "", "value", 0, 0))) |
| { |
| pfm_rt.asgn_val_op(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(border, "border", "fill", 0, 0), "", "color", 0, 0), "", "value", 0, 0), "255,64,64"); |
| } |
| } |
| else if (pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_rt.neq_op(this, pfm_rt.neg_op(2)))) |
| { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_obj(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(border, "border", "fill", 0, 0), "", "color", 0, 0), "", "value", 0, 0))) |
| { |
| pfm_rt.asgn_val_op(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(border, "border", "fill", 0, 0), "", "color", 0, 0), "", "value", 0, 0), "128,128,128"); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_obj(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(border, "border", "fill", 0, 0), "", "color", 0, 0), "", "value", 0, 0))) |
| { |
| pfm_rt.asgn_val_op(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(pfm_rt.dot_acc(border, "border", "fill", 0, 0), "", "color", 0, 0), "", "value", 0, 0), "20,170,13"); |
| } |
| } |
| pfm_ret = this; |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(ret, buf.value().AsStringView()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, MaxParseDepth) { |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(L"foo(bar[baz(fizz[0])])"); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| parser.SetMaxParseDepthForTest(5); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, chromium752201) { |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer( |
| LR"***(fTep a |
| .# |
| fo@ =[=l)***"); |
| |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.Parse()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, MultipleAssignmentIsNotAllowed) { |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(L"(a=(b=t))=u"); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(!ast); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseFuncWithParams) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = |
| LR"***(func MyFunction(param1, param2) do |
| param1 * param2 |
| endfunc)***"; |
| |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| function MyFunction(param1, param2) { |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| pfm_ret = pfm_rt.mul_op(param1, param2); |
| return pfm_ret; |
| } |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(ret, buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseFuncWithoutParams) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = |
| LR"***(func MyFunction() do |
| 42 |
| endfunc)***"; |
| |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| function MyFunction() { |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| pfm_ret = 42; |
| return pfm_ret; |
| } |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(ret, buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseFuncWithBadParamsList) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = |
| LR"***(func MyFunction(param1,) do |
| param1 * param2 |
| endfunc)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast == nullptr); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseBadIfExpression) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"if ( then"; |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast == nullptr); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseBadElseIfExpression) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = |
| LR"***(if ($ ne -1) then" |
| elseif( then)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast == nullptr); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseDepthWithWideTree) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"a <> b <> c <> d <> e <> f <> g <> h <> i <> j"; |
| |
| { |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(!parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| |
| { |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| parser.SetMaxParseDepthForTest(5); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast == nullptr); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseCallSmall) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"i.f(O)"; |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| pfm_ret = pfm_rt.get_val((function() { |
| return pfm_method_runner(i, function(obj) { |
| return obj.f(pfm_rt.get_val(O)); |
| }); |
| }).call(this)); |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(ret, buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseCallBig) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"i.f(O.e(O.e(O)))"; |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| pfm_ret = pfm_rt.get_val((function() { |
| return pfm_method_runner(i, function(obj) { |
| return obj.f(pfm_rt.get_val((function() { |
| return pfm_method_runner(O, function(obj) { |
| return obj.e(pfm_rt.get_val((function() { |
| return pfm_method_runner(O, function(obj) { |
| return obj.e(pfm_rt.get_val(O)); |
| }); |
| }).call(this))); |
| }); |
| }).call(this))); |
| }); |
| }).call(this)); |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(ret, buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseVar) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = LR"(var s = "")"; |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| var s = ""; |
| s = pfm_rt.var_filter(s); |
| pfm_ret = s; |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(ret, buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseFunctionCallNoArguments) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"P.x()"; |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| pfm_ret = pfm_rt.get_val((function() { |
| return pfm_method_runner(P, function(obj) { |
| return obj.x(); |
| }); |
| }).call(this)); |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(ret, buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseFunctionCallSingleArgument) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"P.x(foo)"; |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| pfm_ret = pfm_rt.get_val((function() { |
| return pfm_method_runner(P, function(obj) { |
| return obj.x(pfm_rt.get_jsobj(foo)); |
| }); |
| }).call(this)); |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(ret, buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseFunctionCallMultipleArguments) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"P.x(foo, bar, baz)"; |
| const wchar_t ret[] = |
| LR"***((function() { |
| let pfm_method_runner = function(obj, cb) { |
| if (pfm_rt.is_ary(obj)) { |
| let pfm_method_return = null; |
| for (var idx = obj.length -1; idx > 1; idx--) { |
| pfm_method_return = cb(obj[idx]); |
| } |
| return pfm_method_return; |
| } |
| return cb(obj); |
| }; |
| var pfm_ret = null; |
| pfm_ret = pfm_rt.get_val((function() { |
| return pfm_method_runner(P, function(obj) { |
| return obj.x(pfm_rt.get_jsobj(foo), pfm_rt.get_val(bar), pfm_rt.get_val(baz)); |
| }); |
| }).call(this)); |
| return pfm_rt.get_val(pfm_ret); |
| }).call(this);)***"; |
| |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(parser.HasError()); |
| |
| CXFA_FMToJavaScriptDepth::Reset(); |
| absl::optional<WideTextBuffer> buf = ast->ToJavaScript(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(buf.has_value()); |
| EXPECT_STREQ(ret, buf.value().MakeString().c_str()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseFunctionCallMissingCommas) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"P.x(!foo!bar!baz)"; |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast == nullptr); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseFunctionCallTrailingComma) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"P.x(foo,bar,baz,)"; |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast == nullptr); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_F(CXFA_FMParserTest, ParseFunctionCallExtraComma) { |
| const wchar_t input[] = L"P.x(foo,bar,,baz)"; |
| CXFA_FMLexer lexer(input); |
| CXFA_FMParser parser(heap(), &lexer); |
| CXFA_FMAST* ast = parser.Parse(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ast == nullptr); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(parser.HasError()); |
| } |