blob: 41a5cd68be86206e4033f8b04a38cbc05d077249 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc.
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_colorspace.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_coordinates.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h"
#include "core/fxcrt/unowned_ptr.h"
class CPDF_Dictionary;
class CPDF_Document;
class CPDF_Font;
class CPDF_FontEncoding;
class CPDF_IccProfile;
class CPDF_Image;
class CPDF_Object;
class CPDF_Pattern;
class CPDF_Stream;
class CPDF_StreamAcc;
class CPDF_DocPageData {
explicit CPDF_DocPageData(CPDF_Document* pPDFDoc);
void Clear(bool bRelease = false);
bool IsForceClear() const { return m_bForceClear; }
CPDF_Font* GetFont(CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDict);
CPDF_Font* GetStandardFont(const ByteString& fontName,
CPDF_FontEncoding* pEncoding);
void ReleaseFont(const CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDict);
// Loads a colorspace.
CPDF_ColorSpace* GetColorSpace(const CPDF_Object* pCSObj,
const CPDF_Dictionary* pResources);
// Loads a colorspace in a context that might be while loading another
// colorspace. |pVisited| is passed recursively to avoid circular calls
// involving CPDF_ColorSpace::Load().
CPDF_ColorSpace* GetColorSpaceGuarded(const CPDF_Object* pCSObj,
const CPDF_Dictionary* pResources,
std::set<const CPDF_Object*>* pVisited);
CPDF_ColorSpace* GetCopiedColorSpace(const CPDF_Object* pCSObj);
void ReleaseColorSpace(const CPDF_Object* pColorSpace);
CPDF_Pattern* GetPattern(CPDF_Object* pPatternObj,
bool bShading,
const CFX_Matrix& matrix);
void ReleasePattern(const CPDF_Object* pPatternObj);
RetainPtr<CPDF_Image> GetImage(uint32_t dwStreamObjNum);
void MaybePurgeImage(uint32_t dwStreamObjNum);
RetainPtr<CPDF_IccProfile> GetIccProfile(const CPDF_Stream* pProfileStream);
void MaybePurgeIccProfile(const CPDF_Stream* pProfileStream);
RetainPtr<CPDF_StreamAcc> GetFontFileStreamAcc(
const CPDF_Stream* pFontStream);
void MaybePurgeFontFileStreamAcc(const CPDF_Stream* pFontStream);
CPDF_CountedColorSpace* FindColorSpacePtr(const CPDF_Object* pCSObj) const;
CPDF_CountedPattern* FindPatternPtr(const CPDF_Object* pPatternObj) const;
using CPDF_CountedFont = CPDF_CountedObject<CPDF_Font>;
// Loads a colorspace in a context that might be while loading another
// colorspace, or even in a recursive call from this method itself. |pVisited|
// is passed recursively to avoid circular calls involving
// CPDF_ColorSpace::Load() and |pVisitedInternal| is also passed recursively
// to avoid circular calls with this method calling itself.
CPDF_ColorSpace* GetColorSpaceInternal(
const CPDF_Object* pCSObj,
const CPDF_Dictionary* pResources,
std::set<const CPDF_Object*>* pVisited,
std::set<const CPDF_Object*>* pVisitedInternal);
bool m_bForceClear;
UnownedPtr<CPDF_Document> const m_pPDFDoc;
std::map<ByteString, const CPDF_Stream*> m_HashProfileMap;
std::map<const CPDF_Object*, CPDF_CountedColorSpace*> m_ColorSpaceMap;
std::map<const CPDF_Stream*, RetainPtr<CPDF_StreamAcc>> m_FontFileMap;
std::map<const CPDF_Dictionary*, CPDF_CountedFont*> m_FontMap;
std::map<const CPDF_Stream*, RetainPtr<CPDF_IccProfile>> m_IccProfileMap;
std::map<uint32_t, RetainPtr<CPDF_Image>> m_ImageMap;
std::map<const CPDF_Object*, CPDF_CountedPattern*> m_PatternMap;