| // Copyright 2014 The PDFium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com |
| |
| #include "xfa/fde/cfde_textout.h" |
| |
| #include <algorithm> |
| #include <utility> |
| |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/check.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/check_op.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/compiler_specific.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/fx_coordinates.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/numerics/safe_conversions.h" |
| #include "core/fxcrt/stl_util.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_font.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_path.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_renderdevice.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_substfont.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/cfx_textrenderoptions.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/fx_font.h" |
| #include "core/fxge/text_char_pos.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/font/cfgas_gefont.h" |
| #include "xfa/fgas/layout/cfgas_txtbreak.h" |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| bool TextAlignmentVerticallyCentered(const FDE_TextAlignment align) { |
| return align == FDE_TextAlignment::kCenterLeft || |
| align == FDE_TextAlignment::kCenter || |
| align == FDE_TextAlignment::kCenterRight; |
| } |
| |
| bool IsTextAlignmentTop(const FDE_TextAlignment align) { |
| return align == FDE_TextAlignment::kTopLeft; |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| // static |
| bool CFDE_TextOut::DrawString(CFX_RenderDevice* device, |
| FX_ARGB color, |
| const RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont>& pFont, |
| pdfium::span<TextCharPos> pCharPos, |
| float fFontSize, |
| const CFX_Matrix& matrix) { |
| DCHECK(pFont); |
| DCHECK(!pCharPos.empty()); |
| |
| CFX_Font* pFxFont = pFont->GetDevFont(); |
| if (FontStyleIsItalic(pFont->GetFontStyles()) && !pFxFont->IsItalic()) { |
| for (auto& pos : pCharPos) { |
| static constexpr float mc = 0.267949f; |
| pos.m_AdjustMatrix[2] += mc * pos.m_AdjustMatrix[0]; |
| pos.m_AdjustMatrix[3] += mc * pos.m_AdjustMatrix[1]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| uint32_t dwFontStyle = pFont->GetFontStyles(); |
| CFX_Font FxFont; |
| auto SubstFxFont = std::make_unique<CFX_SubstFont>(); |
| SubstFxFont->m_Weight = FontStyleIsForceBold(dwFontStyle) ? 700 : 400; |
| SubstFxFont->m_ItalicAngle = FontStyleIsItalic(dwFontStyle) ? -12 : 0; |
| SubstFxFont->m_WeightCJK = SubstFxFont->m_Weight; |
| SubstFxFont->m_bItalicCJK = FontStyleIsItalic(dwFontStyle); |
| FxFont.SetSubstFont(std::move(SubstFxFont)); |
| #endif |
| |
| RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> pCurFont; |
| TextCharPos* pCurCP = nullptr; |
| size_t count = 0; |
| static constexpr CFX_TextRenderOptions kOptions(CFX_TextRenderOptions::kLcd); |
| for (auto& pos : pCharPos) { |
| RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> pSTFont = |
| pFont->GetSubstFont(static_cast<int32_t>(pos.m_GlyphIndex)); |
| pos.m_GlyphIndex &= 0x00FFFFFF; |
| pos.m_bFontStyle = false; |
| if (pCurFont != pSTFont) { |
| if (pCurFont) { |
| pFxFont = pCurFont->GetDevFont(); |
| |
| CFX_Font* font; |
| FxFont.SetFace(pFxFont->GetFace()); |
| FxFont.SetFontSpan(pFxFont->GetFontSpan()); |
| font = &FxFont; |
| #else |
| font = pFxFont; |
| #endif |
| device->DrawNormalText(UNSAFE_TODO(pdfium::make_span(pCurCP, count)), |
| font, -fFontSize, matrix, color, kOptions); |
| } |
| pCurFont = pSTFont; |
| pCurCP = &pos; |
| count = 1; |
| } else { |
| ++count; |
| } |
| } |
| if (pCurFont && count) { |
| pFxFont = pCurFont->GetDevFont(); |
| CFX_Font* font; |
| FxFont.SetFace(pFxFont->GetFace()); |
