blob: b2bc99ce739fe12cd224cff84401c9a46709e0dc [file] [log] [blame]
diff --git a/third_party/libopenjpeg20/opj_malloc.h b/third_party/libopenjpeg20/opj_malloc.h
index cbc4106c7..79b3a6410 100644
--- a/third_party/libopenjpeg20/opj_malloc.h
+++ b/third_party/libopenjpeg20/opj_malloc.h
@@ -31,8 +31,6 @@
#ifndef OPJ_MALLOC_H
#define OPJ_MALLOC_H
-#include <stddef.h>
@file opj_malloc.h
@brief Internal functions
@@ -52,7 +50,16 @@ Allocate an uninitialized memory block
@param size Bytes to allocate
@return Returns a void pointer to the allocated space, or NULL if there is insufficient memory available
-void * opj_malloc(size_t size);
+void * OPJ_CALLCONV opj_malloc(size_t size);
+/* prevent assertion on overflow for MSVC */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define opj_malloc(size) ((size_t)(size) >= (size_t)-0x100 ? NULL : malloc(size))
+#define opj_malloc(size) malloc(size)
Allocate a memory block with elements initialized to 0
@@ -60,24 +67,98 @@ Allocate a memory block with elements initialized to 0
@param sizeOfElements Bytes per block to allocate
@return Returns a void pointer to the allocated space, or NULL if there is insufficient memory available
-void * opj_calloc(size_t numOfElements, size_t sizeOfElements);
+void * OPJ_CALLCONV opj_calloc(size_t _NumOfElements, size_t _SizeOfElements);
+/* prevent assertion on overflow for MSVC */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define opj_calloc(num, size) ((size_t)(num) != 0 && (size_t)(num) >= (size_t)-0x100 / (size_t)(size) ? NULL : calloc(num, size))
+#define opj_calloc(num, size) calloc(num, size)
Allocate memory aligned to a 16 byte boundary
@param size Bytes to allocate
@return Returns a void pointer to the allocated space, or NULL if there is insufficient memory available
-void * opj_aligned_malloc(size_t size);
-void * opj_aligned_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
-void opj_aligned_free(void* ptr);
+/* FIXME: These should be set with cmake tests, but we're currently not requiring use of cmake */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ /* Someone should tell the mingw people that their malloc.h ought to provide _mm_malloc() */
+ #ifdef __GNUC__
+ #include <mm_malloc.h>
+ #define HAVE_MM_MALLOC
+ #else /* MSVC, Intel C++ */
+ #include <malloc.h>
+ #ifdef _mm_malloc
+ #define HAVE_MM_MALLOC
+ #endif
+ #endif
+#else /* Not _WIN32 */
+ #if defined(__sun)
+ #elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
+ /* Linux x86_64 and OSX always align allocations to 16 bytes */
+ #elif !defined(__amd64__) && !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(_AIX)
+ #include <malloc.h>
+ #endif
-Allocate memory aligned to a 32 byte boundary
-@param size Bytes to allocate
-@return Returns a void pointer to the allocated space, or NULL if there is insufficient memory available
-void * opj_aligned_32_malloc(size_t size);
-void * opj_aligned_32_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
+#define opj_aligned_malloc(size) malloc(size)
+#define opj_aligned_32_malloc(size) malloc(size)
+#define opj_aligned_free(m) free(m)
+ #undef opj_aligned_malloc
+ #define opj_aligned_malloc(size) _mm_malloc((size), 16)
+ #undef opj_aligned_32_malloc
+ #define opj_aligned_32_malloc(size) _mm_malloc((size), 32)
+ #undef opj_aligned_free
+ #define opj_aligned_free(m) _mm_free(m)
+ extern void* memalign(size_t, size_t);
+ #undef opj_aligned_malloc
+ #define opj_aligned_malloc(size) memalign(16, (size))
+ #undef opj_aligned_32_malloc
+ #define opj_aligned_32_malloc(size) memalign(32, (size))
+ #undef opj_aligned_free
+ #define opj_aligned_free(m) free(m)
+ #undef opj_aligned_malloc
+ extern int posix_memalign(void**, size_t, size_t);
+ static INLINE void* __attribute__ ((malloc)) opj_aligned_malloc(size_t size){
+ void* mem = NULL;
+ posix_memalign(&mem, 16, size);
+ return mem;
+ }
+ #undef opj_aligned_32_malloc
+ static INLINE void* __attribute__ ((malloc)) opj_aligned_32_malloc(size_t size){
+ void* mem = NULL;
+ posix_memalign(&mem, 32, size);
+ return mem;
+ }
+ #undef opj_aligned_free
+ #define opj_aligned_free(m) free(m)
+ #undef opj_aligned_malloc
+ #define opj_aligned_malloc(size) opj_malloc(size)
+ #undef opj_aligned_32_malloc
+ #define opj_aligned_32_malloc(size) opj_malloc(size)
+ #undef opj_aligned_free
+ #define opj_aligned_free(m) opj_free(m)
Reallocate memory blocks.
@@ -85,13 +166,26 @@ Reallocate memory blocks.
@param s New size in bytes
@return Returns a void pointer to the reallocated (and possibly moved) memory block
-void * opj_realloc(void * m, size_t s);
+void * OPJ_CALLCONV opj_realloc(void * m, size_t s);
+/* prevent assertion on overflow for MSVC */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#define opj_realloc(m, s) ((size_t)(s) >= (size_t)-0x100 ? NULL : realloc(m, s))
+#define opj_realloc(m, s) realloc(m, s)
Deallocates or frees a memory block.
@param m Previously allocated memory block to be freed
-void opj_free(void * m);
+void OPJ_CALLCONV opj_free(void * m);
+#define opj_free(m) free(m)
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(OPJ_SKIP_POISON)
#pragma GCC poison malloc calloc realloc free