Add third_party/base/immediate_crash.h.

Chromium refactored part of its base/logging.h into immediate_crash.h,
so do the same in PDFium. The immediate_crash.h being copied over only
modifies the header guards.

Change-Id: I3904ed53f4847ab3761c625f63ab2f48d8c66b68
Reviewed-by: Tom Sepez <>
Commit-Queue: Lei Zhang <>
diff --git a/third_party/ b/third_party/
index 887dacb..f123814 100644
--- a/third_party/
+++ b/third_party/
@@ -606,6 +606,7 @@
+    "base/immediate_crash.h",
diff --git a/third_party/base/immediate_crash.h b/third_party/base/immediate_crash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4bdce22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/base/immediate_crash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+#include "build/build_config.h"
+// Crashes in the fastest possible way with no attempt at logging.
+// There are several constraints; see for more context.
+// - TRAP_SEQUENCE_() must be fatal. It should not be possible to ignore the
+//   resulting exception or simply hit 'continue' to skip over it in a debugger.
+// - Different instances of TRAP_SEQUENCE_() must not be folded together, to
+//   ensure crash reports are debuggable. Unlike __builtin_trap(), asm volatile
+//   blocks will not be folded together.
+//   Note: TRAP_SEQUENCE_() previously required an instruction with a unique
+//   nonce since unlike clang, GCC folds together identical asm volatile
+//   blocks.
+// - TRAP_SEQUENCE_() must produce a signal that is distinct from an invalid
+//   memory access.
+// - TRAP_SEQUENCE_() must be treated as a set of noreturn instructions.
+//   __builtin_unreachable() is used to provide that hint here. clang also uses
+//   this as a heuristic to pack the instructions in the function epilogue to
+//   improve code density.
+// Additional properties that are nice to have:
+// - TRAP_SEQUENCE_() should be as compact as possible.
+// - The first instruction of TRAP_SEQUENCE_() should not change, to avoid
+//   shifting crash reporting clusters. As a consequence of this, explicit
+//   assembly is preferred over intrinsics.
+//   Note: this last bullet point may no longer be true, and may be removed in
+//   the future.
+// Note: TRAP_SEQUENCE Is currently split into two macro helpers due to the fact
+// that clang emits an actual instruction for __builtin_unreachable() on certain
+// platforms (see In addition, the int3/bkpt/brk will
+// be removed in followups, so splitting it up like this now makes it easy to
+// land the followups.
+#if defined(COMPILER_GCC)
+#if defined(OS_NACL)
+// Crash report accuracy is not guaranteed on NaCl.
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE1_() __builtin_trap()
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE2_() asm volatile("")
+#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY)
+// TODO( In theory, it should be possible to use just
+// int3. However, there are a number of crashes with SIGILL as the exception
+// code, so it seems likely that there's a signal handler that allows execution
+// to continue after SIGTRAP.
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE1_() asm volatile("int3")
+#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
+// Intentionally empty: __builtin_unreachable() is always part of the sequence
+// (see IMMEDIATE_CRASH below) and already emits a ud2 on Mac.
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE2_() asm volatile("")
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE2_() asm volatile("ud2")
+#endif  // defined(OS_MACOSX)
+#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARMEL)
+// bkpt will generate a SIGBUS when running on armv7 and a SIGTRAP when running
+// as a 32 bit userspace app on arm64. There doesn't seem to be any way to
+// cause a SIGTRAP from userspace without using a syscall (which would be a
+// problem for sandboxing).
+// TODO( Remove bkpt from this sequence.
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE1_() asm volatile("bkpt #0")
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE2_() asm volatile("udf #0")
+#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM64)
+// This will always generate a SIGTRAP on arm64.
+// TODO( Remove brk from this sequence.
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE1_() asm volatile("brk #0")
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE2_() asm volatile("hlt #0")
+// Crash report accuracy will not be guaranteed on other architectures, but at
+// least this will crash as expected.
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE1_() __builtin_trap()
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE2_() asm volatile("")
+#endif  // ARCH_CPU_*
+#elif defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
+#if !defined(__clang__)
+// MSVC x64 doesn't support inline asm, so use the MSVC intrinsic.
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE1_() __debugbreak()
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE2_()
+#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM64)
+// Windows ARM64 uses "BRK #F000" as its breakpoint instruction, and
+// __debugbreak() generates that in both VC++ and clang.
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE1_() __debugbreak()
+// Intentionally empty: __builtin_unreachable() is always part of the sequence
+// (see IMMEDIATE_CRASH below) and already emits a ud2 on Win64,
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE2_() __asm volatile("")
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE1_() asm volatile("int3")
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE2_() asm volatile("ud2")
+#endif  // __clang__
+#error No supported trap sequence!
+#endif  // COMPILER_GCC
+#define TRAP_SEQUENCE_() \
+  do {                   \
+    TRAP_SEQUENCE1_();   \
+    TRAP_SEQUENCE2_();   \
+  } while (false)
+// CHECK() and the trap sequence can be invoked from a constexpr function.