| FxFont.SetFontSpan(pFxFont->GetFontSpan()); |
| font = &FxFont; |
| #else |
| font = pFxFont; |
| #endif |
| return device->DrawNormalText(UNSAFE_TODO(pdfium::make_span(pCurCP, count)), |
| font, -fFontSize, matrix, color, kOptions); |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::Piece::Piece() = default; |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::Piece::Piece(const Piece& that) = default; |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::Piece::~Piece() = default; |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::CFDE_TextOut() |
| : m_pTxtBreak(std::make_unique<CFGAS_TxtBreak>()) {} |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::~CFDE_TextOut() = default; |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::SetFont(RetainPtr<CFGAS_GEFont> pFont) { |
| DCHECK(pFont); |
| m_pFont = std::move(pFont); |
| m_pTxtBreak->SetFont(m_pFont); |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::SetFontSize(float fFontSize) { |
| DCHECK(fFontSize > 0); |
| m_fFontSize = fFontSize; |
| m_pTxtBreak->SetFontSize(fFontSize); |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::SetStyles(const FDE_TextStyle& dwStyles) { |
| m_Styles = dwStyles; |
| m_dwTxtBkStyles = m_Styles.single_line_ |
| ? CFGAS_Break::LayoutStyle::kSingleLine |
| : CFGAS_Break::LayoutStyle::kNone; |
| |
| m_pTxtBreak->SetLayoutStyles(m_dwTxtBkStyles); |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::SetAlignment(FDE_TextAlignment iAlignment) { |
| m_iAlignment = iAlignment; |
| |
| int32_t txtBreakAlignment = 0; |
| switch (m_iAlignment) { |
| case FDE_TextAlignment::kCenter: |
| txtBreakAlignment = CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Center; |
| break; |
| case FDE_TextAlignment::kCenterRight: |
| txtBreakAlignment = CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Right; |
| break; |
| case FDE_TextAlignment::kCenterLeft: |
| case FDE_TextAlignment::kTopLeft: |
| txtBreakAlignment = CFX_TxtLineAlignment_Left; |
| break; |
| } |
| m_pTxtBreak->SetAlignment(txtBreakAlignment); |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::SetLineSpace(float fLineSpace) { |
| DCHECK(fLineSpace > 1.0f); |
| m_fLineSpace = fLineSpace; |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::SetLineBreakTolerance(float fTolerance) { |
| m_fTolerance = fTolerance; |
| m_pTxtBreak->SetLineBreakTolerance(m_fTolerance); |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::CalcLogicSize(WideStringView str, CFX_SizeF* pSize) { |
| CFX_RectF rtText(0.0f, 0.0f, pSize->width, pSize->height); |
| CalcLogicSize(str, &rtText); |
| *pSize = rtText.Size(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::CalcLogicSize(WideStringView str, CFX_RectF* pRect) { |
| if (str.IsEmpty()) { |
| pRect->width = 0.0f; |
| pRect->height = 0.0f; |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| DCHECK(m_pFont); |
| DCHECK(m_fFontSize >= 1.0f); |
| |
| if (!m_Styles.single_line_) { |
| if (pRect->Width() < 1.0f) |
| pRect->width = m_fFontSize * 1000.0f; |
| |
| m_pTxtBreak->SetLineWidth(pRect->Width()); |
| } |
| |
| m_iTotalLines = 0; |
| float fWidth = 0.0f; |
| float fHeight = 0.0f; |
| float fStartPos = pRect->right(); |
| CFGAS_Char::BreakType dwBreakStatus = CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kNone; |
| bool break_char_is_set = false; |
| for (const wchar_t& wch : str) { |
| if (!break_char_is_set && (wch == L'\n' || wch == L'\r')) { |
| break_char_is_set = true; |
| m_pTxtBreak->SetParagraphBreakChar(wch); |
| } |
| dwBreakStatus = m_pTxtBreak->AppendChar(wch); |
| if (!CFX_BreakTypeNoneOrPiece(dwBreakStatus)) |
| RetrieveLineWidth(dwBreakStatus, &fStartPos, &fWidth, &fHeight); |
| } |
| |
