blob: f1dc26efec2875582a7af753056728c4180add0c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/color.h"
#include <vector>
#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/JS_Define.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/JS_EventHandler.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/JS_Object.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/JS_Value.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/cjs_event_context.h"
#include "fpdfsdk/javascript/cjs_runtime.h"
JSConstSpec CJS_Color::ConstSpecs[] = {{0, JSConstSpec::Number, 0, 0}};
JSPropertySpec CJS_Color::PropertySpecs[] = {
{"black", get_black_static, set_black_static},
{"blue", get_blue_static, set_blue_static},
{"cyan", get_cyan_static, set_cyan_static},
{"dkGray", get_dark_gray_static, set_dark_gray_static},
{"gray", get_gray_static, set_gray_static},
{"green", get_green_static, set_green_static},
{"ltGray", get_light_gray_static, set_light_gray_static},
{"magenta", get_magenta_static, set_magenta_static},
{"red", get_red_static, set_red_static},
{"transparent", get_transparent_static, set_transparent_static},
{"white", get_white_static, set_white_static},
{"yellow", get_yellow_static, set_yellow_static},
{0, 0, 0}};
JSMethodSpec CJS_Color::MethodSpecs[] = {{"convert", convert_static},
{"equal", equal_static},
{0, 0}};
color::color(CJS_Object* pJSObject) : CJS_EmbedObj(pJSObject) {
m_crTransparent = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kTransparent);
m_crBlack = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kGray, 0);
m_crWhite = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kGray, 1);
m_crRed = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kRGB, 1, 0, 0);
m_crGreen = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kRGB, 0, 1, 0);
m_crBlue = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kRGB, 0, 0, 1);
m_crCyan = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kCMYK, 1, 0, 0, 0);
m_crMagenta = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kCMYK, 0, 1, 0, 0);
m_crYellow = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kCMYK, 0, 0, 1, 0);
m_crDKGray = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kGray, 0.25);
m_crGray = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kGray, 0.5);
m_crLTGray = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kGray, 0.75);
color::~color() {}
void color::ConvertPWLColorToArray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CFX_Color& color,
CJS_Array* array) {
switch (color.nColorType) {
case CFX_Color::kTransparent:
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 0, CJS_Value(pRuntime, "T"));
case CFX_Color::kGray:
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 0, CJS_Value(pRuntime, "G"));
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 1, CJS_Value(pRuntime, color.fColor1));
case CFX_Color::kRGB:
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 0, CJS_Value(pRuntime, "RGB"));
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 1, CJS_Value(pRuntime, color.fColor1));
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 2, CJS_Value(pRuntime, color.fColor2));
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 3, CJS_Value(pRuntime, color.fColor3));
case CFX_Color::kCMYK:
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 0, CJS_Value(pRuntime, "CMYK"));
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 1, CJS_Value(pRuntime, color.fColor1));
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 2, CJS_Value(pRuntime, color.fColor2));
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 3, CJS_Value(pRuntime, color.fColor3));
array->SetElement(pRuntime, 4, CJS_Value(pRuntime, color.fColor4));
void color::ConvertArrayToPWLColor(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_Array& array,
CFX_Color* color) {
int nArrayLen = array.GetLength(pRuntime);
if (nArrayLen < 1)
CJS_Value value(pRuntime);
array.GetElement(pRuntime, 0, value);
ByteString sSpace = value.ToCFXByteString(pRuntime);
double d1 = 0;
double d2 = 0;
double d3 = 0;
double d4 = 0;
if (nArrayLen > 1) {
array.GetElement(pRuntime, 1, value);
d1 = value.ToDouble(pRuntime);
if (nArrayLen > 2) {
array.GetElement(pRuntime, 2, value);
d2 = value.ToDouble(pRuntime);
if (nArrayLen > 3) {
array.GetElement(pRuntime, 3, value);
d3 = value.ToDouble(pRuntime);
if (nArrayLen > 4) {
array.GetElement(pRuntime, 4, value);
d4 = value.ToDouble(pRuntime);
if (sSpace == "T") {
*color = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kTransparent);