+// This could make compilation fail on GCC, as it forbids directly using inline
+// asm inside a constexpr function. However, it allows calling a lambda
+// expression including the same asm.
+// The side effect is that the top of the stacktrace will not point to the
+// calling function, but to this anonymous lambda. This is still useful as the
+// full name of the lambda will typically include the name of the function that
+// calls CHECK() and the debugger will still break at the right line of code.
+#if !defined(COMPILER_GCC)
+  do {                           \
+    [] { TRAP_SEQUENCE_(); }();  \
+  } while (false)
+#endif  // !defined(COMPILER_GCC)
+#if defined(__clang__) || defined(COMPILER_GCC)
+// __builtin_unreachable() hints to the compiler that this is noreturn and can
+// be packed in the function epilogue.
+#define IMMEDIATE_CRASH()     \
+  ({                          \
+    __builtin_unreachable();  \
+  })
+// This is supporting non-chromium user of logging.h to build with MSVC, like
+// pdfium. On MSVC there is no __builtin_unreachable().
+#endif  // defined(__clang__) || defined(COMPILER_GCC)
diff --git a/third_party/base/logging.h b/third_party/base/logging.h
index 9c0039d..967eb38 100644
--- a/third_party/base/logging.h
+++ b/third_party/base/logging.h
@@ -6,93 +6,10 @@
 #include <assert.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
 #include "build/build_config.h"
 #include "third_party/base/compiler_specific.h"
-#if defined(COMPILER_GCC)
-#if defined(ARCH_CPU_X86_FAMILY)
-// int 3 will generate a SIGTRAP.
-#define TRAP_SEQUENCE() \
-  asm volatile(         \
-      "int3; ud2; push %0;" ::"i"(static_cast<unsigned char>(__COUNTER__)))
-#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARMEL)
-// bkpt will generate a SIGBUS when running on armv7 and a SIGTRAP when running
-// as a 32 bit userspace app on arm64. There doesn't seem to be any way to
-// cause a SIGTRAP from userspace without using a syscall (which would be a
-// problem for sandboxing).
-#define TRAP_SEQUENCE() \
-  asm volatile("bkpt #0; udf %0;" ::"i"(__COUNTER__ % 256))
-#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM64)
-// This will always generate a SIGTRAP on arm64.
-#define TRAP_SEQUENCE() \
-  asm volatile("brk #0; hlt %0;" ::"i"(__COUNTER__ % 65536))
-// Crash report accuracy will not be guaranteed on other architectures, but at
-// least this will crash as expected.
-#define TRAP_SEQUENCE() __builtin_trap()
-#endif  // ARCH_CPU_*
-#elif defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
-// Clang is cleverer about coalescing int3s, so we need to add a unique-ish
-// instruction following the __debugbreak() to have it emit distinct locations
-// for CHECKs rather than collapsing them all together. It would be nice to use
-// a short intrinsic to do this (and perhaps have only one implementation for
-// both clang and MSVC), however clang-cl currently does not support intrinsics.
-// On the flip side, MSVC x64 doesn't support inline asm. So, we have to have
-// two implementations. Normally clang-cl's version will be 5 bytes (1 for
-// `int3`, 2 for `ud2`, 2 for `push byte imm`, however, TODO(scottmg):
-// clang-cl doesn't currently support %'ing
-// __COUNTER__, so eventually it will emit the dword form of push.
-// TODO(scottmg): Reinvestigate a short sequence that will work on both
-// compilers once clang supports more intrinsics. See
-#if !defined(__clang__)
-#define TRAP_SEQUENCE() __debugbreak()
-#elif defined(ARCH_CPU_ARM64)
-#define TRAP_SEQUENCE() \
-  __asm volatile("brk #0\n hlt %0\n" ::"i"(__COUNTER__ % 65536));
-#define TRAP_SEQUENCE() ({ {__asm int 3 __asm ud2 __asm push __COUNTER__}; })
-#endif  // __clang__
-#error Port
-#endif  // COMPILER_GCC
-// CHECK() and the trap sequence can be invoked from a constexpr function.
-// This could make compilation fail on GCC, as it forbids directly using inline
-// asm inside a constexpr function. However, it allows calling a lambda
-// expression including the same asm.
-// The side effect is that the top of the stacktrace will not point to the
-// calling function, but to this anonymous lambda. This is still useful as the
-// full name of the lambda will typically include the name of the function that
-// calls CHECK() and the debugger will still break at the right line of code.
-#if !defined(COMPILER_GCC)
-  do {                          \
-    [] { TRAP_SEQUENCE(); }();  \
-  } while (false)
-#if defined(__clang__) || defined(COMPILER_GCC)
-#define IMMEDIATE_CRASH()    \
-  ({                         \
-    __builtin_unreachable(); \
-  })
-// This is supporting non-chromium user of logging.h to build with MSVC, like
-// pdfium. On MSVC there is no __builtin_unreachable().
+#include "third_party/base/immediate_crash.h"
 #define CHECK(condition)          \
   do {                            \