| dwBreakStatus = m_pTxtBreak->EndBreak(CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kParagraph); |
| if (!CFX_BreakTypeNoneOrPiece(dwBreakStatus)) |
| RetrieveLineWidth(dwBreakStatus, &fStartPos, &fWidth, &fHeight); |
| |
| m_pTxtBreak->Reset(); |
| float fInc = pRect->Height() - fHeight; |
| if (TextAlignmentVerticallyCentered(m_iAlignment)) |
| fInc /= 2.0f; |
| else if (IsTextAlignmentTop(m_iAlignment)) |
| fInc = 0.0f; |
| |
| pRect->left += fStartPos; |
| pRect->top += fInc; |
| pRect->width = std::min(fWidth, pRect->Width()); |
| pRect->height = fHeight; |
| if (m_Styles.last_line_height_) |
| pRect->height -= m_fLineSpace - m_fFontSize; |
| } |
| |
| bool CFDE_TextOut::RetrieveLineWidth(CFGAS_Char::BreakType dwBreakStatus, |
| float* pStartPos, |
| float* pWidth, |
| float* pHeight) { |
| if (CFX_BreakTypeNoneOrPiece(dwBreakStatus)) |
| return false; |
| |
| float fLineStep = std::max(m_fLineSpace, m_fFontSize); |
| float fLineWidth = 0.0f; |
| for (int32_t i = 0; i < m_pTxtBreak->CountBreakPieces(); i++) { |
| const CFGAS_BreakPiece* pPiece = m_pTxtBreak->GetBreakPieceUnstable(i); |
| fLineWidth += static_cast<float>(pPiece->GetWidth()) / 20000.0f; |
| *pStartPos = std::min(*pStartPos, |
| static_cast<float>(pPiece->GetStartPos()) / 20000.0f); |
| } |
| m_pTxtBreak->ClearBreakPieces(); |
| |
| if (dwBreakStatus == CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kParagraph) |
| m_pTxtBreak->Reset(); |
| if (!m_Styles.line_wrap_ && dwBreakStatus == CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kLine) { |
| *pWidth += fLineWidth; |
| } else { |
| *pWidth = std::max(*pWidth, fLineWidth); |
| *pHeight += fLineStep; |
| } |
| ++m_iTotalLines; |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::DrawLogicText(CFX_RenderDevice* device, |
| const WideString& str, |
| const CFX_RectF& rect) { |
| DCHECK(m_pFont); |
| DCHECK(m_fFontSize >= 1.0f); |
| |
| if (str.IsEmpty()) |
| return; |
| if (rect.width < m_fFontSize || rect.height < m_fFontSize) |
| return; |
| |
| float fLineWidth = rect.width; |
| m_pTxtBreak->SetLineWidth(fLineWidth); |
| m_ttoLines.clear(); |
| m_wsText.clear(); |
| |
| LoadText(str, rect); |
| Reload(rect); |
| DoAlignment(rect); |
| |
| if (!device || m_ttoLines.empty()) |
| return; |
| |
| CFX_RectF rtClip = m_Matrix.TransformRect(CFX_RectF()); |
| device->SaveState(); |
| if (rtClip.Width() > 0.0f && rtClip.Height() > 0.0f) |
| device->SetClip_Rect(rtClip.GetOuterRect()); |
| |
| for (auto& line : m_ttoLines) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < line.GetSize(); ++i) { |
| const Piece* pPiece = line.GetPieceAtIndex(i); |
| size_t szCount = GetDisplayPos(pPiece); |
| if (szCount == 0) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| CFDE_TextOut::DrawString(device, m_TxtColor, m_pFont, |
| pdfium::make_span(m_CharPos).first(szCount), |
| m_fFontSize, m_Matrix); |
| } |
| } |
| device->RestoreState(false); |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::LoadText(const WideString& str, const CFX_RectF& rect) { |
| DCHECK(!str.IsEmpty()); |
| |
| m_wsText = str; |
| |
| if (m_CharWidths.size() < str.GetLength()) |
| m_CharWidths.resize(str.GetLength(), 0); |
| |
| float fLineStep = std::max(m_fLineSpace, m_fFontSize); |
| float fLineStop = rect.bottom(); |
| m_fLinePos = rect.top; |
| size_t start_char = 0; |
| int32_t iPieceWidths = 0; |
| CFGAS_Char::BreakType dwBreakStatus; |
| bool bRet = false; |
| for (const auto& wch : str) { |
| dwBreakStatus = m_pTxtBreak->AppendChar(wch); |
| if (CFX_BreakTypeNoneOrPiece(dwBreakStatus)) |
| continue; |
| |
| bool bEndofLine = |
| RetrievePieces(dwBreakStatus, false, rect, &start_char, &iPieceWidths); |
| if (bEndofLine && (m_Styles.line_wrap_ || |
| dwBreakStatus == CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kParagraph || |