} else if (sSpace == "G") {
*color = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kGray, (float)d1);
} else if (sSpace == "RGB") {
*color = CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kRGB, (float)d1, (float)d2, (float)d3);
} else if (sSpace == "CMYK") {
*color =
CFX_Color(CFX_Color::kCMYK, (float)d1, (float)d2, (float)d3, (float)d4);
bool color::get_transparent(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crTransparent);
bool color::set_transparent(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crTransparent);
bool color::get_black(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crBlack);
bool color::set_black(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crBlack);
bool color::get_white(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crWhite);
bool color::set_white(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crWhite);
bool color::get_red(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crRed);
bool color::set_red(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crRed);
bool color::get_green(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crGreen);
bool color::set_green(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crGreen);
bool color::get_blue(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crBlue);
bool color::set_blue(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crBlue);
bool color::get_cyan(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crCyan);
bool color::set_cyan(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crCyan);
bool color::get_magenta(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crMagenta);
bool color::set_magenta(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crMagenta);
bool color::get_yellow(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crYellow);
bool color::set_yellow(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crYellow);
bool color::get_dark_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crDKGray);
bool color::set_dark_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crDKGray);
bool color::get_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crGray);
bool color::set_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crGray);
bool color::get_light_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
WideString* sError) {
return GetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crLTGray);
bool color::set_light_gray(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
WideString* sError) {
return SetPropertyHelper(pRuntime, vp, &m_crLTGray);
bool color::GetPropertyHelper(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
CJS_PropValue* vp,
CFX_Color* var) {
CJS_Array array;
ConvertPWLColorToArray(pRuntime, *var, &array);
return true;
bool color::SetPropertyHelper(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const CJS_PropValue& vp,
CFX_Color* var) {
CJS_Array array;
if (!vp.GetJSValue()->ConvertToArray(pRuntime, array))
return false;
ConvertArrayToPWLColor(pRuntime, array, var);
return true;
bool color::convert(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const std::vector<CJS_Value>& params,
CJS_Value& vRet,
WideString& sError) {
int iSize = params.size();
if (iSize < 2)
return false;
CJS_Array aSource;
if (!params[0].ConvertToArray(pRuntime, aSource))
return false;
CFX_Color crSource;
ConvertArrayToPWLColor(pRuntime, aSource, &crSource);
ByteString sDestSpace = params[1].ToCFXByteString(pRuntime);
int nColorType = CFX_Color::kTransparent;
if (sDestSpace == "T") {
nColorType = CFX_Color::kTransparent;
} else if (sDestSpace == "G") {
nColorType = CFX_Color::kGray;
} else if (sDestSpace == "RGB") {
nColorType = CFX_Color::kRGB;
} else if (sDestSpace == "CMYK") {
nColorType = CFX_Color::kCMYK;
CJS_Array aDest;
CFX_Color crDest = crSource.ConvertColorType(nColorType);
ConvertPWLColorToArray(pRuntime, crDest, &aDest);
vRet = CJS_Value(pRuntime, aDest);
return true;
bool color::equal(CJS_Runtime* pRuntime,
const std::vector<CJS_Value>& params,
CJS_Value& vRet,
WideString& sError) {
if (params.size() < 2)
return false;
CJS_Array array1;
CJS_Array array2;
if (!params[0].ConvertToArray(pRuntime, array1))
return false;
if (!params[1].ConvertToArray(pRuntime, array2))
return false;
CFX_Color color1;
CFX_Color color2;
ConvertArrayToPWLColor(pRuntime, array1, &color1);
ConvertArrayToPWLColor(pRuntime, array2, &color2);
color1 = color1.ConvertColorType(color2.nColorType);
vRet = CJS_Value(pRuntime, color1 == color2);
return true;