| dwBreakStatus == CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kPage)) { |
| iPieceWidths = 0; |
| ++m_iCurLine; |
| m_fLinePos += fLineStep; |
| } |
| if (m_fLinePos + fLineStep > fLineStop) { |
| size_t iCurLine = bEndofLine ? m_iCurLine - 1 : m_iCurLine; |
| CHECK_LT(m_iCurLine, m_ttoLines.size()); |
| m_ttoLines[iCurLine].set_new_reload(true); |
| bRet = true; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| dwBreakStatus = m_pTxtBreak->EndBreak(CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kParagraph); |
| if (!CFX_BreakTypeNoneOrPiece(dwBreakStatus) && !bRet) |
| RetrievePieces(dwBreakStatus, false, rect, &start_char, &iPieceWidths); |
| |
| m_pTxtBreak->ClearBreakPieces(); |
| m_pTxtBreak->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| bool CFDE_TextOut::RetrievePieces(CFGAS_Char::BreakType dwBreakStatus, |
| bool bReload, |
| const CFX_RectF& rect, |
| size_t* pStartChar, |
| int32_t* pPieceWidths) { |
| float fLineStep = std::max(m_fLineSpace, m_fFontSize); |
| bool bNeedReload = false; |
| int32_t iLineWidth = FXSYS_roundf(rect.Width() * 20000.0f); |
| int32_t iCount = m_pTxtBreak->CountBreakPieces(); |
| |
| size_t chars_to_skip = *pStartChar; |
| for (int32_t i = 0; i < iCount; i++) { |
| const CFGAS_BreakPiece* pPiece = m_pTxtBreak->GetBreakPieceUnstable(i); |
| size_t iPieceChars = pPiece->GetLength(); |
| if (chars_to_skip > iPieceChars) { |
| chars_to_skip -= iPieceChars; |
| continue; |
| } |
| |
| size_t iChar = *pStartChar; |
| int32_t iWidth = 0; |
| size_t j = chars_to_skip; |
| for (; j < iPieceChars; j++) { |
| const CFGAS_Char* pTC = pPiece->GetChar(j); |
| int32_t iCurCharWidth = std::max(pTC->m_iCharWidth, 0); |
| if (m_Styles.single_line_ || !m_Styles.line_wrap_) { |
| if (iLineWidth - *pPieceWidths - iWidth < iCurCharWidth) { |
| bNeedReload = true; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| iWidth += iCurCharWidth; |
| m_CharWidths[iChar++] = iCurCharWidth; |
| } |
| |
| if (j == chars_to_skip && !bReload) { |
| CHECK_LT(m_iCurLine, m_ttoLines.size()); |
| m_ttoLines[m_iCurLine].set_new_reload(true); |
| } else if (j > chars_to_skip) { |
| Piece piece; |
| piece.start_char = *pStartChar; |
| piece.char_count = j - chars_to_skip; |
| piece.char_styles = pPiece->GetCharStyles(); |
| piece.bounds = CFX_RectF( |
| rect.left + static_cast<float>(pPiece->GetStartPos()) / 20000.0f, |
| m_fLinePos, iWidth / 20000.0f, fLineStep); |
| |
| if (FX_IsOdd(pPiece->GetBidiLevel())) |
| piece.char_styles |= FX_TXTCHARSTYLE_OddBidiLevel; |
| |
| AppendPiece(piece, bNeedReload, (bReload && i == iCount - 1)); |
| } |
| *pStartChar += iPieceChars; |
| *pPieceWidths += iWidth; |
| } |
| m_pTxtBreak->ClearBreakPieces(); |
| |
| return m_Styles.single_line_ || m_Styles.line_wrap_ || bNeedReload || |
| dwBreakStatus == CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kParagraph; |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::AppendPiece(const Piece& piece, |
| bool bNeedReload, |
| bool bEnd) { |
| if (m_iCurLine >= m_ttoLines.size()) { |
| Line ttoLine; |
| ttoLine.set_new_reload(bNeedReload); |
| |
| m_iCurPiece = ttoLine.AddPiece(m_iCurPiece, piece); |
| m_ttoLines.push_back(ttoLine); |
| m_iCurLine = m_ttoLines.size() - 1; |
| } else { |
| Line* pLine = &m_ttoLines[m_iCurLine]; |
| pLine->set_new_reload(bNeedReload); |
| |
| m_iCurPiece = pLine->AddPiece(m_iCurPiece, piece); |
| if (bEnd) { |
| size_t iPieces = pLine->GetSize(); |
| if (m_iCurPiece < iPieces) |
| pLine->RemoveLast(iPieces - m_iCurPiece - 1); |
| } |
| } |
| if (!bEnd && bNeedReload) |
| m_iCurPiece = 0; |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::Reload(const CFX_RectF& rect) { |
| size_t i = 0; |
| for (auto& line : m_ttoLines) { |
| if (line.new_reload()) { |
| m_iCurLine = i; |
| m_iCurPiece = 0; |
| ReloadLinePiece(&line, rect); |
| } |
| ++i; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::ReloadLinePiece(Line* line, const CFX_RectF& rect) { |
| pdfium::span<const wchar_t> text_span = m_wsText.span(); |
| size_t start_char = 0; |
| size_t piece_count = line->GetSize(); |
| int32_t piece_widths = 0; |
| CFGAS_Char::BreakType break_status = CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kNone; |
| for (size_t piece_index = 0; piece_index < piece_count; ++piece_index) { |
| const Piece* piece = line->GetPieceAtIndex(piece_index); |
| if (piece_index == 0) |
| m_fLinePos = piece->bounds.top; |
| |
| start_char = piece->start_char; |
| const size_t end = piece->start_char + piece->char_count; |
| for (size_t char_index = start_char; char_index < end; ++char_index) { |
| break_status = m_pTxtBreak->AppendChar(text_span[char_index]); |
| if (!CFX_BreakTypeNoneOrPiece(break_status)) |
| RetrievePieces(break_status, true, rect, &start_char, &piece_widths); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| break_status = m_pTxtBreak->EndBreak(CFGAS_Char::BreakType::kParagraph); |
| if (!CFX_BreakTypeNoneOrPiece(break_status)) |
| RetrievePieces(break_status, true, rect, &start_char, &piece_widths); |
| |
| m_pTxtBreak->Reset(); |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::DoAlignment(const CFX_RectF& rect) { |
| if (m_ttoLines.empty()) |
| return; |
| |
| const Piece* pFirstPiece = m_ttoLines.back().GetPieceAtIndex(0); |
| if (!pFirstPiece) |
| return; |
| |
| float fInc = rect.bottom() - pFirstPiece->bounds.bottom(); |
| if (TextAlignmentVerticallyCentered(m_iAlignment)) |
| fInc /= 2.0f; |
| else if (IsTextAlignmentTop(m_iAlignment)) |
| fInc = 0.0f; |
| |
| if (fInc < 1.0f) |
| return; |
| |
| for (auto& line : m_ttoLines) { |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < line.GetSize(); ++i) |
| line.GetPieceAtIndex(i)->bounds.top += fInc; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| size_t CFDE_TextOut::GetDisplayPos(const Piece* pPiece) { |
| if (m_CharPos.size() < pPiece->char_count) |
| m_CharPos.resize(pPiece->char_count, TextCharPos()); |
| |
| CFGAS_TxtBreak::Run tr; |
| tr.wsStr = m_wsText.Substr(pPiece->start_char); |
| tr.pWidths = &m_CharWidths[pPiece->start_char]; |
| tr.iLength = pdfium::checked_cast<int32_t>(pPiece->char_count); |
| tr.pFont = m_pFont; |
| tr.fFontSize = m_fFontSize; |
| tr.dwStyles = m_dwTxtBkStyles; |
| tr.dwCharStyles = pPiece->char_styles; |
| tr.pRect = &pPiece->bounds; |
| |
| return m_pTxtBreak->GetDisplayPos(tr, m_CharPos.data()); |
| } |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::Line::Line() = default; |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::Line::Line(const Line& that) = default; |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::Line::~Line() = default; |
| |
| size_t CFDE_TextOut::Line::AddPiece(size_t index, const Piece& piece) { |
| if (index >= pieces_.size()) { |
| pieces_.push_back(piece); |
| return pieces_.size(); |
| } |
| pieces_[index] = piece; |
| return index; |
| } |
| |
| size_t CFDE_TextOut::Line::GetSize() const { |
| return pieces_.size(); |
| } |
| |
| const CFDE_TextOut::Piece* CFDE_TextOut::Line::GetPieceAtIndex( |
| size_t index) const { |
| CHECK(fxcrt::IndexInBounds(pieces_, index)); |
| return &pieces_[index]; |
| } |
| |
| CFDE_TextOut::Piece* CFDE_TextOut::Line::GetPieceAtIndex(size_t index) { |
| CHECK(fxcrt::IndexInBounds(pieces_, index)); |
| return &pieces_[index]; |
| } |
| |
| void CFDE_TextOut::Line::RemoveLast(size_t count) { |
| pieces_.erase(pieces_.end() - std::min(count, pieces_.size()), pieces_.end()); |
| } |